
Chapter 49 Back to Mother's Star

Before entering the corpse world, Xuanming asked about an unpleasant smell of corpse, which was shrouded in disgusting breath, which was deterred. Xuan Ming hid his nose unhappyly and finally went straight to the largest stone tomb in the corpse world. That is where the palace of the corpse world is located.

Around the stone tomb, the guards are zombies in a pale and godless zombie corpse world. These are corpses that are basically not afraid of the sun after special techniques, and the sky in the corpse world is also drowsy all year round, and generally there is no scorching sun.

In the stone tomb, it was covered with a cold and cold atmosphere. Rao Xuanming was not afraid of the cold and couldn't help but feel strange and disgusting. He doesn't like this kind of gloomy and dead places, and his intuition is that there will be no good things when these places are involved.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered, a few words with strange fragrance were posted. Xuanming looked at it in a blink of an eye and was happy. It turned out to be a few seventeen- or eight-year-old girls, and they were just a few bodies. Xuanming turned around to avoid it, and a gloomy voice in the stone room in front of him smiled, "Hey, why don't you serve our holy king..."

The bodies were entangled again, and the movements were stiff, but without losing their flavor. One of them began to take off their clothes and only wore a gauze. With this gentle pull, they all fell down. Revealed a beautiful body.

However, Xuanming hasn't seen anything? The enchanting body of the fire phoenix can't attract him. How can a dead body make him fail? He shouted impatiently, "King of Corpses, is this fun?"

In the stone room, the voice of the corpse king came with a smile, and said with a strange smile, "Hey, don't I want the Holy King to taste the new product I have developed? These people are all beautiful..." With that, he shouted, "Why don't you guys show your real skills!"

What's the real ability? Xuanming was stunned, but those girls' clothes fell down one by one, wrapped them up again, and began to coquettish one by one: "Ah...he...oops..."

Xuan Ming's face is gloomy. The cold hands began to touch him and stroked themselves one by one. Because of the stiffness of their bodies, the sound became fragmented and hoarse. What does this regard him as? Is it possible that Xuanming will still be interested in these dead bodies?

The corpse king began to laugh excitedly across the stone room. He shouted at Xuanming, "How's it going? I said that beauty is beauty, right?!"

Xuanming curled her lips helplessly, and her body was full of sparks. The light and heat of the divine fire forced the hands of the girls. The girls also shouted because of the pain and dared not move again. On the contrary, the corpse king in the stone room also shouted with heartache and screamed, "My baby!"

He rushed out of the stone room, looked at the girls turning into black hands, stared at Xuanming, and shouted, "You, you don't know what's good or bad. I shared my baby with you so kindly, how can you be so ignorant..."

Xuan Ming sneered and looked at him coldly. His voice suddenly stopped and gradually faded.

Xuanming said, "If the corpse king is not in a hurry to leave, then he will go first. There is no need to mess with these strange things."

The corpse king was completely anxious and shouted, "Hury, hurry!" My baby can wait to share with a few old men outside..."

Xuan Ming turned around coldly, and the corpse king was dumb again. Looking at Xuanming with some grievance, Xuanming sighed secretly, " Sure enough, the people in the corpse world are all monsters..."

Xuan Ming started his old business again and began to release the confinement of the corpse king. Because he did the same action more than thirty times, Xuan Ming was not talkative. Several actions were completed. Xuan Ming waved his hand to the happy corpse king, and the man had already heard the news in the corpse world.

Most of the affairs of the universe have also been completed, and Xuan Ming turned back to the Pangu star world. In the Pangu star world, all the scenery is still the same. As soon as he stepped into the Pangu star world, Xuan Ming only felt a familiar breath coming, surrounded him, and the warm breath was like his mother's arms, making him extremely comfortable.

Xuan Ming showed a smile from his heart. After walking out of the universe for so long, he couldn't help smiling. Xuan Ming smiled and began to rush to the East China Sea with a familiar way. He can find that Tongtian is still in the Biyou Palace in the East China Sea.

