
Chapter 109 Countless Male and Female Swords

The effect of using the talent speed magic power for the first time is obvious. The blue sword light quickly crossed the void and rolled towards Yin Jiao. Because of the fast speed, there was only a white cold fog in the void. This blocked the sight of Yinjiao. Then, before Yin Jiao reacted, he only heard a thunderous roar, and Xuanming's sword had already rolled up the male and female swords of Yin Jiao.

However, the male and female swords are no better than other acquired spiritual treasures. That is the acquired treasure of the same level as Xuanming Hanjian. The male and female swords rotated one by one on the left and one right, suddenly retreating, but getting rid of the shackles of Xuanming's coldness. However, at that time, the sword light of the male and female sword was not as sharp as before.

Yin Jiao's eyes were gloomy, and with one move, the male and female swords returned to his hands one left and one right. Let's show your true ability!" Yin Jiao laughed at Xuanming and saw his hands raised violently. The male and female swords crossed one after another, and the blue and red sword light gradually became bright and dazzling with the sound of the long hissing sword. Then, two swords rose to the sky, like a pair of lovers, lingering together. Gradually turned into a blue and red, hot and cold and changeable sword light.

The sword light rose to the sky, and the sky suddenly became bright and dark with this sword light. In dry days, the thunder roared for a long time, and the sound shook the sky and the sound continued.

Xuanming stared at the combined male and female swords, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Then he squeezed his lips and his hand holding the cold sword tightened, when the blue and red and cold sword light shot at himself. Then he slowly raised his cold sword and split it at the sword.

Sword breaks through the flood!

It's just that this original dark blue sword light with vicissitudes of life was stained with a sense of gloomy desolation at this moment. However, although this change caused by the cold air in the body not only did not destroy the power in the sword light, but also became more magnificent and sharp because of the change in Xuanming's artistic conception. As soon as the long sword light came out, it rolled up to the blue and red sword light. The world, which had been darkened by the sword light of Yin Jiao, was dyed very brightly.

Compared with Xuanming's swordmang, Yin Jiao's swordmang is obviously much more stingy. Under the light of Xuanming's covered sword, the blue-red sword light is like the light of a dragonfly. But even so, what? Xuan Ming will die sooner or later!" Yin Jiao looked at Xuanming's silver light rolled towards him and took a step back without hurry. He waved his sword with both hands, and the alternating blue and red sword suddenly brightened and rushed to Xuan Ming like a snake with a big mouth.

The two swords are fiercely connected with each other. The meteor-like sword light is about to collide with each other. Obviously, there will be another thunderbolt. However, unexpectedly, when the two swords collided with each other, there was no sound. Just like stars, hanging in the void, emitting starlight, but no longer moving.

"Brother Yin Jiao is so angry..." Looking at the two swords that were deadlocked together. Xuan Ming smiled slowly with restrained eyebrows. As if the fatal blow was not his, he was just a theaterman.

"Humph, the uncle's way is really profound, and his little nephew is blind!" Yin Jiao did not have Xuan Ming's good temper. He snorted coldly at Xuan Ming and said angrily. In that case, it is obvious that he is slightly inferior to this move. Sure enough, the sword light, which was originally brighter than the blue and red sword, rose again, and then the dragon protrud and submerged the blue and red sword in an instant. Then it exploded inside.

Only a "boom" sound was heard, and the verdant hills trembled and mourned. With the explosion of the sword, the sand flew away in an instant, and the green was no longer.

In mid-air, layers of sand and rocks spread, rolling like waves.

Xuan Ming looked as usual, crossed the layers of clouds and looked at the Yinjiao opposite. Yin Jiao laughed, and the two swords in his hand suddenly made a long sound. They flew out of their hands, turning into two, two into three... In an instant, countless male and female swords hissing together, surrounding the two original male and female swords in the middle.

Xuan Ming did not move, but frowned and looked at the countless male and female swords, and his face gradually became solemn. This hand is nothing more than the truth of "two lives, three lives, and three things" in the Tao Te Ching. However, it was the countless male and female swords that made Xuan Ming frown. Generally, the derived sword needs to separate part of the spiritual power from the original one.

That is to say, if three swords are differentiated, the spiritual power of the original sword will also be divided into three. At this moment, Xuanming narrowed his eyes and looked at the overwhelmingly dense sword. At this moment, these swords, especially the two male and female swords that kept spinning in the middle, had not weakened their spiritual power because of the separation. Instead, make the spiritual power full, exactly the same as before!

