Breaking the Devil

Chapter 140: Soul Shackles

Zhan Feng's cold and ruthless voice echoed in the hearts of Hawkeye men and others, ruthlessly destroying their psychological defenses.

A few subordinates of young people in the eagle's eyes are full of panic in their eyes looking at Zhan Feng at this moment. They never thought that this teenager in front of them who seemed to have no power to bind chickens would have such a terrible cultivation! Suppressing the thirteen of them on their own seemed to take no effort, as if they had just done a trivial thing.

The more relaxed and calm Zhan Feng is, the more frightened they are.



As the ten numbers approached the end, the eyes of a few of the young people in the eagle's eye fell on the young man in the eagle's eye.

The long-lasting power of the eagle's eyes has penetrated into the hearts of each of them. It is not possible to eliminate their fear of the young people in the eagle's eyes in a moment. Even if they are now facing the choice of life and death, they will still hesitate.

Seeing this scene, a trace of emotion flashed in the eyes of the young man in the eagle's eyes. He did not expect that none of these subordinates he had forcibly recovered in the past would immediately abandon him and consider his opinions at this moment of life and death.

However, he is also particularly angry at this moment, but more frightened and sad. Once upon a time, he would face a life-and-death choice? Since his debut, when has no one kowtowed to him and begged for mercy? At worst, even if he hits a hard nail and can't beat it, he can escape safely.

Where will there be a situation like today?

Originally, he thought that Zhan Feng was a soft persimmon, but when he thought of his side's strength, he felt that there must be no problem. Unexpectedly, Zhan Feng turned out to be a nail that could not be hard, stronger than any opponent they had ever met!

Powerful to... In the face of Zhan Feng, in the face of Zhan Feng's magnificent momentum, which made them feel suffocated, which not only did he not have a trace of resistance, but also did not even have the intention to escape! There is only one voice in his mind telling him that only by surrender can he survive, and there is only one way to escape and resist!

He knew that the voice in his mind was - intuition!


Zhan Feng spit out the last word blankly. Seeing that the old man in the eagle's eyes still did not respond at all, he frowned, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, the wrist is folded.

I only heard a crisp sound of "ka..." The martial artist who was still alive by Zhan Feng's neck was crooked and his eyes protruded, as if he had lost his breath.

" Stop, we surrender..."

When the young man in the eagle's eye heard a 'ka...', his heart was stunned and he hurriedly exclaimed. Unfortunately, he still shouted late, and the warrior is dead at this moment.

Zhan Feng's iron-blooded means fiercely shocked the eagle-eyed men and others. However, while they felt extremely afraid, they were also inspired by a trace of anger.

Although the martial artist killed by Zhan Feng is not a good stubble, after all, he has been with them for so long, and they have all experienced life and death. If there is no feelings, it is absolutely impossible!

Now that the warrior is dead, they will naturally be angry.

However, under the balance of pros and cons, my life is more important. I buried my resentment deeply in the bottom of my heart and dare not expose it, for fear that I will be the next person to die.

Zhan Feng raised his eyebrows and sneered, "Have you thought about it? Won't you go back on your word?"

At this moment, there is an anger in the heart of the young man in the eagle's eyes. What he said has always been a statement and never regrets!

And this damn boy actually doubted what he said!

If Zhan Feng's cultivation was not too high to make him tremble, he would have pulled Zhan Feng's muscles and pulled out Zhan Feng's skin to vent his anger.

But now, he is the weak. If he wants to live, he has no right to resist.

He resisted the anger in his heart and sighed slightly, "Think about it, and never regret it!" After saying this, the old man in the eagle's eyes sighed, and his whole body looked a little haggard.

"Very good! You will definitely be grateful for your decision today in the future. Zhan Feng nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, the fast imprint in his hand, and in an instant, twelve small chains with purple light were formed. As soon as the chain was formed, Zhan Feng quickly put the chain into everyone's mind.

Everyone sneered at Zhan Feng's words, but saw glowing chains flying towards them. The warriors were frightened and wanted to avoid it, but under Zhan Feng's pressure, they couldn't move at all and couldn't help roaring: "We have all surrendered, and you still won't let us go, despicable, little... What's going on? ?"

The flood chain is like water integrating into the river, without splashing a trace of waves, and quietly integrating into the souls of twelve warriors.

The young man in the eagle's eyes was both shocked and angry. After careful examination, he found nothing.

I couldn't help looking at Zhan Feng and scolding, "What does this mean? What did you do to us? Can't you trust us?"

Looking at his posture, there is a tendency to draw a knife to face each other.

Zhan Feng smiled faintly and said, "It's nothing. I really can't trust you. In order for me to completely trust you and for me to completely control you, I have to do something." Zhan Feng did not hide his thoughts, ignored the young man's face in the eagle's eyes, and continued, "However, don't worry, as long as you don't betray me, the 'soul shackles' I use will not bring you any harm, but can also help you condense your souls and help you improve your realm."

Speaking of this, Zhan Feng turned his tone and said coldly, "But if you dare to betray me!" I can kill you with just one thought!"


In the eagle's eyes, the young man opened his eyes angrily, his trembling fingers showed his front, and his whole body trembled angrily.

Although he didn't know what the 'soul shackle' was, he could feel from Zhan Feng's tone that it must be a very horrible thing. After all, it involves the soul.

"And... pay attention to the tone of your words and see who you are talking to?" Zhan Feng directly interrupted the Hawkeye man's words in a cold voice.

For those who don't believe in themselves, Zhan Feng's consistent method is that if you want to control them, you must completely control them, and you can't let them have any luck!

And 'soul shackle' is a kind of prohibition specifically for the soul. An idea can make the controlled die without burial!

Before that, Zhan Feng did not have such a formula, which was taught to him by Jie.

For a long time, the young man in the eagle's eyes took a few deep breaths, calmed his anger, and said sadly, "I know... master."

At this point, it is useless for him to resist again. He can only do his duty at ease.

Zhan Feng nodded with satisfaction, withdrew his pressure, and said lightly, "You don't have to call me master in the future. I hate these two words. Just call me the master." As for your subordinates, I won't separate them. They will still be managed by you. How to manage them is your business.

Since he was not worried that they would rebel, Zhan Feng was relieved to decentralization to them.

Blap a sweet date!

Zhan Feng is very clear about this eternal truth.


The young man and one of his subordinates in the eagle's eye were obviously stunned when they heard this title, and a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes.

Is this teenager the master of a sect? However, how come you don't look like it?! Everyone thought.

However, they quickly dispelled their doubts. They have been living in the world for decades, and they still understand the truth of their subordinates. They know what to ask and what not to ask.

Moreover, calling the door master is indeed much more comfortable than calling the master.

"Yes, master!" Everyone answered in unison.

Zhan Feng nodded and knew the concerns in their hearts. He said lightly, "I know what you are thinking. Yes, I am the owner of the 'Shenzhou Gate' - Zhan Feng!"

After saying this, Zhan Feng frowned and thought for a moment, turned his head and asked, " By the way, what are your names?"