broken clouds

Chapter 195 Bozi

The fierce evil star's soft sword is vicious, which makes Poyun suffer a lot.

In the case of breaking clouds and being injured, I had no choice but to use my own killer mace, "sword style"

The "riorous sword style" is indeed worthy of the bloodthirsty sword style, and immediately cut off the fierce evil star under the horse!

In the courtyard.

He Bozi couldn't help but be surprised to see that the forest at the foot of the mountain suddenly became windy and clouds, and the sky and earth turned into a bloody scene! It's really hard to imagine what move caused chaos!

An unusually uneasy premonition rises from He Bozi's heart!

In an instant, He Bozi's face became ugly, and he secretly said where this uneasiness came from! Think about it...

Is it...?!!

He Bozi's eyes flashed, and his doubts became more and more abundant. He hesitated and went straight to the forest where the blood color was gradually reduced...

In the forest.

The hustle and bustle is still flying in the air, but it is very quiet. The birds and beasts have already been scared to death, and the courage to run away has been swallowed up by the gluttony. Only the occasional breeze blows, blowing the dust and dancing in the air.

The broken cloud looked embarrassed, and his clothes were full of blood. I don't know whether it was a broken cloud or a fierce star. The sharp soul, but at this moment, let the broken cloud be used as a crutch, and limped to the fierce evil star, in front of the upper body of the fierce evil star.

Seeing the body of the fierce evil star made Poyun once again shocked by the huge power of the gluttonous sword!

The fierce star's face turned pale. I don't know if he used too much force or became like this with the passage of anger. A pair of small eyes are now very eye-catching. Their eyes are round and even bulging, and their eyes are full of fear and disbelief. In the end, I didn't expect such an end.

The evil star's left hand covered his chest, and his right arm raised his right hand but his wrist was gone! The palm and the silver snake sword have long disappeared, leaving only a bloody wrist!

More flesh and blood, more horrible below.

The lower body of the fierce evil star has disappeared. It is neatly cut into two sections at his waist, and the lower body falls in the grass a few feet away from here!

The fracture is neat and smooth, and nothing should happen when it is cut open. Waves of blood flowed out of the body, and the internal organs and intestines and stomachs flowed to the ground!

The powerful gluttonous sword directly cuts the fierce star into two sections!

The noise gradually receded.

There is no tree standing five feet around the broken clouds! All of them were cut off by great strength!

A trace of helplessness flashed in the eyes of the evil star.

As soon as the glutton comes out, it is uncontrollable. If you are not bloodthirsty, you will not turn around. Fortunately, the evil star is an old villain who was beaten by people decades ago. No matter how miserable the death is, it will not be sympathetic.

What makes the clouds feel helpless is the control of gluttony.

Although I decided to use the gluttony sword style this time, I want to control the power to about 60%. It turns out that the physical limit of breaking clouds can only use 50% of the power of the sword, and one more is more dangerous. But later, he encountered many opportunities and made a lot of benefits, and he has been able to exert the power of the gluttonous sword to about 80%.

Although it has not been tested, Poyun still knows the improvement of his own skills. This judgment can't be wrong.

Today, the physical strength is greatly damaged, and it is not easy to use six success forces with broken clouds gritted teeth, but once the big mouth is opened, it will not only the enemy who devour, but also suffers a lot of damage! The power that was originally controlled at 60% suddenly increased to more than 70%, and a large number of broken clouds that lost physical strength were nibbled by the gluttony's big mouth, and suddenly became much weaker than before.

Excessive force, even weak, but not so much that you don't have to use a sword. The purpose of using the ground is mostly to consume less physical strength, and the clearing formula in the body runs rapidly. I just want to recover some internal strength earlier.

The moment the broken cloud's eyes left the ferocious body, he finally breathed a sigh.

It's not easy and embarrassing to win, but after all, it's also won, and there is one less difficulty ahead.

Poyun smiled bitterly and felt much relieved. Suddenly, his body stiffened and slowly turned around.

A man quietly appeared in the collapsed forest, an old man with a medium-sized national character face and a black mole under the corners of his mouth!

The broken cloud only felt that the heartbeat accelerated, and there was a strong anger in his eyes. He forced his heart to surrage and said in a low voice, "He Bozi?!"

The people ignored breaking the clouds. First, they looked around and looked at the scene of the destruction of the world around them. Their faces showed surprise. When their eyes fell into two fierce evil stars, their faces could not help but change. Their faces were blue and they stared at the broken clouds, with a mixture of surprise and disbelief. They said in a low voice, "The name of the old man Did you bark, you little son of a bitch!" Originally, he was neat, but he suddenly said such vulgar words. If others see it, he may still feel confused.

The words of the people undoubtedly recognized their identity.


