Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 300 You must find a professional to catch thieves!

Xiang Zixi opened his eyes in a daze, ah? Where is this? Why is it so dark?

Xiang Zixi struggled to sit up from the ground and suddenly felt a backache. The surroundings are dark and sloppy, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Reaching out and touching it, I seemed to be lying on a pile of hay, but this pile of hay still couldn't stop the murderous cold from the ground. It was estimated that this caused my backache.

I rubbed my temples with a headache, sat cross-legged, and thought hard that I seemed to be drinking with the prince of Linguo, but how did I come here drinking wine? Could it be that he said something extreme that angered the prince of the Kingdom, so he was imprisoned in prison?

Isn't it? That bastard is not that stingy, is he? I have contradicted him several times before, but I have never seen him angry! Is it possible that the heart has become so small?

Just when Xiang Zixi's dizzy brain was still in a state of power-on, there was a burst of footsteps outside. Xiang Zixi lay down alertly and continued to pretend to sleep.

Two people slowly came over with two lanterns and took a picture in the cell. Someone said, "I slept so hard! I don't know how much wine I drank! How can you sleep so long!"

Another person replied, "That's right! She is now our last support! Don't let her die! Otherwise, there will be no hope for us to escape from the country! I never thought that we would be tricked by the prince and be used by him!"

"Yes! No one would have thought that the prince of the Kingdom could endure to such an extent. Not to mention us, didn't even the King of Qi see it? The first person sighed, took a picture of Xiang Zixi in the prison again, and said, "For example, this woman is still a little valuable. As long as she is in her hands, they are bound to be afraid of throwing rats. We regard her as a shield and are not afraid that the other party will not submit!"

Xiang Zixi's brain has been turned on and operated normally, and his heart moved slightly. Why does this conversation sound strange? What do you mean by being fooled by the prince? What does it mean to leave the country? What does it mean that the King of Qi didn't see? What does it mean to make your own shield?

Xiang Zixi's head has always been relatively easy to use. Although the system crashed occasionally, it is still a good system in general. Therefore, after deliberation, my mind seemed to have realized a lot in an instant!

Is it possible that the prince of Linguo made tampers? Yes, originally, the prince of the State of Lan did not trust the king of Qi and Jin Xiaoxiao very much, otherwise he would not have let himself steal Jin Xiaoxiao's treasure!

Is it possible that the prince of Lingguo can't help it and is ready to make trouble in advance?

I always think about it here. I guess I can't think of a clue. I have to go out and have a look.

After the two inspectors left, Xiang Zixi deftly jumped off the haystack, and the sharp cat was in front of the door lock.

Although it is in the dark, the night is the best camouflage for thieves.

The little finger of the right hand slowly stretched out, and the fingernail slowly penetrated into the lock core. The finger gently rotated, forcing the fingernails to slowly fit the lock core, slowly found the lock core, and the little fingernail gently touched it.

Click--the door lock jumped gently and opened!

Xiang Zixi smiled at the corners of his mouth. Please, don't you underestimate me? Even if you want to catch me, at least change a decent lock!

Gently closed the prison door, and the cat put its waist against the wall and walked up slowly.

In a short time, I came to an iron gate.

The dungeon is too dark to see what is on the iron gate, but by hand, it is sure that this is indeed an ordinary iron gate, not the top setting of the dense and trap.

Touch a flat silver hairpin from the temples, slowly slide down the crack of the door, and slowly feel all the subtle feelings with your fingers.

Suddenly, my finger gently blocked it! Here!

Take back the silver hairpin, and slowly stretch out a file that looks ordinary and can no longer build nails.

Everything on Xiang Zixi's body has been transformed. Maybe she is too old to be a thief, or it may be because she has never been able to feel safe, so she instinctively improves everything on her body. For example, hairpins, earrings, rings, necklaces, and even nail files. In short, as long as there is something that can be carried on the body, it has basically been improved.

It is also for this reason that the hairpin she threw one after another in the competition just now inspired the wildness of those horses. Otherwise, how can the ordinary hairpin make those horses struggle to raise their hoofs?

Xiang Zixi smiled gently, and the other party really looked down on him! Knowing that you are the top thief, you don't even need to lock a decent lock?

How did Xiang Zixi know that the king of Qi was like a homeless dog at this time, and it was good to find such a place to live temporarily!

Just when the king of Qi took Jin Xiaoxiao to attack the old emperor and issued an edict, the prince of Ling had already brought the old bottom of the king of Qi! Only a few confidants escaped and ran to the amusement park to take away the sleeping Xiang Zixi.

