Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 38 *Life

"Oh, it's really strange today," Grandma Xue's words came from the outside room. "How to feed the pig's wooden basin disappeared? Isn't it stolen? What the hell!"

God! This wooden basin is really for feeding animals!

"You..." The text was aggressive, and he got out of the water with a "hoo" sound. Regardless of his body**, he appeared in front of Qingzhu in the emperor's new clothes. His eyes were congested, his expression was ferocious, and his face was full of indignation. "You did it on purpose!"

"I..." She wanted to defend, but when she saw the man standing like a god in front of her, with a long and thin figure, ice and snow crystal skin, and axe chiseled texture, appeared in front of her eyes like a David sculpture. It was extremely beautiful and free from the dust, just like nine gods descending to the world. As far as she could see, she suddenly felt that there was a warm current rushing around her body and flowing. She couldn't help drooling. Suddenly, a heat wave hit her nostrils. It turned out that looking at the handsome pot's private photos really made nosebleeds!

Qingzhu looked up in an instant, so as not to be laughed at by him for his nosebleeds, pretended to look out of the window, motionless, and immediately petrified...

At this time, the text was ashamed and angry, and almost crazy. Seeing her looking up at the night sky and standing like a mountain, she felt strange and looked along the line of sight. A bright moon hung in the sky like a silver hook, and the starry starlight illuminated the white snow. In front of her, there was a heroic scene of the frozen north country. "Ugly girl, what are you looking at? What about it?

"The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Raise your head to look at the moon and bow your head to think of your hometown. I can see the moon naturally. He can't wait to explain for fear of causing his suspicion.

"How beautiful is the moon? Isn't it like that every day? Ugly girl, turn around and look down at me!" The text is furious.

After hearing this, Qingzhu quickly raised his head higher, looked at the Monkey King from afar, and looked at the four fields a few times, "Look, gray machine gray, there is a gray machine!"

"Grey machine?" The text was really fooled by her and looked up in the direction of her fingers, "Where?"

Qingzhu pretended to be disappointed, and then spread out his hands helplessly and said with regret, "It's a pity that the gray machine has gone away!"

"Oh?" He was stunned by her, and his brain NG for a few seconds. "It's a pity that the dust has passed, but what on earth is the dust machine?"

"So uneducated, don't you even know the gray machine?" Qingzhu suddenly smiled cunningly and badly, "The gray machine is a gray pheasant!"

"It's just a gray pheasant. What's so strange about it? Look at your flattering face, and others still think that you have found a treasure?" The text was angered and scolded her.

"Sneeze!" A gentleman forgot that he was naked** and couldn't help trembling after the chill came. "Where did you come from this woman with tremsy words and intelligence comparable to a mad woman? Did you deliberately pretend to be crazy and deliberately kill me?"

Then there was another chatter and scolding...

The night in the empty valley is silent. Occasionally, there are noisy footsteps on the forest path. The late passers-by return like arrows. His silk feet step on the heavy snow and make a creaking sound, and there is only one direction in his heart - home.

"The son doesn't think the mother is ugly, and the dog doesn't think the family is poor." Even if there are four walls and poverty, he doesn't care, because that's his home; even if there is an ugly mother and early hair, he doesn't care, because that's his home.

"Who says an inch of grass heart will repay the three springs." The sky was dark, and the dim stone room, and the lights were like beans. Looking through the window, an old mother was holding needle and thread to mend her clothes. The night was as cool as water, but she couldn't sleep alone, just to wait for the wanderer who went out.

The returnee in the snowy night gently knocked on the door, "Mom, I'm back!"

The old mother hurriedly put down her work and staggered to the door. She opened the wooden door with a "squeak". When she saw the person in front of her, she couldn't help hugging and crying, tearful, "Son, you're finally back!"

At night, Qingzhu couldn't sleep at night. Looking at the man beside him who was asleep and frowned, thinking of the experience of meeting him, it seemed that a thousand little rabbits were jumping at the same time, instantly confused. I don't know when this strange-tempered man has entered his heart. He is sometimes indifferent, sometimes vicious, sometimes helpless, and sometimes he doesn't do anything, but it is this man who is as unpredictable as a fog that fascinates her, makes her deeply trapped, and makes her unable to extricate herself. Maybe it was in the "Fulai Inn" when he took her into his arms and helped her avoid sword fighting; maybe in the silent cave, when he held her hand, helped him blow, and shared a bowl of fish soup with her; maybe in the stone room kang, he hugged her to sleep and accompanied her until dawn... Sometimes the feelings came so suddenly that she didn't know How to stop it, she can't linger on any shoulder, because she has to go back so that she won't suffer from love and scars in this male- supremacist time and space!

