Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 17 Amber Tears

Such an indisputable fact made Linfei speechless. She stared deeply at King Duan with her beautiful eyes and asked him if he was willing to believe her once. She had never betrayed him. The man was his child. She didn't know Tian Lei, and what that man said was all lies.

However, human evidence and material evidence were available. At that time, King Qin Duan was young and dizzy by jealousy. The public's eyes lost face again, and still mercilessly ordered her to be sent to the cold palace.

Concubine Lin looked at the once warm-hearted man and rushed to the high red palace pillar of Chaoyang Palace, ending her short life like a flash in the pan.

Since then, he lost his favorite in his life, buried himself in political affairs, and became a ruthless and cold emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He was cold-hearted, resolute and calm. He was just a wooden man dealing with government affairs, and his heart had already withered.

He doesn't want to look at the child more, because he has her shadow on him.

The tall scarlet palace pillar is still wrapped in white silk satin, as if to commemorate their lost love...

Qin Yiren took three steps and two steps, knelt to the ground and said with his head held high, "My ministers know that they are dull and reckless and do not deserve this heavy responsibility. However, the rise and fall of the world is responsible for them, and they are willing to go to the State of Qi."

The old king of Qin frowned and looked at him blankly, "You know that this is auspicious and extremely difficult."

"Children know, but the country is in trouble. If the life of a minister can be exchanged for the well-being of the Northern Qin Dynasty, the peace of the people, and the worry-free father, why not do it?"

"Forget it!" The old king of Qin sighed slightly, "If your mother Linfei is still there, she will be distressed!"

This son is very similar to the person who makes her love and hate, the same intelligent and talented, the same stubborn and unyielding. She has driven to Hexi. Is his only son also in danger?

Mother? Concubine Lin? Qin Yiren rubbed his ears hard. Did he hear him correctly? His father said four words to his mother Linfei!

Since the thunder on the day of his fifth birthday, he has never seen his father smile at him, let alone his mother's name. No one in the whole Chaoyang Palace has mentioned a hint of Lin's concubine. If it hadn't been for the white veil replaced on the palace column every year on her death anniversary, it seems that this person had never existed at all. This is a taboo for the old emperor.

He cried, quarreled and scolded when he was a child, but all his efforts were fruitless, because in the 13 years after that, his father never stopped in his bedroom. Time ran out, and he finally understood that he had fallen out of favor.

At that time, he was just a five- or six-year-old child. He could not accept that on the same day, his mother passed away and his father left ruthlessly.

He naively thought that it was the same as the noise that often happened when he was at home with his friends. After two days, his father's anger subsided and he would naturally come to see him. He remembered that his father loved him very much. When he was a child, he often held him on his lap to play and taught him to read and read. How could his father be so bear the bones and blood of his direct relatives? Don't treat him as a son at all?

He also hated his mother. Why did he have nothing to do with other men and put himself in deep trouble?

Since then, he has only seen his father in major events in the palace. He has rarely met him. Occasionally, he also kowtowed far away to kowtow.

The white eyes of the eunuchs, the abuse of his brothers and sisters almost broke his little heart. Later, he also began to doubt whether he was the blood of the heavenly family. This question has been confusing him and has not been solved to this day.

"Mother?" Qin Yiren's eyes were slightly red and he said in a trembling voice, "If my mother knows under the spring, she will gladly agree that I can do my best for the country, the people and my father!"

Thinking of his beautiful mother, he finally couldn't hold on, and tears rolled down his cheeks.

Who said that the man's tears are not easy, but he is not sad.

After 13 years of suppressed tears, it was finally out of control.

His tears were transparent, dripping like pearls and falling on the cold ground. A group of orderly ants crawled by. Only one "little one" accidentally fell in. It was desperately relieved like an abyss, but it could only struggle to death. The tears instantly condensed into a solid.

What is that? Is it the tears of amber?

Everyone's eyes are condensed on the tears and staring intently. Yes, that's the legendary amber tears!

Qin is a northern nation. It is rumored that their ancestors are the Beihai dragon people. The dragon people are the gods living on the seabed. They shed tears into amber, and their limbs can be regenerated.

These are all records in history books, and no one has confirmed them with their own eyes. Due to the evolution of the ethnic group, the Northern Qin royal family has long degraded its original divinity. "Dragon Man" is a symbol of great luck and a precursor to the birth of the world.

What will be unified every 300 years? Now it is less than 20 years before the rumored merger. Could it mean that the appearance of this child means that Northern Qin will be strong again and unify Huofeng.

If Qin Yiren is really the rumored king of the State of Qin, then he must be the descendant of the State of Qin, and Princess Lin that day...

King Qin Duan did not dare to think any more. In front of him was Linfei's sad eyes and desperate expression. It turned out that he wronged his beloved woman, neglected his own son, and his wife and children were separated. All this was caused by him. He was sorry for the mother and son.

He should have expected that Linfei gathered thousands of favors at that time. Although she had no intention to fight, she made a lot of enemies. Many people in and outside the palace looked at her and looked forward to her death without burial place.

How can he be so stupid and make other people's ways hurt and enemies happy!

It's a waste of his life to regard himself as wise and stupid. It's okay for this emperor not to do it!

King Qin Duan's eyes are like arrows, and his sharp eyes stare at the gu man. The child is four years old and can read four books and five classics. At the age of five, he rides a horse and shoots arrows. At the age of 13, he joins with the army and commands at the age of 15. He is a natural emperor. Maybe he can achieve the empire of thousands of years and become famous tomorrow.

