broken clouds

Chapter 147 Misunderstanding 2

The broken cloud was misunderstood by pity, and it was not easy to explain it clearly.

I don't know whether Lianjing is worried about breaking the clouds, or Lianjing is in a good mood. He wants to walk with the broken clouds, saying that he wants to help the clouds understand the highest level of clearing the secret of mind.

Lianjing's face was full of a big loss and sighed, "Who can be to blame? It's just that my heart is too soft and my heart is too good. He stared at the broken cloud and said with bad intentions, "What are you looking at! Do you have any other opinions?!"

Poyun heard that Lianjing said that he was going to be with his colleagues. Then he couldn't help smiling bitterly when he saw the disbelief written on Lianjing's face. It was obvious that he wanted to spy on himself. It seemed that Lianjing was still worried about herself.

Although it is very pleasant to go on the road with Lianjing, Lianjing's motivation is impure, which makes the taste of simple peers change a lot.

Don't let Lianjing follow him, but I'm afraid that Lianjing will turn his face immediately. It's really hard to kill your tenderness in your heart. But the arrow was on the string and had to shoot. Poyun smiled strongly, "How can I have an opinion? I'm too happy. I said why Jinger took back the handkerchief. It turned out that it was the same as the handkerchief, and it was often close to me.

Lian Jing's pretty face turned red, and Feng's eyes stared and said, "What's next to you? Oily tongue! What do you think I am! Plaster?"

Breaking the clouds and fluttering happily, he lowered his head and pretended not to hear it, but muttered, "I didn't say... This is what you said..."

Lianjing stared and wanted to be angry, but suddenly her face changed and became complacent. She said leisurely, "Do you want me to be angry so that I can leave you? Humph! I can't be fooled by you! I won't be angry, I won't be angry!"

Poyun couldn't help laughing when he looked at Lianjing's almost scoundrel and shook his head. There was nothing he could do about Lianjing.

In this way, Poyun and Lianjing walked together again. However, this time, the peer is no longer a simple peer, but more of a pitiful monitoring...

Dark room.

The dark shadow looked mysterious under the reflection of the candlelight, and even made He Bozi on the opposite doubt whether he had really been born and killed with this person.

He Bozi sighed secretly and said respectfully, "Brother, shall we take down the boy Poyun first? It is said that he has just appeared from Hongxun Mountain."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the shadow, and cold words came, "I said that I have my own moderation, you don't have to worry about it!" Don't let you touch that boy!"

He Bozi suddenly felt a surge of anger and couldn't help resisting, "Brother! Aren't you afraid that the weeds can't be cut off by the spring breeze?!"

Breaking clouds has made the thunder gate of one of the four gates collapsed. He Bozi has been the boss for many years, but now he can only shrink in Zhenlong Mountain. How can this not make him hate breaking clouds to the bone?

Of course, at this time, He Bozi will not remember the pain he brought to the clouds, and the clouds will come to him. Without the pain of destroying the Qingyue Gate at the beginning, how could Poyun hate the Leimen so much!

The shadow was silent for a moment, and his tone slowed down and said in a low voice, "I know that I have hit you hard, but breaking clouds are still useful for us. Don't act impulsively."

After a moment of silence in the dark, the shadow said in a low voice, "Breaking clouds is related to a much bigger secret than Long Chitu!"

He Bozi was stunned and said, "Much bigger than Long Chitu? is it possible!"

The faint voice of the shadow did not fluctuate at all, saying, "According to the news of this respect, the former owner of Longqitu may have been famous for accidentally getting someone else's treasure. And the owner of the treasure he got is a peerless master called Loneliness!"

He Bozi muttered, "Lonely... alone...? Peerless...master...?!"

"Not bad." The black shadow's eyes flashed, "It is said that this lonely master is the most brilliant star in martial arts. And this person seems to have something to do with the Qingyue Gate in the past, so we should keep the broken clouds first, and we can't startle the snake!"

"Qingyue Gate?!" He Bozi seemed to only hear these words said by the shadow, "How can the peerless master who has never heard of it have anything to do with the Qingyue Gate that was annihilated ten years ago?"

The shadow unexpectedly did not scold He Bozi's rudeness, but said with a trace of yearning and helplessness, "This master is already a figure hundreds of years ago, and he may not have a lot to do with the Qingyue Gate, but at this time, there is only the boy who broke the cloud above and below the Qingyue Gate, so..." , word by word, "Don't let him notice this!"

He Bozi took a long breath, but he didn't expect that Po Yun was free from being chased because of this. With the order of the eldest brother, no matter how much you lose, you can't move to break the clouds.

Although he is unwilling, what the eldest brother can see must not be ordinary, and he will not get less benefits at that time. Although the eldest brother is vigorous and vigorous, he is good for his brothers.

In the end, He Bozi can only helplessly think that if Poyun comes to the door, he can't stretch out his neck and wait for others to kill him. At that time, don't blame me for being ruthless!

He Bozi walked out of the secret room and resumed silence in the secret room.

The shadow suddenly said coldly, "What do you think?"

