Breaking the Devil

Last name

Talk about the ancient "surname" and "shi" - try to draw up the main derivative table of Chinese surnames. This article does not focus on introducing the detailed origin of a certain surname. Instead, analyze the difference and connection between "surname" and "family"

A friend of mine encountered a question during the Chinese exam: "Qu Yuan's surname __". She filled in "Qu" and made a wrong judgment, which attracted the teacher's scolding.

Can't Qu Yuan be surnamed Qu? So, what should his surname be?

Please read this article. All original)

The focus of this article is not to introduce the detailed origin of a certain surname. Instead, it focuses on analyzing the difference and connection between "surname" and "shi".

About the ancient boundaries of Chinese "surname" and "shi" learning_the latest to spring and autumn. That is to say, "surname" is the symbol of slave society.

So the "ancient" time limit of this article is before spring and autumn. Warring States is not included in this article.

The origin of "surname" and "shi"

A tribe is a "surname". However, due to the population, the original tribes have separated several new tribes. In order to distinguish themselves from each other to express their specificity, these tribes have a separate code name shared by their own tribes. This is the "shi". Of course, some small tribes did not do so, but still use the surname of the old tribe. Some tribes use their old surnames while having their own "shi". These small tribes later divided more small tribes, and they determined clans for themselves, so that there were more and more clans, even far exceeding the size of the original surname.

With the increasing number of "shi", it makes up for the scarcity of early "surnames". Gradually, during the Eastern Zhou period, there was no surname. In the Warring States Period, more people called "shi" than "surnames". So at this time, "Mr" replaced the original narrow "surname" and became the new "surname", which we call the "surname" in a broad sense. In the Western Han Dynasty, the surnames were officially merged regardless of you and me.

The most basic difference between "surname" and "shi"

I. "Surname" is the product of maternal society, and "shi" is the development of paternal society.

2. In ancient times, the scope of "surname" was larger than that of "shi". If a person has a "surname" at the same time, it is generally called "surname" first, and then "shi". Their relationship is like "province" and "city". For example, where are you from? Answer "People from Wuhan City, Hubei Province", definitely can't say "People from Hubei Province, Wuhan City"

3. "The family" is more noble than the surname. In ancient times, everyone had a surname (Note 1). Because people are social social animals. Life is based on tribes. A tribe is a "surname". But "Mrs" is much more noble. Because only the nobles in the tribe will think of the uniqueness of their own small tribe, so as to create a new clan system that marks their own. Therefore, "surname" is the symbol of the public; "shi" is the badge of the aristocracy.

Four, "Surname" is the main branch of a family, and "Shi" is a branch of the family. Later in this article, we will take a "surname" as the main branch to learn how some famous main branch "surnames" develop the component branch.

Examples of famous "surname"

So, today's "surnames" were "surnames" in ancient times, and which ones were "shi"?

As mentioned above, "surname" is a product of matrilineal society, so now there are "female" next to "surname" in the ancient narrow sense of "surname"

Yao, Yan, Ji, Jiang, Yu, Ying, and some other, such as Feng, Gongsun, Yi, Yin, Qi, Zi, Mi, Yan...

Those who take animal names, plants by surnames, or by feudal countries, fiefs, officials, titles, or ancestors as surnames, are all "shi" in the narrow sense of ancient times

Ma, Niu, Li, Yang, and Zhao, Zhou, Wu, Tang, Hu, Zhuang......

Feng: This can be said to be the earliest first surname in China. The surname of Nuwa and Fuxi. Jin Huangfu Mi's "Emperor Century" said: "Taihao Emperor sacrificed his family, and his surname is Feng. In the world of the Sui people, there are giants from Lei Ze. Hua Xu followed it with his feet. He was pregnant and gave birth to Fuxi in Chengji." Therefore, Fuxi's "wind surname" and "sashimi". Later, "Fu's", "Ba's", "Hang's", "Bai's" and "Dongfang's"

Jiang: China's second surname. The surname of Emperor Yan. Emperor Yan's surname is Jiang, Shennong. Later, the "Lv family" was derived and the State of Qi was established. Another one was sealed in the State of Ji, which derived the "Ji clan". In addition, the important clans derived from the "Jiang surname" include "Xu", "Cui", "Lei", "Yi", "Zhang", "Fang", "Wen", "Shen", "Lu", "Chai", "Qing", "He" and so on.

