broken clouds

Chapter 143 Xuanwu

According to the well-known reminder, the clouds came to the mountain village at the foot of Hongyu Mountain for a short rest.

As soon as I entered the village, I found that I was fooled. There were only about 20 residents in the village. There was no such place as an inn. Fortunately, the honest folk customs in the village gave Poyun a place to settle down. By the way, I also heard some news about Xuanwu Palace and Hongxuan Mountain.

The first feeling after listening to the legend of Hongyu Mountain's name is that this mountain is very dangerous. No matter how exaggerated the legend is, the mountain is definitely a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. He sighs that lonely predecessors will really find a place for their own palace.

Breaking clouds only brought a little dry food and drinking water from the old man's home. Whether it is useful or not, leave all the money on your body to the old man. After everything was ready, the farewell of the old man entered the deeper mountains and forests of Hongyu Mountain in the direction indicated by the old man.

After walking in the forest for a day, I found that people knew why they should rest in a small village at the foot of the mountain.

The terrain of this forest around Hongshan Mountain is getting higher and higher, and in addition to the giant trees, it lacks the most important drinking water. The whole forest seems to have a small lake in the small village, but there is no water source in the forest.

The sound of waves hitting the mountain wall came from my ears, but I couldn't see any water. The clouds can't help but wonder where the animals here go to drink water. Fortunately, the broken clouds were so strong that they ran through the forest for a while and finally reached the slope where the robbers were rumored to repel.

At this time, there was nothing like a road in the forest, completely covering the big canopy and ferocious semi-buried loess boulders. Looking at the slope in front of him, he couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Ordinary people may not be able to go up.

It is said to be a slope, which means that except for one direction in front of us, the other three directions have been connected to the ocean. Not to mention that you can't swim through the sea, even if you swim over, the other three sides are the same as the mirror. Those who can't keep their hands can't go up at all, and the rest of this front side is no different from the vertical peak.

At the beginning, some trees grew crookedly, and there were no trees growing at a few feet above. Occasionally, a weed swaying with the wind between the mountains and rocks, and higher peaks poured into the clouds.

Don't mention climbing up, just looking at it makes people scared and dizzy.

The broken cloud smiled bitterly and rushed to the top of the mountain.

At first, it was smooth, but later it was simply rock climbing on a vertical mirror. Occasionally, the protruding rocks have also been seriously weathered, and if you don't pay attention, you will fall down.

While breaking the cloud, he sighed that he didn't have any real skills. It was really difficult to go up.

Breaking clouds can still be regarded as some skills.

So it didn't take long for the broken clouds to jump to the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is a vast flat stone screen, as if the peak above has been cut off with a sword, leaving only the flat rock now, and in the middle of the empty field, a dilapidated ruins sob in the wind.

Breaking the cloud is puzzled. It can't be that the lonely predecessor has such a skill and cut down the mountain directly. I secretly felt that although the mountain was dangerous, the mountain was much shorter than the Rihua Mountain in the White Tiger Palace.

The empty field on the top of the mountain is very large, several miles in size.

The wind is strong at the top of the mountain.

Because it is close to the sea, there is a strong smell of sea in the wind.

However, there is a refreshing feeling in the nose. The sound of waves hitting the shore kept coming, as if it were in my ears. Looking at the scene of the sea and sky, the clouds secretly sighed that the terrain is dangerous, but the scenery is really refreshing.

Breaking the clouds slowly walked towards the ruins, and a small piece of dirt blew in the wind. Po Yun raised his hand to cover his eyes and couldn't help sighing that the Xuanwu Palace was really dilapidated and could not stand the test of the years.

The ruins occupy a large area and leave little space outside the ruins.

When the broken clouds came to the front, the highest wall of the palace now is not more than one person high, and almost all of them have collapsed. Looking at the collapsed eaves, carved dragon and jade pillars, and horizontal stone stools and stone chairs under the ruins, all of them are exquisitely made of noble materials, and sighed that the former Xuanwu Palace must be very luxurious.

But from the perspective of the collapse of the palace, it must not be caused by the natural wind and sun. Is it possible that later people found that there was nothing here and deliberately destroyed it in anger? Po Yun couldn't help laughing bitterly in his heart. It was hard to imagine that the excited people would not do anything extreme when they saw such a scene.

The place closest to the cliff of Xuanwu Palace is where there are many rolling wood thunderstones and horses. It seems that the lonely predecessors also took advantage of the dangerous terrain of Hongyu Mountain to consolidate the defense of many Xuanwu Palace, but no matter how strong the city is, it can't help the years and man-made destruction.

Breaking clouds walked slowly in the rubble, looking at the faint garden, the barren lawn, and the dry fountain, everything lost its vitality, as if it had been baptized by the end of the world.

Breaking clouds constantly regretted that such a luxurious palace as a lonely predecessor turned into the current ruins, and all the valuable things were swept away by people.


A half-stele caused the curiosity of breaking clouds.

The stone tablet is located in a small empty field at the back of the Xuanwu Palace. A weapon rack collapsed in front of the empty field, but the weapons have disappeared. It must have been swept away. Now only this useless weapon rack is left here.