Although it is not impossible to do this, how much spiritual power is needed to support it? Xuan Ming looked away from the swords, looked at Yin Jiao, and frowned and said, "Sure enough, I underestimated him. This Taoist practice is really terrible."

But Yin Jiao is powerful. Can he be comparable to his master Guang Chengzi? He Xuanming even dared to fight with Guang Chengzi, and would he be afraid that he would never do it? Yin Jiao's hand stimulated Xuan Ming's fighting spirit. He turned his cold sword and suddenly came out of his hand, stirring rapidly in mid-air. A small whirlpool was formed, which increased rapidly with the rolling of the cold sword. The cold wind roared like a wave of anger.

Fight the stars!

No, this is very different from the original Star Speed. The whirlpool has begun to slowly shift towards the large male and female swords in Yinjiao. With the rotation of the whirlpool, just after the Mid-Autumn Festival in August, a thin layer of frost has been attached around the hills. At first glance, the frost is still thickening.

When Yin Jiao manipulated a large number of male and female swords and flew up like a peacock opening a screen, the air had become humid and sticky because of the cold, and the breath was difficult to circulate. However, this is only for Yinjiao, and the whirlpool still rotates at a constant speed.

The male and female sword, which became a little difficult to manipulate because of the cold, finally slowly pointed to Xuanming under the manipulation of Yin Jiao. Yes, it's the sword pointing Xuanming. Yin Jiao ignored the whirlpool that had become huge, rapid and cold. The sword pointed directly at Xuanming, and a handful of male and female swords, like sword rain, quickly swept towards Xuanming.

"Wang!" In the sound, the sword rain is as fast as a meteor, and under the obstruction of the cold air generated by the whirlpool, it is still rapidly approaching Xuanming.

The powerful shock made the hills under their feet sway slowly again as if they had encountered an earthquake. Frost knotted on the trees, like rain and sand, fell one after another. Soon, the hill showed a little green again. However, the originally dense small trees have also become disremoved and fragmented due to several mountain movements.

Because of the huge number of swords and the speed, it quickly set off a heat wave in the air. The heat steamed, resolved the ice of the whirlpool, and accelerated the speed of the male and female swords. Without the cold, the male and female swords rushed to Xuanming much faster.

Xuan Ming's face is solemn. He moved his fingers and shot his spiritual power into the whirlpool. With the help of Xuanming's spiritual power, the cold sword in the whirlpool rotated rapidly. With bursts of "buzzing" thunder and rapidly rotating whirlpools, the cold air leaked out layer by layer, sweeping the void on the whole hill. Then, due to the spread of the whirlpool, the whirlpool of the hill began to roll towards the sword rain.

At this moment, when you look at it from a distance, you can see that a silver, blue and red cloud is bumping together at a meteor-like speed, gradually twisting and stirring violently. Then the silver clouds gradually swallowed up the blue and red clouds. Then, because of the struggle of the blue-red clouds, the hill below swayed sharply, and also followed the blue-red clouds, swayed to the left and suddenly shook.

It seems that I didn't think of the amazing explosive power of the whirlpool. Yin Jiao looked at the anger on the whirlpool's face, and then he smiled bloodthirstyly and continued to manipulate the male and female swords and rushed towards Xuanming. Is your whirlpool explosive? But no matter how big it is, it can't cover many swords! Countless male and female swords swarmed to the whirlpool and were swallowed up by the whirlpool. However, at this time, a trace of pride slowly rose again in Yin Jiao's originally gloomy eyes.

When all the male and female swords were swallowed by the whirlpool, only a crisp "crack" sound suddenly sounded from the whirlpool, and then countless "cracks" sounded into a loud sound, like the sky and the earth bursting, exploding from the whirlpool.

"This is!" Xuan Ming was shocked, and then jumped up and patted the whirlpool. He actually blew up the pile of male and female swords. Fierce, fierce enough! Xuan Ming gritted his teeth, and a blue palm print flashed out of his hand and quickly printed into the whirlpool, stabilizing the whirlpool that began to be turbulent because of the self-explosion of the male and female swords.

However, at this time, a hot and cold wind suddenly surged from his ear. Xuan Ming shook his eyes and saw two green and red swords coming at him!

Xuan Ming was shocked. Isn't there nothing left?