Gongsun: China's third surname. The surname of the Yellow Emperor. According to Suoyin, the Yellow Emperor was originally the son of the Xiong Kingdom, so he was named Xiong. Xuanyuan was his name. Because he lived in the hill of Xuanyuan, he thought it was his name. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor, "Kongsun surname", "Xiong family", and "Xuanyuan family". As for the Yellow Emperor's surname Ji, this was forced to settle down after the Zhou Dynasty seized the world. ( Note 2) How many clans are derived from the "Gongsun surname"? No one can tell. Sima Qian pulled all the legendary tribal leaders operating in the Yellow River Basin on the direct descendants of the Yellow Emperor - obviously extremely far-fetched. In fact, we take those famous tribal leaders as the source of the main branch and then subdivide them.

Lu: Zhu Rong's surname. Zhu Rong's son's name is Lu Zhong. The descendants of Lu Zhong have derived the famous eight surnames of Zhu Rong: Ji, Dong, Peng, Tu, Yu, Cao, Yu and Mi. Others have also derived many clans. For example, "Wu", "Yan", "Su", "Tong", "Cen", "Qian", "Zi", "Gu", "Wen" and "Sima". After Zhu Rong, Lu and Zhu Rong are the largest branches of surnames in the southeast and south of China.

Yi Qi: Yao's surname. According to today's standards, this person should be called "Yi Qi Fangxun". The first two words are surnames, and the last two words are names. Yao is just a post-death nickname. Later, the surname "Yi Qi" was simplified to the three surnames of "Yi" and "Yin". And the "shi" evolved from Yao is more later, such as "Tang" - it is said that the country established by Yao, the country name is "Tang", historically known as "Tang Yao"; "You" - the ancients often used the nickname of their ancestors as their new surname. "Rao" - ancient Yao Rao is connected with each other. Liu" - Qi's surname was given to the State of Liu, which is the most authentic origin of the Liu family. In addition, "Fusa" and other clans were derived. Therefore, Yao's descendants have three surnames: "Yi" "Qi" and "Yin", and "Tang" "Yao" Rao "Liu" and so on.

Yao: Shun's surname. Shun's name is "Yao Chonghua" and "Yu Shi". So today's surname "Yu" comes from Shun's family.

Gui: Shun has a son named Shang Jun, who lives in Guihe and gets the surname of Gui. The descendants were sealed in the State of Chen, taking the country as the clan, and the "Chen family" was derived. And the title of the concubine is Chen Hu Gong, and the title is the family, which is derived from the Hu family. Yuman had a descendant named Chen Boyan, and his descendants named him, which derived the "Yan family", which was later changed to "Yuan family". After the death of the State of Chen, the prince fled to the State of Jiang Qi and was sealed in "Tian" by the King of Jiang Qi, which derived the Tian family. Later, Tian Qi replaced Jiang Qi and derived "Qi Shi". The name of King Xiang of Qi, some people named the clan after their ancestors, which derived the "fa clan". After the fall of Qi, Xiang Yu sealed the descendants of Tian Qi as the "King of Jibei". As a result, this family simply changed their surname to Wang and derived the famous "Niangya Wang", Wang Mang, Wang Dun and Wang Xizhi - known as the first scholar in China. The prince also had a descendant Tian Shu, who was awarded the title of "Sun" and derived from "Shandong Sun", Sun Wu, Sun Quan, and even *. ( Note 3) It can be seen that after Shun, Yao and Gui were also one of the most important surnames in ancient China.

si: The surname of Dayu, the surname of the Xia tribe is this. Later, several clans were separated and became new surnames, and the most famous one is "Xia". There is also a seal in Tan, which is derived from the "Tan family". Sealed in the State of Yue, the "Yue clan" was derived. Sealed in Jiguo, "Kishi" was derived. Sealed in the State of Qi, the "Qi family" was derived. Sealed in Lou, derived from the " Lou family". The original "surname" is now less than 150 people.

yan: Gao Tao's surname. Gao Tao, together with Yao, Shun and Yu, is the "Four Saints of Ancient China". This person is called "Yan Yu" and "Gaoyang" according to today. Because he is the originator of Chinese law, law was also called "reason" in ancient times, so "lishi" was derived. His descendants passed on to Li Lizhen and changed it to "Li Shi". Gao Tao also has a descendant named Shu'an, which is derived from "Liao's".

