Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 1 Meet the prince again

The bright moon has not come out of the mountains, and the auspicious light is white.

A crescent moon hangs high in the dark blue sky, and the light as clear as water shines on the earth.

When Qingzhu's carriage arrived at the palace, the sky was getting late and the stars were sparse. After getting out of the car, the two of them fought separately, and no one paid attention to anyone and walked alone. Qin Zheng walked with a bamboo stick in his hand and staggered, and his thighs hurt badly.

Qingzhu walked at the front end, and his chest was stuffy. Why did this man not accumulate virtue like this? But when he looked back, he couldn't bear to see his bumpy footsteps. After all, his injury originated from himself, and he did not hold him accountable and tried his best to hide it for her.

Turning around, he took Qin Zheng's right arm, and his eyes were full of communication, which contained sincere feelings. The husband and wife entered the palace door together.

The Cultural Relics Conference is a world-famous competition, attended by the official leaders of various countries. Therefore, the Northern Qin Dynasty specially arranged a large-scale night banquet in the Star Picking Pavilion in the Chaoyang Palace to wash away the royal relatives of the four countries.

The Cultural and Martial Arts Conference is held every four years by four countries in the Huofeng mainland. The conference is divided into two sub-competition - the cultural competition and the martial arts competition, with a total of more than half a month.

Wensai is not only a poem, but also a vassal and elegant. The martial arts competition is to dance with guns and sticks, and win the peak of Huashan.

A few days ago, it was the preliminary competition, and the last day after the end of the preliminary competition was the final, and so on. If someone wins both the civil and military competition at the same time, according to the usual practice, the organizer, that is, the host country, will give the corresponding rewards. The winner can also make a request directly to the local emperor and must get a positive answer.

This is also what Qingzhu and Qin Zheng secretly wrote down when they heard everyone talking on the way to the Star Pavilion. She thought to herself, if she could also participate in the competition and win by chance, what conditions should she propose to King Qin You?

Picking Xingge, taken from Li Bai's poem "a dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and you can pick stars in your hand". As its name, the building is a towering and straight into the sky. In the eyes is a grand and wide building, the eaves of carved beams and painted buildings, the circling stairs, and the exquisitely carved window lattice, which is simply a magnificent royal palace. . Sure enough, it is a place for famous figures from the four countries to compete, and even the competition venue is so luxurious.

Qingzhu and the two came to the designated place according to the guidance of the maid of honor. Only then did they find that the original cultural relics conference was really a rare gathering in years, and many familiar faces in the banquet made her unforgettable for her life.

The tables and chairs in the pavilion were arranged in a circular shape, and many invited guests were present when they entered the venue. Qingzhu raised his eyes and was shocked by the figure in front of him, but then his lips moved with a smear.

The pair of people sitting opposite their left hand is none other than Yan Dan, the prince of the State of Yan, who abandoned his old love and married a new lover. Today, Yan Dan is dressed in a light yellow dark pattern eight-claw python robe. The golden crown of the same color is high and high, his clothes are floating and the green silk is swinging. The two looked at each other, and the same smiling eyes surged with inexplicable affection, penetrating from their respective eyes to each other's hearts.

The well-dressed and jeweled woman beside Yan Dan is also an old acquaintance - Qingzhu's half-sister Lv Youzhu, the crown princess of today's Yan Kingdom.

The two's eyes collided in the air, and Qingzhu quickly wandered around and no longer exchanged any information with his eyes.

The lover's every move of the past can't escape the curious psychology of others. Although others don't speak on their faces, they always pay attention to their small movements.

When Qin Zheng saw Yan Dan, the hatred in his eyes was instantly ignited, and the waves of anger rolling back and forth, and the old hatred surged into his heart. At that moment, he forcibly controlled the idea of suddenly rushing forward to swallow the life in front of him.

Yan withdrew his eyes from Qingzhu, raised his eyebrows and sat down safely. After seeing Qin Zheng's hatred into the bone marrow, his eyes were contemptuous and smiled. He raised his eyebrows and spread a disdainful smile, pouted his red lips and said words. His words seemed to be light without any sound, as if they were just expressing his intention with his mouth. "Animal!"

Qin Zheng's big hand grasped tightly around him, and his bones made a rattling sound, but he still tried to keep his original calm face. He told himself that he had not taken revenge and did not act recklessly.

Qingzhu missed the eye-eye confrontation between the two men. When she saw Qin Zheng's almost trembling, but he pretended to be unusually calm, her heart was puzzled, her eyes flashed, and her moth eyebrows were faintly stained with worry. Then she lowered her voice and leaned against his ear and said, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

While thinking about the past, Qin Zheng heard the gentle comfort voice of the woman beside him. His dark eyes were slightly stunned, and his heart was instantly full of flowers and fragrant. Then he said in a low voice, "I'm fine. As long as I have a beloved concubine, it's worth it even if I suffer too much and suffer more. I am willing."

