Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 10 Taoist Aunt in White

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and comfort this trembling little heart. After living these twenty-eight years, how could you have suffered such a big cowardice today! Calm down, you must calm down!

The brain keeps Ctrl+F, searching and searching for all parts of the information that has been archived...

Father - Lu Fuwei, a career man, basically doesn't care about the situation at home.

Mother, Liu Yuechan, a lady, has already passed away. It is rumored that there are male and female problems and her style is not good.

The stepmother - Su Wan, a housewife, is sharp and mean, and is a snake and scorpion beauty.

The eldest brother, Lv Jinyu, a local official in the Northern Qin Dynasty, loves himself very much.

Lv Youzhu, the eldest sister, is the current princess of Dayan. She is stupid and wise, has no plan and is not suitable for palace fighting. It is estimated that she will not work in this position for a long time.

Lv Miaozhu, a young girl, has not yet left the cabinet. She secretly loves Zheng's brother. Although she is hostile to herself, she does not publicize it. In time, she will definitely become a master of the palace of honey-bellied swords.

The popularity ratio is 2:3. The environment is just like what Lu Xun said in the Diary of Madman, which is full of two words "cannibalism"!

Let's systematically analyze the current situation of our heroine.

Name: Lv Qingzhu Age: 16 years old Gender: Female

Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown zodiac: Unknown

Interests and hobbies: still unknown

Constellation blood type: ... even more unknown! She doesn't know anything about herself!

So far, I only know that my father and brother care about her, but my stepmother and sister can't wait to cram and swallow her alive. Far water can't quench her thirst. The second lady is close to the water platform, and she has to destroy a woman's moon first!

No, there is nothing better than packing and running away!

As you said, while Yinger was asleep, quickly cleaned up the gold and silver, left the prime minister's house and fled!

I searched the inside and out of the gray boudoir, looked for a lot of silver tickets and broken silver, and found a lot of jade jewelry. I searched a lot of useful and miscellaneous things. I also found a dagger in a wooden box carved with yellow pear under the bed, which was a silver short knife with a fire phoenix pattern, and the moonlight reflected by the blade. It seemed that a cold light lit up the whole room.

She carefully put the fire phoenix knife in her arms and changed into men's clothing. With an uneasy mood in her heart, she was looking forward to a happy life. With his quick skills and ingenuity, he may still be a martial arts leader or something. By the way, does the alliance leader have a woman? It seems that she has to dress up as a man.

The tender bamboo in midsummer has an indescribable beauty. Green poles, green leaves, clumps, branches upward, giving people a kind of strength to strive for progress. The beautiful and upright green bamboo in the courtyard, the whip bamboo with high head and chest, and the spotted bamboo with tears on the skin are all competing to grow in the Qingzhu Garden.

But Qingzhu had no intention of appreciating the beautiful scenery around him. He was dressed as a servant, carrying a big bag on his shoulder, and quietly walked in the courtyard, waiting for the opportunity to escape.

Suddenly, there was a light rain in the sky, breaking the original tranquility of the moonlight night. The cluster of green bamboo turned into a faint green in the rain and wandered in the bamboo garden... The rain hit the bamboo forest, and there was more romantic and unique.

Listen carefully, there seems to be the sound of wind and cranes in your ears, from far to near, more and more distinct.

Suddenly, in the night when the bright moon was in the sky, a white light flashed, with the power to break the sky, crossing the night sky, just like a white horse passing through the gap, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Qingzhu was frightened by the floating light, which was slightly dull and dull, and in an instant, the white light and shadow seemed to be shot head-on, accompanied by the sound of cutting the night sky. It was too late for her to turn around and avoid it. She saw a flower in front of her and fell down. The back of my head fell and hurt. For the first time in my life, I learned what it was to be a star in my eyes. A mass of anger in my heart was still rolling up and down, ready to go.

"Who is your sister's? What the hell is it if you don't sleep in the middle of the night? She shouted and cursed loudly.

I've grown up, how could I have suffered such a big loss today? I was scolded as a bitch during the day and got a stuffy stick at night. Unfortunately, I'm really jealous!

(Spinach: What does jealous beauty have to do with you?)

A turn over, the carp straightened up, and immediately picked up the package that fell to the ground.

"Who are you?" A sound as light as a butterfly wing and as soft as willow catkins came from somewhere in the silent night courtyard.

Qingzhu straightened up and followed the voice, but was shocked.

In a dark night, a big white bird was swimming back and forth. No, to be precise, it was a crane with white feathers and a vermilion crown on its head. It spread its wings and hovered low. There is a Taoist nun on the white torso of the big crane moon. She is wearing a big red and white crane silk dress and is slowly coming. Although she has plain red lips, trimming eyebrows and eyes, she is also quite vulgar and beautiful.

Who is she - Little Dragon Girl? Li Mochou? Or Cosplay?

What just hit her should be the wings of this big crane. Damn stupid bird, are your eyes decorated?

The Taoist nun shook the dust in her hand, and the big crane slowly flapped its wings and landed. She jumped like a feather and slowly landed.

She approached her and observed Qingzhu carefully for a long time and said, "Where's your second lady?"

