civilian princess

Chapter 30 Failure

Zhou Xiaoqing looked at Aunt Feng's angry face almost in horror, and her mouth couldn't help opening. She was so scared that she couldn't move. How could Aunt Feng come back? What kind of storm will happen next? Zhou Xiaoqing turned her head and looked at Xiaoxuan. His surprise was no less than Zhou Xiaoqing. He didn't make too eye-catching big moves. Why was he caught?

"Aunt Feng, it seems that they are really planning to escape. This burden is ready!" Zhang's mother was the first to take the package hanging on Zhou Xiaoqing's arm. "Well, fortunately, I found it in time, otherwise I would really run away!"

"What else do you two have to say? How dare you hide it from me, Xiaoxuan, is that what you did to Aunt Feng? Aunt Feng's eyes swept Zhou Xiaoqing and stayed on Xiaoxuan. The feeling was like an extremely sharp blade, scratching her neck, and she was looking at you close at hand. It was cold and sad, making every pore shudder.

Xiaoxuan was silent and lowered her head. Aunt Feng couldn't take him, and then said to Zhang's mother, "Put this girl up and follow the rules of Yipin Building!" The voice is cold and cold, without a trace of emotion. Perhaps for a person like Zhou Xiaoqing, anger is superfluous.

"Aunt Feng! Why did you punish Zhou Xiaoqing? This has nothing to do with him. It's all my idea!" Xiaoxuan, who had been silent, blurted out for a moment when he heard that Zhou Xiaoqing was going to be punished by the so-called rules.

"Take him away!" Hearing Aunt Feng's order, a group of servants went forward three or twice to hold Xiaoxuan. Although he also had some tricks, he was only a teenager and could not resist a few servants who were coaxed up. Xiaoxuan was pushed out, leaving only the panicked Zhou Xiaoqing. She didn't know what Aunt Feng would do to herself. Should she be severely punished? Naturally, Aunt Feng will not have any pity for her. It's just a piece of goods. Watching Xiaoxuan leave, Zhou Xiaoqing became more helpless. She wanted to scream, but couldn't speak. This place made her afraid, and no one would care about her feelings.

Zhang's mother wiped a stool with silk, and Aunt Feng bent down. Her anger subsided a little. She raised her eyes and stared at Zhou Xiaoqing with a condescending look. "You are brave. There are still so many flowers in my first building. It seems that I have neglected management recently, don't you think so? ?" Aunt Feng said casually while fiddling the teacup, which made her want to ask for guilt.

Zhou Xiaoqing knelt on the ground and lowered her head. "Aunt Feng, I know I'm wrong, but please forgive me this time when I'm young and ignorant." As soon as she finished speaking, she didn't look up and could only lie on the ground, hoping that Aunt Feng could open the net.

"I remember I told you when I first brought you to me. Don't play tricks. Maybe you're old and your words don't work. Zhang's mother, this is the girl you disciplined. How do you think you should deal with it? Aunt Feng stood up, and a group of people standing next to her immediately moved their steps and prepared to go out with Aunt Feng.

"Yes, Aunt Feng, Mother Zhang, I teach you well and will discipline you." Zhang's mother lowered her head and looked eye-catching. Zhou Xiaoqing was so scared that she was almost paralyzed to the ground. She was afraid of death and pain all her life. Typically, she could not resist people who tortured confessions. Zhang's mother was as strong as a cow, and torturing people would definitely make life worse than death.

"Oh, my God--do you really want to do this to me?" With the departure of everyone, Zhou Xiaoqing was desperate and didn't know if she could see tomorrow's sun today.

"Mother Zhang--" before she could say begging for mercy, she was interrupted by Zhang's mother's thunderous roar. Zhang's mother sneered and forced Zhou Xiaoqing with a thick wooden stick on her wrist.



There was a terrible howl like killing pigs in the room, and the sound echoed over the whole first floor. I don't know how many people's nightmares will be caused.

I still returned to the dilapidated firewood house. It still took some effort to pick out such a shabby room in the first-class building. I didn't live in an elegant room before, but it was also a decent place. Lying on the hardwood board, Zhou Xiaoqing could only look around with her neck up. Alas, the bitter baby must not have accumulated much virtue in his previous life, otherwise why is his character so bad in this life? I haven't had a day of leisure.

Stinky Xiaoxuan, if it hadn't been for your unplanned escape, my sister and I wouldn't have come to such an end. I wouldn't have no food, no water to drink, and I was locked in this shabby place. Zhou Xiaoqing was itching with hatred and said to herself, "Who are you? If you make a mistake, you won't be punished. At most, I can only count me as a The accomplice, and he didn't run away. In addition, he has a good attitude to admit his mistakes. Why? Zhou Xiaoqing really became more and more angry, but her own people were thin.

"Xiaoqing!" The sound is very low, but it can be heard clearly. Isn't it? Is this room still haunted? Zhou Xiaoqing twisted her head in a big circle but didn't find half a figure, but the voice did come into her ears, "Who is it?" Zhou Xiaoqing responded tentatively.

