broken clouds

Chapter 312 Crab Bubble

In the sandstorm, there are still many unlucky people like broken clouds.

It's a sandworm and a camel.

The sandworm died tragically, but the camel danced lightly in the air, easily resolving the crisis.

Breaking the clouds was inspired and was about to accept a move, but the sand crab did not follow the routine this time!

The sand crab twisted its body, squeaked strangely, and opened its mouth to spit out a big bubble from its mouth!

The bubbles are getting bigger and bigger, and there is no intention of being affected by the strong wind, and the broken clouds are directly put into it!

Breaking the cloud scolded the sand crab for not going out of the routine. He tried his best to get out of trouble with this blow. Unexpectedly, he was trapped in bubbles instead of getting out of the trap!

The bubbles are thin and transparent, slippery, but strong.

There seems to be a layer of glaze on the thin air film.

Breaking the cloud reached out and patting, I felt that there was no strength at all, as if it had hit the cotton.

The bubble did not stop getting bigger because of trapping the broken cloud, but it was getting bigger and bigger, and the front end of the sand scorpion's claws was trapped into the bubble.

This made the clouds even more frightened.

I slipped in the bubble, just like stir-fried beans in the pot, spinning around in the bubble.

Originally, there were only beans in the pot, but a big sand scorpion that could crush the beans should be added, so as not to break the clouds.

The broken cloud shook left and right in the bubble, with a heavy head and light foot, and his heart was extremely bored. He almost wanted to spit out all his internal organs, which was so happy. I really don't understand what this damn crab is going to do. Do you want to put the sand scorpion in bubbles and let the sand scorpion die with the wind?

The sand scorpion saw that the sand crab spit out large bubbles. The claws in front of him were vaguely wrapped in bubbles. He felt that the bubbles would not be a good thing, and quickly waved the long scorpion's tail to stab the sand crab.

When the sand crab saw the giant tail thorn of the sand scorpion, it quickly twisted its body to avoid it, but the bubbles in its mouth came up.

The giant tail of the sand scorpion suddenly pierced the bubble, but the bubble was not pierced by the giant tail. On the contrary, at the moment of piercing the bubble, the speed of the giant tail significantly slowed down and its strength was weakened.

The broken cloud bone hit the vicinity of the scorpion's tail piercing the part. It happened to be clear that not only does the giant scorpion's tail pierce into the bubble in an instant, but it still becomes slow and weak after the tip of the scorpion's giant tail pierces the bubble.

Breaking the cloud can't help wondering what this bubble is. Such a fierce stabbing is intact, and it can also depress the power of the attack.

The sand scorpion couldn't hit it, and it twisted its body and wanted to pull back its tail. Unexpectedly, after pumping hard for half a while, the tail was still motion, and it was trapped by the bubble of the sand crab.

The sand scorpion panicked.

The huge poisonous tail can be said to be the scorpion's watchman, but now it is firmly controlled by the sand crab in the bubble. Isn't it just a matter of being beaten?

The sand scorpion roared anxiously and twisted his body with his best energy to pull back the giant tail.

The giant tail came out slowly under the fierce pull of the sand scorpion.

The sand crab can make the sand scorpion take the lead, screaming strangely, opening its mouth and spitting out a pale red smoke in the bubbles.

The smoke enters the bubble and fills the whole bubble in a blink of an eye. The bubble became pale red and dim through the gauze.

The broken cloud felt a bad feeling and quickly held his breath.

I don't know if it's slow to hold your breath or if the red fog has other special effects.

Breaking clouds suddenly felt a feeling of numbness and crispness on the skin all over the body, and I was shocked. I thought that this red fog was not ordinary smoke, and it was poisonous!

It's just poison, but I still have some resistance. If it's something like boiling, it will be bad.

Although He Yi's multi-hearted pill power has been resolved with the secret of mind-clearing, Po Yun still feels lingering palpitations about things such as boiling.

Now the skin is crisp and numb, but it doesn't feel like a boil.

Breaking the clouds dare not neglect, and the breath of the abyss quietly resolves the feeling of numbness.

The giant tail of the sand scorpion had been slowly pulled out of the bubble, but after the red fog spewed out, the giant tail of the sand scorpion obviously became weak and slowly stopped again.

The sand scorpion screamed up to the sky and repeatedly twisted its body to pull out the huge tail, but it was impossible. It only stirred up the sand and dust around it.

I found that the numbness around my body had not dissipated. I was shocked and thought that if it went on like this, I had to let the big crab die. I had to find a way to leave quickly.

I didn't wait to do it, and I felt the bubbles shake.

It turned out that the sand crab stretched out two giant pliers and clamped fiercely on the giant tail of the sand scorpion when it could not be pulled out!

The sand crab giant pliers suddenly exerted force, making the giant tail of the sand scorpion cackle. Seeing the giant pliers sandwiched into the giant tail, if it goes like this, the giant tail of the sand scorpion will definitely be broken soon!

The sand scorpion suffered pain and churned up and down, and several giants scratched the sand crabs.

The sand crab has a giant shell to protect its body and doesn't pay attention to the sand scorpion at all. It's just wants to break the sand scorpion's housekeeper.

Breaking the cloud feels wrong. No matter whether the sand scorpion is alive or dead, it is always bad to say that he is poisoned by the red fog in the bubble. In addition, the sand crab will not worry about his life and death. After killing the sand scorpion, he will become the wine dish of the sand crab, and he should find a way to escape quickly.

When I miss it, the dragon sword is pulled out in my hand. Just now, the giant tail pierced the bubble so fiercely without piercing it. It seems that the bubble is very tough and not easy to break.

