broken clouds

Chapter 26 Punishing Evil

The two looked at each other and whispered, "What kind of person! Dangqitang master is here to have fun. If you are interested, go quickly. The two have become frightened birds and hurriedly knocked out the signboard of Dangqitang.

A person walked into the light, with bright black hair, which was the broken cloud.

The clouds broke the clouds and looked at the two coldly. You must have heard what I said just now. Don't play tricks. I'm just here to find Han. You should also know how many people will die with your martial arts.

The two of them stood half-hearted.

Qian Qu asked in a trembling voice, "You... killed the deputy master?"

Breaking the cloud, he took two steps forward and said coldly, "Finally, I will ask you whether to go or not. I don't care about killing two more people."

Poyun never thinks he is a good person. He will do it rudely in the face of his enemies and those who are unfavorable to his companions and will never be soft. Po Yun knows that cowardice will only increase the damage, and sometimes only use force to solve the problem.

The two men in black only felt bitter in their mouths and knew that they were by no means their opponents, but when they escaped from the battle, they would be chased and killed by Lei Yangmen, and they hesitated for a moment.

At this time, the closed door creaked open, and an angry voice came out, "Two rubbish, get out of here!"

The two men in black were relieved, wet their clothes in cold sweat, and quickly retreated aside.

A man with a messy back and a machete came out of the room with a white and thin face, his eyes were full of anger and shouted, "Who are you! Dare to be the enemy of me again!"

Breaking the cloud took out the bronze medal and shook it, and said indifferently, "Night Shadow Killer. I don't want to be the enemy of Dangqitang, but I just want to take your life.

Han provoked his anger and asked in a low voice, "Night Shadow Killer?! Did you kill Zhong Hui?!"

The broken clouds looked up at the stars in the night sky and muttered, "It's a waste for such a beautiful scenery to kill people like you..."

Han provoked angrily and laughed, "Huangkou boy! Since you are looking for death, don't blame you, Mr. Han, for being cruel!" Pull out the willow leaf machete from behind and split Huashan to break through the cloud door.

Breaking the clouds stepped on Tianlong, he turned around and dodged, reaching out his hand and the blade appeared in his hand.

"Lobby owner. I want to ask you something. If you are satisfied with the answer, I may spare your life. The broken cloud flashed back a few steps, and the blade in his hand protected his chest.

"What the hell do you want! Go to hell!" Han's machete in his hand caught up with the broken clouds.

Poyun frowned, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He muttered, "It seems that you won't answer honestly without giving you some color."

The blade in Poyun's hand stabbed three times against South Korea. Han's face changed slightly and hurriedly withdrew a few steps back.

The two looked at each other, and the two figures rushed over face to face.

The knife is shining, and the blade is smooth. The two shuttled with each other like butterflies, which was dazzling.

The two people in black who watched the battle looked at each other and felt stunned. They know Han's martial arts skills, and they can definitely be regarded as a first-class good player in the world. Unexpectedly, Poyun actually fought with Han's martial arts. If there had been a little disrespect, I guess he would have been in a different place by now.

Breaking the cloud slapped a palm, retreating two steps back, turned to Han's false finger like lightning, and floated out. He held Miao's blade with his left hand and said coldly, "Han provocation. You should understand that you can't beat me. You'd better answer me a few questions honestly.

Han's heart is extremely ashamed and angry. It seems that the two are evenly matched, but in fact, they can be seen at a glance. That's just Han's attack alone, and the cloud-breaking blade is only for defense. Han's footwork is not as exquisite as stepping on the sky dragon step. Just now, breaking the clouds can be divided into victory and defeat with one finger, but it's just that Poyun's hand shows mercy.

Han Duo took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "What do you want to ask?"

The two people in black next to

couldn't help but be puzzled. Just now, Han's sastrition was still full of momentum. Why did he listen to Po Yun's words after such a while?

How did they know that Han's regretful intestines were blue. I thought it was no problem for my martial arts to meet the enemy, but I didn't expect that the martial arts of breaking clouds were so sharp. If I had known this, it would have been better to ambush more men if I didn't come out of the hall. Now that I see that I am defeated by breaking the clouds, it is better to be soft than to lose my life. I can't take care of face.

Poyun smiled in his heart and whispered, "Do you dare to ask when the master of Hall Han did it?"

Han Dao's face was calm and whispered, "After the establishment of Dangqi Hall, he became the master of the hall."

"I didn't lie." Po Yun thought in his heart, and his face remained unchanged. "I don't know what the hall master did before he came to be a Dangqi hall master."

"I used to work in the General Hall of Lei Yangmen."

Poyun's heart moved and said in a low voice, "Do you know how Lei Yangmen rose and prospered?"

Han was stunned and replied truthfully, "The Leichen Gate is developed rapidly with the assistance of the Water Hidden Gate, which is well known to the people in the world."

Breaking the cloud whispered, "What is the appearance of the owner of Lei Yangmen? How old are you? Who is your last name?"

Han said for a moment, "I really haven't seen the appearance of the doorkeeper. Every time I meet the doorman, he is masked. According to his age, his hair is black and white, and he is already middle-aged. As for the name, I just heard that the last name is He, so I don't know the name.