"It's me, Ziyu," turned out to be Ziyu. Zhou Xiaoqing couldn't tell where the voice came from, and the door behind her was quietly opened. Now it's finally a little less scary, at least accompanied by someone.


"Shh--" Ziyu put her hand on Zhou Xiaoqing's lips and motioned her to whisper. There is also a food box in his hand. You are really bold. Why do you want to run out? Why don't you tell me? Ziyu opened the food box in her hand and complained.

Zhou Xiaoqing can't take care of a burst of pain from her buttocks at present. After feeding her stomach first, Zhou Xiaoqing can still eat vigorously under such pain. Zhou Xiaoqing is an alien. In response to the fragrant food, Zhou Xiaoqing was tempted to drool. This posture is easier to show her indecent side.

"Why do you only care about eating?" Zhou Xiaoqing couldn't bring the bowl by herself, and Ziyu worked for her.

"I said it will tie you up now..." he responded while eating.

Looking at Zhou Xiaoqing's cute appearance, Ziyu smiled, "They are all sisters. My secrets have been told to you. Your affairs, no matter how big or small, can be discussed with me."

"I know. I will definitely send you a letter next time if I have something to do. By the way, how about Xiaoxuan?"

"At this time, are you still thinking about Xiaoxuan?"

"Isn't it? I want to hear whether he has been punished, otherwise it would be unfair for me alone. Zhou Xiaoqing pouted and said disdainfully. It seemed that she still had a lot of complaints about Xiaoxuan.

"I heard that Xiaoxuan's father came back to pick him up today, but Aunt Feng didn't want Xiaoxuan to be picked up."

"Of course, he has been raised so much. Who will die for this powerful role when he returns to heaven?" Zhou Xiaoqing seems to have a lot of resentment for her boss's wife.

"You also don't want Xiaoxuan to go?"

Can't bear it? Actually, I don't know.


"I'm here today to take my son away, Aunt Feng. You must also be a reasonable person, and you won't stop him." Tie Zhentian said loudly.

"It's natural to be reasonable, but I don't know if you are a reasonable person." Aunt Feng replied slowly.

"I understand, someone--" Scarface immediately came forward and held out a box. As soon as it was opened, it was bright gold, so dazzling that people couldn't open it. This is a thousand taels of gold. I, Tie Zhentian, have also made a name over the years. These silvers are my thanks for your kindness to Xiaoxuan.

"Wow, it's so rich. It's really unattractable. It turns out that Xiaoxuan's father is still good." Everyone was whispering and whispering to each other.

But after all, Aunt Feng is a person who has seen the world. She doesn't seem to care about the wealth that ordinary people seem to dream of. She replied faintly, "You'd better put away this money first. My Aunt Feng is worthy of it. Taking care of Xiaoxuan is my promise to my dead sisters."

What do you mean by that? Do you want to open your mouth? Be careful that I lift your broken kiln!" Scarface still can't calm down as usual.

"What are you talking about? It's against you. This is under the feet of the emperor, and my Aunt Feng is not a vegetarian!" Aunt Feng is not willing to show weakness, and she has no demeanor for this rude vulgar person.

"Aunt Feng, don't be surprised," Tie Zhentian stopped the momentum of Brother Scar and apologized. After all, he is a person who is kind to raise his son. At least he should respect /

"To tell you the truth, no matter how much money you give me, Xiaoxuan, I won't let you take it away."

"You! Aunt Feng, aren't you unreasonable? Are you going to break the bloodline of our father and son? Originally, I was sorry for his mother. Now that I know that there is still my son in the world, please understand my feelings. Xiaoxuan, I will not be exclusive. As long as he goes with me, he can often come back to see you.

Aunt Feng pondered slightly, and Liu frowned slightly. For a moment, she didn't know how to deal with it. Suddenly, a crowd came from behind**. Everyone turned their heads and looked at it, but found that Xiaoxuan was caught by two big men, and there were people who were scared and trembling. It turned out that everyone's eyes were sucked by this good show. At the same time, Tie Zhentian's men grabbed the little one and forcibly tied Xiaoxuan out. It seemed that Tie Zhentian had made up his mind to take Xiaoxuan away.

"You!" Aunt Feng was furious and was very dissatisfied with the behavior of Iron Earthquake.

" Let go of me!" Xiaoxuan struggled, and his eyes did not see his son's feeling towards his father.

Directly ignored Xiaoxuan, Tie Zhentian said to Aunt Feng, "I'm sorry, Tie has no other way to think of it. If you want to sue to the government, Tie will also accompany you and go!" Under the order of Tie Zhentian, several big men who accompanied him were about to leave. The servants also looked at each other and did not dare to act rashly. They all looked at Aunt Feng, but Aunt Feng did not have the previous momentum.

The big men took Xiaoxuan and walked out of the door, leaving everyone with sighs. Some people showed regret. The good play was not seen, and some people seemed to be relieved. Fortunately, this group of seemingly fierce people did not make much trouble.

The end of the coax is always thoughtless...