broken clouds

Chapter 317 Dragon Killing 1

The broken cloud was almost killed by the sand crab king Neidan. When he woke up, he found that he was blessed by misfortune. His whole body's muscles and bones were cleaned, and his power soared several times in vain!

"I don't know what to do..."

The human emperor's secluded way.

Poyun frowned and didn't know whether he should answer this, and saw the emperor Zhan Yan smile.

"Look at me, I'm used to getting along with Bai Bai, and I've become nagging."

Breaking the clouds secretly sighed that it was not easy for the emperor to live alone here for a long time. She couldn't help saying, "Sister Bodhisattva, don't blame me for talking too much. In fact, Brother Kundi has been waiting for you for so many years. Hasn't the knot in your heart been untied?

The emperor sighed softly, and his face was full of resentment and silence.

Breaking clouds secretly sighed that the bell must be tied. Others can't help with this kind of thing. Don't worry about it. I want to get up and leave and go back to my room.

The emperor sighed and was still immersed in memories in a trance.

The next morning.

Breaking clouds slipped to Sharon's old nest early, next to the lake in the middle of the forest, carefully watching the movement on the lake.

After last night's meditation adjustment, Poyun felt that he was completely at the peak, and his power had increased several times.

In this way, the power of "broken chopping" will be greatly increased, and although the power of "broken chopping" has increased, it has never found a clue and what to replace the five-point positioning.

Five-man positioning is really troublesome in actual combat. If you encounter the same opponent, you can only attack the mang to trigger the move, and you will be found if you don't pay attention to it.

bei xian also means failure.

However, Poyun can't wait. No matter how the emperor persuades him, he has to find Sharon to try his skills.

The emperor had no choice but to tell Poyun that Sharon usually wakes up near noon in the morning and eats, and then goes to the bottom of the lake to sleep in the evening.

If possible, it is best to try to sneak up while the salon is sleeping.

Breaking the clouds has this intention.

The martial arts have soared, and it is difficult to guarantee that he is the opponent of Sharon. That guy is really the most powerful beast he has ever met. Compared with Sharon, any kind of beast has become worthless.

The broken cloud quietly pushed away the branches beside him and crept to the lake.

The lake is calm and peaceful, and the water is green and clear. Groups of fish swam leisurely in the lake.

The broken clouds were not confused by the scene in front of them. They stared at the bottomless deep lake and secretly muttered whether to go down.

"If you don't go down and wait for it to come up, there is no first opportunity."

Breaking the clouds in his heart, "I'm fighting with you!" Take off your coat, touch the dragon sword at your waist, and quietly slide into the water.

The lake is refreshing and cold, and the lake in the middle of the desert is hard to describe.

Breaking clouds is not blessed to enjoy such a beautiful scenery. When you enter the lake, you will find that there is a lot of activity in the lake.

Groups of fish, flocks of shrimp.

Occasionally, the big turtle has been swimming slowly, and even three feet long catfish are catching small fish back and forth.

Breaking the clouds can't help but doubt that Sharon doesn't like to eat delicious food, but only likes to eat beasts on land? Otherwise, there are so many animals in the lake. Sharon can't dislike that the animals in the lake are too small to speak.

Looking down in doubt, there is a big hole about five feet in the middle of the dark lake, which is so dark that you can't see anything inside.

"You can't go straight outside the desert."

Breaking the clouds is a secret. It is unexpected that the lake can be so deep. Now there is such a hole at the bottom of the lake. I really don't know how deep the lake is.

There is nothing else at the bottom of such a deep lake...

Poyun shook his head vigorously and couldn't think about it. If he thought about it again, he would have no courage to go on. He floated to the surface of the water, took a deep breath and slowly swam to the bottom of the lake.

The lower the lake, the fewer fish there are.

At a place of fifty or sixty feet, it was completely dark and there was no light. It's quiet all around, and there's nothing moving.

Only the water weeds that occasionally drilled out of the cracks in the stone wall are still surviving tenaciously.

The lake has become cold and piercing, and there is no vitality around it, and it is full of strange and mysterious colors.

The broken cloud feels that the heartbeat is a little faster.

Although the 'Nayuan breath' brings a strong breath, allowing the broken clouds to hold their breath in the water for nearly a meal, after all, the water is different from the land.

If there is no power in the limbs in the water, the movement will become very slow. Moreover, it will not exert its original strength at all in the water, and even one-tenth of its strength on land is difficult to exert.

After all, people are species that live on land, and no one can move freely in the water like fish.

The broken cloud carefully dived ten or twenty feet again, and it was very close to the mouth of the cave. I feel that the pressure of the lake from all directions is already very great. Ordinary people can't stand such a lot of pressure at all and have long died of bloodshed.

It is still quiet everywhere, and the darkness has become the only thing here.

The clouds looked up at the lake. The sunlight on the lake has become blurred, and the movement of the lake can't be seen at all.

The clouds suddenly felt that my heart beat fast, and a very uncomfortable feeling came to my mind.

