Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 9 Years of the Past

Yan doesn't seem to give up and has been far away. People who can't see each other finally have a chance to continue their relationship after such a long time. How can they easily miss it?

"Zhumei, listen to me..."

"Yan Dan, don't be obsessed anymore. Since the day you abandoned Lv Qingzhu, she has died, and she won't come back to you."

"No, don't talk nonsense. It's unlucky." Yan Dan was a little disappointed.

"Okay, even if I don't mention Lv Qingzhu's choice, now I have a sweetheart, Yan Dan, a little kindness and resentment disperse with the wind, why bother to pester?" Qingzhu changed a way to persuade him to let go.

The man finally couldn't help slapping the little ones, and the basins and bowls on the wooden case collided with each other, making a crisp sound.

"Who is your favorite? Qin Zheng is still slaughtering his father?" Even if you know the result, you still don't want to face the reality.

"What's the matter with your father?" I didn't even want to reply immediately.

"Humph," Yan Dan's nose snorted, and his affectionate peach blossom eyes were stained with contempt. "Bamboo Mei, your eyes are really unique. How can you fall in love with that fox spirit?"

Thinking that he was listening, Qingzhu rubbed his ears, looked around Yan Dan up and down, and finally shouted loudly, "Who do you think is the fox spirit?"

This word, which has always been used on women, suddenly described Qin Zheng, which made her feel cold and full of goose bumps.

Yan straightened his back, raised his head slightly, and suddenly sneered at the corners of his mouth, "Of course, it's your favorite. Why, he didn't tell you about his dirty scandal?"

Qingzhu only said that Yan Dan refers to having sex with a woman at the time of Qianhe's attack. The matter. Immediately, his face stagnated, showing a trace of helplessness and pain. He looked at the opposite side with deep eyes, and finally said heavily, "Qin Zheng had already mentioned that to me. You underestimated me too much. Lv Qingzhu didn't care about a person's skin, but his heart."

"Do you not dislike a man who pleases others with his body and is dirty all over?" Yan Dan gritted his teeth and squeezed almost every word he said from between his teeth. He doesn't believe that his clean, elegant and flawless body is not as good as Qin Zheng's betrayal body and become a human body.

"I said, I don't care. Doesn't Your Highness understand?" The woman deliberately shouted in order to try to provoke him.

Yan's face sank in an hour, and his pupils were stained with blood. For a moment, he seemed to be a few years old, and he was decadent and powerless.

Qingzhu smashed all his calculations and looked at the man who was in high spirit not long ago. In an instant, a slight rickety on his back, and a sense of sadness came from his heart. A large area of desolation hit her heart, which made her unable to distinguish whether it was Lv Qingzhu's sadness or her own sadness.

sighed helplessly, and Qingzhu said with a wry smile, "Your Highness, listen to my advice. You can't be too persistent about everything. You have successfully revenged against Qin Zheng. Now he has broken his hand and become a disabled man. It hasn't been long before the poison attack. Let's write down everything in the past!"

Yan Dan closed his eyes slightly and thought about it for a long time before he said, "Qin Zheng's current tragic image has nothing to do with me. It's his own fault. As long as you promise to stay by my side, I won't care about the past."

The woman did not answer first, but smiled at him. The smile was innocent and holy, "Okay, I rely on you, but what's the use of getting a depressed body?"

Yan Dan is shrouded in sadness, like a still snow sculpture. "Don't worry, I will still love you and love you as before until you change your mind."

Not wanting to have a meaningless verbal dispute with him, Qingzhu smiled helplessly and said, "Since you have got me, give the antidote to Qin Zheng and let him go!"

"What antidote?" The man's eyebrows are raised high, which is very puzzled.

"Do you ask knowingly?" The woman's voice suddenly rose, "Naturally, it is a medicine to relieve the poison of Qianhe."

"Hahaha," in an instant, as if a thunder hit his head, Yan Dan immediately realized, his eyebrows were sharp, and the corners of his mouth sneered, like Rasha. "It turned out that you were willing to return to Yan with me to ask for medicine for the bitch Qin Zheng. Not to mention that this worm can't be detoxified, even if I throw it away, I will definitely not give it to him.

Qingzhu's face was pale and he looked at him unbelievably. He stared at the man who had abandoned himself before and now wanted to put Qin Zheng to death. The corners of his mouth trembled, "Yan Dan, I have always been curious about what's wrong with you? Do you have to die?"

"You should ask him in person," Yan Dan is too ashamed to say anything as long as he thinks of Qin Zheng's past. It's an insult, leaving a thousand knives of pain. "Isn't he your most beloved man? I will definitely know all about it!"

"What the hell can you do to save him?" His face was bloodless, and he was a little stunned. Is there no antidote or refused to give it?

