broken clouds

Chapter 102 Woman

Poyun found a big cat who thought it was a spirit tiger and wanted to lure it down and catch it with a roast rabbit. Unexpectedly, the big cat was spiritual. Instead of being fooled, it bit the roast rabbit and ran away.

The broken clouds chased slowly to a stone house deep in the swamp and found that the big cat was actually raised by a woman.

"You little greedy cat." The woman gently scolded, "Stealed all other people's things into the house." He said it was blame, his voice was gentle, and there was no reproach on his face.

The big cat listened to the woman's rebuke, roared aggrievedly and lowered his head and ate.

Poyun smiled, turned around and sat opposite the woman, and said respectfully, "In the stone rain, please forgive me for visiting late at night. On the contrary, the girl, this big cat, is really adorable. I don't know if it's a girl's thing, so I abrupt the girl and ask the girl to forgive me. With sincerity in his eyes, there is no fancy at all.

"You call me a girl?" The woman asked with a soft smile, "Can't you see my dress? Why do you still call me a girl?"

The cloud broke and smiled and said, "The girl's voice is beautiful, and she can't help screaming. Is there anything wrong?"

The woman looked very happy and shook her head with a smile and said, "No. How did Mr. Shi get here? This is not a place where ordinary people can go. There is a deep meaning in the wonderful eyes of looking at the broken clouds.

The cloud broke the cloud and said with a wry smile, "To be honest. I'm here to find a spirit beast. Otherwise, I really wouldn't have come here." He secretly said that this place is desolate and remote, and there are so many things to do. How can I be in the mood to come here for a walk?

The woman raised her eyebrows and asked, "I don't know what the prince is looking for?"

"Shi Yu is going to ask the girl." Poyun's face turned whole, "Do you dare to ask the girl if she knows that there is a spirit beast called the spirit tiger?"

"Clinic tiger?" The woman looked stiff and said in a low voice, "What's the use of looking for this spiritual tiger?"

The broken cloud did not find anything strange on the woman's face and sighed, "Presumably the girl must have seen my ugly appearance. A famous doctor said that using the blood of this spirit tiger can restore my appearance, so I came thousands of miles to find this spirit beast. In fact, I have no confidence in whether I can restore my appearance.

After saying that, Po Yun sighed, and even he wondered why he spoke to the woman in such detail.

The woman nodded gently and frowned slightly thinking about something.

When Poyun saw that the woman was silent, she couldn't help but be surprised. She said the reason, but why didn't she speak? Did she have any scruples?

The woman said in a low voice, "I've heard of the spiritual tiger. No, it should be said that it is very familiar.

"What?" Po Yun said happily, "Where is this spirit beast? Please let the girl know.

The woman took a look at the broken cloud, stretched out her finger at the big cat, and said lightly, "That's it."


Poyun's eyes widened, looked at the woman with a surprised face, stretched out his finger to the big cat, and muttered, " is really a spirit tiger."

The Linghu has finished nibbling the roast rabbit, with a comfortable face, lying in a small basket and sleeping soundly.

The woman nodded and whispered, "It is the only Linghu here." He looked at the broken clouds without blinking.

The broken cloud looked embarrassed and sighed bitterly, "The spirit beast is looking for the Lord. Since the girl is the master of the Linghu, Shi Yu will naturally not be favored. I hope the girl can relax on this point.

A trace of unexpected expression flashed in the woman's eyes and looked at the broken clouds faintly.

Poyun said with a wry smile, "In this case, Shi Yu will say goodbye. It's really presumptuous to visit late at night. He said he was about to get up and leave.

The woman's eyes moved and suddenly said, "Dare to ask the prince, what's the name of the doctor who healed you?"

Breaking the clouds smiled and said, "It's a famous ghost doctor."

The woman hummed and muttered, "I knew it was him." He looked up at Poyun and said, "My surname is Jiu. It's late tonight. Come back to me tomorrow morning. He look is bleak and doesn't mean to talk again.

Poyun wanted to say no, but when he saw that the woman's desolate expression was not good enough to brush her meaning, he nodded, got up and arched his hand and said, "I'll leave first. I will visit again tomorrow." With that, he walked out the door.

The woman was stunned and didn't seem to hear the words of the broken clouds at all.

The fog in the swamp has never appeared. The clouds came out of the house and found a thick tree and jumped up.

He sat cross-legged and muttered, "It's good now. I didn't catch the Linghu, and I put my fragrant roast rabbit in. It's really a chicken that can't eat rice. It would have been better if I had known that I had eaten more. He sighed, "Take a break and see who the woman is tomorrow." With that, he looked at his nose and nose and heart, and sat down.

The morning came so fast.

The broken cloud felt that he had not meditated for long, so he heard the birds begin to sing and opened his eyes and saw a ray of sunshine shining on the tree.

Poyun stood up and nodded with satisfaction. He felt that the meditation this night had restored his physical strength in the past few days. The only shortcoming is that there is still some emptyness in the abdomen. Touching the squint stomach and looking up at the stone house in the swamp, the cloud couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

The broken cloud sighed and walked around the neighborhood. Unexpectedly, he was lucky and hit another hare.

