broken clouds

Chapter 229 Murder

Water Hidden Gate's strong aid, as soon as the four worlds entered the field, the army of Qiyangmen immediately killed!

The sun gate came so fast!

Many footsteps make the earth tremble!

At the front, there are two rows of men in fine brocade, each holding a big flag, and the flag is covered with the large size and sign of the blazing sun gate.

Behind the two rows of men are hundreds of men in yellow clothes. The yellow-shirted men's eyes are vivid, and the other long swords around his waist are three feet and three inches. The sword feels cold in the sheath!

Several war horses behind the yellow-shirted man walked proudly and walked in the world without any chaos. A jujube red war horse led sat on one person, which was the owner of the yang Gate!

Yanghua's body is dressed in strong clothes, his face is like a crown and jade, his lips are red and his teeth are white, not a sword hanging at the waist, and there is boundless murderousness in his eyes, which may make people misunderstand which prince came out to play.

Several other people sitting on horses, short or fat, tall or thin.

Behind the war horse are countless black men in black.

35 rows, with a cold face and steady pace, people can't help but feel a deep and depressed feeling.

In the range of people in black, there are many good people gathering together. It's to see the bustle of the Yangmen and the Hidden Gate.

The fight between the two sects in the world is not easy to see, so although the battlefield is ruthless, there are many people who come to see this shocking war.

So many people suddenly appeared in their eyes, and their hearts were still shocked. In such a sea of people, a person is indescribably small. No matter how high your martial arts is, there are times when one person can be hit into meat sauce at once.

Suddenly, four people not far after Yanghuashui and other war horses attracted the attention of breaking clouds.

The four people are of medium age, not tall or short. They wear colorful robes on their thin bodies. Looking closely, the four people look even more amazing. The four of them look very similar and ugly! The sea bowl big bean has big eyes, long drooping ears and high cheekbones, and there is nothing good on the face.

But several people talk and laugh, which is incompatible with other serious and solemn personalities.

Breaking the clouds couldn't help but be curious, listening to what they said.

Although there are many armies of Yanghuashui, there are only these four people who talk and laugh.

One laughed and said, "See, they are useless without our four eggs."

Another asked, "Why is it useless? So many people want to step on you alone. Don't you become meat sauce?

Another person said anxiously, "No, no, there are so many people, no one will definitely step on the ground and won't become meat sauce."

The last person shouted, "No, no, how could Xia Dan be trampled by everyone? He is so thin that he will run away even in the crowd."

began to say angrily, "Qiudan, what are you talking about!" Why was I trampled into meat sauce? Why don't you step on the meat sauce!"

The second person said angrily, "Bad son of a bitch! Dare to say that I stepped on meat sauce!"

The third person hurriedly said, "No, no. You and my brother, you scold Xia Dan as a stinky bastard, don't you scold yourself as a stinky bastard?

The last person was stunned and said with a sad face, "Then won't we all become stinky bastards?"

A Hu monk sitting next to a war horse finally couldn't stand it and scolded in half-baked Chinese, "You bastards stop! It's crooked, which makes my ears grow cocoon!"

The four people turned their heads and said angrily, "What! How dare you scold us!"

"Shut up!"

An old man in black sitting next to Yang Huashui immediately drank coldly, and the four of them immediately dared not speak.

After holding back for a moment, one person couldn't help muttering with laughter, "It's all because Qiu Dan scolded a stinky bastard, which made us all become stinky bastards."

Just as the first person was about to open his mouth, he suddenly saw the old man in black staring at him coldly, and his words swallowed them again. His expression was more uncomfortable than choked on an egg. Finally, I couldn't help muttering, "I'm not a stinky bastard."

Breaking clouds can't help laughing. Where did these four living treasures come from? It's so funny. I couldn't help smiling. Suddenly, I felt that two fierce eyes were staring at me. I turned my head and saw that Boss Meng was staring at me fiercely. The clouds quickly restrained his smile, but my heart was full of curiosity about the four colorful people.

Wang Xuexin frowned and waved her delicate hands. The disciples behind her gushed out of the hidden door like a tide. They stood neatly behind Wang Xuexin and were not chaotic at all, no worse than the Chiyang Gate, but the number of people was small.

The disciples of the Yangmen stopped more than ten feet away from the Water Hidden Gate, and the huge team suddenly divided into two, leaving a road.

Yanghuashui flew off the horse, and everyone behind him got off the horse one after another and followed Yanghuashui slowly.

Poyun carefully observed that Yanghuashui followed eight people, and the four people in green clothes were also among them.

There are four people left, one is the Hu monk, one is the old man in black, one is thin and tall and masked in black, and one is a short man in black.

These eight people must be the strongest masters of Yanghua Water. Breaking Cloud suddenly frowned, so... That means that these muddle-headed guys are also very good at martial arts?

Yang Huashui slowly walked two feet in front of the people of Shuiyinmen and said in a low voice with a gloomy face, "I didn't expect that the king's master still couldn't see through the world and invited such an immortal guy from the four worlds."

Hu Seng grinned and said bluntly, "Why bother so much? You should all know the result."


