Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 33 Seeing the Truth in Hardship

"Don't... leave me... please..." The painful words sounded slightly and shattered, but in such an empty cave, they seemed so loud. Qingzhu raised his eyebrows puzzledly. What kind of nightmare is it? She reached for the forehead of the text, and her fingers were hot everywhere.

Her heart was cold. It turned out that he had a fever and was talking nonsense. Suddenly, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed her wrist tightly. His fingers trembled coldly and frowned. A deep Sichuan character was engraved in the middle of his eyebrows.

Qingzhu's hand was pulled by him in great pain, and his strength made him frown and wanted to put aside his imprisonment, but seeing his fragile look, his voice was helpless, sad, hatred, and seemed to have prayers...

Qingzhu had never seen such an innocent look in the text, and he was at a loss for a moment.

He hadn't eaten for a few days, and his voice was sweating, but at this time, the strength came from nowhere, almost crushed the bones of the bamboo like exhausting his life.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you," she said slowly in his ear, "I'll take you wherever I go!" She told him nobomly, as if talking to him, as if talking to himself, as if she was determined to take care of him for the rest of his life and would never be separated.

He smiled, and his cracked lips were slightly raised. The pure smile was the most sincere smile she had ever seen, just like a young child who had been promised by his mother to give him a sweet and happy face like candy.

He was so hot and hot that she took off his coat with a hand that could only move. It turned out that the wound on the back was ulcerated and a little inflamed, so it had a high fever.

Qingzhu was pulled by his arm and couldn't move. She had to take off her coat, leaving only her belly pocket and trousers, and clinging her white and delicate body to him, half to cool him down and half to block the hard wind at the hole for him. In this way, the two bodies met openly and frankly for the first time. Maybe I didn't sleep all night last night, and I got up early this morning to fish, and my body was really tired. Unconsciously, I made an appointment with Zhou Gong.

Time is running fast. When the text wakes up, it is already noon, and it is also drizzling outside. Gradually, the rain becomes heavier, crackling the earth, nourishing everything but silently. He opened his eyes muddle-headedly and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him like falling into the rain and fog. He only vaguely remembered that in his dream, he first took his mother's hand and asked her to take him away, and then he saw Xiang'er and asked her not to leave him... He seemed to hear their promise to take him wherever he went, but what happened to the girl around him? However, when he saw his left hand grasping her right arm, he immediately realized that the person who had promised him life and death was actually her.

If people are not plants, who can be ruthless? This girl, who had just known her for a few days, met her three times on the way and rescued her many times. At this rude unsalty ugly woman has been planted in his heart like a seed. When his heart is warm and the grass grows and the warbler flies, she will grow into a towering tree, standing between heaven and the earth.

The bamboo's delicate body and charming posture hugged him. His fragrant shoulders were half exposed, and the scenery on his chest loomed. When it was tightly integrated with his hot chest and strong texture, he actually ignited a burning flame on his lower body, and the flame instantly turned into a flame and wandered around his limbs.

He...wanted her...his eyes sprayed with lust and fire, and his hands were not at his disposal. He attached her ugly cheeks like a ghost, slowly going down and then down...

Perhaps his whole body was uncomfortable by this fiery eyes. Qingzhu was slightly stunned, but he saw one of his big hands wandering leisurely on his willow waist. He couldn't help screaming. The text also came to his senses in an instant and pushed her with his hand. The blue stone was not big enough for two people to lie on their sides. He pushed her down with this force. She picked it out and pulled him down from the big stone. At the same time, the bamboo was below, the text was on the top, and the four lips were accurately glued together.

The four eyes are opposite, and their eyes are full of spring.


"You...get out of here..."

Qingzhu ignored his injuries and tried his best to fly the text...

The text fell in pain, and his back was just against a hard stone. He immediately moaned and howled.

"You savage ugly girl, who wants to kiss you, you pulled me down from above!"

"Shut up! I don't want to kiss me. Your hand is still touching my little waist. Last time I touched it, this time I touched it in the middle. I don't know where to touch it next time. It's just a sex embryo!" Qingzhu stood up his proud 36D, and his face was full of showing off.

"I touch you, and the ugly girl doesn't look at herself. With your dignity and fierce personality, the robbers are going to turn around and run away. Who else dares to be evil to you and is not afraid of being killed by thousands of knives? If I have a light heart with you, I will be struck by lightning..."

"Boom!" A thunder sounded outside the cave, cracking a big stone at the entrance of the cave, and the lightning almost scared Qingzhu!

(Spinach: God asked me to tell you, I'm sorry, he split the wrong person!)

