civilian princess

Chapter 19 Liangqin

It is said that Zhou Xiaoqing came to Fang Yi's room and didn't know how to get along with the patient after seeing her taking the medicine. After thinking about it, she decided that it was better to go out. Zhou Xiaoqing got up, put the bowl on the tray, and wanted to leave.

"Miss Fang Yi, I don't think I'll disturb your rest. I'll go first. If you need any help, just ask someone to bring me a message." Zhou Xiaoqing smiled and said goodbye to the other party. But I didn't expect Fang Yi to hold her arm and stop her. Before Zhou Xiaoqing could put down her things, she took her to the inner room.

It seems that this girl Fang Yi is quite open-looking in the first-class building, and the wing room she lives in is bigger than others. Zhou Xiaoqing has been to many girls' rooms as a cleaning girl, and Fang Yi is one of the comfortable ones to live in. I don't know why she was so neglected in front of the house. No one came to take a look when she was sick. However, as soon as Zhou Xiaoqing's strange face came, Fang Yi's lonely mood could finally be told by someone.

Zhou Xiaoqing has to rely on Fang Yi. After all, she is a patient, but she doesn't know what Fang Yi wants her to do. Zhou Xiaoqing followed Fang Yi to a wall cabinet. She saw Fang Yi open the penultimate floor and hold out a black wooden box from it. It was long and did not know what was contained in it. Seeing that she had a hard time holding it, Zhou Xiaoqing ran over and put on her hand and found that the box was quite heavy. There was no dust on the surface of the box. It seems that Fang Yi is still a person who loves to clean up. Fang Yi looked at the box with an excited face and looked up at Zhou Xiaoqing. Zhou Xiaoqing did not know what was strange about this dark winter thing. When she was wondering, she felt so much about it, so she had to change into a watch of "This is really beautiful" Love to deal with the past. Zhou Xiaoqing found that she had become quite observant since she crossed the border. I don't know if this is an occupational disease of a brothel woman.

Fang Yi suddenly took Zhou Xiaoqing's hand and put it on the box, signaling Zhou Xiaoqing to open it.

Zhou Xiaoqing suspiciously walked around the front of the black box and lifted the lid with her hand. A heavy force passed to her hand, and a pungent smell of sandalwood emitted. As soon as it was opened, it was a guqin. Zhou Xiaoqing's eyes were stunned and immediately smiled into a crescent moon. What a simple piano. Zhou Xiaoqing touched the strings with her hand and felt that it was strong and tight. Her fingers slowly slipped to the side and looked at the beautiful patterns carved on the piano. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. It was indeed a beautiful piano. Although she had never heard the music it made, she felt that it was a work of art.

Zhou Xiaoqing suddenly appeared in her mind the scene of a fairy in white in the movie, stroking the piano. Since childhood, Zhou Xiaoqing has fantasized countless times that she is a fairy-like figure who can play music. Later, he knew that it was impossible to wear such dramatic clothes to play the fairy down to go down to earth. Later, he bet his two fiery eyes on an elegant woman who could play the piano. Zhou Xiaoqing was fascinated by playing the violin, but those elegant arts could be played by Zhou Xiaoqing's temperament. Later, Zhou Xiaoqing signed up for the erhu class of the extracurricular interest group with her classmates in primary school. The price of erhu is much cheaper than that of piano, violin and so on, so Zhou Xiaoqing also cheaply pulls out pig-killing noises.

When Zhou Xiaoqing thought that she had shaken her head and destroyed countless crazy images of erhu when she was young, she quickly stopped herself from recalling. It's better for those terrible memories to disappear with the wind. Fortunately, the children at that time did not figure out what was going on with art, otherwise the little boys' amazing admiration of Zhou Xiaoqing would definitely turn into ridicule.

"If you don't mind, I'll give it to you." Fang Yi's voice could hardly speak, but she tried her best to say these words with a gentle smile on her face.

"This, um..." Zhou Xiaoqing wanted this piano very much, which satisfied her wish as a lady. If she had nothing to do, she could take it out and pretend to satisfy her illusory and very unrealistic dream. But there is no traditional virtue to accept it directly, at least it will be postponed, but I'm afraid that this postponement will really not be given.

Zhou Xiaoqing really thought too much. Fang Yi smiled, then walked to the table and brought pen and paper. It seemed that it was really difficult to speak. After writing it and handing it to Zhou Xiaoqing, I saw a few lines of beautiful text above:

sister, I really want to give it to you. Thank you for taking care of me. I don't have any expensive jewelry or anything, but there are still a lot of pianos here. I made it myself. If you don't mind, just accept my kindness.

"Sister Fang Yi..." Looking at this line of Chen's words, Zhou Xiaoqing suddenly felt ashamed when she thought that she had just pretended to escape, but there were too many uncertainties in the world, and Zhou Xiaoqing did not dare to open her heart to anything.

"Sister Fang Yi, I can't take this. It's just a small matter to take care of you. I can't accept this gift." Zhou Xiaoqing, who occasionally covets small cheap things, is not suspected of doing this. It seems that this girl Fang Yi should be very a piano, otherwise she won't collect so much. It may not take long for the piano to be there. Zhou Xiaoqing will put it aside without freshness, and she may not be able to take it away after escaping from here, but Fang Yi's eyes are too firm. Zhou Xiaoqing has to say, "Fang Yi Girl, to be honest, I can't play the piano. Didn't you bury this piano when you gave it to me? I'll take your heart.

