Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 322 Extra Joe

AD 2086.

The war rose sharply and quickly burned all over the whole continent.

Regarding the issue of land ownership, each country insisted on its own words and did not give in to each other, so all forces appeared and began a new round of world war.

The purpose of the war is nothing more than resources, to seize the limited resources left, and to compete for enough high-altitude air power.

Now all countries are developing man-made space modules that can fly to the International Space Station, but there are so many cabins. How can it accommodate tens of billions of people?

Therefore, war has become the fastest and cruelest way to consume people.

That year, Qiao Qiao was born in that era of war.

The war has been fought for three years, and it has been hard for three years, hurting people's money, muscles and bones.

Qiao Qiao, who studied dentistry, knew for a long time that he was not born at the right time, and he could not expect beautiful skirts and jewelry, because his parents had worked very hard to satisfy his stomach.

That year, Qiao Qiao was three years old and was already a villain. Qiao Qiao, who was sensible, always brought slippers to his father after work and hammered his back to his mother after work.

That day, when my parents went out, they said to Qiao Qiao, "Baby Qiao, today is your third birthday. Don't play too late. Go home early! Mom and Dad will make delicious food for you and buy you beautiful new clothes, okay?

Three-year-old Qiao Qiao put his hands on his back with a smile and replied sweetly, "I like it!"

But Qiao Qiao still forgot his parents' instructions and didn't go home until late.

When Qiao Qiao returned to his home, he was stunned. Is this your own home? Why is there no laughter? Why is there no delicious food? Why don't mom and dad affectionately call themselves babies?

Qiao Qiao suddenly panicked. After rushing into the door, he saw his mother with her eyes wide open and an unbelievable face. Her body was broken into several pieces. The blood on the ground dyed his mother's apron red and his father's beloved carpet.

"Mom, mom!" Three-year-old Qiao Qiao was scared and kept shouting, "Dad, what's wrong with mom?"

But the answer to three-year-old Qiao Qiao was not his father's loving voice, but his father's cold body - he was killed alive by a stone on the beam!

"Dad and Dad!" Qiaoqiao released and cried: "Dad, don't leave Qiaoqiao behind. Qiaoqiao is scared!"

"Mom, Dad! Qiaoqiao is so cold. Qiaoqiao is so scared!" Three-year-old Qiao Qiao pulled his parents' bodies together like crazy, and then lay on his father's body.

Why, why is the original warm embrace so cold at this time?

Why, why does the originally gentle mother look ferocious at this time?

The night gradually came, and the wind blew. Qiao Qiao huddled tightly in the middle of her parents' bodies, holding herself uneasily and constantly shaking.

"Dad, Mom! Qiaoqiao is afraid!" Three-year-old Qiaoqiao kept repeating this sentence all night until her voice was hoarse. Finally, she was tired and fell asleep in the middle of her parents' bodies.

In my sleep, my father's arms are still warm and my mother's smile is still sweet.

A crow scream woke Jojo from his sleep.

It turns out that it's all a dream. Mom and Dad are so tired that they fall asleep!

The young Qiao Qiao said to his parents, "Mom and Dad are working too hard. Let Qiao Qiao take care of his parents in the future!"

Three-year-old Qiao Qiao left his home and slowly came to the city to pick up garbage in steel and cement for a living.

The flames of war gradually went out and the world returned to peace, but the garbage hidden in the dark began to move slowly. All kinds of chaos and all kinds of dirty.

Suddenly one day, a man said to Qiao Qiao with a smile, "Little sister, where is your home? Let's go with uncle?"

Looking at the obscene uncle, Qiao Qiao, who was only four years old, said coldly, "Go away! Scum!"

When the man saw that Qiao Qiao was like a little hedgehog, he suddenly had a bad idea. He covered Qiaoqiao's mouth, suddenly resisted his shoulder and disappeared in front of the garbage heap.

I don't know how long it took, Qiao Qiao slowly woke up and found himself tied up with other children and locked in a dark room.

"Where is this place?" Only four-year-old Qiao Qiao asked boldly.

"I don't know, I'm so scared!" Someone in the crowd answered.

"It's on the truck!" Another child explained, "We were all cheated. The man said he gave us food, but in fact he wanted to eat us!"

When the child said this, the other children suddenly cried.

Only Qiao Qiao, who is only four years old, said calmly, "Why cry? Is crying useful? If we don't resist, then we can only be eaten! What else is impossible in this era of war? Only by escaping by yourself can you live! Did you do it with me?"

Those children were scared, but a few bold children stood up.

