civilian princess

Chapter 127 Pain

"Ziyu, why did you leave before you enjoyed the blessing for a few days?" Zhou Xiaoqing has been crying on Gu Ziyu's coffin for a long time. Some days ago, the two were happy to meet again, but now they are leaving to life and death. Why does God play tricks on people so much?

General Wang ignored the military order from the front line and rushed for three nights, and failed to see the last face of his beloved wife. At this moment, he also stood aside powerlessly, his eyes were full of blood, and he was ten years old for a while. Looking at the coffin, it was the person he loved the most in the world. General Wang's expression was about to be dull, and the pain had swept over more than once. There was a hidden turbulent emotion that was about to break out, but he couldn't find it. Thinking that Ziyu had discussed with him what name to marry his child a month ago. Now it is the separation of yin and yang. There has been no out-of-control mood for a long time, and now it is back. If I had known this, Gu Ziyu should not have been left alone in the house.

Xu Feng also came today. He stood behind General Wang. "Brother Wang, I'm really sorry for you. I didn't take good care of Mrs. Wang... As long as you want, you can punish me."

General Wang is not in the mood to answer when he hears this. How can he be punished? People can't come back, even if they do anything.

His Highness Mu Jie stepped forward at this moment and said to General Wang, "The pain of losing his wife is really unbearable, but the general wants to say sorry." After saying that, Mu Jie and Xu Feng took a look at each other and quickly transferred the realization. General Wang had no reaction to what happened around him.

"I don't believe you will die! ...Ziyu, come out..." Zhou Xiaoqing cried and grabbed the coffin and wanted to save Gu Ziyu from it. Gu Ziyu's previous life was very hard. She finally met a person who knew how to love her. Why did she leave before she enjoyed the blessings? Gu Ziyu linger in the world so much and likes her current life so much, she will not leave, absolutely!

"Okay..." Mu Jie stepped forward and grabbed Zhou Xiaoqing. "You can't come back to life after death. I know that Princess Chuyang and Mrs. Wang are deeply in love with each other, but you still have to take care of your health."

Zhou Xiaoqing refused to leave Gu Ziyu and muttered, "It's so cold inside. I want to accompany Ziyu on a journey..."

Gu Ziyu's maid Cuizhu, that is, who met Xu Feng's little girl that day, is also looking at Gu Ziyu's coffin sadly and stunned. In fact, Gu Ziyu is still a good master. Although he doesn't deal with them much and is not come from a high background, he is not like those villains. It was very wrong. I witnessed this process with my own eyes. Because I saw that Gu Ziyu had not returned to the house for a long time, I went to the accounting room and heard a lot of noise and disputes inside, so I kept an eye and secretly observed the movement inside outside the door. But when Xu Feng secretly sent someone to arrest him and viciously warned that if he said it, he would kill her warning, so he dared not say anything.

At this time, General Wang said, "Your Highness, Lord Xu, thank you for coming today. It's getting late now. Please come back. I want to stay alone and finally accompany Yu." General Wang's voice was hoarse and a little vague.

Zhou Xiaoqing got up from the ground and said to General Wang, "General, can you let me stay? I really don't want to go back... This is the last thing I can do for Ziyu." Zhou Xiaoqing's eyes were red and swollen, and the grief in her heart was no less than General Wang. This was her best sister in this time and space. Thinking that the past was vivid in her mind, Gu Ziyu didn't like her at the beginning. At that time, Gu Ziyu was so proud, but later she shared difficulties together in the first floor and has been established. A very close relationship, what about now? How could this be?

General Wang also knew that Gu Ziyu had no friends before his death, but only Zhou Xiaoqing was a friendly person. Seeing that Zhou Xiaoqing was so sad, he nodded and agreed.

"Then let's go first. If there is anything that can help, General Wang will definitely help." Mu Jie said, and then left with Xu Feng.

When he came out, Xu Feng lowered his voice and breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortune, there is no flaw. General Wang seems to believe that Gu Ziyu accidentally slipped and died of miscarriage."

Mu Jie frowned, "It's all your brave genius who will have so many troubles. Let's go. Don't talk about it. Be careful that there are ears on the wall."


Zhou Xiaoqing and General Wang held their hearts and watched the night until dawn. During this period, both of them were silent, just looking at the house full of white couplets, and a sound that pierced their hearts sounded in their ears.