After a while, the seductive aroma spread out in the air again.

The broken cloud pulled off a piece of rabbit meat, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it thinly. Involuntarily, he thought of the mysterious woman in the stone house.

A lonely city-like forest in the desert, an extraordinary dragon, a cunning and psychic beast, and a woman living alone in a mysterious swamp.

Breaking the cloud with a wry smile, if you let yourself think about it, it won't have anything to do with breaking your head, but it's twisted together.

Suddenly, I felt that my eyes were staring at me, and I couldn't help looking up.

The Linghu was lying on a big tree next to him, staring at the broken clouds with wide eyes.

To be precise, it should be looking at the roast rabbit in the hand of the broken cloud.

Breaking the clouds and laughing dumbly, this guy is too greedy.

Looking at Zuan Linghu's expectant face, Po Yun really couldn't help shaking his head and tearing off half of what he ate and threw it away. The rest of this half was given to the woman. Looking at the appearance of the Linghu, she usually hasn't eaten such food for a long time, and the woman is afraid it's the same.

The Linghu bit the roasted rabbit thrown over and looked at the broken clouds with big eyes. Suddenly, there was a grunt in his throat and he turned his head and ran away.

Breaking the cloud with a wry smile, is this a grunt thank you? Shake his head and walk slowly to the stone house.

The small door of the stone house is open, the sun shines in, and the room is very bright.

Breaking the cloud knocked on the door and looked in.

The masked woman is still the same as yesterday, sitting at the stone table, as if she had been waiting for this moment all night. Seeing Po Yun's face, he smiled and made a pose for the opposite chair.

Poyun sat down with a smile, put half of the roast rabbit on the table, pushed it to the woman, and smiled, "That half was eaten by me and the Linghu, and only this half was left. If it's not enough, I'll catch the hare again.

The woman smiled and said, "Her name is Bai Bai, a little girl. And my appetite is not that big. This half rabbit is enough for me to eat for a day. Thank you.

The broken cloud made my head confused, little girl? When I woke up, I was talking about the spirit tiger. I couldn't help smiling and said, "It turned out to be a little girl, but... a greedy little girl."

The woman smiled and said, "Not bad. Bai Bai is too greedy."

Breaking the cloud smiled and said, "I'm here to say goodbye to the girl. I'm leaving here."

The woman stared at the broken clouds and said slowly, "You are very upright. Few people can see people who are unmoved. His face suddenly turned whole, "However, I can tell you one thing, that is, white will never help you restore your appearance."

"Ah?!" The cloud was stunned and blurted out, "Why?"

"It's because the ghost doctor told you." The woman said lightly, "That old guy didn't let you come here just because he restored your appearance."

Po Yun looked puzzled and confused.

Old guy? Ghost-handed doctor? What is this and what is this?

The woman said, "Did that old guy let you go back alive for nothing?"

Breaking the cloud wood nodded, and suddenly understood something in his heart, which was a little vague for a moment.

"Hmm." The woman snorted, "That old guy is still so cunning." Seeing through Yun's confused face, he said lightly, "My surname is Jiu, and I'm a very old friend of him."

Breaking clouds open his eyes wide, is he an old friend of the old man with the ghost-handed magic doctor? Isn't the woman in front of her not young?

The woman seemed to see through the idea of breaking the clouds and smiled, "Actually, I'm old, so I'm very happy to see you call me a girl."

The broken cloud was stunned there.

This old man is lying here?! The Linghu has no effect on restoring its appearance?! And the woman in front of her is already old?!

Poyun smiled bitterly in his heart, which one is true and which one is false.

The woman glanced at the cloud and said, "If you don't believe it, you can only say that you have been cheated too deeply by the old man with the ghost hand. The Linghu is a strange beast, but it is by no means the strange beast he said.

Breaking the cloud blurted out, "What's special about the Linghu?" I don't think it's appropriate to export. The Linghu is someone else's thing. Isn't it just to ask the secret of other people's things?

The woman didn't mind and looked comfortable, "The greatest spirituality of the tiger is that people can communicate with animals through some means."

The broken cloud's eyes contracted, and his heart shook fiercely. Communicate with animals?!

"Of course, this is not an easy thing." The woman said lightly, "I also escaped the pursuit of Sharon through the blessing of white."

"Salon?" The broken cloud blinked, "Is it the dragon in the lake?" Poyun had a deep fear for the dragon, and he was afraid when he thought about it.

"Not bad." The woman obviously had a bad impression of Sharon and frowned slightly, "Sharon is the most ferocious and brutal of foreign beasts. Its huge body is said to be several miles long. Then he said lightly, "Of course, this is just a legend. I haven't seen Sharon's whole body.

Breaking the cloud nodded, if it was several miles long, wouldn't it say that the lake it hid was a bottomless hole? Although the legend is exaggerated, it is still deadly. Compared with it, the python is simply a small earthworm.

Po Yun suddenly asked, "Why did Elder Jiu tell me these things?"