Look around and see if there is nothing abnormal, the broken clouds slipped to the mouth of the cave. I only felt a huge suction near the mouth of the cave pulling me and wanted to pull myself into the cave.

Breaking clouds has been on guard for a long time. Following the suction, his hands are attached to the mouth of the hole, and his eyes wide open to look in.

Looking at the cave up close, I found that the cave was much bigger than when I watched it on the lake. Not to mention five feet, even ten feet may be much more.

The hole is like an egg, with a larger mouth at one end and a smaller mouth at the other. The surrounding rock walls are covered with dark green moss, which are slippery to the touch.

On the large side, there are obvious scratches on the rock wall.

Breaking the clouds and secretly vigilantly, this must be the huge body scratched when Sharon came out of the hole. He couldn't help but be on great alert and quietly touched the hole.

The inside of the cave is almost the same size as the outside, but it looks much smoother than the hole.

The suction inside the cave is greater than outside. The broken clouds carefully sneaked into five or six feet and came to a corner.

The curved rock wall is surrounded by hanging traces, and there are even black scales hanging in some places.

The feeling of uneasiness in the heart of the clouds is getting stronger and stronger, and the probe wants to turn around and look inside.

is a very large empty stomach, dozens of feet high, and dark around. In the dark center, a huge thing with a thick body is coiled together, with a huge red horn on the huge head.

It's not the wild beast!


Breaking the cloud tried to smooth the beating heart and looked at the salon carefully.

In fact, Sharon and the broken cloud have only one relationship, which is the last time I saw the broken cloud to catch the white tiger.

That time, the broken cloud was scared by Sharon. This time, he was so scared that he fled before he saw Sharon.

At this time, watching the salon so close, the broken clouds were completely shocked!

Sharon's thick body is at least five or six feet thick, and the bodies are stacked together. I don't know how long it is. The head is like a hill, and the huge red horn above his head is faintly cold in the dark water.

It is covered with black scales, and the big scales seem to be the battle clothes given to it by God! Intuition tells Po Yun that this layer of combat suit is not easy to break through!

The broken clouds are simply a little suffocating, and there is an impulse to worship the salon!

As Sharon inhaled, the nearby water kept flowing, which also awakened the stunned broken clouds.

"How to kill such a divine object!"

The clouds hesitated. The Emperor said that he had seen dazzling things in Sharon's nest. At the bottom of such a deep lake, how could there be anything shining in the dark sky?

Is it that the Emperor of Man misread it?

Or... the emperor is framing himself!

Shaking his head through the clouds. Not to mention the human emperor's martial arts skills, it was easy to kill himself during his coma. The human emperor can never deceive himself.

Then, we have to try to kill this guy!

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the broken clouds, and the sword was in hand.

"While it is defenseless, hit it with the strongest move!"

Breaking the clouds is secretly fierce, even if it is not dead, it will also be seriously injured!

Break the clouds and gather together, and the void is gently in the water with a sword.

A little chill suddenly appeared.

The broken cloud quietly swam to the side and tapped again.

"Kill it with "broken killing"!"

In a blink of an eye, three cold rays quietly appeared around Sharon's neck.

Sharon's gentle nostrils suddenly **, and the broken clouds were calming down the fourth sword light, and did not find any abnormal movement of Sharon.

"There is still one left!"

There was a burst of relaxation in the heart of Poyun. Even if "break and kill" can't kill Sharon's life, at least it can cause serious injury, and he can get the initiative to fight.


A cold and dangerous feeling flows through the clouds!

The clouds were cold all over and slowly turned his head.

I only saw a pair of black giant pupils a little bigger than the round table, staring at myself coldly!

In an hour!

Breaking the cloud only felt that Sharon's cold giant pupil saw through himself, while he fell into the ice valley, and a strong coldness came to his heart!

"Complete the "five-point positioning" quickly!"

Breaking clouds gritted their teeth, and they could only bravely launch a "break and killing"!

But without waiting for the broken cloud to set out to locate the fifth sword light, Sharon opened his mouth, and a deafening voice came directly!

"Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!!"

Salon is enraged!

You should know that Sharon is the hegemon of the oasis. No, it's the overlord of the whole desert!

No matter what animal sees it, it can only escape and wait for death!

Now there is such a small ant-like thing that dares to wander around in his old nest! And I'm not afraid of myself at all!

This is undoubtedly a ** naked provocation!

How can the wild beast-like salon tolerate such provocation!

With a loud roar, he opened his blood basin and suddenly inhaled the lake water!

The broken cloud was shocked by Sharon's roar and almost got rid of the dragon sword, not to mention the positioning of the fifth sword. It was extremely bad, and I felt a great suction suddenly hit!

Look up and you can't help but lose!

I can't help flowing to the salon!

The sharp teeth in Sharon's mouth exude boundless killing, waiting for the arrival of the broken clouds!

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The broken cloud finally met the domineering salon.

Please take your time to appreciate how Mars hit the earth.