Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 22 Allergy

The morning glow rises, surrounded by colorful clouds, and a new day begins again.

Qin Zheng was worried last night. Sometimes he looked at the bright moon outside the window and sometimes looked at the woman in his arms. His small body curled up into a ball and relied on his broad chest.

Maybe she was scared. This night, she slept very unsteadily. She always whispered and her voice was very low. No matter how serious she was, she couldn't hear it clearly. In the end, she could only hug her and give her warmth to the thin woman. She hugged her tightly, completely ignored her struggle and begging for mercy, and only used comforting words of comfort. He said, "With me, Zhuer doesn't have to be afraid of anything." Until he was tired and went to sleep slowly.

In the morning, Qingzhu tried his best to open his eyes. In front of him was Qin Zheng's elegant sleeping posture. This man was always so elegant and temperamental. Even if he took off his naked, he was equally charming and didn't wear anything.

I suddenly felt something wrong with my body. My skin was itchy, red and swollen. What's wrong?

I reached out and scratched the tight skin because of itching. The more I scratched, the more itchy it, the more itchy it became. As a vicious circle, the whole face became swollen.

After a while, I had a headache, dizziness, chest tightness, tightness of breath, nausea and vomiting, numbness of the tongue and limbs, and the situation became more and worse.

Because her tickling action was large, she woke the sleeping man from her dream. Qin Zheng first looked at her confusedly, and then exclaimed, "Zhuer, what's wrong with you?"

The woman opposite is red and swollen. Her lips are swollen and she has small red pimples. If she hadn't been lying beside him all the time, I'm afraid Qin Zheng would really not recognize her!

"I don't know, I'm so uncomfortable!" Qingzhu's weak answer.

"It doesn't matter. I'll ask the father to come and see you." Qin Zheng got up and put on his middle coat, opened the door and left with a big thorn.

After half a cup of tea, thezai father trotted all the way to Lilac Garden with a medicine box. Qin Zheng followed closely. Qingzhu was dressed and was about to find a mirror to see what had happened!

"Bamboo, what's wrong with you?" Zai's father looked at her from top to bottom, and then invited the pulse case. He turned around and said to Qin Zheng, who was standing aside, "Don't worry, it's just an ordinary allergy. It should be some stimulating food, such as seafood, spicy food, etc.

"She ate clear shrimp yesterday." Qin Zheng suddenly remembered the scene of "shrimp" in the restaurant yesterday.

"That's right. Bamboo is allergic to seafood. You can't eat any food in the sea in the future, otherwise it will recur." Zai's father continued, "I'll give you some medicine, and you can see it in a few days. This kind of soup has the side effects of drowsiness and drowsiness. Don't be afraid of bamboo. If you stop taking the medicine, it will disappear.

Qin Zheng and his father went out of the door of the yard together. Qin Zheng's melancholy eyes were stained with a gloomy cold light, "Brother, is seafood allergy a lifelong disease? Can sick people eat fish?

"Why do you ask these questions?" Zai's father was quite puzzled and thought that Qin Zheng was concerned about bamboo's body, so he said in a low voice, "This allergy is caused by human constitution and cannot be cured for life. Because of the natural **, this kind of mermaids and shrimps are not eaten.

After Zai's father left, Qin Zheng stood alone with his hands behind his back, remembering the experience of eating a bowl of fish soup with the ugly girl in the cave about a year ago. His heart was surging and it was difficult to calm down. Lv Qingzhu finally lied to me. You are really not an ugly girl!

In the wing of Dingxiang Garden, Qingzhu was also confused and helpless, but he had a seafood allergy in his previous life, but since then. After Lv Qingzhu's body, his physique changed and there has been no recurrence, but why did he suddenly attack again now? Was that dream last night true? In the future, this body will follow my physique, so what happened to the real second Miss Lu family and the soul beads? I can't figure it out after thinking about it again and again, so I can only add trouble.

"Mother," Qin Zheng's personal maid Lian'er was stunned when she saw Qingzhu enter the room. She seemed to be respectful and called her in a low voice, "The prince ordered her maidservant Lian'er to send you back to the bamboo garden to rest."

"What about others?" Why don't you come and tell me in person?

"There is an emergency in the court, and the prince went to the court to criticize the folds." Lian'er replied.

"I don't need you to send it, I'll go back by myself." Qingzhu had a bad impression of Lian'er and was sent away by this subordinate who had always hated her, which was tantamount to kicking her out.

"Yes, the maidservant sent the thousand concubines." Lian'er didn't force it, and her attitude was respectful.

When I walked to the bamboo garden alone, I was so depressed that I couldn't say anything. Every step I took was as painful as a needle on the tip of my heart, and I was extremely frustrated. The servant was inevitably surprised to see her miserable and sick look. She looked lively yesterday. How can she be like a sick lazy cat today? It seems that Qianfei has fallen out of favor again!

Women in the royal palace often gain and lose honor and disgrace overnight.

In the next two days, life was ordinary, and the father-in-law still had to arrive every day. Afterjian the medicine, Ying'er began to make some light dishes to help the lady keep healthy.

After a few days of rest, Qingzhu's illness was indeed much better. Since that day, Qin Zheng has never set foot in the bamboo garden. This feeling of suffering from gains and losses is even more difficult. She wanted to ask him in person, but she couldn't let her down to find him first.

In the afternoon, Qingzhu couldn't stand it and told the maid, "Yinger, go to the lilac garden to help me invite the prince over. Just say that I'm not feeling well and want to see him."

After hearing this, Yinger was so shocked that her eyes almost fell to the ground. The young lady has always been arrogant and has never been soft with the prince. Unexpectedly, she is now the same as other women in the house. In order to win the favor of men, she does not hesitate to lose dignity and play tricks.

"Yes, miss." Although there is something else to think about, there is nothing on the surface. Staying in this bone-eating palace for almost a year, I have long learned to be warm-hearted and cold, and one set on the surface.

The smell of cloves is getting stronger, and the fragrance is like that man is irresistible. Ying'er was cheered and came to the yard happily. She hadn't had a chance to see him for a long time. Today, I finally have an excuse to say all the words in my heart.

In the wing room, Qin Zheng sat by the bed and was on standby.

"Did you catch the eavesdropper the night before?" Qin Zheng's eyes were waveless.

"The prince forgives his sins," Feng Yang bowed and said, "He had escaped when he rushed back, but I immediately blocked the whole palace. After several searches, there was no clue. Feng Yang boldly guessed that the man should still be in the royal palace.

"How do you say this?"

"The man is very familiar with the terrain of the house, and the other tracking people were turned around by him and made him dizzy. In the past few days, his subordinates have not found any trace of them from house to room. This can only show that he is a person in the house."