Second Miss? Qingzhu was slightly stunned, and then looked up and down at himself, and immediately realized that she mistook her for a subordinate of Lvfu. But this month is dark and windy. What did she ask me for? Did she ask for directions, or did she come to seek revenge? Although this Taoist aunt is a fairy and Taoist bone, she is extraordinary and free from vulgarity, but she does not know whether she is an enemy or a friend. It seems that you have to be very careful when speaking.

"Oh, fairy sister, my young lady hasn't been very strong recently. She went to bed early. If you have something to do, please come early tomorrow!" With a smile on his face, his eyes can kill a fly. "If it's okay, the little one will be less with him!" There is so much work in this house. It's really exhausting to be busy from morning to night!"

His head is low, bent his waist, carrying a cloth bag, and his feet alternately rubbing back small steps, ready to leave this place of right and wrong.

"Hight!" The cold voice sounded without any emotion, "Are you a subordinate in the house?"

"That's right, the little one is right!"

"What's your name?"

"The small one is called Afu." Fortunately, I still know a servant in the house, otherwise I really don't know how to answer.

"Afu? Looking at it, the Taoist nun frowned slightly and thought for a long time, "The sixth day of last month was the birth of the second lady. Lvfu had a big banquet. Why didn't I see you when I came to Qingzhu Pavilion?"

"Ah, yes, the little one is not blessed. The young lady just went to do something on her birthday and couldn't pour tea and wine for the Taoist priest in person..."

With a "pop", the ponytail in his hand fluttered the dust, and the bamboo staggered. He trotled a few steps to stand still, and the two big bags were shaking on their shoulders. Suddenly, another sweeping leg hit. Qingzhu wanted to dodge, but his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell down and cried again. There was a loud noise, the package fell, and the jewelry was scattered all over the ground.

"Y, convulsions, you have nothing to do. Are you addicted to beating people?" After a while, she received two moves. What on earth did this uncertain Taoist woman think?

Qingzhu squatted on the ground and his eyes were shining. I don't know where to start with so many silver and property.

There was a light sneer above his head, followed by a freezing silence.

Qingzhu looked up and stared at this fairy-like beautiful figure.

"Qingzhu's birthday is not last month at all. Where on earth are you from?"

Old man, you shady me, damn it, look, I won't draw a circle to curse you!

Qingzhu? Calling her Qingzhu should be a relatively familiar person. If it hadn't been for the fact that her voice and appearance were very different from before, she would have been recognized long ago, and she would not have been able to escape at that time.

"The Taoist priest is merciful. I, I just came here this month."

"Just here? I just came to steal something!"

"The Taoist priest spares his life. The little one is really a subordinate in the house. He is the young master's little man. Because he offended the second lady, he was whipped and fined his wages. For a moment, he was so angry that he was obsessed with such a stupid thing. Taoist priest, you have a large number. Hurry up the little one. Don't give me over to the second lady, otherwise I It's lifeless!" Qingzhu talked nonsense and tried to muddle through.

"Second Lady? It's Su Wan's bitch again. Get up, don't worry, I won't tell her," the Taoist aunt smiled softly, "But can you do something for me!"

Hey, there is a door! As long as you don't say too much and hand me over, there is a chance to escape.

"If you have something to do, the Taoist priest can open his mouth, insert a knife in his small ribs, and he will not hesitate to paint his liver and brain."

"It's not that serious. I just want to ask you something. How's your lady doing?"

"Miss's body has improved recently..."

"This is not what I asked."

"What is that? I don't understand what the Taoist priest means!"

"I mean, is she different now and in the past?"

Hmm? Did she find out that she was not Lv Qingzhu's business? It's impossible. After wearing it, I have never seen her before today!

"The second lady has been destroyed since she was burned on July 15th, and her head can't remember what happened in the past. The Taoist priest didn't know that the fire that day was quite fierce. The small face was the scar from the injury during the fire fighting that day.

I'm afraid that she will doubt herself, so it's better to foreshadow her first.

"Does she still know other people in the house?"

"I don't know, no one knows! Now I not only have no memory, but also upside down. Hey, my second lady was originally the first beauty in Nanqi..." I didn't lie, it was all telling the truth. It's just that she asked what she did. Is there another mystery in it?

The Taoist priest was also shocked after hearing this, "It's all right, it's time to come... Ah Fu, please give me a word!"

"Little obey, I would like to hear more about it!"

"You tell her for me that she can take good care of the things I gave her. Hey, 'You have me, I have you, everything is fixed, and God's will is hard to go against it.' Do you remember?"

Qingzhu didn't understand and wanted to ask what it meant, "It's so profound. I don't know how to solve it?"

"You don't need to understand, just send a message to her."

"Do you dare to ask the Taoist priest's name, ah, no, legal name?"

The Taoist aunt in white was silent.

"Dao, Miss Er is in the inner room. Do you want to invite her out to catch up with you so that she can know that you brought her?"

"There is no need to talk about the past. It's nothing. Just tell her that Yuxu Fairy advises her to take care of herself! If there is any difficulty in the future, ask her to come to me at the top of the drifting cloud peak.

Before the words were finished, people had stepped up in the air, staggered in the air, and flew to the white crane.