Over the years, although King Duan has no intention to care about him, there is always news about him, and it is difficult not to listen to him.

"Big boss, Lao Qi, have you really thought about it and really don't want to share your worries for me?" The old father didn't seem to give up and interrogated his two spoiled sons again.

"Father, since the fourth brother Mao recommended himself, you'd better give him a chance!"

"What the eldest brother said is that the fourth brother has been capable of martial arts and amazingly since he was a child. Today, he took the initiative to ask for it. As a brother and brother, the child is ashamed of himself and sincerely let Xian."

"Hum, hum, hum..." The nasal sound was cold, and the kind old father's heart was like a knife. The two rebellious sons were obviously afraid of death, and they also pushed others on the cutting board like a spring, allowing mermaid meat.

"Okay, I hope you won't regret what happened today!" King Qin Duan made up his mind and his heart was like a rock, "Xiao Dezi, have you heard it? Then let's make a mysterious order!"

"Yes, I obey the order!" The sharp voice suddenly sounded in the air, and a white-faced man in a navy blue servant came out from behind the bright yellow curtain beside the emperor and slowly approached the old man in yellow who was about to die.

"Your Majesty, it's all ready!"

"What are you waiting for? The two princes are anxious!"

Xiao Dezi is the general manager of the eunuch. The red man around the emperor can serve the holy driver at a young age. He is by no means a stupid person. In recent years, when the king's body is not very strong, he is full of oracles, and he will write folds on his behalf.

"I will obey the holy will." According to heaven's transportation, the emperor's edict said that today, the fire and phoenix are boiling, the creatures are ruined, and the scholars are exposed in the wild. Therefore, the people's livelihood is uneasy for a day. My son Qin Yi, the fourth son, is talented, has both virtue and filial piety, Wen Tao and martial arts, and bows deeply. Now I am established as the crown prince. A hundred years later, I can inherit the temple. It was announced to the world, and the salty envoy heard that the king of Qin has been 45 years.

After hearing this, Qin Yiyuan and Qin Yikai collapsed to the ground powerlessly, like falling into an ice cave.

They didn't expect that from the gate of entering the Chaoyang Palace to now, their father never mentioned the past as hostages of the State of Qi. In fact, he just wanted to announce the last candidate to be canonized the crown prince today. They refused it in their own words, which not only hurt the old father's heart, but also gave up the great country.

"Children, don't worry. In the future, you will take me as the king of Qin You. I hope you can put the people first and worry about the country and the people. I will protect you for the rest of your life."

In the end, Qin Yi was awarded the title of prince. Although he was looked at by others, he finally achieved great success.

Wow, this is simply an ancient costume love drama that combines romance, palace fighting, power and fantasy! It can be written as a TV series!

Lv Qingzhu is still immersed in a sad love story and can't be herself for a long time, but there are loopholes in the plot, and she still wants to bring it up.

"However, isn't this story too bloody? If Qin Yiren really tears like amber, why didn't anyone find out before? If he has this ability, I don't have to be a dog emperor. Isn't it enough to open a store to sell gems every day?"

"This young man's eyelids are really shallow. The Beihai Dragon people only have this vision when they are devastated and heartbroken. If they cry like amber every day, why don't they cry to death?" Hu Butcher quickly refuted Qingzhu's remarks and defended his idol.

"Well, this ugly man, my father-in-law is right. You'd better listen to it more."

"Madam, don't be rude. Although this prince looks strange, you can't say he is 'stinky'!"

"It's not 'stinky', it's 'ugly'. What's wrong with being ugly? I'm afraid this gentleman doesn't even dare to get close to the robbers when he goes out during the day."

"That's reasonable. Not to mention during the day, maybe the ugly man can exorcise ghosts and exorcise evil spirits at night!"

These two, rub the ball with me! The two of them dare to talk like this in front of me during the day, and they may say something in the quilt at night!

"My name is Xia Tongxi, just call me Mr. Xia!" How can you casually give the Lun family a nickname!

"In fact, the scale pole is inseparable from the scale*. Qin Yiren can achieve today's career, and he also relies on our Lu Xiangye of Southern Qi. Without his daughter, he will be free to replace Qin Yiren. I'm afraid he is still farming in the cinema now!" The shopkeeper Fang mentioned Lu Fuwei with a proud face.

"Thousands of horses need Bole, and we Lu Xiang are Bole of the King of Qin." The people of the State of Qi are also proud to talk about this powerful political figure.

Since Lv Xiang successfully transformed from a merchant Jia Huali to a politician, the status of businessmen in the world has also improved a lot. The people of Nanqi raised their eyebrows and talked about idols. When it comes to idols, they are proud and unconsciously "floating" two words.

Hmm? Who did he say? Mr. Lu, isn't that my "father"?

When it comes to "father", Qingzhu's heart is inexplicably warm. That person always hangs her and thinks about her everywhere. He is one of the only people who sincerely treats her in this strange era.

"Cut..." Some people agree, and some people naturally sing the opposite tune, "Who in the world doesn't know that Qin Yi and Lu Fuwei can wear a pair of trousers? Isn't your little wife Zhu Ji, who sleeps in the same bed, as a gift for the king of Qin?"

"I heard that Qin Zheng, the prince of the State of Qin, may be the son of Lu Fuwei!"

"Zhu Ji has now become the queen of the Northern Qin Dynasty, the mother of a country, and she really thanks her old friend..."