broken clouds

Chapter 271 Yang Yu

The broken cloud was told by Xuanying that the birthmark on his body was a trace of the blood of the green dragon.

Although he was a little confused, he heard Xuanying say that the bloodline of the green dragon was very powerful, and he was still more useful after listening to it.

Seeing that Lianjing did not turn over, the broken cloud and Xuanying couldn't help but breathe out secretly and nodded quickly.

"You can't enter the 'Qinglong' room. You can enter other rooms."

Four eggs looked at several rooms scratching their ears and cheeks. They were not shocked by Lianjing and Xuanying just now. Maybe they had gone to look through them long ago.

The broken cloud and Lianjing looked at the Xuanying. The Xuanying flapped its wings and circled in the air for a week. "Not bad. Except for the Qinglong Main Palace, there are no restrictions on other rooms.

Four eggs were overjoyed. As soon as they wanted to find a room to go in to see what was going on, they heard Xuanying say coldly, "However, who dares to mess up in the room!" Don't blame me for being rude! Especially those four idiots!"

"What kind of idiot?!"

Four eggs were ridiculed by Xuanying for a long time and couldn't help turning their faces.

Poyun frowned and reached out to rub his temples on both sides. He had a headache.

Lianjing also began to get irritable and scolded, "Shut up!"

Xuan Ying and Sidan were shocked.

"From now on! If anyone dares to talk nonsense again, I will throw him into the sea to feed the turtle!" Lianjing's eyebrows stood upside down, with her hands on her waist, and she looked glumped.

All of a sudden, the four eggs and Xuanying were honest, and no one said a word.

Breaking the clouds secretly laughed at the villains and said, "Let's start from one side to see how about it?"

Everyone had no objection and followed Poyun to the leftmost 'Yangyu' door.

The broken cloud looked at the two big words 'Yangyu' and was a little stunned.

'Yang Yu...' What does this mean...

Sneaking at everyone's expressions are similar to their own, which is a little stupid. It's useless to guess more secretly. Just go in and have a look.

The broken cloud stretched out his hand and gently pushed it to the door, and the wall-like jade gate quietly opened.

Breaking the cloud, I didn't expect that such a heavy jade gate could be easily pushed away. It seems that the machine of the lonely predecessor's palace seems to be extremely smart in small places.

At the opposite door is a high jade screen. It is different from the jade of the door, but the jade in dark green color.

You can't say whether it's good or bad, but from the perspective of the warmth and shining brilliance, it must not be worse than Yumen. At least the jade used here is less than the stone gate. You can't put the good ones outside and put the bad ones inside.

A few words of dragons and phoenixes dancing on the screen.

"Yang Yu"

"Wang Yang's vastness is more than enough"

Poyun groped in his handwriting with his fingers. As expected, he wrote it with his fingers. He secretly seemed that the lonely predecessors liked calligraphy and often wrote by himself, but was this 'Wang Yang's vastness' a little too confident?

It's more than the ocean, which is probably a little too confident.

Breaking clouds is very respectful and lonely in their hearts. If it were someone else, they would have scolded too arrogantly. How could there be more than the vast ocean?

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, I don't say anything, but almost all think that loneliness is a little arrogant.

Only the Xuanying flew straight into the house.

Poyun and others followed Xuanying around the screen and walked into the room. They intuitively lit up. They were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them and couldn't close their mouths!

The house is less than two feet high and less than three feet wide, square.

The roof is the same South China Sea crystal as outside, and you can also see the fish on the bottom of the sea swimming around leisurely.

Of course, the same scene cannot be shocked by broken clouds.

At the top of the four walls, there is a fist-sized pearl for lighting, and below the four walls is a cabinet shelf around the house, which is more than one person high, full of large and small gold and silver jewelry, high gold corner bottles, elegant blue porcelain bottles, seat-sized corals...

All of them are precious!

However, it was not these that stunned the clouds, but in the middle of the room.

In the middle of the room, less than a step away from the wall cupboard, the middle of the room is full of countless gold, silver, jade and pearl agate!

Everything is crystal clear and rare!

The jewelry is covered with fine sand like sand in the desert, covering everything, like a pile of treasures wrapped in a golden desert!

Jinshan shines under the soft light, the light of crazy greed.

Breaking the clouds and spitting, this pile of golden mountains is two feet away!

There are all kinds of gold nuggets and silver dishes, fist-sized agate, and palm-sized chicken blood stones! Such a huge treasure, not to mention seeing it, is shocking and secular when you think about it. It is not what the world can have at all!

Pianjing and Yanghuashui are also stunned.

Although both of them are born into a family, so many treasures are still unheard of.

Breaking clouds stepped forward, bent down to grab a handful of golden sand, and slowly opened their palms. The golden sand slowly slipped from their palms, shining with charming golden light under the soft light.

The broken clouds couldn't help sighing and sighing, "What a foreign surplus'! Even without the ocean, the wealth of this place will not lose the financial resources of any place. What an amazing treasure for lonely predecessors! What a rich property!"

