
Chapter 104 Pangu's Stone Man and Beast

"It was also later that we had more spiritual power before we were discovered by our master Hongjun. Only then can formal practice begin. At that time, my spiritual power was still small and not enough to maintain my human form. Tongtian slowly tells the story of the ancient inhumane period. Xuanming nodded. It turned out that when he was a soul, he began to run around.

Tongtian smiled and said, "At that time, although I haven't solidified yet, I have been to many places, including the three sacred volcanoes." Xuanming nodded understandingly, and then he nodded his head, but couldn't help but stop suddenly. Then he frowned and said, "Master, do you think there were already three sacred volcanoes when you went four million years ago?"

Tongtian was stunned and nodded, "Yes, three divine volcanoes, what's wrong?"

Xuanming shook his head and said, "As far as I know, the Oriental God Volcano only existed 500,000 years ago." Tongtian couldn't help but be stunned, and then said, "With the long training of heaven and earth, maybe the divine fire of that mountain has been extinguished, and then there are residents, but it has burned again? Just like the Tanggu on the northern cliff, what I saw at that time was not Tanggu, but a real volcano. The evolution over time was enough to make something seemingly impossible in heaven and earth possible. Can you also wipe out something that seems impossible to be destroyed, do you know?"

In Tongtian's words, with some heavy and some sadness, Xuanming frowned and finally nodded with understanding. Tongtian said that although he didn't understand much, he could only accept what Tongtian said before the examples of Shenhuo and Tanggu.

Xuan Ming thought for a moment and asked, "What about the northern cliff? Why is the northern cliff not burned by the divine fire? What is a stone man? That can't be a human, can it?"

Tong Tian laughed and only said, "Of course he won't be a human. Didn't he say that he was Jinwu? Maybe it's really a bird." He said this at will. Tongtian didn't care about it, and Xuanming didn't take it seriously. However, the stone man understood it and only shouted excitedly, "Bird. Birds."

The conversation ended meaninglessly, and Tongtian finally said, "Let's go to the northern cliff together. I'd like to see what the thing I haven't even seen all day is."

Xuan Ming smiled, nodded and left with the stone man.

Although the demons will arrive soon, at this moment they can only wait for the demons to come, and then kill them in groups.

Xuan Ming only stayed in Biyou Palace for less than a day and was pulled to the northern cliff by Tongtian. The northern cliff is indeed a strange place. The divine fire seems to have become much smaller, and the divine volcano has gradually emerged. As soon as Xuanming and Tongtian arrived at the northern cliff, the stone man ran around excitedly. Obviously, I was so excited because I came to a familiar place.

Xuanming looked at Tang Gu in surprise and was puzzled. Xuan Ming said, "The divine fire in Tang Gu has become much less." Tong Tian frowned and just looked at Tang Gu without saying anything. Come this time. It was late at night, and the faint moonlight shone on Tanggu, which could actually bring a piece of fluorescence, and there was no steaming white smoke from ordinary flames. Xuanming frowned strangely, looked at Tongtian, marveled, and said, "This is a good place, a good place!!"

With that, he stepped on the northern cliff under his feet and then said, "Your stone man came out of this place." Xuanming nodded clearly and said, "There is too much spiritual power in it. I'm afraid that in addition to this small one, there is a bigger existence, and these divine fires may be swallowed up by this northern cliff."

"What?!" Xuan Ming can't but be shocked. However, as soon as he heard it, he understood that he closed his eyes, slowly scattered his thoughts, and began to stare at Tanggu below him. Sure enough, he could feel a trace of divine fire and slowly penetrate into the northern cliff. However, the action was very obscure, and according to Xuan Ming's Taoism at this moment, it was really difficult to find this point. Therefore, this has always been ignored by Xuan Ming. Xuanming looked at the northern cliff and Tanggu under his feet, and it was still a little unbelievable that this yin northern cliff could still feed on Tanggu's divine fire. After a while, he thought that he was also a yin attribute, but he could also devour the spiritual power of divine fire.

