civilian princess

Chapter 62 Gulan Envoy

Min Wen asked Zhou Xiaoqing to go to his study, and Zhou Xiaoqing hurried over, wondering why this time, because under normal circumstances, Prince Min Wen still regarded her as a transparent person.

"Your Majesty." Zhou Xiaoqing waited outside the door and asked gently.

"Come in." Min Wen went out and let Zhou Xiaoqing enter. I have known that you have many ideas, and I need your help with something if you come today.

Zhou Xiaoqing panicked, "Your Majesty, why are you so polite? Of course, I will follow your instructions, and I have been eating and drinking for nothing in your house, and I'm worried that I have no face to continue to continue, but as you know, I am not good at literature and martial arts, and I basically belong to the waste wood category."

"Our country is about to welcome the envoys of the Qulan Kingdom. Although everything is ready, I have been thinking about it again and always feel that there is nothing missing in this state banquet and has not achieved the effect I want. You see..." Min Wen took out a stack of paper, spread it out, pointed to the densely drawn figures on it and said, "This is the prepared pattern. Do you see anything that can be outstanding?"

Zhou Xiaoqing took over the paper and looked at it. What was written on it, what menu, banquet performance schedule, and the process of various etiquette ceremonies were formal but very rigid, which really echoed the ancient style, but for modern Zhou Xiaoqing, she had never seen any big scene. Just take something out, in ancient times It's an unprecedented innovation. Zhou Xiaoqing then thought about it, with her chin on her hand and beard. She didn't know where she learned this obscene habit. Finally, she coughed twice to express her high opinion.

"A gentleman can't but worry about the wind and the moon. Your Highness, you are out!!!"

"What's the solution?"

"If you look at these programs, you will definitely let the ambassador sleep halfway. I think you must add something special to show your unique taste..."


In the noise of gongs and drums and the sound of rites and music, the vast Gulan envoy entered the Day Kingdom. Gulan people like to wear colorful clothes. The more strange the mix-and-match style is, the more it is their favorite.

Men, women and children in Beijing came out of their doors early and came to the street to see the contradictory people who not only love to be fierce but also love to show elegance in this rumor to see how they are different from the people in their own country. All the people love to watch the strange and lively masters, and they all gathered in a long dragon to watch the feast.

"Mom, look, is that the princess of Quran? It's so beautiful. Her eyes are blue!" A child was held by her mother and shouted, pointing to an open white sedan chair in the center of the honor guard.

"Yes, yes, their men are still wearing skirts! Ha ha..." There are also good people who have found this phenomenon, and others are scrambling to drill forward to see all this up close.

The princess of Quran, who sits in the middle like a goddess, is covered with a white veil. If her beautiful face appears, a pair of beautiful big eyes stare at the crowd. Even if she can't see her raised lips, she knows that she is smiling at this moment, because those eyes can speak.

The tall horse sitting in the front is said to be the ambassador of the Quran and the youngest son of the lord of the Quran, but he is the most favored one. He really came here to discuss the truce. It seems that the sincerity of the lord of the Quran is enough.

Behind are a few huge carriages, full of the rich products of the Quran Kingdom, which are to be given to the Day Kingdom. The colorful soldiers stood aside and passed by with a serious expression, all of which made the capital an exotic atmosphere that had not happened for a long time.

In the court, the emperor was sitting and staring at everything under the stage, and the civil and military officials stood on both sides.

"The three princes and princess of Xuangulan met--" The eunuch's shrill voice sounded in the court, and immediately a group of little eunuchs introduced the hall outside the three princes and princesses of Gulan for a long time outside the court.

"See Putogan and Melisha in the Kingdom of Quran." The two bowed together, crossed their chests, and saluted with their Qulan etiquette.

"Free of courtesy." The emperor said loudly, stopped and looked at the people carefully. The man is about 20 years old, with iron arms and a bronze waist, which is extremely strong. However, he is very tall with the men in Yaori. At first glance, he is a good martial arts master with extraordinary arm strength. However, the woman beside her seems to be weak. This charm is no different from that of the woman on the day. This is good. One side nourishes two kinds of people. Their clothes are so strange. Men are skirts, and women's costumes are much more open than Sunday. Their arms and legs are exposed. If someone wears like this on Sunday, it's really invincious. However, to respect Qulan's customs and etiquette, the emperor won't say anything more. He is calm and calm, but some civil officials are there. I whispered below, and I don't know what I'm whispering about.