Everyone untied the rope on their bodies with their teeth. Qiao Qiao's dexterous body looked out, and it was indeed a truck!

Although he is only four years old, Qiao Qiao is talented and learned to survive too early.

"After a while, we shouted loudly that someone in the car had a stomachache, and then they would definitely stop to see it! At that time, seize the opportunity to see who is lucky and run away first!" Qiao Qiao's childish voice is firm and resolute.

Her proposal was immediately approved by others.

Sure enough, someone shouted immediately, and Qiao Qiao shouted loudly: "Help, help! Someone has a stomachache!"

The truck stopped abruptly, and those children, regardless of the thin Joe, jumped off the truck and ran desperately!

Jojo saw someone chasing him with a gun immediately. He had an idea and suddenly turned over and hid under the car!

Dudu--A few shots, the escaped children were killed!

"Little devil, it's really cunning!" The man who shot cursed twice, turned to the truck, and disappeared from the place without looking at the children who were shot because of their escape.

Joe lay on the ground and waited for the truck to go far away for a long time before he dared to pass through the gas.

It's so dangerous!

If I hadn't walked a few steps slowly, I'm afraid I would have died!

At this time, a figure slowly approached him, and Qiao Qiao suddenly jumped up from the ground: "Who are you?"

The other party looked at Qiao Qiao although he was very young, but he was very flexible and alert. The teenager had a pair of very beautiful eyes. When the teenager saw that Qiao Qiao was full of hostility to him, he immediately smiled: "I have seen everything just now. You are the smartest of them, but you are also the most ruthless one! You let them escape and divert others' attention, but you lie under the car to escape.

"What's your business!" Four-year-old Qiao Qiao rolled his eyes and didn't care about the other party at all.

The teenager smiled and stretched out his hand to Qiaoqiao: "Welcome to join our team. I'm a thief!"

JoJo followed the teenager and embarked on a road of no return.

For ten years, she kept crawling and practicing various skills. Finally, one day, she defeated her peers and was the first to get the organization's permission to join.

But Qiao Qiao doesn't care about this. What she wants is his love, not the recognition of the so-called organization! However, he has been worried about the reputation of the master and apprentice and has always refused to accept her.

So, Qiao Qiao turned away from the organization and began his career alone.

A few years later.

Hilton Hotel.

A charming and enchanting woman, dressed in a fiery red leather coat, stepping on ten centimeters of high heels, and with a swaggering toad mirror, left from the front door of the hotel, stepped on the locomotive and left gracefully.

Behind him, all the security guards of the hotel were about to catch the 100 million dollars worth of diamonds that had just stolen the top secret of the hotel.

"What happened?" The front desk doesn't know what happened yet.

"Don't ask, quickly adjust the monitor! The diamonds deposited by the hotel guests are missing!" The security captain said angrily, "It's only been ten minutes!" That method is too sophisticated!"

Soon, the main station called up the monitor, but all the monitors did not take pictures of the thief.

Ten days later, the stolen diamond appeared in an auction house.

From then on, the world remembered a famous name: Qiao Qiao.

This woman with a shabby identity broke through the firewall of countless security companies with various identities, hacked their accounts, and transferred hundreds of millions of assets.

Using homemade tools, it was easy to destroy the fingerprint and pupil recognition of a company through the monitoring of high-rise buildings, smoothly invaded the financial room, and looted the financial room.

In fact, she doesn't care about money, because she is not short of money, but she seems to deliberately want to attract someone's attention.


A beautiful woman in a bikini was lying leisurely in the sun. She turned over the newspaper and immediately laughed when she saw the long report on herself.

All the media are guessing what organization and identity the mysterious thief is, but no one has seen her true face with their own eyes. Every time she commits a crime, she won't leave any evidence! Some people even speculate that this is a temptation and provocation of hostile countries. In short, all kinds of speculation, all kinds of gossip. In the end, Qiao Qiao almost really thought that he was a spy of a certain country!

At this time, an email suddenly passed through the tablet at hand.

Joe opened the email with a buyer naming for a crown.

"Crown?" Qiaoqiao said slowly, "No matter what he is, there is nothing in the world that I, Qiao Qiao can't steal!" Ah, if only I could steal a few more beautiful men. I also enjoyed the legendary left and right hugs! Haha——”

The sunshine in Hawaii is really good, and the wheel of fate has begun to run.

Everything is about to start all over again.

The rabbit has something to say: It only took the rabbit to write this book in four months. At the end, it almost cried while writing, with red eyes and broken the keyboard. Especially when writing extras, that mood is even more indescribable.

This is the end, and he will never see each other again.


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