
Chapter 75 The castle was destroyed

At this time, an arrow that crossed the universe had hit each other fiercely with Xuan Ming's fist with boundless pressure.

One blow may be unstoppable. Xuan Ming looked up to the sky and suddenly smiled and said, "What a good ability! In my opinion, I'm afraid we can't stop fighting like this. How about a draw? I, Xuanming, is also very curious. What do you want me to do, Xuanming?!"

The corridor split the green lotus seeds with a knife, and then stopped and smiled at Xuan Ming, "You are more cheerful than the Zheng family owner."

Xuanming walked over, put away the green lotus, watched the irritable fire beast running towards him, kicked the fire beast away, pulled Xiao Xiang, and said with a smile, "How's it going? But what's wrong?"

Xiao Xiang shook his head, looked at the corridor and said, "Do you really want to go with him? Can he believe it?"

Xuan Ming shook his head and said, "I didn't know until I went to see it. Don't worry."

Over there, hundreds of people in Aiyun are also one of the best people who worship Xuanming at this time. At this time, they can't help but sincerely say to Xuanming, "Mr. Xuan, I don't know who this corridor ancestor is. I think it's better not to listen to him."

Xuanming shook his head with a smile and said, "I, Xuanming, always keep my word. Since I agreed, it's the Longtan Tiger's den, and I have to break through."

The corridor over there has been listening to them. At this time, he couldn't help saying, "Are you all looking for artifacts?"

Everyone was stunned and didn't know why this strange man asked this. Didn't he do it? The corridor didn't seem to want their answers. At this time, he said to himself, "The artifacts of this castle have been banned. When you take them downstairs, you will definitely be attacked by evil beasts, monsters and other guardian beasts. But not now. The cloud arrow was taken down by me, and this prohibition was broken.

"And this?" Everyone seemed to hear some scary words. At this time, they all looked at each other and didn't know whether to change the letter or not. Xuanming said, "Is it true? Let's go down and have a try. There are many of you who haven't found a suitable artifact, right?"

When Xuanming opened his mouth, everyone immediately became excited. Over there, the corridor said, "You will never get tired of greed!"

Everyone was shocked by the sentence of the corridor and looked at the corridor one after another. However, the corridor did not look at them, but looked at Xuanming and said, "I'll go down first and wait for you in the lobby. I advise you that the things here are not so easy to hold, but don't be greedy!"

Xuan Ming restrained his look and thought about the words of the corridor in his heart. As he said to those individuals, "The words of the corridor ancestors are polite. After going down, he can only take it if he sees an artifact suitable for him and can communicate with the artifact. If he is attacked because of greed or something, he can only protect himself, and I won't help him. "

Everyone was shocked, and they immediately nodded one by one.

After going down, those who did not have artifacts carefully found their own artifacts. When someone boldly picked up the artifacts and found that those evil beasts no longer attacked them, they couldn't help but be happy. Those who already have artifacts can't stand ** and begin to find their own artifacts.

Unfortunately, no one can get to the second artifact. Some greedy people, when they want to hide artifacts, are grabbed by the evil beasts who are staring at them. Xuan Ming really didn't do anything as he just said.

A vicious beast naturally can't do with these strong men, but the second and third, he couldn't help panicking when he knew that the whole evil beast on the third floor surrounded him.

He begged Xuan Ming, but Xuan Ming understood that if he was saved, other people would not be greedy. Then he will become the public enemy of the evil beasts and monsters in the whole castle. He sneered and said, "What did I say before? I, Xuanming, keep my word. You asked for it!"

The man was shocked and gradually fell under the siege of many evil beasts.

Everyone is watching. At this time, even if they are greedy, they have to think about their lives. Soon, they left the castle.

The corridor is indeed waiting for him in the lobby. As soon as he saw someone come out, he smiled and said, "One person is missing!"

Xuan Ming smiled bitterly and said, "What an insatiable end..."

The corridor suddenly said, "Next time it won't happen. I won't give this place another chance to harm people!"

Everyone walked out of the lobby with him. At this time, they couldn't help but look at him one by one. Even Xuan Ming couldn't help frowning and looking at the corridor. The corridor didn't say much, but looked at the castle with a serious face. Finally, he threw out the cloud arrow in his hand and shouted coldly, "You harmful thing, go!"

The cloud arrow got the order of the owner. In an in an flash, the dark gun body emitted a colorful light, and then it kept getting bigger and bigger, and finally hit the castle like a pillar at the top of the sky. Because of the so-called prohibition reason, the whole castle is no longer the kind of treasure that can't be destroyed. It's just staggered when it is hit by this gun, and some doors and windows have rumbled down. The corridor hand raised, and the long gun shook again and fell to the castle again...

Although there is no forbidden protection, the castle is still indestructible. After several clashes, although the castle began to break apart, it has not fallen under the full smashing of this artifact, which is really solid.

The corridor snorted coldly and said to Xuan Ming, "Don't you have a divine fire? Fire me and burn these ignorant idiots!"

Ignorant fool, Xuan Ming naturally knows what this ignorant fool is talking about in the corridor. When the evil beasts in the castle heard the words of the corridor, one by one had already roared. Xuanming sighed and said to the evil beasts who wanted to rush out of the castle but were afraid of Xuanming and the corridor, "I don't want you to stay here forever. Let's all live."

As he spoke, his right thumb and middle finger bounced slightly, and a little spark popped from his thumb and middle finger and flew into the castle. It exploded in the castle and suddenly burned the whole castle. The blazing fire instantly surrounded the whole castle. A scream and roar, at the moment of the divine fire burned, it was sad. As he shouted, evil beasts kept rushing to the gate. The lotus seeds in Xuanming's hand moved gently, and a transparent light curtain flashed out in an instant, blocking the whole gate. The roar of vicious beasts became more and more sad. Everyone present was silent.

No one can get excited in the face of such a massacre. However, in the face of this massacre, they will not feel that Xuan Ming is ferocious. As Xuan Ming said, it is not a solution here. It's better to live in the past.

Xuanming turned his head and looked at the corridor and said, "Brother Lang Dao is satisfied with such an ending?"

The corridor looked a little dull, and there was no response to Xuan Ming's question. After a long time, he turned around and looked at Xuan Ming and said, "Satisfied, naturally satisfied." He looked at the people behind Xuanming and said, "You all go first. I'm going to do something!"

Xuan Ming had already promised him to go with him, so he naturally urged Xuan Ming. Xuan Ming said to the people behind him, "There are still dangers here. Be careful. The spiritual power of the Zheng family has been abandoned. I'm afraid I can't harm you these days, but after these days, you will have to be careful. It's better not to get separated. Go ahead."

Everyone looked at Xuanming gratefully and bowed their hands to thank him one after another, and then turned around and left.

Xuan Ming looked at the corridor, and the corridor looked at Xiao Xiang and Tong Tian, frowning slightly. Xiao Xiang leaned against Xuan Ming, and Tongtian also looked directly at the corridor. The corridor frowned and said, "They also follow?"

Xuanming smiled and pulled Xiao Xiang, knowing that Xiao Xiang was worried that he would follow the corridor, and he was also worried about leaving them here, so he said, "This is my wife. This is my master, and they all follow them."

The corridor lowered its head and said for a while, "Okay, let's go!"

Xuan Ming looked at him and nodded. Take the way through the corridor and go deeper.

He has always been curious about who the corridor is. It seems that he is familiar with the road here. It doesn't mean that you have been familiar with it many times, but that you are familiar with the forbidden design and other things here. There are prohibitions in that place. What are those prohibitions? How to crack it? It can be said that it is familiar as if you have entered your own home.