The heart of the broken cloud jumped fiercely. The man in black who washed the moon gate with blood was middle-aged, and Poyun will never forget to kill him and the middle-aged man with a mole under his face.

Breaking clouds took a deep breath and said slowly word by word, "Tell me whether the ashe annihilation of the Qingyue Gate was related to the thunder gate!"

Han's eyes contracted and his face changed greatly, and he blurted out, "Are you from Qingyuemen?"

Poyun's eyes were cold and he said coldly, "I'm asking you!"

Han's face changed and said in a low voice, "I know. Wait for me." He turned around and shouted at the two men in black, "Come here."

Two people in black listened to the conversation between Po Yun and Han Duo, and suddenly listened to Han Duo's greeting and ran over quickly.

As soon as the two men in black arrived in front of Han Dou and had not opened their mouth, Han Dou suddenly patted the two men in black on the chest!

Two men in black snorted and flew far away and fell to the ground like a broken wooden yuan. The seven orifices under the chest collapsed and bled, and he twitched and never moved again.

Han's provocation turned his head into the room with a gloomy face, and his broken cloud eyes flashed and ignored Han's provocation. Because Poyun knew that Han's sas will never escape, the battle just now had detered Han's sas.

A dull woman screamed in the room, and the flashing light went out, and Han walked out with a blue face.

Han said in a low voice, "Whether you are from Qingyue Gate or not, I think you are also involved in Qingyue Gate. Since I'm not as good as others, I won't ask more questions, but what I want to say can only be heard by you.

Han took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "As early as the beginning of the rise of Leixiamen, the doorkeeper issued an order. As long as there is a person who sees or inquires about Qingyuemen, he will kill him directly!" Although we all guess that the Leis Gate and the Qingyue Gate will not be able to escape, who will think so much about the high position of Leis Gate and enjoying the glory and wealth. The most important thing is that the master's martial arts are unfathomable. In front of him, I feel that I can't even beat his three moves.

Breaking clouds's eyes contracted. Although he had the upper hand when he had just fought with Han, he was afraid that it would be within 50 moves to win. The owner of Lei Yangmen can win three moves, which is much better than breaking the clouds.

Han Dao continued, "Although the martial arts of the masters of each branch are not low, the highest martial arts also think that they can't go through ten moves."

Breaking the cloud said in a low voice, "Why did he deal with anyone related to Qingyue Gate?"

Han Duo shook his head, "This doorkeeper didn't say anything. The master's martial arts skills are profound, and he doesn't say who dares to ask. He said with a wry smile, "That's why today's words can't be heard by a third person. If the door owner hears the news, I will definitely die!"

Breaking the cloud, he muttered, "Where is he usually, what preferences do he have, and what relatives he has."

Han said, "The doorkeeper shocked Longshan inside the door with nothing to do. He has a son about 18 years old, but I don't know his preference."

Poyun nodded slightly and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Master Han, for telling the truth..." He said in a low voice, "However, Master Han used to oppress the people, and bullying women is really a heinous crime! Although I will spare your life today, martial arts must be abolished! As an example!"

Han was shocked when he heard the words and turned around to retreat. But the clouds were like ghosts, reaching out to Han's chest several times.

Han Yu only felt that he was warm and lazy, and silently transported his internal strength. Dantian had no energy, and his martial arts skills were actually abolished.

Han's face was full of cold sweat, took a vicious look at the clouds, and said feebly, "Today, Han's approval has been recognized. Thank you for not killing, but I want to ask for your name, so that I can burn incense and pray in the future to thank you for not killing.

Han's provoctive words were cold, and the vicious meaning in his eyes was unconcealed. You should know that martial arts practitioners regard martial arts as life. How can a martial arts man suddenly become powerless and not be resentful?

Poyun said casually, "My name is Poyun, and you don't need to know what your last name is. Today, I will take your life around. I hope you will get lost and become a newcomer again. If he commits another crime, let me know that he will take your life!"

Han's provocation only felt a flower in front of his eyes, broke through the clouds, and his figure disappeared.

Han Duo suddenly felt weak and sat on the ground paralyzed. Thinking that he was still a popular figure in Fengzhou just now, he turned out to become a useless person without a chicken. Han's provocation couldn't help but be sad from his heart, burst into tears, and reluctantly stood up and walked away slowly...

The night became calm again, leaving only two corpses and lanterns that were crumbling with the wind, and the earth was a strange and horrible color.

A figure floated in the courtyard like fallen leaves, and his black clothes stood motionless like a gun, as if he could not see the bloody scene.

The man in black turned his head and looked in the direction where the broken clouds disappeared, and the faint light reflected Chen Jing on his face.

Chen Jing frowned and muttered in a low voice, "I didn't expect that Brother Yun was from Qingyuemen. The doorkeeper of Lei Shangmen is not easy to mess with, and this matter is quite troublesome. It seems that you should remind Brother Yun not to mess around..."

The body rotated and Chen Jing disappeared in the courtyard.

The courtyard returned to the tranquility of the night, as if nothing had happened...