And Xiang Zixi didn't know that Jin Xiaoxiao had already lost his life at this moment.

In fact, Jin Xiaoxiao is also a miserable person. Although she used to be a princess, her father didn't kiss, and her mother didn't love her. The man she fell in love with was her brother. The man she didn't regret was just a pawn she used.

However, he met a sworn endear and Xiang Zixi.

If there is no Xiang Zixi, maybe her situation will be completely different. But because of one more Xiang Zixi, Jin Xiaoxiao became a pathetic person!

Gently pushed open the door to Zixi, and the cat walked out with his waist.

It was already late at night, and only a few angry lights were swaying in the long corridor outside.

Xiang Zixi walked slowly against the wall and slowly came to the outside corridor. He gently grabbed the eaves of the corridor, turned over deftly and quietly appeared on the roof.

With the reflection of moonlight and snow, the vision is still clear even at night.

Xiang Zixi quickly judged that this house was just a renovated ordinary house with national characteristics.

Because Linguo is located in a cold area in the north, and the soil is relatively barren, and most of them are forested and grasslands, most of the houses where the local residents live are also made of logs, rather than stone buildings south of the Yellow River Basin.

Only the nobles of rich families will use the combination of stone and wood to build mansions.

This kind of log house is mostly designed with double walls, which can not only thicken the walls to resist the cold, but also form a relatively isolated space to maintain the temperature in the house, which is somewhat similar to the design of thermos. The only difference is that the house is not vacuum.

After Xiang Zixi jumped on the roof, he immediately made a basic assessment of the house.

This house has been newly built, and there are not many rooms, about seven or eight rooms, which are within the scope of normal residential buildings. And most of the details are rough. It can be seen that they are not the hands of famous craftsmen, but built by ordinary house repairers.

But who brought himself to this place?

Xiang Zixi's eyes restrained slightly, lowered his body, stepped on the snow on the roof, and walked slowly.

When she walked to a room in the house, she suddenly stopped.

slowly squatted down and slowly swept away the snow on the roof. He wanted to listen to the movement of the room, but found that the roof was also paved with thick logs.

It's really a mountain! So much wood, it's really not sad!

However, if this can also be said to Zixi, then she is not a real top thief!

Remove the bracelet from the wrist, gently straighten it, cut the waterproof oil cloth, and slowly explored along the texture of the log.

Everyone knows that when this tree grows, it can't be absolutely straight. It may be somewhat curved due to the environment or its own reasons, such as branches. However, rural houses cannot be absolutely fine, so the houses built are not tightly stitched.

This is what Xiang Zixi took advantage of. With the improved bracelet in his hand, he slowly found a scar place to see the branches and slowly expanded a round hole.

Bend down and slowly looked inside, and immediately opened his eyes wide!

King of Qi!

Why is he here? And it still looks very embarrassed? What the hell happened?

Xiang Zixi held his breath, slowly listened to him, and listened carefully.

I only heard someone in the room say to King Qi, "Your Highness, that Xiang Zixi is still sleeping in the dungeon!" As long as she wakes up, we will take her out of here. As long as we have her in our hands, we are not afraid that others will not be afraid!"

Someother people said, "No! After years of preparation and accumulation, do we really give up in vain? I don't want to!"

The king of Qi sighed and said, "Yes, we have been preparing for our big plan for a long time, but how can we imagine that everything is in the calculation of that bastard prince! I also lost it because of him--who is outside?"

The king of Qi's loud shout suddenly scared Xiang Zixi. Did he say that he was exposed? No way! I have been holding my breath and with my latent skills. Unless the other party is a peerless master, I have never found my own reason! There is no thermal imager and spectral tracking in this world. How can you find yourself?

"No one!" The king of Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiang Zixi on the roof also breathed a sigh of relief. It was so close! This insidious old man actually played empty city tricks! If you can't calm down, you will be blown up by him! So close!

The king of Qi continued: "Whether Jin Xiaoxiao is my daughter or not, she has defected to me after all, but now--"

Someone whispered, "Your Highness, we have come to this point, either escape or fight again!" As long as we escape, I'm afraid there will be no chance to fight back! But as long as we fight again, there may still be a chance!"

King Qi's eyebrows moved, and he was obviously moved.

At this moment, a hand suddenly quietly covered Xiang Zixi's mouth, and a cold voice sounded behind him: "Don't move!"