Although Qingzhu graduated from Xiamen University, she was only afraid of thunder and talked about it. However, she moved like a rabbit, used her hands and feet together, walked vigorously, and plunged into the arms of the text.

The text was kicked by her heart and poured on the ground on her back. She put all her weight on his body. The stone on the ground was so sharp that it pierced into the rotten wound that had not yet healed.

"Hmm..." He couldn't help chanting and closing his eyebrows.

What's the sound? Do you want to exaggerate so much and be so eager to give your sister a hug? There is no need for this kind of movement, so that outsiders will hear it and think that we are making a limited-level movie! Oh, in fact, this kind of thing is not a sightless thing, but a normal physiological need that everyone has.

Qingzhu was lying on the body of the text at this time, ** separated, his buttocks crossed & sat on his waist, his arms were white, his hands around his long neck, and he inserted his head into the sand like a dangerous ostrich, hiding his cheeks deep in his neck.

Thunderstorms, lightning and thunder outside the cave, and the two people in the cave maintained this strange posture until the rain gradually became smaller and stopped.

She enjoyed this thin but warm embrace. Her mind was full of thoughts, but she heard a roar, like two peaks penetrating her ears, which made her unable to distinguish left and right things, and her mind was full of roars.

Qingzhu raised his head and looked at his subordinates. His face was cloudy and clear, with a bitter and resister expression.

What's going on? Just now, he was still singing in a low voice with continuous affection. Why did he turn his face in a moment and turn into an unspeakable stinky face in a blink of an eye? This man is really a master who changes his face in an instant.

"Ugly girl, why don't you come down quickly! Do you still want to crush me to death with such a heavy body?" The text almost flashed her waist by her buttocks, and the wound on her back was also painful. If it hadn't been for the powerless to tie the chicken now, she would have been frightened and scared. With a rare gentle and clever appearance, an iron sand palm would have pushed her out of her body long ago.

When Qingzhu heard this, he choked violently and immediately turned down from him and said angrily, "What are you shouting about, but you are wronged? It's not you who suffered losses. I didn't have a word of complaint when you ate tofu. You are fine, and you put on a sad face. Who can you show it to?"

"Eat your tofu?" The text sneered, "I am a real gentleman who is not confused. Seeing this ugly face comparable to Yecha, I have sprouted the idea of side by side with Liu Xiahui. However, I have been seduced by you, an ugly woman several times and taken a lot of advantages!"

"I'm an ugly woman, and you're not ugly..." Before the word "man" was said, she swallowed again with saliva. Thinking of last night, she was just an angry word, saying that he was so ugly that he couldn't help coughing blood angrily, and now she gave up the idea of continuing the tongue war.

Forget it, for the sake of his weakness and fever, it's good not to continue to argue with you! Qingzhu's end has stopped, but unexpectedly, it was a sneer, as proud as an invincible and invincible general. "I know you're wrong. It seems that you still remember some women's virtue. That's all, I'll spare you this time. You don't have to be blessed!"

Damn, this guy doesn't want to face!

"Ugly girl, why don't you help me up quickly?" The text said seriously, glad that he finally won the first victory in this battle of power.

Qingzhu couldn't help laughing when he saw his triumphant face. Such an unruly man is sometimes capricious and obedient like a big child. Every time he speaks, he has a gun and a stick, which is simply a "poisonous tongue"!

She got up and put on her own clothes. Just as she was about to help him, she heard the cold voice of the text, "Put your clothes on for me first!"

Qingzhu was angry when he heard his arrogant tone and said, "I said ugly... lazy brother, you have hands and feet, and you are not a disabled person. How can I do everything?"

I have been unlucky for 18 lifetimes. I picked up a biological father in the pit in the middle of the night. I am not a servant, and I have to serve him obediently. Is it really going to be bullied to death by him?

"Since you promised me to escort me home, that's my entourage. Do you still need me to do these chores?"

"Master? When did I promise you anything? When did you become your slave again? She was stunned by his words and finally laughed. This man was really arrogant and arrogant. Obviously, he was injured and inconvenient to move, but he preferred to show off and pretended to be a rich man. He was really a cooked duck - his mouth was hard, but he refused to be soft.

Qingzhu wanted to laugh, but when he looked up into his sobbing eyes, his smile froze there. This is a man with strong self-esteem. Now that the prince is in trouble, it's okay if she doesn't help him. How can she laugh at him? In this way, it's better to let him live and die in that stinky toilet. Alas, since he has saved him, let's be kind and send the Buddha to the west!