Ying: Gao Tao has a son named "Yan Boyi", who once helped Dayu control the water and obtained the "Yang surname". The descendants of Boyi passed on to Feizi, which is the ancestor of the State of Qin, which later derived the "Qin family". Feizi has a seal in the State of Liang, which leads to the "Liang family". In addition, there are several branches of Boyi, among which a son, Ruomufeng, was sealed in the State of Xu, which derived the "Xu family". The "Huang family" was derived from the seal in the State of Huang. Sealed in the State of Jiang, the "Jiang family" is derived. The sealed in Fei country, the "Fie's" was derived. The most famous one is the founding father, whose fief is Zhao, which is derived from the "Zhao family", the ancestor of the State of Zhao. Later, Zhao derived "Ma Shi" from Zhao Kuo, the son of Mafujun. After Gao Tao, Yan and Ying surnames are the largest branch of oriental surnames in China.

The above are the oldest ancient "surnames" in China.

Next, let's talk about two equally important ancient "surnames". Although these two surnames are basically no longer seen, the "shi" derived from these two "surnames" accounts for more than 80% of today's Han surnames in China.

Zi: The surname of the deed, and the surname of the Shang tribe is this. After the establishment of the Shang Dynasty, he became a great prince. The fief of the princes was the clan, forming a new surname, so they collectively changed their surnames to new surnames, and few continued to have surnames. Even the direct descendants basically changed their surname to "Shang" or "Song" - because the royal family of the Shang Dynasty was awarded the title of Song in the Zhou Dynasty. The surname of Qizi is one of the most important surnames in ancient China, and there are too many "shi" derived from it, so I will not introduce them one by one.

Ji: The surname of Houji, the surname of the Zhou tribe is this. After the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, he was awarded the title of prince. The fief of the princes was Shi, and a new surname was formed, so they collectively changed their surname to a new surname, and few continued to be Ji. Even the direct descendants basically changed their surname to "Zhou". Hou Jiji is one of the most important surnames in ancient China. There are too many "shi" derived from this, so I will not introduce them one by one. ( Note 4)

The "shi" derived from the above two surnames is actually easy to identify. They are basically the names of the princes of the Shang or Zhou Dynasty. However, it is not the "shi" of the princes of the Shang Dynasty or Zhou Dynasty, which are all derived from these two surnames. For example, "Ying Qin, Mi Chu, Tian Qi" and so on are not.

Introduce another ancient important "surname".

Mi: Ji Lian's surname is one of the "eight surnames of Zhu Rong". This is the surname of the royal family of the State of Chu. The royal direct line derived the "Xiong family" and later the "Chu family". After the death of King Zhuang of Chu, the descendants took his postmen as the clan and derived the "Zhuang family", and the Zhuang family later derived the "Yan family" because of avoidance. Mi Xia, one son of King Wu of Chu, was sealed in the place of "Qu" and derived from the "Qu family". Jing, Zhao, Mi, Ao, Chen, Bai, Ban, Wu and Shangguan are all derived from the surname.

Everyone knows Qu Yuan's original surname, Qu Shi, but Qu Yuan was a man in the Warring States Period. In the Warring States Period, the slave society had disintegrated and began a new feudal social system. At that time, people would basically no longer call the original surname Mi. The frequency of use has gradually exceeded the position of surname, and even replaced it with a new surname, so I think that Qu Yuan should be "surnamed Qu". At least, it should not be wrong to fill in "Qu" in the language question at the beginning of this article. That is to say, before Spring and Autumn or Spring and Autumn, it is best to say what someone's surname in a narrow sense. "Surname". However, in the Warring States period, when talking about other people's surnames, they should be called "shi", or more strictly speaking, "shi" and "surnames" who are more commonly used will be called as the new broad "surname".

The surname derivative table mentioned in this article

Among them, blue is the surname and black is surname

Wind (Fuxi)┬Wind






jiang(yan di)┬jiang

├ Period


├ Cui











Gongsun (Yellow Emperor) - too many, except for the following refinements, other omissions.

Lu (Zhu Rong)┬Lu—┬Lu




















│└si ma




















├ Shangguan



Yiqi (Emperor Yao)┬Yiqi









Yao (Emperor Shun)┬Yao—┬Yao









├ method



si(da yu)┬si







yan(gao tao)┬yan—┬yan











├ fee



Zi (commercial royal family) - too many, omitted here

Ji (Zhou Royal Family) - too many, omitted here

This article comes from the Chinese author material library, original address: