Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

When returning to the residence, Xiang Zixi suddenly called the princess and said, "Princes, do I have a question for you?"

The princess stood graceful and replied indifferently, "Of course! As long as I know, I will definitely answer you!"

A red glow appeared on Zixi's face, and her eyes were a little more panicked: "If there is a person who used to be very annoying, but this person always helps himself silently, and then he slowly begins to accept the other party, and then gradually feels that this person is not so annoying. On the contrary, he is somewhat happy. Hi. Although he is not a good person to others, he is still a commendable person to himself--"

"You fell in love with him!" The princess smiled faintly, and her smile was very quiet and indescribable: "Maybe you haven't noticed that you have fallen in love with each other!"

"Is it love?" Xiang Zixi looked blankly at the princess, but thought to herself, if the person I love is Lin Muyang, then what is Ji Yan?

Is it true that I have blurred the definition of love and liking from the beginning?

"If that person is really as you described, then he must love you too!" The princess nodded to Zixi: "You are also tired today. Go to bed early!"

respectfully sent the princess away, went back to the room, sat at the table and thought about the princess's words repeatedly, and then kept asking herself, who was the person he loved?

Jin Haoxuan has completely put down his own, leaving only good memories of him, but there is no possibility of further development.

But Ji Yan and Lin Muyang's attitude towards themselves, especially Lin Muyang's several hot confessions, disturbed their hearts again and again. Originally, Lin Muyang was really angry, but after listening to his explanation, he was not as angry as he thought. Especially the farewell kiss makes me confused!

Whether he really ventured to appear in the prince's mansion of Linguo for himself, he did come to see himself and explain to himself, which is a fact!

However, why doesn't Ji Yan understand his thoughts? It is absolutely deceptive to say that he has no feelings for his kindness, love for himself, and has been with him for so long!

But what exactly do you like? What is love? What should I do to distinguish clearly?

They are all very important to themselves. If the other party is in danger, they are bound to rush up regardless of their lives. But it's really hard to explain the feelings!

Just as Xiang Zixi was thinking nonsense, someone knocked on the door outside to deliver dinner. Thinking about it, an afternoon passed.

The maidservant who delivered the food said to Xiang Zixi, "Girl, Miss Hu Ye will come to visit the girl later!"

"Okay, please tell her that I'll wait for her to have dinner together!" Xiang Zixi nodded and looked at the exquisite dishes in front of him, which warmed his heart.

I'm probably afraid that she can't get used to the meat in the north, so most of the dinner is southern food. I don't know if it was ordered by the princess. As soon as I saw it during the day, it was really graceful. That bastard prince was really blessed to marry such a woman with such a good temperament, but he was still restless and liked to raise male pets! Alas, this man is really the moment when he will never be satisfied!

If you have a country, you want a beauty. If you have a beauty, you still want three wives and four concubines. If you have three wives and four concubines, you want to play a new pattern.

I'm probably not satisfied. I can't talk about the relationship with two people. I once lost my heart and can't see which person is my beloved.

Lin Muyang really dismissed all women for himself, so as to clear his ambition.

Ji Yan has paid 30 years of life for himself. Although he has never talked about being with him for a long time, his gentleness and consideration can be felt as long as he is not a fool!

What a headache!

Xiang Zixi kept beating his head with regret, and there was a bright laugh outside the door: "What's wrong? Do you have a headache?"

Xiang Zixi looked back and happened to see Hu Ye put away his umbrella and come in from outside the door, with some snowflakes falling on his body.

"Is it snowing again?" Xiang Zixi suddenly became curious. The weather was obviously good during the day.

"Yes! In winter, snowing up and down the country is the most normal thing! Years are like this, years are like this!" Hu Ye dusted off the snowflakes on his body, sat opposite Xiang Zixi, looked at the dishes on the table, and immediately asked, "Why haven't you eaten yet?"

"Isn't it waiting for you!" Xiang Zixi said with a smile, "Come on, taste it!"

Hu Ye is not polite. In fact, neither of them is that kind of polite master.

Immediately grabbed the chopsticks, picked up the vegetables and stuffed them into his mouth. Suddenly, he nodded repeatedly: "Delicious! No wonder so many people want to fight and want to go to the south!"

"Do many people want to go to war?" Xiang Zixi looked at Hu Ye worriedly, and Hu Ye nodded and said, "That's natural! You don't know how bad the environment is! I don't know how many cattle and sheep will freeze to death in this wind and snow every year, and it's freezing, and the grain doesn't like to grow. There are so many mouths to eat and drink, but no, you don't want to fight!"

He nodded to Zixi. Yes, all wars are for one reason or another, and the most common reason is probably to plunder resources!

"The weather in the south is hot and humid, and the crops grow fast, so there is enough food. Do you southerners rarely have enough to eat? But the country is different. Except for the nobles, there are not many years for ordinary people to eat!" Hu Ye said while eating, "This man has enough to eat and drink to make trouble. Once he is hungry, he will make trouble!" Although there is the pressure of nobles, there are many people who can't stand it! If the people of the whole country quarrel together, I guess these nobles will not be enough!"

"But the grain production is low, why haven't you thought of other ways?" Xiang Zixi said thoughtfully, "For example, trade, trading, selling fur to the south in exchange for food, haven't you done it before?"

Why haven't you done it? Isn't the master of Zhuoguo called Lin Muyang? He opened a lot of businesses in our country, and then exchanged grain for our fur!"

"Yes, isn't that okay?"

"It's not impossible, but impossible!" Hu Ye took a sip of wine and pointed to Zixi and said, "You should eat quickly!" Otherwise, I will eat it all!"

"I'm not hungry, just eat it!" You just said it was impossible. How can it be impossible?" Xiang Zixi asked eagerly. It's about your own great career, how can you eat it?

"First, there is no direct official way from Zhuoguo to Zhuoguo. You have to pass through the dark country or your Yaoguo, and the road is far away. Coupled with the cost of carriage and horse fees and the cost of passing through customs, it is no different from local breeding. What's more, it takes thousands of miles to transport food from Zhuoguo to the north, and when it comes to the north, it's almost Three months later, the distant water won't quench your thirst!"

"Second, Zhuo Country is rich in rice, and we Chinese love to eat pasta, so rice does not sell well here. Only some people eat rice! On the contrary, the diet of some people in your country is very similar to ours!

"Third, because trade will definitely bring profits, but if this profit is obtained by one or two nobles, then other nobles must be jealous and then block it. So there is no big deal at all, we can only make small trouble! The country is not as good as your three countries. It is ruled by the aristocracy. It can be said that the aristocracy is the foundation. Once it angers the aristocracy, the consequences are terrible!"

Xiang Zixi didn't know the taste of food and chewed wax. He repeatedly recalled these words that Hu Ye said. In a blink of an eye, he saw Hu Ye wearing a dark purple short batter and suddenly became curious: "What are you busy with?"

Hu Ye said helplessly, "You don't know that the nobles are idle to think about something to have fun in winter. Well, it's the annual amusement festival again. I'm going to decorate the venue! Ten days later, it will be the amusement festival, and the ladies and princes of all noble families will attend! Ah, by the way, maybe you can still see the handsome young man from the nomadic tribe who rode and stopped the car! He will never forget you!"

Hey! I didn't expect that Hu Ye's mouth was so beating!

She rolled her eyes at Zixi. How could she be in the mood to think about those things now? She has been thinking about how to help Zhuo Guo improve the current situation. Is it possible to fight the war as long as you have enough food and drink? However, what is suitable for planting in the north?

After dinner, Hu Ye saw Xiang Zixi's worried look and said, "You just woke up. Don't be too tired. Go to bed early!" I'll go first and come to see you another day! By the way, your two maids also came back. I almost fainted when I saw you in a coma the other day. He said he would go out to find herbs for you and take a medicinal bath for you! When I came just now, two people were making soup for you on behalf of the maidservant, and now it's time to come in!"

As soon as Hu Ye's voice fell, he heard a shocking sound outside the door, with shouts: "Miss! Miss!————”

Xiang Zixi couldn't bear to close his eyes, and Hu Ye laughed and said, "You two maids are simply strange! Well, I won't disturb your master and servant reunion. I'll go first!"

Xiang Zixi got up and sent Hu Ye, but she pressed her to her seat and said seriously, "Xiang Zixi, I really think you are a sister. If you also treat me as a sister, don't be polite to me!"

Gring Zixi with a smile and nod gently.

Little fat and little fat and fat rushed in. Originally, he looked very happy and crying, but when he saw Hu Ye reaching out and pressing Zixi's shoulder, he thought that Hu Ye was going to bully Xiang Zixi. The two rushed over and shouted aggressively: "You want to bully It's our young lady, isn't it? Let's go through this first!"

Hu Ye laughed and reached out and knocked on the top of his head: "Take good care of your lady!"

Leaving this sentence, Hu Ye left without looking back. Xiang Zixi grabbed two fat maids one by one and said helplessly, "I reconciled with Hu Ye!" We are no longer enemies!"

"Huh? It's strange. When did Miss get so close to that Hu Ye? Xiaofei scratched his ears: "Are we really missing a lot of things?"

Laughing at Zixi without saying a word.