Breaking the cloud asked himself that although he was in the air, his strength should not be inferior to that of the sand scorpion, but such a fierce attack was ineffective. What should he do?

"Nameless Type 7" needs to gather strength and is not suitable for the current situation. "Breaking and sleepy chopping" is completely incompetent with the current situation. "Breaking and killing and chopping" is not well mastered... Breaking clouds and smiling bitterly, and there is no move suitable for people to be used in the air.

All that's left is the "sword style". You should try it anyway!

Breaking the clouds restrained his mind, the tip of the sword turned down, and a huge murderous spirit on the light blue Panlong sword spread endlessly around.

Even the sand scorpions and crabs in the fight felt abnormal movements.

The surroundings of the broken clouds suddenly became darker, and there was a faint sound of lightning, and a ferocious beast slowly floated on the clouds!

Just as the cloud-breaking plate dragon was about to wave, the sand crab broke the giant tail of the sand crab with a click!

The giant tail of the sand crab was broken, and it was painful. It couldn't help dancing all over, driving the bubbles next to it.

The broken clouds in it were stirred up and dizzy.

Breaking the cloud's heart scolded the ancestors of sand scorpions and sand crabs. At this moment, the glutton has launched. No matter what, there is no way back, even if you lie down, you have to make a move!


The beast suddenly bit down from the air with its ferocious mouth!

A huge wave scattered from the broken clouds!

The roaring sword light cut open the bubbles in an instant, and even the wind and sand raging outside were cut off by the sword light!

Breaking the cloud quickly took the opportunity to fall and reached out to grab the back shell of the sand crab. Fortunately, the sand crab bubbles were indeed as good as they imagined. They were very tough to attack and could not cope with large-scale slashing. And the crooked glutton really worked.

Watching that the sandstorm returned to its original state in an instant, he sighed that although he escaped from the bubble, he still could not escape from this damn sandstorm.

Although the sand crab was shocked by the shocking killing intention, the poisonous tail of the powerful enemy sand scorpion in front of it has been cut off, which is a good opportunity to take advantage of the victory. Of course, it should not be wasted.

A pair of giant pliers kept clamping at the sand scorpion giant, giving the sand scorpion no chance to breathe.

The most powerful giant tail of the sand scorpion was broken by the sand crab, and the claws could not resist it. It was broken by the sand crab pliers one after another!

Dark yellow body fluid spewed out of the sand scorpion's fault and flew all over the sky with the sandstorm!

The sand scorpion was defeated and completely became a defeated army.

Now the giant tail has been broken, and few claws can support it. The huge body of the sand scorpion fell to the ground, and the remaining giants barely waved and made final resistance.

The sand crabs were on the rise, and the giant pliers broke a giant scorpion and put it in the mouth by the way. The sound of chewing resounded through the sky and suddenly looked up to the sky and roared like a winner.

The broken cloud looked clearly on the sand crab shell, and was secretly shocked that the big crab really ate meat. Don't fall down and stuff other people's teeth.

After thinking about it, he raised his hand and inserted the dragon sword into the giant shell of the sand crab, clenched his hands to prevent him from falling down.

The dragon sword is four feet long, which is particularly sharp than the soul. It is effortlessly inserted into the giant shell of the sand crab and inserted to the end.

No matter how thick the giant shell of the sand crab was, it was not as thick as four feet. Suddenly, it screamed in pain and was furious. He thought that the sand scorpion was dying and made some secret trick.

A pair of giant pliers flew up and down without stopping, and he couldn't wait to pick up the sand scorpion immediately.

The poisonous tail of the sand scorpion has been broken, and there is no capital to fight with sand crabs, let alone the ability to resist. In the screams, the sand scorpion's claws were all broken!

The dark yellow body fluids are ejected, and there is a pungent smell in the air.

Breaking the clouds can't bear to look at this terrible scene in front of him, sighing that the sand scorpion lost all with one move. The struggle between animals is more fierce than that between people, and life becomes more humble.

The sand crab looked at the dying sand scorpion, which had no power to move, triumphantly raised the giant tongs for a moment and suddenly fell down and clamped the sand scorpion's body!

Although the sand scorpion does not have a strong thick shell of sand crab, it is still the ancestor of the sand scorpion, and the shell armor outside the body is still very thick.

Although the two giant pliers of the sand crab are powerful, they are not easy to break in the face of the body of the sand scorpion, which is several times thicker than the giant tail of the sand scorpion.

The sand crab's eyes are red. It doesn't matter so much. The two pliers continue to work hard!


A small side of a giant pliers of the sand crab was broken by the sand scorpion's body!

Breaking clouds and laughing that the beast is a beast is divided. The victory or defeat has been divided. Why do you have to cut off others? Now you can't use a big pliers. In a blink of an eye, look around. After the sand scorpion can't move, the sandstorm seems to have weakened a little, and I can't help but be secretly happy to get out of trouble.

A giant pliers of the sand crab couldn't help roaring, and the other giant pliers were angry and sandwiched the sand scorpion into two sections with a "kaka" sound!

The sand crab raised its giant tongs and roared triumphantly.

Breaking the cloud takes the opportunity to pull out the dragon sword and jump off the Cancer body. No matter who wins or loses, it's better to run away quickly.

Before he stood firmly, he felt that the wind behind him suddenly rose, and the broken clouds quickly flashed sideways.

Breaking the clouds and scolding something to make trouble, I couldn't help but be shocked when I looked back!

I saw the sand crab staring at himself, and the giant tongs flashed with dazzling cold light!