Occasionally, the wind blows, causing a sound. At this time, Zhou Xiaoqing will be particularly alert, as if Gu Ziyu has come back, but every time she will wait for the next round of hope in disappointment.

The next day, Zhou Xiaoqing was so sleepy that she lay next to her and fell asleep, covered with a quilt, but General Wang didn't know where he had gone?

Look at Gu Ziyu's coffin, which had been opened, but there was no Gu Ziyu lying in it. What happened, Zhou Xiaoqing panicked.

At this time, the maid named Cuizhu came in, "Princess, the general asked me to remind you that if you get up, go back and have a rest to avoid the cold."

Zhou Xiaoqing didn't care about these. She pulled the sleeve of the maid Cuizhu, "What happened last night? Why is the coffin open?

Cuizhu's eyes were full of sadness. "Before dawn today, General Wang went out with his wife in his arms. Everyone dared not talk more when they saw the general like this..."

Zhou Xiaoqing lowered her eyes. There must be some unfinished agreement between the two. No one can accept the sudden death. Zhou Xiaoqing, who cried for a day, felt that her eyes hurt at this moment, and she was still immersed in sadness. I'm afraid that this state of life will not change for a long time. What can you think? Will Gu Ziyu be the same as himself? He just went to another world and may have a different beginning.

Zhou Xiaoqing came out unsteadily and looked up at the sky. The spring scene a few days ago has returned to the winter depression. Is it cold in late spring?

Ziyu, will you be very cold? Will you be very unwilling? Why don't you be strong? Leave such a group of people in a daze at your angry body. Don't you care? Is that sentence true? For the past, beautiful women have been like famous generals, and they are not allowed to see white heads in the world...


"Princess, get up and eat something. If it goes on, you will collapse." Eunuch Xiaodouzi stood by the bed and spoke very carefully, worried that she would make Zhou Xiaoqing cry again if she said something wrong, because their princess was an extremely optimistic person and had never seen him cry. No matter how sad she was, she just quietly digested by herself. She had never been so out of control, but Since returning from the general's mansion, it's like losing his soul, sometimes normal and acting as usual, but suddenly he will cry loudly, and no matter how to persuade him, it won't work. Xiaodou is at a loss. The world is full of painful things. It is not easy to have a bosom friend who can accompany him on the long road of life. No one can bear such an unexpected departure.

There was a little noise outside. Xiaodouzi looked out and saw that King Jing came in, so there was a little joy on his face. Now there was a helper. Anyway, Zhou Xiaoqing listened to King Jing's words.

"King Jing, the princess hasn't drunk any water yet, just lying **, and no one can call it." Little bean said. Min Wen nodded and walked directly to Zhou Xiaoqing's side.

"Xiaoqing... If Ziyu has a spirit in heaven, you won't feel at ease. Do you want her to leave uneasy?"

As soon as Zhou Xiaoqing heard Min Wen's voice, she turned her face with undry tears on her face and said intermittently, "I really felt that I didn't know how to cherish her before. I didn't visit her often. I always thought there would be time, but now no matter what I say or do, she can't feel it. , I can't hear it. I'm so uncomfortable now. It's better to die..." Zhou Xiaoqing said aggrievedly.

"Well... I know that your heart is uncomfortable, but the dead person can't come back. She will always be in your heart, just like being around you. She will feel your heart. Don't torture yourself like this. I also feel sad when I look at it. If you go on like this, there will be something wrong, Ben Wang is in the same situation as you are now. Min Wen herself didn't know how to comfort him. Thinking of the death of his father three years ago, he didn't want to talk to anyone. He just felt that the sky seemed to have collapsed, and there was nothing worth missing for himself. He couldn't even find the meaning of living. If it's just two points of birth and death, why do people need to be Zhou Zhang has to go through the twists and turns, and the unbearable weight of life and death has exacerbated the pain of life. But after three years, I gradually understood that since I am lucky enough to walk in the world, I have to be serious, have my own responsibility, and there will be other loved ones who need to protect by myself. It also began to be relieved.

Min Wen gently patted Zhou Xiaoqing on the back and said slowly, "She will hear your voice. Sometimes if she is lucky, she will appear in your dream and talk to you and chat with you. This is also a kind of life... Miss Ziyu must want to see the strong Zhou Xiaoqing very much. It must be like this."

Zhou Xiaoqing raised her head and looked at Min Wen, "Now I understand how precious life is. It's really God's blessing to live together for a day."