A masked man quietly appeared in the dark corner of the secret room.

The masked man said in a low voice, "There should be no problem."

The shadow didn't say anything and quietly listened to the masked man.

"Now He Bozi is still obedient to the leader, and Lei Yangmen has not yet reached the last critical moment, so he will not move." The masked man added.

There was still no movement in the shadow, but the shadow's eyes flashed with praise.

The shadow asked coldly, "There can't be any mistake in this matter, you know!" The words were murderous and made people shudder.

The masked man did not respond at all and said respectfully, "Yes! I confirmed it last time. I will definitely do it well and won't let anyone interfere with our affairs!" With that, an amazing murderous intention flashed in his eyes!

Luoyan Lake, a beautiful and very large lake.

The lake is clear, and several fish and shrimp swim by from time to time.

In the distance, several cranes are leisurely swinging the water waves, and several wild ducks next to them are playing, a quiet and peaceful scene.

With its beautiful scenery, people built a huge and prosperous town next to Luoyan Lake.

Ningkun Lucheng.

Ningkunlu is dozens of miles away, and it takes almost a day to walk from the east of the city to the west of the city. There are all kinds of food, drink and fun in the city. Whether you have money or not, there are places suitable for you in the city.

Breaking Clouds and Lianjing are staying in a luxurious restaurant where rich people stay.

On the same day, Poyun and Lianjing discussed and decided to follow the original route of Poyun and go to the South China Sea to see if they could find the Qinglong Palace of the lonely predecessor. There is no doubt that the first thing to do to break the cloud is to work hard to improve your strength.

And this Ningkunlu City is the only way to go south.

Of course, Lianjing will not let go easily when he comes to such a lively and prosperous town. But the first problem is to fill your stomach first, so this most luxurious restaurant is the best choice.

This Junxi Building has six floors, each of which is exquisitely and brilliantly decorated. The top two floors are all private rooms. Of course, the price of private rooms is usually surprisingly expensive, but even so, the passenger flow of Junxi Building is surging and almost full.

Breaking cloud and Lianjing sat at an Eight Immortal table on the third floor, and Lianjing looked like they were on fire.

It's funny in Poyun's heart. There's nothing I can do about this child's temper.

Along the way, Lianjing was naughty along the way. Today, when she saw the beautiful scenery of Luoyan Lake and the extremely prosperous Ningkunlu City, Lianjing was so excited that she fainted. Poyun doubted how Lianjing was in charge of the Night Shadow Water Gate, and he deeply sympathized with the men of the Night Shadow Water Gate, who had been treated with such a stubborn temper for a long time.

At the first sight of Junxi Building, Lianjing had no intention of going anywhere else. She excitedly pulled the clouds and ran into the restaurant. Unexpectedly, she didn't even have a private room. Lianjing was furious. No matter how much Xiao Er rushed up, she found that there were not even a few seats in the guest hall, let alone a private room.

Sitting in this angry corner aggrievedly, he was so quiet that he didn't want to spend a lot of money, but he didn't expect that he didn't even have a serious seat. If I had known that I wouldn't come in, now I have no face to come in and go out again. I have to hold on and find such a small broken place.

Pity is so calm that it's almost crazy.

Poyun peeked at Lianjing. He wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh. He was even afraid that Lianjing would find that he wanted to laugh. He repeatedly persuaded Lianjing that although this is not a good place, he could just see the seats in the whole restaurant. Sometimes it was very interesting to see people talking, laughing and drinking.

Lianjing saw a bald fat man next to her who was drunk and didn't know what she was talking about, but she couldn't help smiling secretly. Suddenly, I felt that what Poyun said was also very reasonable. Lianjing was not interested in eating and drinking, and her face was full of excitement.

Breaking the clouds shook his head gently and poured a cup of good yellow wine to taste slowly.

Suddenly, a very loud voice was very harsh, and a familiar voice came from Poyun.

"Hurry up! Dead bird! Sister, look at him! You must want to get rid of you and me, so that you can fool around by yourself!"

Breaking Clouds and Lianjing couldn't help looking up.

Three people walked down the stairs downstairs. A white-faced young man in front of his head was dejected, and the two women behind him were secretly laughing. One woman has a medium fat figure, and the other woman is a sixteen or seventeen-year-aged girl with a big ponytail swaying behind her head.

The broken cloud's eyes lit up. Isn't this Xiaowei and the dust bird couple?

The dust bird is like a prisoner who is going to behead. He is not angry at all and walks in front of him with a shrug head. Mrs. Li and Xiao Wei followed with words and laughter, which was inexplicable.

Break the cloud and get up and walk quickly. Lianjing frowned and opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly breathed and stared at Poyun to do what she wanted to do.

"Xiao Wei!"

Xiaowei was stunned and looked at the broken clouds doubtfully. Is this handsome and graceful young man shouting at himself? Who is this person?

"Xiao Wei!" The broken cloud said happily, "It's me! I'm Shi Yu!"

"Shi Yu!" Xiaowei's body was shocked and her eyes were full of surprise.

This Shi Yu is too different from the Shi Yu in my memory!