Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 308 Proposal to Zixi

Xiang Zixi smiled gently, looked at the four straight men in the room, slowly picked up their skirts, and walked into the room.

Behind him, Xin Zeyang held a large pile of thick paper in his hand, then stepped into the room and knelt gently at the four people.

Jikang said, "There are no outsiders here, so you don't have to salute!" I allow you not to salute in private!"

Lin Muyang glanced at Jikang, boy, okay, it's really good at win people's hearts! Do you know that Xin Zeyang is very important to Xiang Zixi? Do you also know the curve to save the country?

"Yes!" Xin Zeyang slowly stood up and stood in the same place. After Xin Zeyang helped get the chair, he slowly sat down and said, "Okay, everyone is our own. Don't hurt your harmony!"

Four people hummed at the same time, but none of them refuted her words. It seems that in front of Xiang Zixi, he is just a simple man, which has nothing to do with status and *.

Xin Zeyang put the paper in his hand on the desk, silently retreated aside, and stood behind Xiang Zixi.

"You probably don't want to fight, do you? Yes, fighting labor and hurting people's wealth. Although you can make a temporary vote to coax those greedy people in China, it will eventually treat the symptoms rather than the root causes, and even condone the formation of this atmosphere and develop the idea of getting something for nothing. Visionary people should know that this is a very important thing! The four people who are doing it can be said to be high-power, far-sighted and far-sighted, and will not be desperate for the little profit in front of them!" Xiang Zixi said gently, his tone was indifferent and his face was calm.

"Although I'm a woman, I'm also the most used to meddling. You are all people who know me. Anyway, there is no one else today. How about letting me show off?" Xiang Zixi smiled gently, reached out to take the stove handed over by Xin Zeyang, held it in the palm of his hand, and warmed his cold fingers.

"In this year and a half, I have walked a lot of places. I have traveled through half of the territory of the four countries. I think I have some say a little?"

Lin Muyang's eyes fell keenly on Xiang Zixi's fingers, directly avoided her question and asked her, "Do you feel cold?"

"Yes, the weather in Linguo is so cold!" Xiang Zixi shrank her neck and said, "The time between ice and snow is much longer than Yao Guo."

Lin Muyang looked at Xiang Zixi thoughtfully, but did not say another word.

Xiang Zixi continued, "I have calculated the strength and combat effectiveness of the four countries. I don't know if it's right. I asked Xin Zeyang to draw it graphically."

Xiang Zixi nodded to Xin Zeyang, and Xin Zeyang immediately picked up the first piece of paper from the table and gently stuck it on the screen not far away.

Xiang Zixi slowly stood up, walked to the screen, smiled indifferently, and said, "The combat effectiveness of the country is the strongest. That day at the amusement festival, I personally realized that the strength is unparalleled. You are welcome to say that an ordinary soldier of the sparkling country can support two dark soldiers, three Yao country soldiers, and even four burning soldiers! This is simply in terms of combat effectiveness. But the war is not just about combat effectiveness!"

"The second is the equipment. In terms of equipment, the burning country is the best. In turn, it is Yao country, the dark country, and finally the sparkling country! Therefore, it is for this reason that Jikang increased taxes on his domestic industry in order to further equip his army, right?

War is divided into different times and places. It is the middle of winter. Even in the southernmost country, most of them have low temperatures and comfortable climates. Therefore, the overall war situation is beneficial to the Chinese people. The country is located in the north, and naturally adapts to the extreme cold. Such weather is tantamount to adding wings to the country.

Xin Zeyang changed another piece of paper, but this time it painted the mountains and rivers of the four countries.

Xiang Zixi continued: "Except for a dispute between the dark country and the burning country more than 20 years ago, there has been no major war in the past 100 years, so you have probably ignored many problems, right?"

"Now, let's talk about location. You see, the grasslands, Gobi, beaches and forests are typical northern landscapes. The Dark Country has many mountains, rivers and grasslands, which are similar to the sparkling country, but there are more mountains. Yaoguo is very similar to Zhuoguo. Most of them are plains. Zhuoguo is more than three times more than Yaoguo's rivers. Xiang Zixi smiled gently and said, "I think everyone has understood what I mean! Yes, that's the terrain!"

"No matter how strong the combat effectiveness is, it can only be used in an environment that is beneficial to itself. The soldiers of Linguo are tall and powerful, but on the scattered rivers of Zhuoguo, they are like facing a big enemy and are overwhelmed by themselves. May I ask, how to fight?