However, this is different. At least he is determined to reconcile with him, and this northern cliff...

Xuanming thought confusedly. At this time, Tao Xinggao had too much luck and spiritual power, and shouted: "Is that master here? Lingbao Tianzun Tongtian came to pay a visit, and the master also invited him to come out to see..."

Xuanming was stunned that he could make Tongtian use the word worship. Who can have such a honor? However, Xuanming waited for a long time, but no one came out. This surprised Xuanming. He didn't think Tongtian would be patient. Sure enough, Tongtian shouted again, "Since you don't like the master, don't blame me for being rude. Although I can't see what the northern cliff is, I believe that if I destroy the northern cliff, I still have this ability!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xuanming suddenly felt that the moonlight darkened quickly, and then the wind stopped. Even the divine fire did not dare to sway, and suddenly it was dim.

For a while, when he was impatient, there was finally a burst of laughter under his feet, and then an old voice said, "Tianzun's Taoism is boundless. Old man naturally believes that Tianzun will destroy the old nest, which is also easy."

A stone man who looks old and can't be old anymore.

Xuan Ming was stunned. He looked exactly like the stone man, but everyone could see that the stone man was too old to be old. After the old stone is the stupid jumping stone man. The stone man followed the old stone man and shouted at the old stone man, "Grandpa, grandpa."

Xuanming is surprised. It turns out that there is also Grandpa in this thing.

The old stone man bowed to Xuanming and Tongtian and said, "The northern cliff stone man has seen two people." While talking, the clouds opened and the moon were bright, and the wind and clouds were moving. That Taoist line was actually comparable to the sky.

When did there be such a high Taoist in the astral world? Xuanming was shocked, and Tongtian was also shocked. However, both of them remained calm. They just replied with a smile and introduced themselves. The old stone man turned around kindly and said to Xuan Ming, "I know you, you are the master chosen by Wuer."

Xuan Mingtai smiled, and the old stone man's face became sad. He only said, "My son won't leave his mother. Time flies, and it has been more than 5 million years.

Xuan Ming frowned and squeezed his mouth. Waiting for the old stone man to continue, the old stone man came again: "You must be very curious about the existence of this northern cliff and the existence of my grandfather and grandson?"

Knowing that the old stone man was going to have a long talk, Tongtian and Xuanming looked at each other and saw curiosity in each other's eyes. They were not polite. They brushed the ground, picked a clean place and sat down, waiting for the old stone man to speak. The old stone man and the little stone man also sat down. The old stone man also said, "I am The god bird of Pangu God, stone man and beast, also known as Jinwu. The old stone man was not surprised to see the shock in the eyes of Xuanming and Tongtian. He continued, "You may not know that the owner of Pangu raised a small beast. That's also the reason why Pangu rarely let me out. In those years, in order to repay my master's life-saving kindness, I praised Pangu as my master. Unfortunately, the master was loyal, but he never used me. Just let me follow. In that war, I disobeyed my master's order and came out to save the man's life, but unfortunately I still couldn't save my master's life.

Xuan Ming listened silently, but heard the sadness in the tone of this self-proclaimed stone man and beast and Jinwu.

Lao Shi said: "After the master died, I found a way to enter this star world. At that time, when I fought with the devil, I was also a little injured. It was not until nearly a million years that I gradually recovered and formed this northern cliff." The old stone man stretched out his hand and patted the head of the little stone man beside him and said, "This is the stone man brought by the demon when he broke in. At that time, he was imprisoned by the demon, and I'm afraid it has other uses. I haven't seen my own people for millions of years, so I rescued him. Unfortunately, he didn't know what he was doing by the devil, and he has always been in a daze. However, I don't know what you think of Jinwu, but I also know that the three-legged bird is not Jinwu in the void of thousands of universes.

As he spoke, he said to Shi, "Wu'er, give your real body to your master..."