Breaking the Devil

Chapter 41: Flame Python, Die!

"What? He actually wants to challenge the flame demon python! That's a status monster. No matter how powerful he is, he can't kill the flame demon python, can he?

"He is so arrogant!"

"Yes, he must be crazy, thinking that the flame demon python is as easy to deal with as the dark night blood bat king."

"Yes, even if he just killed the Night Blood Bat King, we were shocked! It also proves that he is very aggressive. However, he just relied on the benefits of Ouyang's predecessor's weapons. He has just entered the enlightenment period. No matter how strong the attack is, it is impossible to fight beyond the level.

At this moment, all the warriors felt that Zhan Feng was crazy and was carried away by the victory just won. With the cultivation of the enlightenment period, he actually wanted to challenge the status monster 'Yanyan Demon Python'. In their opinion, Zhan Feng's behavior was directly to death.

Not only were all the warriors shocked by Zhan Feng's arrogant words, but also all the monsters were shocked by his words.

The status monster corresponds to the 'over phase' strongman of the human warrior. Is it comparable to the dark night blood bat king, a mysterious monster? Although, they were also shocked by Zhan Feng's amazing shot just now. However, if they want to cross the challenge, it is no different from death.

Zhan Feng looked at the various expressions of both sides and raised a smile at the corners of his mouth.

In fact, the worries of these warriors are not unreasonable. In their opinion, the challenge of crossing the level is the act of death. These warriors usually practice in the deep mountains and old forests and rarely appear in the Red Sand City. If it weren't for the monsters to attack Hongsha City, I'm afraid nearly 80% of the warriors here would not have appeared here. Therefore, they don't know that Zhan Feng defeated the foundation period during the gas introduction period. If they knew about this, they might change their minds.

"Maybe he may really defeat the Yanyan demon python. During the gas period, he defeated Sima Tianxing on the fifth floor of Zhuyuan." I don't know which martial artist suddenly said this old thing.

"What, are you telling the truth?" As soon as this word came out, a warrior was surprised and asked.

"I have also heard of this matter. It is said that he defeated Sima Tianxing on the fifth floor of Zhuyuan on the field in front of the Demon Slayer Alliance. At that time, many martial artists saw this matter, and I don't think there will be any fake." Another warrior said.

"Yes, I saw this with my own eyes, and it will never be wrong. At that time, he only had nine layers of cultivation."


In a short time, Zhan Feng's feat of defeating the Zhuyuan period in the Qi period spread all over the warrior camp, and he was whispering about him everywhere. And they also looked at Zhan Feng with a trace of surprise.

A person who practices martial arts during the induced period is not exactly a real martial artist at all. Zhan Feng can defeat Sima Tianxing, who is on the fifth floor of Zhuyuan in the gas introduction period, which has to be said that he has the strength to challenge beyond the level.

However, there is no room for negligence in this war. After discussing the ten top strong men who broke the void period, Ouyang Changkong said to Zhan Feng, "Friend, we have decided not to let you continue to challenge after discussion."

Zhan Feng nodded calmly, and such a situation would happen as early as he expected.

This competition between warriors and monsters is taking the whole Red Sand City as a bet. Naturally, there can be no sloppyness. He has just won one game, and he has won so cleanly, enough!

At the moment when Zhan Feng was about to return the long gun to Ouyang Changkong, the disgusting voice of the fox monster sounded again and said, "Since you want to die, we have no choice but not to do it? Haha... Don't say that we monsters don't trust, this is what your people put forward first."

"If you don't let him continue to fight, you will lose this game. In ten games, you have lost three games, and in addition, this one is four games. Which way do you decide? One: Let him compare with the flame demon python, and you still have a glimmer of life. Second: You will lose this game directly.

"Despicable, shameless, taking advantage of people's danger..."

Countless curses and curses kept pouring out of the mouths of the warriors, staring at the monsters angrily, and their eyes were about to spewing fire. Among them, many people hate Zhan Feng, blame him for his great achievements and greed for making bold progress, so that monsters have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

"It's worthy of being a fox, it's really cunning! However, do you know that the last thing I like to hear is threats? Do you believe that you will accompany the mouse the next moment? Zhan Feng glanced at him coldly and said coldly.

Without waiting for the fox monster to answer, Zhan Feng said again, "However, this time I am threatened by you. There will only be one end of the flaming demon python, that is death!"

The fox monster blushed with anger and stared at Zhan Feng and looked at the listless kitten without saying a word.

Zhan Feng turned his head to a warrior and said, "Gentlemen, since this matter is caused by me, let me end it. No matter whether you win or lose, I will let the kitten stay to help you fight against the enemy. Besides, I need a good sword!"

Ouyang Changkong and other ten others looked at each other, sighed and said, "Even if you lose this game, you don't owe us anything? Winning one game and losing one game is considered to be even. This is a unique sword. I wish you a long way!"

Ouyang Changkong turned his head after saying that, as if Zhan Feng would definitely die, and he couldn't bear to see his miserable end.

Many warriors sighed, and no one believed that Zhan Feng would win. Even the martial artist who saw him defeat Sima Tianxing.

"Meow, the same as last time, I don't have a fan." Zhan Feng took the long sword and muttered.

He borrowed the long sword just in case. After all, the most powerful thing in his body is the silent sword. In addition, he is a sword cultivation, and only the sword can make him discover his greatest potential.