"The soldiers of the burning country are used to the hot climate and come to the north. It's freezing. How can they still walk halfway? I'm afraid that the troops and generals haven't been dispatched yet, and they have been caught!"

"The dark country has many mountains and rivers, which is the best place to hide and lurk. It is most suitable for ambush warfare and guerrilla warfare. Who dares to sleep with their eyes closed at night? I don't know when someone will come in from the ravine, and I don't know if someone wiped his neck!"

Although Yaoguo does not have many terrain advantages, it focuses on comprehensive. Almost all four countries have other terrain except the desert Gobi, which makes Yao's soldiers' comprehensive combat strength stronger!"

Listening to Xiang Zixi's analysis, those present are all people who have been immersed in the art of war for many years. Naturally, they understand the meaning of Xiang Zixi, and even understand it more deeply than her. Otherwise, the war would have been fought long ago. Isn't the reason why everyone didn't fight is that they worry about what they said to Zixi?

He continued to Zixi, "I didn't mean to show off my military knowledge to you. In fact, I don't know anything about the military. I'm just the daughter of a small landlord in the countryside. How many national affairs can I know? But I know a little that labor and money must be the cause of shaking the foundation! Together with this war, no matter who laughs at the end, who dares to pat my chest to guarantee that the economy of their country will remain the same as before?

The four people present were silent.

Xiang Zixi asked Xin Zeyang to continue to change a picture and continued, "To say rudely, the purpose of my coming to Lingguo is to persuade Jikang to give up the war. Of course, my words are light, and naturally I can't play a big role. However, I have one thing that can make the four countries strong!"

The eyes of the four men suddenly lit up!

Xin Zeyang turned around from a pile of paper, carefully came out with a box in his hand, and handed it to Xiang Zixi.

Xiang Zixi laughed and said, "Everyone should still remember the game I participated in during the food festival this spring, right? Don't you really wonder how I got out of the attack of the female killer?

Xiang Zixi opened the mechanism of the box and handed it to Jin Haoxuan beside him, saying, "You throw it out of the yard, remember to throw it five meters away from the door frame!"

Although Jin Haoxuan was puzzled, he still shook his wrist slightly according to Xiang Zixi's instructions, and the box in his hand was thrown out.

Jin Haoxuan is also a master, so controlling the distance is nothing to him.

People watched Jin Haoxuan throw out the box and accurately fall into the yard five meters away.

Hunt--A huge explosion suddenly sounded! A thick smoke rose up and swept the surrounding air, forming a small mushroom cloud in an instant!

The four men sitting in the house stood up. It can be said that they all rushed from the house to the yard in the blink of an eye. When the thick smoke dissipated, the bluestone slab, which was originally covered with a thickness of 20 centimeters, was actually penetrated!

What is this? How can it be so powerful?

Xiang Zixi slowly came out and said lightly to a group of eunuch maids who heard the sound of explosion: "Get back! No one is allowed to come in without my permission!"

Those palace eunuchs looked at the hole formed in the yard in horror, and the four men with frightened faces, and retreated silently! This is not within the scope of their humble eunuchs!

"What the hell is this?" Xiahou Junhao shouted in horror: "It's so lethal!"

explained to Zixi with a smile: "Do you remember why I went to the dark country? Yes, it's that kind of black oil and water, called oil! I refined something in a special way, and then added other fillings to make this organ that can be thrown out and exploded. I'll call it... Er, just call it *!"

"Why should we limit our eyes to the point in front of us? Looking further, the prospect is good!" Xiang Zixi smiled with satisfaction, and the expressions on the faces of the four people were what she wanted to see most.

As long as they are really shocked, they can talk about it in a real sense.

And the purpose of doing so many things by myself is just to bring them all together and sit together for discussion!

Since you can't let Lin Muyang, Jin Haoxuan and Ji Yan give up, let yourself completely solve the hidden dangers of war before you die!

The people returned to the room, and Xin Zeyang changed to a map again, which was the structural map of this *.

"The world is very big, not only the sparkling country, the dark country, the Yao country and the burning country. On the other side of the ocean, there is also a more vast world. Far away, isn't there another Japanese country across the sea from us? Why do we have to have an infighting on our own land? Why don't you concentrate on making yourself stronger?" Xiang Zixi sighed gently: "In the future world, it is not swords, but gunpowder!"

"Who the hell are you!" Ji Kang looked at her with a gloomy face: "Why do I always have a feeling that you are not from this world!"