"There is no solution for the rest of my life, and there are only one thousand virgins. Only then can he recover. Hasn't he been doing this all the time?" Yan Dan suddenly laughed, his eyes were feverish, red as blood, and shouted frantically, "You still love such a person. Are you willing to marry such a broken body?"

"Why, why did you do this?" Except for the hatred of killing father and the hatred of robing his wife, how can anyone treat others with such a vicious means?

"I'm doing it for his own good," Yan Dan raised his lips and smiled crazily with a strange smile. "If I don't do that, how can he restore his man's body and fulfill his wishes for a long time?"

The two looked at each other for a long time and ended a life-and-death struggle.

The journey from Nianzhuzhai to the Prince's Hall is not long. This was specially designed by Yan Dan. Since he decided to stay with Qingzhu all his life, he ordered people to start building this house. He hopes to see his beloved woman at the first time every day, and even look at her figure through the window before going to bed.

But today, the distance is usually just a few steps away, but it is as far away as the ends of the earth, as if it can't be reached in a lifetime.

Ten years ago, there was such a journey and such a story, but people at that time were very different from now.

Many past events circled in his mind, and his memory stopped that year. He was only ten years old and she was only seven years old. That was the first time they met.

At that time, he was intelligent and intelligent, and did not have the status of the beautiful prince now, because his mother came from Nanqi and was the noble queen in the palace. Other brothers and sisters respected him on the surface, but in fact they did not want to play with him.

No matter how smart he is, he is just a child, and his friends who need to read more need playmates when playing games.

I met Qingzhu on a sunny afternoon.

Until now, he can still clearly remember the scene of their first speech. On that day, the sun seemed to melt in the Xifeng Hall of the Yan Palace, and the sun was shining everywhere. Xia Chan squeaked on the tree, as if it was going to explode.

He walked alone on the long corridor, his clothes were broken and his face was full of blood. His nose and tears came out and hung around his mouth, which looked very dirty. But he didn't wipe it. His heart was slowly filled with anger, with grievances and sadness.

Just an hour ago, his life suffered a fatal blow. His dignity was like dirt being trampled under his feet. I still remember that and will never forget it for the rest of my life.

Not long ago, he kicked Cuju with a group of eunuchs. After playing for a long time, he was very hot and tired, and his body was dirty and smelly. He took off his coat and only wore a middle coat, and soon became anxious. I was anxious to go to Xiao Xie and hurried out of the yard where people lived. This was a place where the bodyguards and maids had no status to rest. The specifications were 108,000 miles away from the bedroom where the princes lived, and the huts were also far away.

He only quietly came to play a few times in the past. The door was strange, and it took him a long time to find his destination along the smell.

The thatched house is at the end of the yard. When you get here, you can't hear the hot shouts in front of you.

Because of the large number of guards and attendants in the palace, the weight of the thatched house is not heavy, just a wooden house, which is simply separated by wooden boards and wooden doors to separate a small single room. Xiao Yandan casually chose a small grid to go in, untied her trousers, and covered her mouth and nose.

Coincidentally, there was a movement outside the door, and it seemed that two people came in back and forth. He was thinking about getting ready and continuing to play football, but ignored it.

"The sun is so poisonous at this time, it's so hot!"

"Yes, haven't you seen the Empress cool down with ice?"

"No, it's the first time my brother saw an ice fan when he was so old. It turned out that the people in the palace avoided the summer heat like this."

It seems that there are two new servants who have no job in the palace, chatting while going to the hut.

"Don't laugh at me, a bun. You have to learn more from your brother about eye-opening things later! You must be more diligent tomorrow. If you have nothing to do, you can run more errands in the queen's room, and you can also get cold air. When you enter the door, it will be cool and you can eliminate a hot sweat! Tut, nobles are nobles, and we can be blessed in the shade one by one. People are really incomparable. Everything depends on which mother is chosen when they are reincarnated. Look, those princes have a good life. They are born with good food and clothes, and we will serve people all our lives. Among other things, it is a blessing cultivated by the predecessor to always serve the Empress like Yang Yi and Li Quan in the future.

"Brother, let me tell you quietly, but don't envy them. If he is unlucky, he will be very unlucky. I'm afraid he is worse than us!"

"Brother, how do you say that?"

"What do you know? That's the relationship between them and the queen!"

Hearing them talking about his mother, Yan Dan was shocked all over and quietly listened to the thin door panel.

The whisper next door suddenly lowered a lot.

"Brother, be careful, this is not said casually. If you are known to kill your head."

"Don't worry, I won't say these words to anyone except you. Let me tell you, in order to remind you that if you bump into any errands to Xifeng Hall on a hot day in the future, you'd better find a way to push it, pretending to have a stomachache, hit your feet with stones or something.