A handsome face became twisted, his eyes spewed fire, and his body trembled gently because of excitement. He said word by word, "Ten years ago, did you do the Qingyue Gate?"

In fact, there has been a judgment in Poyun's heart that the face of this national mole has never disappeared from his mind in more than ten years, but he couldn't help asking.

He Bozi smiled gloomyly and said, "Since you already know the truth in your heart, why don't you dare to admit it and lie to yourself!"

The broken cloud only felt a roar in the head, and the anger was about to burst through the top of the head! My body is swaying and about to fall, and I can't help warning myself not to be impulsive, not to be impulsive! But the murderer who led his family in the past was in front of him, and several people could control their emotions!

Poyun suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself two times in the face, and two deep fingerprints appeared on his handsome left and right faces. Take two deep breaths, try to calm down, and warn yourself that it is not impulsive to solve things. In the past, Qingyuemen was not himself! Be sure to find out who else is! The anger in his eyes gradually receded to the depths and changed to his usual witty eyes.

He Bozi couldn't help slapping himself when he saw the broken cloud, and then understood the intention of breaking the cloud. His eyes flashed. He didn't expect that the broken cloud could be so patient, but looking at the crumbling broken cloud, a cold and cruel smile appeared on the corners of his mouth and said in a negative voice, "I didn't expect you to stir up the thunder gate founded by me. A lot of nonsense..."

His eyes suddenly spewed out hot anger, and his voice became shuddering, "You actually killed my only son!" I won't let you die happily! I will cut off your facial features and limbs and throw you into the salt tank for hundreds of days! Let you live and not die!"

Poyun did not change at all because of He Bozi's intimidation. Instead, he calmed down and stood there quietly, feeling that there was no one else around him to see if He Bozi took others to ambush around.

When He Bozi saw the broken clouds and looked around, he couldn't help smiling and said, "Don't look for it. I'm here alone!" As long as you can defeat me, Lei Yangmen will disappear in the world from now on!"

It is true that Breaking Cloud has defeated many masters, whether He Bozi wants to admit it or not. Although Poyun is shaky at this time, who knows if there is any hidden strength in Poyun? The old and cunning He Bozi will not do it easily without understanding the details.

He Bozi's suspicion also left a glimmer of hope for Poyun. Although the physical trauma cannot be recovered for a moment, the clearing formula works, and the internal force still recovers quite quickly. If the internal force is a little more, the victory is a little more.

The broken cloud teeth clenched, took a few breaths in a row, and said in a low voice, "You kill my whole door, and I will kill your son. Today, you and I can only have one person who can walk out of the woods alive!"

He Bozi's eyes flashed, and the clouds were right. The conflict between the two has reached the extreme, and there is no room for the existence of another person. But at this time, He Bozi undoubtedly occupied the absolute initiative!

Of course, I don't want to fight against He Bozi under such circumstances.

Putting aside He Bozi's identity as a murderer, he is the owner of Lei Yangmen, one of the four major forces in the world! On this point alone, it is definitely worth waiting for people in the world, and breaking the clouds is no exception.

However, there are nine out of ten things that are unsatisfactory in life.

Breaking clouds wanted to take action when He Bozi was seriously injured, but the fact did not give him room for manoeuvre! This battle will not end hastily. The ending is just like what Poyun said. Only when one side no longer stands up can it be regarded as a result!

Poyun looked gloomy and said in a low voice, "Since you and I can only have one person to walk out of the woods... I just want to ask you at the end, who else participated in the Qingyuemen tragedy besides you!"

He Bozi smiled cruelly and said gloomly, "Don't get any news from me!" After you die, maybe I will tell you happily!"

Poyun's face changed. Except for He Bozi, he had no other news about the people who attacked the Qingyue Gate, that is to say, He Bozi is the biggest clue. If he can't find clues here, it is even more difficult for others to find it!

"Thanks to you, you are also the master of Lei Yangmen, one of the four major forces in the world," Po Yun said coldly, "How dare you are so timid and afraid of things. It seems that you were just a little follower who listened to people. The tone became more disdainful, "Isn't it also a little follower now?"

He Bozi's face changed, and he suddenly took two steps closer and said angrily, "Don't think you provoke me, I will tell you!" You won't know the truth if you live! You'd better die quickly!" With that, he took two steps closer and had the momentum to fight!

Breaking Cloud felt that his internal strength had just recovered by 20%. He looked upright and smiled coldly and said, "I didn't expect that the door owner of such a big thunder gate still had something taboo." An imperceptible expression flashed in his eyes and said lightly, "Then if I want to know how Lei Yangmen rose in the world... Will the master say it?"

He Bozi looked at Poyun and suddenly smiled gloomly and said, "The younger generation doesn't have to delay the time to recover his skills!" Do you think I haven't seen through your little trick?"