"Don't, don't come here, no, don't, no..." The text gathered his eyebrows, closed his eyes, and said to himself like a mosquito, "Don't come here, don't touch me..."

Seeing him like this, Qingzhu gently pushed him with his hand, but his hands were covered by a hot body. He had a fever again, sweated and frightened. Thinking of the process of bathing, she once again blamed herself and hated her carelessness and improper handling things.

The text seems to be haunted by nightmares. The mud cow enters the sea and it is difficult to extricate himself. What kind of nightmare will make this elegant man as elegant as the moon flower be so restless?

It turned out to be a dream that he would never forget--

A long tunnel, narrow and endless. A teenage handsome teenager with bright eyes and clear eyebrows, was running desperately. There was a dark ink in front of him. He accidentally fell down and immediately stood up again. He didn't have time to rub his painful knees and pat the dust on his body, because Behind him, there is always a voice like a magic sound through his brain, like a shadow. Zhenger, where have you been hiding? The ghost words made him uneasy, and those who lost their lives would escape from the palm of the man's hand...

The end of the path seemed to have a bright light. It was a closed porter, and the teenager had no choice but to push the door into the house. This is a brilliant and brightly lit room with beaded curtains and carved eaves. The boy tried his best to find a place to hide, but he fled and had nowhere to hide. However, at this time, the magic sound rose again, and his heart fell into the bottomless abyss again.

"Zinger, so you are here!" A burly and tall, just-aged and upright man, with sword eyebrows, star eyes, prominent and straight nose, proud and handsome, luxurious and calm and heroic.

After seeing the teenager, the man suddenly showed surprise and excitement on his face, and even his voice was even a little excited. He raised his lips and laughed, "Singer, you have already been in the palm of my hand. I said you can't escape. Don't waste your effort!"

The teenager suddenly turned around, and the two looked at each other, but his expression was completely opposite to the man's. The chill had rushed from his back to his limbs, and his whole body was very stiff.

The man smiled dotingly and pressed step by step, and the light of the candlelight reflected his back as a statue.

The teenager was stunned for a moment and suddenly reacted. He couldn't help stepping back and stabilize his mind.

The man pressed the teenager step by step.

The teenager involuntarily took another step back.

The man approached slowly, forced the teenager to the bed little by little, stretched out his hand to hold a wisp of green silk of the teenager, came to the tip of his nose and smelled it carefully, smiling and ignored the teenager's fear, "Singer, your hair is so fragrant. Have you soaked it with the dew on the newly picked plum petals this year?"

The teenager felt a little numb on his scalp, and his inexplicable intimacy made him panic and unable to breathe. "Your Majesty, please don't laugh. Hair is hair. Where does the fragrance come from?"

The man suddenly stretched out his finger on the young man's snow-white cheek, with a smiling expression, which was so unfathomable that people could not see what he was thinking. "Your skin is really slippery. Nen, I don't think an ordinary woman is as good as you!"

"Your Majesty, I..." Before the teenager finished his words, a long index finger attached his cherry lips like March spring flowers.

"Sei'er, oh, don't call me Your Majesty, call me Hui!" The man took back his finger and attached his lips again, for fear of missing the fragrance just stained on his index finger, and looked at the teenager's fear and smiled.

The teenager stood like a jade sculpture and tried his best to look at the man, but the trembling on his body and the timidity hidden in the depths of his pupils exposed his panic. "Your Majesty, how dare the son of the proton of the enemy country call your name directly?"

"I promise that I will give you this right, and I will only give you one person in the world!" A frightening evil spirit appeared on the man's face. He glanced at the prey that was forced to the bedside by him, and the corners of his lips raised a smile. "If you feel inconvenient, your father and I are about the same age, and you can also call my uncle in front of outsiders!"

"Your Majesty..." Before he finished speaking, he was stuck in his throat, because the man had domineeringly lifted him down in ** with one hand and the other hand on him to swim as he wanted.

Looking condescendingly at the prey under him, the man stroked the teenager unscrupulously with his knife cocoon hand, inch by inch, refusing to let go of every inch of his body's pale and almost transparent skin, so as to twist his jaw leisurely, and even his fingertips were happy to return.

"Zhou, no man in the world is more beautiful than you. No, a woman is more beautiful than you. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen!" The man looked at the delicate little man under him, and his humiliated expression and embarrassed eyes were all unique and touching.