As he spoke, he put his right hand on her delicate cheek and gently tighten the broken hair on the woman's forehead behind his ear. He moved gently and gently, as if he was afraid of breaking the beautiful woman in front of him.

The man's eyes are intertwined with warmth and indifference, bright and strange, but it immediately confused her. This look is very familiar. She remembers that a man once did the same action on Xuenu Peak and said something unforgettable to herself. Text, how are you? When will there be a reunion?

Yan Dan in front of the opposite table saw the concubine of his beloved woman and his humiliating enemy, and his heart was also furious, but what could he do? Everything today was caused by himself, and he was not even qualified to complain.

Yan Dan will immediately set his mind and sit there, with warm eyes and mixed joy. Yixi is because Qingzhu at least no longer hates himself now. He still has hope. As long as there is a glimmer of dawn, he will not give up and will recover the beauty's heart until death. One worry is because it seems that her relationship with Qin Zheng is very harmonious, which is not as incompatible as outside legends, which adds a little difficulty to her previous plan.

Qingzhu's confession from the sky made him feel uneasy. Which one is wrong with this man or has eaten something bad? What's the trick of such a lingering infatuation?

When her vision moved with his pupils, she woke up in a blink of an eye. It turned out to be a smoke-free war between two men, affecting the innocent self. She finally understood that this may be the reason why Qin Zheng abused and beat her every time. The men complained about each other, but they were involved and became Qin Zheng's punching bag and accepted all his cruel revenge. Thinking of this, she looked up and was stunned at the carved dragon in the sky for a moment. At the moment when she lowered her eyes, the firm light floated under her eyes. She wanted to leave these two hateful men, not to wade into the muddy waters of hatred, and never come back.

"Sister, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you recently?" The woman's soft and boneless words touched her heart with great concern, but the following words made her look at the fire. "Mother misses you and Prince Dan very much and always talks about you. I look forward to coming back early."

I thought it was Miaozhu's kind care for her, but it turned out to be the deep sisterhood of the two. This can't be blamed on others. After all, they are the same father and mother, and they will definitely kiss eight points compared with themselves.

Lv Youzhu's originally resentful and cold face turned cold. After seeing that the person in front of him was his compatriots and sister, his tight lips were slightly raised, and his heart gradually sank. After a long time, she smiled and said, "Sister is in good health. Don't worry about your sister. How are your father and mother recently?"

Qingzhu and Miaozhu opened their eyes wide and saw her sad face. They sighed in their hearts and thought that their sister's life was not satisfactory. Lv Youzhu has been spoiled by his mother Su Wan since he was a child. He has always been arrogant and arrogant. Today, he cares about the recent situation of his parents for the first time. It can be seen that he must have been wronged outside that he remembered the happiness at home in the past. In contrast, the two are also a little less sharp and more easy-going now.

Speaking of some recent changes in Youzhu, it is also due to her marriage to the royal family. Originally, she thought that she would be able to win the favor with her beauty and lead the six palaces in the future, but who would have thought that things were counterproductive?

Since Yan Dan and Youzhu got married more than half a year ago, Yan Dan has never stayed in her room except for the wedding night. To be polite and respectful to her, it is actually abandoned and ignored. At first, she childishly thought that it might be the prince's gentleness and thin face. As long as she took the initiative a little, maybe the relationship between the two would improve, but when she quietly came to the prince's hall, she found that she was so stupid. Less than half a month after getting married, Yan Dan flirted with a beautiful girl in the room. It was ridiculous that she had always thought that Lang Jun was an emotionally focused person and was proud of it. It turned out that she had no eyes and was entrusted by someone.

Youzhu cried about this and even hanged himself, but he couldn't get any of her husband's pity.

She went to the king of the State of Yan to question, but the king of Yan Hui smiled contemptuously, "Since ancient times, three wives and four concubines have been a natural thing!"

She found the queen of the State of Yan crying again, and Queen Yan Qi Jing also snorted coldly, "Women should be generally knowledgeable and generous to maintain the favor of her husband."

Now that he had torn his face, Yan Dan no longer covered it up and simply accepted the maid Xiaozhen as his concubine. Since then, the servants have been rampant in the prince's mansion every day.

Youzhu's personality is simple and has no scheming, but this rare waiter is a smiling tiger behind him. A little girl can stand out among many female maidservants. Naturally, she is a pretty skillful figure. I don't know how many secret losses she has suffered. She has long lost her favor and become a famous crown princess. By now, the corners of my body have been completely worn away, without the original mind, and my words and deeds are much more restrained than before.

She only hopes that one day she can give birth to a prince, and the mother will become the lord of the six palaces with her son, but at present, she is ambitious and coveted the position of her imperial concubine. Yan Dan also opened his eyes and closed his eyes. It was too much to spoil his concubine and destroy his wife. He actually brought the little concubine to Northern Qin. Youzhu knew in his heart that if it hadn't been because he was the daughter of the Lv family after all, I'm afraid that the person present for the banquet now would be the proud waiter.