It seems that this is a place where lonely seniors have nothing to practice.

The stone tablet is dark and made of deep-sea rock. It is three feet wide and more than two feet thick, which is extremely heavy. It is covered with knock marks, and the highest place has been interrupted. I don't know how high it used to be. The edge of the stone tablet is engraved with the pattern of dragon flying and phoenix dancing. Judging from the vivid appearance, it must not be engraved by ordinary craftsmen.

The dust on the stone tablet is very thick. It seems that it has been a very, very long time since the last trace was left on the stone tablet. Judging from the vertical ruins on the ground, there are not many shortages on the stone tablets, but the covered parts on some stone tablets. It seems that this heavy stone still plays the role of some protective stone tablets.

One side of the stone tablet is engraved with a pattern, and the other side is something that attracts broken clouds.

A few lines of dragons and phoenix dance!

"White tiger with two wings,

Xuanwu is very guarded.

The hidden trace of the rosefinch,

Qinglong Zun went to sea.

The last two big characters of dragon flying and phoenix dance.


The handwriting is round and straight, and the eyes are bright when the clouds are broken.

If the pattern is engraved by a famous artist, the handwriting must be written casually with fingers. This handwriting... This is the handwriting written by the lonely senior himself! It turns out that the senior's real name is Loneliness, and the name of the Lonely Senior must have come from here. Looking at this handwriting, the dragon flying and phoenix dance is extraordinary, and I can't help but be more fascinated by the lonely predecessors.

White tiger, Xuanwu, rosefinch, green dragon.

Isn't it the four palaces of lonely predecessors?

Excitement flashed in the eyes of the broken clouds. Will there be the only lonely palace that I have never been to in these words, the whereabouts of the Qinglong Palace!

"White tiger with wings."

The white tiger... inserts its wings... It breaks the clouds and frowns and thinks. What does it mean that the white tiger inserts its wings? A white tiger with wings? Is that still a white tiger? What exactly does it mean?

Plug your wings... The broken clouds and your eyes lit up. Do you mean the location of the White Tiger Palace? Thinking that the White Tiger Palace was built on the top of Rihua Mountain, Rihua Mountain is indeed unattainable, but it is not too much to describe it as inserting wings.

The broken clouds can't help but be overjoyed. It seems that it may be the location of the White Tiger Palace, in a place where it is difficult to fly!

If this is the case, then "Xuanwu is well guarded" and guarded... The terrain is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack?! The broken cloud was excited, and the secret road must be this. Hongyu Mountain, where the Xuanwu Palace is built, is definitely a very dangerous terrain, which must mean that Xuanwu is very guarded!

Then the "dark trace of the rosefinch" means that the rosefinch palace is hidden in the dark, and in fact, the rosefinch palace is indeed very hidden, completely hidden underground. The broken cloud's eyes burst into a hot light, and the last sentence is the location of the Green Dragon Palace!

"Qinglong Zun went to sea!"

The broken clouds couldn't help frowning. The location of Xuanwu Palace is near the sea. If the Qinglong Palace is also here, it is really unlikely. Up to now, the Rosefinch Palace, the White Tiger Palace and the Xuanwu Palace here are not very close at all.

Of course, it can't be said that the Qinglong Palace cannot be near Xuanwu Palace, at least this probability is very small.

The cloud-breaking eyes contract. If it is not here, then there is only one place near the sea!

South China Sea!

The South China Sea was once crowded due to the production of sinking iron in the South China Sea, and the towns near the South China Sea were very prosperous. However, after the sinking iron in the South China Sea became less and less and more difficult to pick, the crowd gradually decreased.

At this time, except for a few slightly larger towns in the South China Sea, the small towns have been abandoned and uninhabited.

If the Qinglong Palace is built in the South China Sea, it must be far away from several large towns, and it is not a densely populated place now. The broken clouds' eyes are shining. Maybe the Qinglong Palace of the lonely predecessor is indeed near the South China Sea!

In the Rosefinch Palace, breaking clouds can realize from the message of the lonely predecessors that the Green Dragon Palace is definitely the largest palace of the lonely predecessors, that is, the so-called nest. ( At this time, the broken cloud has made me excited and confused, and I don't care about the wording.)

From the words of the lonely predecessors, Qinglong Palace seems to be the gathering place of all the most precious treasures of the lonely predecessors, so of course there will be no shortage of martial arts secrets! This secret treasure of a lonely senior who is said to be tens of thousands of points stronger than Longqi tu, you have to find it all!

The joy in Poyun's heart can't be expressed in words. If you can really find the Qinglong Palace of the lonely predecessor, then the martial arts left by the lonely predecessor must help you get your great hatred.

Although Poyun feels a little inappropriate about taking revenge with the help of the martial arts of his lonely predecessors, the strong enemy he faces is really not the only one who can compete with, and there is nothing he can do.

Especially when Poyun learned that the lonely predecessor may have something to do with Qingyuemen, Poyun was more curious about the lonely predecessors and yearned for the martial arts of the lonely predecessors.

At this time, when I learned the news of the lonely predecessor Qinglong Palace, it was simply the end of this unlucky day for Poyun!