When I went back, everyone was a little surprised. Erlang Shen and Ao Ye are both in the Biyou Palace, and they are a little unbelievable about Xuanming's early return. Tongtian laughed and scolded, "You boy, you are finally back!"

Rao is the closure of the Pangu star world, and some news from the universe that they should know is also clear. After knowing that Xuanming had become the owner of Chaos Green Lotus, Tongtian looked back three times a day, waiting for Xuanming to come back.

He can't wait to go out. However, Xuanming dragged on for more than a hundred years before finally returning to the Pangu star world. On the contrary, both Ao Ye and Erlang thought that Xuan Ming would stay longer.

Without saying much, Xuan Ming began to lift the imprisonment for Tongtian. The familiar work made him shorten the initial three-day time to half an hour. He took the bird's egg-like thing and said to Tongtian, "Now, the position of the master of the world is not strong. Take good care of this thing!"

He avoided the sky like a snake and scorpion and said, "Whoever wants to be the master of the world, let him go!"

Xuanming suddenly thought of Nuwa, and then thought of the holy world of the Emperor of Nawa. He sweated coldly and said, "It's better to leave this thing to Hongjun."

"My master?" Tongtian was a little surprised. Finally, he laughed and said, "It's really the safest thing to leave it to him for safekeeping."

The matter was settled, and then Xuanming went to Xuanqing Palace again. After seeing Xiao Xiang, he rushed to Xuanqing's small courtyard, took out Yanju and lotus seeds, and used the method of Qinglian teaching to extract the holy water from the lotus seeds and slowly injected them into the white fog. The white fog gradually became clear, but it was Yanju himself.

Tongtian looked aside. At this time, when he saw his old friend, he couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing, "Okay, just practice another body!"

Xuanqing had already cried. Xuan Ming took a look at Yanju, finally sighed, and personally made a pair of flesh for him.

However, after all, the injury was so serious that he still couldn't wake up and still fell asleep. Xuanqing took care of him untily. Xuanming smiled and said, "Our Lady, don't worry, just let him rest for a few days."

Xuan Ming touched his head like a child and smiled, "Okay. Ao Ye also told me before about things in the universe that you are a good child, but you still have to be careful outside.

Xuan Ming smiled and said, "Yes, the Virgin Mary can rest assured."

She sighed, but finally smiled happily.

Tongtian can't wait to go out. He is not as good as other world masters, and he has been trapped in the astral world for too long. However, Tongtian's temper made him eager to go out, and he yearned to go out at the beginning.

Xiao Xiang also looked at Xuanming and said, "I'm going out with you this time."

The firm eyes made Xuan Ming unable to say "no". He suddenly hugged Xiao Xiang and laughed, "Okay, today I will take my wife to explore the universe together."

Xiao Xiang blushed shyly, but nodded. Tongtian ignored their love affairs and turned around and left first. Out of the Pangu star world, Xuan Ming asked, "Master, where are you going?"

Tongtian said, "Let me take a look around first. If you really want to make a 'Cass Universe', remember to tell me that I want to go together.

Xuan Ming nodded and also took Xiao Xiang to the Taiji Taoist world. After going to the Taoist world, Hongmeng immediately came out and said with a smile, "Are you coming? The news came from the people who went to the 'Cas Universe' that they had found jobs. Some young people entered the university, but some went to the family homes to work as long-term workers. With that, he frowned and said, "Xuanming, do you think this is really good?"

Xuanming shook his head and said, "We can only do this now. If you can't beat it, you can only become stronger. Although this method is slower. But it is also the most efficient way now.

Xiao Xiang and Xuan Ming lived together in the Taoist world. After arranging the residence for Xiao Xiang to rest, Xuan Ming followed Hongmeng to see the recently recruited people. Because there are other masters helping with publicity. Young people can be said to be majestic. As soon as he saw Xuan Ming, he shouted, "Hi, Holy King!"

Xuan Ming was stunned, and then showed an inspirational smile to them, but said to Hongmeng, "Take half and leave half."