After hearing this, Fang Yi smiled and said nothing. She took out the piano and put it on the piano case. Yingying sat on the stool, raised her hand and stroked her fingers to the strings. The jumping notes slipped out of the piano one by one, sometimes like feathers gently landed, sometimes like turbulence, sometimes like spring dinginging, sometimes like thunder and lightning. This is just an auditory enjoyment, which is very comfortable to serve Zhou Xiaoqing's ears. Looking at the changeable change of ten fingers, Zhou Xiaoqing was simply dumbfounded. It turned out that Fang Yi was so talented. Now I really want to fall to the ground and hug Fang Yi's legs to worship.

After playing a song, Zhou Xiaoqing applauded vigorously and admired the woman from the bottom of her heart. Her music just now stimulated Zhou Xiaoqing's sense of music. Although she is not good at musical instruments, Zhou Xiaoqing sings with two brushes. When she was in school, she was asked by her classmates to participate in some talent show. However, Zhou Xiaoqing could not do anything important. As soon as she came on stage, she was nervous and lost her voice. A small number of people around entertained.

"Haha, Fang Yi plays so well, so I'll sing a song from my hometown." Sure enough, Zhou Xiaoqing was still very nervous when she was about to start singing, so that the treble would be miserable later. I pulled my voice painfully to win glory for modern music. After thinking about it, Zhou Xiaoqing sang:

Red beans give birth to southern China is a very far away thing. What is lovesickness? No one cares about drunkenness and sleepless. There is a Lanlan style in the neon wine glass everywhere in the city. The most willing to forget the ancient poetry. The most disdain is to be lovesickness. I'm afraid of love and afraid of people's laughter. I'm afraid that people can see the spring and see the red beans. I don't see any lover going to pick fireworks and embrace the romantic feelings.

"I didn't expect my sister to sing so well. This song is also very special and beautiful..." Zhou Xiaoqing looked over and found that Fang Yi was already in tears. In his heart, he was secretly surprised by his good singing skills and had the ability to make people cry. In fact, what I don't know is that Fang Yi just thinks of the ups and downs of her love path, but she is not shocked by Zhou Xiaoqing's self-righteous singing skills.

Zhou Xiaoqing is so stupid that she hasn't experienced what love is. Naturally, she won't understand the bitterness of being hurt by love. She doesn't understand why Fang Yi shed tears. Still happy to continue to sing songs for Fang Yi. Fang Yi will secretly turn her face to wipe her tears while Zhou Xiaoqing is not paying attention. She turns her head and greets people with a smiling face. Although Zhou Xiaoqing has learned the ability to act by looking at people's faces, it is easy to indulge in her own world and can't extricate herself.

Looking at Zhou Xiaoqing, who was still singing for herself, Fang Yi felt that this girl was very kind and cute. She had a cunning side, but she was a good woman with sincerity. I can't help but have a little more affection for her.

"Ha ha, sure enough, good people have good rewards. If you usually take more care of others, you will also get unexpected gains." Zhou Xiaoqing came out of Fang Yi's room, held the piano and said to herself happily. This is a big guy. Zhou Xiaoqing held it carefully for fear that she would accidentally break the piano. It's wonderful to be able to live in peace with others. Let's put this in the room first.

These days, several girls are very free and have no control. It's okay to sneak back whenever they want. I heard that Aunt Feng bought some girl back, and Zhang's mother, an elite, also has to turn their attention to the training of other little girl. After all, Zhou Xiaoqing and her group are already familiar with Yipin Building.

Back to the yard, the sound of singing and dancing in front of her has gradually faded away. When she first entered the yard, she heard someone quarreling inside. Zhou Xiaoqing quickly stepped up and saw what had happened.

"Zhou Xixi, why do you cry when you make a mistake!" This rebuke was heard by Lin Zhilan, and she was roaring angrily. Poor Zhou Xixi stood aside and kept wiping tears with his hands. Gu Ziyu protected Xiaoxi behind him, as if he were apologizing. Li Yike watched the bustle and lost no time sarcastically at them.

Zhou Xiaoqing was a little uncomfortable with Lin Zhilan and Li Yike, but she didn't expect them to bully people so blatantly now. Looking at such an honest child being bullied, she couldn't suppress her fire.

"What are you arguing about? Can't you say something well? If it reaches Zhang's mother's ears, it won't be good for any of us. Although Zhou Xiaoqing is very angry, she doesn't dare to lose her temper casually without figure out what's going on. After all, she is just a little girl like them now.

"You'd better ask her!" Li also straightened out the clothes in his arms and said casually. Looking at such an arrogant attitude and complacency, it seemed that Xiaoxi had made a mistake. I thought to myself, "Why are you two vicious and cruel stinky girls looking for trouble and putting on a stinky look that drags 250,000 yuan? It makes people sick and want to come forward to reward you with a big ear scrape", but their faces turned into the best and kind expression, with a kind tone: "We are all sisters who come out of the same place. As the saying goes, they are born from the same root, so why is it too urgent to fry each other..."

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't eat this at all. They also exchanged eyes with each other and added a false charge to Zhou Xiaoqing with one voice: "I think you are also an accomplice!"