Lianjing nodded and sighed, "This lonely senior is such a great hand! How are so many treasures collected together? It's really curious."

The silent Yanghuashui suddenly said, "It is said that in those years, you can ride alone and fight thousands of miles, and you will win every battle, which has attracted countless rich families to attract you. Of course, there are many people who are attracted by heavy gold. It is very easy to get money. Even if there is no heavy money, it should be very easy to collect money as a lonely identity. He sighed, "I just didn't expect that loneliness could be so capable."

He took two steps, picked up a pearl with a fist and sighed, "Anything here can live a prosperous life for ordinary people for several lifetimes. Although the name of 'Yang Yu' is a little arrogant, it is also worthy of it!"

Compared with a few people, the reaction of the four eggs is much colder.

Four eggs just saw a room of golden treasures, and their eyes were blurred, and they didn't know where to look first.

Waiting for the break of clouds and others to sigh, several people have already circled around the house.

Everyone has a lot of gold and silver jewelry hanging on their heads, necks, hands and bodies. Everyone is laughing, just curious and happy, but not greedy for money.

Xuanying circled around the house for a week and landed on the shoulder of the broken clouds. "This place is the treasure collected by the owner in his life. There are trophies, gifts, and collections collected by all kinds of ways. It can be said to be the biggest treasure in the world. Whoever can come here will come to the land of gold. From then on, he will be rich and have no worries about food and clothing. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at the four eggs and said helplessly, "I'm afraid the master didn't expect that four idiots could enter this place."

Chundan was furious and said, "What are you talking about, dead bird!" Grandpa, the four of us are talented and intelligent, and a stupid word has never appeared in my mind!"

Xia Dan quickly pulled the corner of Chun Dan's clothes and whispered, "Don't be impulsive! Be careful of this hairy bird to greet your little brother!"

Qiu Dan was happily playing with a golden sword in his hand. Hearing the words, he nodded quickly and whispered, "Good eggs don't suffer immediate losses. We can't be impulsive."

A trace of fear appeared on Dongdan's face and said weakly, "I... I don't want to be pecked by birds anymore... I... I hate birds..."

Chundan shouted, "Don't be afraid! Here and outside are separated by the stone gate. How can it greet the birds and grandchildren again when it comes here!" Hey hey, he said with a bad smile, "I'm afraid it will be hoarse and the sound won't come out."

Three eggs suddenly realized.

Xia Dan said happily, "Then we don't have to be afraid of it."

"Bah! Pooh! Bah!"

Qiu Dan shouted, "When have we ever been afraid of it!"

Xia Dan knew that he was timid and said firmly, "Yes, yes, yes! We have never been afraid of it! We are giving it up!"

"Yes!" Qiu Dan laughed and said, "We are teasing birds!"

"Really..." Dongdan suddenly said weakly, "Really... can't you hear it... Can't this bird boss have other tricks..."

Sandan's originally excited expression immediately paused, with an uncertain expression on his face.

No one knows whether Xuanying has any other beneficial tricks. Chundan is just talking nonsense. Thinking about the scene of being pecked by birds to cry for his father and mother, Sandan's heart is cold, and he can't help glancing at Xuanying to see what's going on.

Xuanying still stood on the shoulder of the broken cloud, but his head turned to one side, as if he didn't even bother to listen to the four eggs, let alone distinguish them from the four eggs.

Breaking the clouds smiled and said, "You guys have suffered losses, so you are trying your best to find something cheap. The cause of the matter is that you are wrong. Why are you still messing around?

"What's wrong with us!"

Chundan shouted, "We didn't do anything!"

Xia Dan shouted, "It came up and greeted us with a bunch of birds and grandchildren. We didn't do anything."

Breaking the clouds stared, "You want to catch them first, but you haven't done anything!"

Qiu Dan argued, "We just wanted to play with it. We didn't even touch it, and it was just that its little brother bullied us." He kept muttering, "The boss speaks for my little brother. I really don't know how this boss did it."

The cloud said angrily, "You are ashamed to say it!" Are you playing with whitebirds? I was caught by you guys and burned by you! And complain that my boss doesn't take care of you! Without me, you would have been pecked by birds, and now you have become bird droppings! Besides, who cares about your boss! I've always wanted you to leave!"

The four eggs were scolded and speechless. Look at me, I look at you, and my heart began to complain about who opened his head. Why was he scolded again?

Xuanying turned his head and looked at the four eggs and said contemptuously, "The stone still has a conscience. If you have the courage, you can try again. Let's see if I can punish you!"

Originally, the whole room was shocked by the treasure in front of them, which made the four eggs so noisy, and their curiosity about the treasure was greatly reduced.

Lianjing pouted and wrinkled her nose, came forward to grab all the gold and silver ornaments on the four eggs, threw them into the treasure pile, and threw them in the pearls in Yanghua's hands. She said angrily, "You guys dare to be unfavorable to the eagle. Be careful that I'm not polite to you!"

After saying that, he took the broken clouds in one hand and four eggs in the other, and walked out of the door, "Let's go! Hurry up and see the other rooms!"