"Is this the best sword?" After receiving the long sword, Zhan Feng looked at it carefully and looked at it in a simple and generous shape. When Zhan Feng pulled out his long sword, there were bursts of clear sound from the sword body, as if he were spiritual. The sword body is bright and cold, like a cold spring.

"Good sword, it's about to catch up with the low-class flying sword." Zhan Feng gently stroked the snowy and cold sword body, and a cold chill came into his body from the sword body.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid that the skin would have been cut by this cold chill, but instead of no rejection in Zhanfeng, it showed a look of enjoyment.

This can make the owner of the sword itself's top strongman in the empty period, and his eyes are almost stared out. With his decades of achievements in kendo, he can't be as comfortable as Zhanfeng.

Then, he shook his head with a sigh and said, "It seems that I'm really old. I'm beginning to believe that this boy has the strength to defeat the flame monster."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Ouyang Changkong asked curiously.

"Look, that boy's swordsmanship is absolutely above me. I really don't know how he practiced it?" Chen Xiao pointed to Zhan Feng and said with a wry smile.

"What? Is his swordsmanship above you? You have been immersed in kendo for almost 80 years, haven't you? How can you compare with a child!" The other nine people looked sideways and asked in disbelief.

Chenxiao shook his head helplessly and couldn't laugh or cry. If this is said, no one will believe it, but this is the truth.

He can feel that Zhan Feng's cultivation in kendo is definitely several times higher than him.

"You know that sword was made by a generation of masters who helped me calcify the world. It has been raised by me for decades, and it is already quite spiritual at this time. Sometimes, I can't control the weak spirituality in the sword, but the boy can make it submit. The gap between me and him is not a little bit!"

At the same time, Duan Tianya also came to the city with Qin Qianxue and Zhan Yun and saw Zhan Feng standing in the center of the two camps.

"Mom, look, that's really the young master. The young master is really not dead." Zhan Yun said to Qin Qianxue happily.

"Hmm, hmm! Mother saw it, mother saw..."

Qin Qianxue looked very excited and a little incoherent.


The flame demon python swam to the central open space with fire in its eyes and glared at Zhan Feng. Where it swam, there was a trace of smoke on the ground and burned black. It also recognized Zhan Feng, that is, its weak human warrior.

"What are you staring at? Dig out your eyes again, thinking that you will be promising with big eyes? That's all you have to do. Forget it."

Zhan Feng said fiercely.

My God! Shouldn't this boy have a grudge against this status monster? When the warriors heard Zhan Feng's words, they couldn't help thinking.


A big mouth of the flame demon python's blood basin, and a blood-red burning magma ejected out and shot at the front. Wherever you pass, the air is full of hot smell.

"Meow, the monster is a monster. It's not polite at all. It's awesome!"

Zhan Feng said a dodge and dodged the extremely hot magma. Looking back, the magma sprayed on the ground * and burned a big hole. A natural furnace has been formed.

Then, Zhan Feng only felt the sound of strong wind coming from behind him. Looking back, he was suddenly scared to death. The tail of the flaming demon python dragged a blazing flame and pulled it to his back, like a meteor dragging a flame, splashing everywhere, as bright as an exploding fire.

Zhan Feng's face was cold, and the long gun in his hand was a little on the ground. His body suddenly rose into the air, and he narrowly dodged the huge tail and broke out in a cold sweat.

Following the situation, several bloody guns suddenly burst out on the tip of the gun, and the rainstorm stung the seven inches of the flame demon python.

Hit the snake seven inches! Although the flame python is a monster, its weakness has not changed.

At this time, the giant tail of the demon python swept towards him again, suddenly spreading its heart, and the long gun was unabated, like a bloody dragon biting the seven inches of the demon python. At the same time, the yuan works to protect the key points of the whole body.


The long gun was nailed to the seven inches of the demon python, and blood surged wildly, but the tail of the python also pulled Zhan Feng aside.

"Fenger! Young master!" Qin Qianxue and Zhan Yun saw that Zhan Feng had been pulled out and shouted. However, because the distance is too far, Zhan Feng can't hear it at all.

"Cough..." Zhan Feng only felt as if his whole body had been hit by a huge hammer, and his bones were scattered all over his body. A burning smell rose from him.

Take advantage of your illness and kill you!

With the continuous surging blood, the long sword brazenly came out of its sheath, and a dark and dead sword, like a dead spirit, and a space crack, cut into the seven inches of the demon python. As soon as the sword came out, all the warriors and monsters felt a cool cold wind blowing from the bottom of their hearts.

Then, the sound of nourishing continued to sound, the flame demon python struggled constantly, and the sword was like an infectious virus, spreading all over its body.

After a while, the flame in the demon python's eyes went out, and his whole body twitched a few times and stopped moving.

"Cough, meow, I finally killed it, and I'm about to fall off."

Zhan Feng spit out a mouthful of blood again and muttered.


Both monsters and warriors were severely shocked by Zhan Feng. Didn't the status monster kill like this? Even some strong people can't do it so easily, can they?

Chen Xiao looked at Zhan Feng in a daze. He was not shocked by Zhan Feng's death of monsters, but by Zhan Feng's last shocking sword.

That sword is really terrible!

They all seemed to have passed by death once.