civilian princess

Chapter 96 Speech

"This good news should be told to the prince as soon as possible. He is still worried about it." Zhou Xiaoqing said, thinking that everyone should know this exciting news.

"You don't have to worry about your prince. The person in this imperial hospital has already told King Jing that this matter was also done with the permission of King Jing, but at present, he does not plan to report to the court to discuss this matter when the situation is more stable." Shi Lao looked at Zhou Xiaoqing with a smile, as if he had seen through her mind, and immediately broke Zhou Xiaoqing's idea.

"Well, to make a long story short, I found that I have become slanguous after being with you recently. I'll go first." Dr. Hu was very surprised by Zhou Xiaoqing's quick words. I don't know where the girl got the courage to talk to Shi Lao like this. What's more surprising is that Shi Lao, who has never been very caring, also doesn't care about these for the first time. However, it seems that neither of them are simple people who can think of human acne to solve this plague.

Zhou Xiaoqing ran out like this. It's no wonder that she has been joking about the prince's affairs like this. Isn't it embarrassing to pass it to Min Wen? Zhou Xiaoqing doesn't want to be deliberately alienated by being found to like the hero in the TV series. It's better to be friends and stay by his side until she leaves. That day.


Pushing away the crowd, Zhou Xiaoqing found that there seemed to be something particularly attractive in front of her, but in the capital, in such a situation, in addition to a large number of dead bodies and infected people, when can so many people be gathered?

"Oh, I heard that King Jing came to our city this time--" Zhou Xiaoqing heard someone say that.

"What, in this damn place, will the court still send a powerful person like King Jing? Don't talk nonsense!" Another said. Zhou Xiaoqing is also carefully listening to this conversation, at least representing the voice of the people at the bottom.

"I didn't brag. It's true. I really heard that the emperor sent King Jing here. Because this plague was so serious that the emperor couldn't trust anyone, so I heard that King Jing volunteered to invite..."

Is that right? That King Jing is really kind-hearted. Some people said in the crowd.

"No, they said that King Jing will appear later, and then they will know that King Jing didn't come again."

"I also heard that a magic doctor came. The plan proposed by a little girl solved this plague, and we don't have to suffer in the future." A white-haired old man said, "It's really a Bodhisattva's manifestation, God bless."

When Zhou Xiaoqing heard this, she unconsciously smiled at the corners of her mouth. It seems that everyone feels good about Min Wen. As the saying goes, the back of people's hearts is the key factor that determines the stability of the emperor's foundation. If you want to attract stars, you must make the people the top priority. This means that the people are the most precious.

Zhou Xiaoqing also heard that those who fled and fled came back one after knowing that the epidemic in the capital was under control. The previously idle vacant land has slowly returned to its former vitality, and Min Wen's regulation of backup materials and handling large and small things are still very measured, so everything is According to the original plan, nothing big happened.

Zhou Xiaoqing was meditating and heard the crowd begin to surge and hear someone shouting, "Your Majesty is out!!!" Then the crowd began to rush forward. In order to see Min Wen more clearly, the people behind them tiptoed and stretched their necks. Naturally, the center of gravity would not be very stable. Zhou Xiaoqing pressed the weight of several people at the same time.

"Oh, my lord, your appearance is too prescapable. Everyone looks like a superstar." Zhou Xiaoqing squeezed these words from her teeth and complained that she was really about to squeeze into a sandwich biscuit.

The crowd is still pushing, and Zhou Xiaoqing also wants to see what happened on the stage. Min Wen was followed by several court officials, as well as Dr. Hu. Mr. Shi did not appear. It was strange. Why did Dr. Hu, who was still at Shi Lao just now, run over at once? It's really fast, and I'm not too tired.

A large row of soldiers also began to circle the platform. Although it was a pro-people move, protective measures should be taken to prevent someone from taking advantage of the chaos to murder the prince.

"King of Jing! King Jing!" Some people began to cheer. Yes, look at the people on the stage. Min Wen is the most outstanding. His handsome appearance and innate royal spirit immediately attracted the attention of the crowd. Who in the country doesn't know the prestige of King Jing?

Min Wen stood on the stage and smiled when she looked at the people under the stage giving face so much. Zhou Xiaoqing would be nervous to death if she wanted to stand in front of such a large group of people. She used to stay in the school choir, even if she stood in the corner of the last row and where the lights could not reach, she would still be nervous. His legs and stomach trembled. Now Min Wen is standing on the stage and looking down with all his eyes. He is not nervous at all, but has a calm attitude. He really envies Zhou Xiaoqing. It seems that he is born to support the moon.