Big Meng had a hot temper and couldn't help cursing, "Do you think you jumping clowns can take advantage of it!"

Wang Xuexin's face was gloomy and said in a low voice, "Isn't the Chiyang Gate openly invading the Water Hidden Gate? Aren't you afraid of the ridicule of the world!"

As soon as this statement came out, Wang Xuexin felt regretful. At this time, what she said was shameful or not, and it was all hard to say with her fists. Isn't it that she seemed that she was weak and unable to resist?

Yang Huashui smiled and said, "The world will be divided for a long time, and the world will be divided for a long time. I just follow the behavior of the ancients to do things. Shame? Who dares to laugh?!" The cruel light flashed in his eyes, "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Who dares to laugh!"

The old man in black said coldly, "What have you done with them? Hurry up and kill them together."

Poyun felt that the old man was a little familiar since he saw the old man in black. At this time, the old man's words suddenly came to his mind and lost his voice, "Annihilate Yan Luo!"

The old man glanced at the clouds and said unexpectedly, "I didn't expect that there would be a younger generation to remember my name." He grinned, "Look at this, I'll reward you with a whole body!"

The tall and masked man said coldly, "This whole body doesn't have to bother others." The cold eyes were full of murder, "I haven't had fun for a long time!"

"Snake and Scorpion Langjun!"

The red mother-in-law's old eyes flashed, "I didn't expect you to die yet!" Reaching out and stroking his gorgeous hair, a dark red scar went from the top of his head to the side of his ear. He said coldly, "I didn't expect that the old lady could repay this sword today!"

The snake and scorpion Langjun smiled coldly, looked at the bamboo pole behind the red mother-in-law, and sneered, "It's not my idiot brother who saved your life back then. Do you think you can still escape from the palm of my hand!"

Breaking the cloud was shocked that the bamboo pole turned out to be this man's brother. Looking back, the bamboo pole was indeed very similar in shape.

The bamboo pole appeared from the snake and scorpion Langjun's face. Hearing what the snake and scorpion Langjun said, his face couldn't help but become very ugly. The blue veins on his forehead was exposed, his fists clenched, and his eyes were full of blood. He said, "I don't have you as a brother!" It was because of you that Hong'er ignored me! Today, I will follow the example of the ancients and destroy my relatives!"


The snake and scorpion Langjun laughed wildly, with a hot tyrannical color in his eyes, "What a righteous death! Then let me see what you can do!" The body trembled and rushed to the bamboo pole!

Wang Xuexin and others saw the snake and scorpion Langjun's body fluttering, and their hearts were ready to meet the enemy.


The figure is erratic, and the short masked man who has been silent stands in front of the snake and scorpion Langjun.

Breaking the clouds is another surprise, what a fast body!

The snake and scorpion Langjun couldn't help but be angry by the short man and said coldly, "What are you doing to stop me!" I can't find death!"

The short man turned his back to Wang Xuexin and others, raised his hand and made a gentle gesture, and said in a low voice, "Stay aside! There will be someone to kill you later!"

Snake and Scorpion Langjun's eyes flashed, slowly stopped his body, looked coldly at the bamboo pole and others, and said, "It doesn't matter if you live for a moment."

Wang Xuexin and Mu Hai looked at each other, and suddenly a coldness rose from their hearts.

Whether it is the annihilation of Yan Luo or the snake and scorpion Langjun, they are all cruel and fierce underworld stars in the past. Martial arts are unfathomable and all kinds of evil!

In those years, the snake and scorpion Langjun was jointly pursued by Shuiyinmen and Yeyumen, and finally escaped by him. Everyone in the world thought that he had been dead for many years, but they didn't expect to appear here today. Compared with such a gangster, ordinary people such as the evil star who had previously competed with the broken cloud are simply three-year-old children!

It's not these two people that disturb Wang Xuexin and Muhai the most, but the short masked man!

As a snake and scorpion, no one in the world can order him, and Yang Huashui must also thank him for inviting him to come out of the mountain.

But the short masked man actually stopped the invincible snake and scorpion Langjun understated. Looking at the expression of the snake and scorpion Langjun, he obediently obeyed his arrangement. It was really hard to imagine how terrible the short masked man was!

Yanghuashui narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Wang Xuexin, Muhai. I'll give you one last chance! Attached to my blazing sun door!" After a pause, his eyes flashed, "I won't say it again!"


No matter how high Wang Xuexin's cultivation is, she can't help scolding, "I wonder how Yang Rong's predecessor is so prestigious, how can you be such a beast! It's a delusion to want to return to the water hidden door!"

Yang Huashui was not angry and smiled coldly, "The arm blocked the car and found a way to die!" I didn't want to do more murder and abuse, so I'm not surprised!" He didn't look back and said in a low voice, "Monk! Kill their spirit!"

Monk Hu put one hand together and slowly came out with a smile and said, "I obey the order of the Lord of Yangmen. However, don't forget what you said."

Yang Huashui's face brushed a trace of displeasure and snorted heavily.

Hu Monk pretended not to see the unpleasant look of Yang Huashui, took the first two steps and laughed and laughed.

"Which donor will die first!"