"Today, when you come to our country, I should do my best to be a landlord. Jingwang Minwen, I order you to be fully responsible for this matter during this period."

King Jing came forward to receive the order and replied respectfully, "Yes, your Majesty."

At this time, Mu Jie and the third prince were quite unhappy. If it hadn't been for Mu Jie's victory this time, how could there have been a personal visit from Qulan? But in order to save face, I didn't lose my courtesy in front of outsiders, and I just endured it.

"Thank you for your benevotion. I, Putogan, am on the order of the Lord of the Kingdom of Gulan to present three national treasures of Qulan to the Day, hoping that the friendship between the two countries can develop for a long time."

Immediately, someone brought a big box. Everyone wondered what was in it. A eunuch came down and opened the box. Suddenly, he screamed, and his face was as ashes. A big python with almost the same thickness as a calf rushed out of it, which almost scared the eunuch. When the people next to him still couldn't figure out the situation, the restless snake swam out of the box, which scared the civil and military officials almost lost their souls. On Sunday, this kind of thing was good and rare, but the snake did not listen to it and drilled into crowded places. The officials immediately got up and could not continue to stand there stable. This panic looked a little ridiculous to the envoys of the Quran. The emperor looked at their slightly sastical expressions and the timid embarrasment of the officials.

At this time, Yun Fan quickly came from inside and grabbed the seven inches of the snake, but after the snake was shocked, it began to wrap up Yun Fan with its body, and it was more powerful than before. The emperor was anxious and didn't react. Mu Jie also went to help with lightning. He pulled the snake's tail with his hand and wrapped his hand around the tail hard. Yun Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and then punched the snake on the head like a tiger. The snake instantly softened and hit the ground with a roar. Yun Fan looked at the snake under his feet, smiled contemptuously, and gave it back to the Qulan envoy in the same way.

The three princes of Quran couldn't help but close their mouths and praised them, "These two adults are good at work. It takes five strong men in our Quran to catch such a divine snake and admire it."

"But this is our Quran's artifact. If you kill it like this, don't you pay too much attention to our King Quran?" The woman who had never spoken opened her mouth.

"It's not dead, just let it take a break. Maybe it's unconvinced. However, your princess, if you snake accidentally bite someone to death, are you a little scheme?" Yun Fan raised his eyes and said with a smile.

"You--" Princess Qulan was speechless, but the fifth prince, that is, Yun Fan's father, was so angry that his mouth turned purple.

"Okay, it's just a false alarm. Come on, take good care of this gift." The emperor spoke, and several bodyguards rushed in and carried the snake in. It could be seen that it took a lot of effort. I really don't know how His Royal Highness Yunfan dared to fight with the snake. It seemed that the martial arts of Yunfan and Mu Jie were really good.

"Your Majesty, we were not thinking well just now. Our second gift is 3,000 good horses, which is a BMW good horse tamed by our best trainer in China. It is no problem to travel thousands of miles a day."

"Good, good. I have long heard that the horses in Gulan are the best horses. I really like this gift. The emperor laughed. I don't know, what is the third gift that the lord of your country wants to give to Sunday?

The prince of Quran bowed slightly and said, "Your Majesty, please allow me to bring it up at the appropriate time. The lord said that this is his most precious thing and must be carefully considered. If we think that this treasure is not suitable for the Day Kingdom at that time, we will still take it back."

What the envoy said is neither humble nor arrogant. Of course, the emperor will not be angry, so he has to laugh and say, "Well, let's see if there is such a fate."

Yun Fan is very disapproving below. He actually regards the cold-blooded animal as a baby. It seems that the third one will not be good. Maybe it is a chimpanzee in the mountains.

"You will be ready to pick up the wind table tonight. You'd better take a rest first." The emperor waved his hand and signaled to retreat.

"Thank you for your kindness." The envoy of Quran once again folded his hands on his chest and replied.

In a quiet and spacious place in the palace, it is really the palace used by the emperor to entertain foreign guests. The whole design is very majestic, giving people a sense of solemnity of the imperial family. This time, the Quran envoy stayed here as a palace for rest. This hall has long ordered people to clean up and down, inside and outside, and also learn the customs and habits of Quran, and decorated the special utensils that only Qulan has. Everything is to make you feel at home.

In order to take care of the overall situation at any time, Min Wen also stayed in the palace. Zhou Xiaoqing, as a special plan, also allowed her to enter the palace. Now this girl doesn't know where to hide for fun.

"So you're here--"