"Dear villagers, I was ordered by the emperor to come to the capital to survive this difficult period with you and be blessed by the monarch of the Day Kingdom. This plague has finally been controlled, thanks to the due diligence of the imperial doctors, the guidance of a girl surnamed Zhou, and you can Only enough to fight the plague can there be a turning point. I have confidence in the capital and confidence in you!!!"

Zhou Xiaoqing covered her mouth and laughed secretly. This impassioned speech was really a little modern. Zhou Xiaoqing listened to these words calmly, but the people beside her were full of tears, because they were the victims of this plague. The resentment and pain in their hearts must be unknown to others, so she was listening to it. When there is hope, they are very excited. They thank King Jing, thank the court, and thank the people who contributed to this time, so everyone listened to Min Wen explain it with tears in their eyes.

"But we can't relax. Many things still need to be solved, not only to solve this plague, but also all related matters should be properly arranged. The court will consider the dismissal of officials who participated in this incident, the abandoned farmland and the losses suffered in the capital. I have come to the court to try to give you a quarter of tax exemption..."

"King Jing is wise! ..." Then someone began to shout, and then everyone cheered. Such a measure can not only make them feel at ease, but also prepare for their future livelihood, so the people of the capital are certainly willing to hear such news.

Everyone knelt down and shouted, "Honor the Emperor!" Yes, what can I do if I forget the emperor's kindness at this time? Zhou Xiaoqing saw you and everyone knelt on the ground. In order not to attract attention, she also knelt down, but this belated move was still discovered by Min Wen on the stage.

"Your Majesty, Miss Zhou is below!" A sharp-eyed man pointed to Zhou Xiaoqing and said, yes, among a group of embarrassed people, Zhou Xiaoqing's bright face did not have any acne scars. It was indeed a foreigner at first glance, and everyone looked at Zhou Xiaoqing.

"This is the intelligent Miss Zhou." The person next to him said.

Zhou Xiaoqing lowered her head and raised it shyly. Originally, she wanted to say, no, you made a mistake, but everyone looked at her with hot and grateful eyes, and she was really embarrassed to refuse.

"Hey, it's drip~" Zhou Xiaoqing answered, and the crowd around her was boiling, and her eyes were like wolves seeing sheep. This metaphor may not be appropriate, but they are such eager eyes. In front of them is their beautiful and intelligent Zhou Xiaoqing!

Everyone, men and women, old and young, ran over and hugged Zhou Xiaoqing. They saw that Zhou Xiaoqing was about to roll her eyes and smiled and responded to these enthusiastic masses. They came to hug Zhou Xiaoqing one by one, as if they had met their relatives.


This is the end of such a vigorous ancient speech. Zhou Xiaoqing returned to the house specially prepared for everyone to discuss matters. Now many people have gathered together. King Jing, Dr. Hu, and other leaders in charge of various things are also a small meeting. Zhou Xiaoqing is in it. The only woman is still very eye-catching.

Some elderly officials came over and asked Zhou Xiaoqing about the relevant information. Where is the date of birth? Where is the family? It seems that if you want to find a daughter-in-law for your son? These old guys chatted happily with Zhou Xiaoqing. Zhou Xiaoqing is a girl. If she wants Min Wen, she should not be so reluctant. It's also strange. How can even a maid in Minwen's house be so powerful?

Zhou Xiaoqing is just wandering around inside, chatting with this adult all of a sudden, and suddenly wants to chat with another adult. She is very busy and happy. This is an opportunity to contact each adult.

At this time, Min Wen came over and coughed a few times, as if to remind Zhou Xiaoqing not to play too much. Maybe it was the reason why Zhou Xiaoqing was not disgusted with these marriage conversations.

"Your Majesty, are you here?" Zhou Xiaoqing smiled and looked at Min Wen and said.

"King Jing, the girl in your house is so smart. I don't know if there is such a smart girl. Look, we old men's sons can't grab it."

Everyone is smiling, especially Zhou Xiaoqing, who has just been held to the sky. How can she be unhappy now? But Min Wen doesn't seem to be very happy to be a Yue Lao. He looks at them coldly, which is no different from the usual harmony and closeness.

Zhou Xiaoqing was confused.