Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 4 Remove the mill and kill the donkey

Qin Zheng stared at Yan Dan, and his face was gloomy and clear. "Compared with your poisonous hand two years ago, I have been merciful. If you want to avenge, your family will be extremely extreme. I admit that I can give up everything in order to get the desired result and use the people around me in order to achieve the goal, but Qin Zheng vowed never to dress up as a gentleman!"

His words were with a gun and a stick. He was talking about Qingzhu's heart. Compared with Qin Zheng, the person who disappointed her the most was Yan Dan.

When Qin Zheng took advantage of Qingzhu, Qingzhu had always been suspicious, but she was convinced of Yan Dan's poisoning, and the more she trusted, the more disappointed she became.

The Prince of Northern Qin has always been romantic and ruthless, and his three wives and four concubines are cool, while Prince Yan has always been a gentle gentleman. He usually treats people with elegance and integrity, that is, this sanctimonial appearance deceives Qingzhu's fragile heart.

Therefore, Qingzhu still felt a little ashamed of Qin Zheng. In order to save Yan Dan's life, she did not hesitate to tear her face with her husband. But the man she wanted to defend falsely accused herself of having an affair with him, and even the unconvicted fetus became an unknown sinner.

Yan did not have a trace of guilt. He was awe-inspiring, and his phoen eyes squinted at the people present, with a posture that he was determined to win.

The lonely back stood proudly, and in front of him was the black guard of the State of Yan. The original robe was deeply erased by such a killing situation in front of him. All the sharp arrows were fiercely against his body. After only Yan Xin made a gesture, the whole army would go out.

Suddenly, Yan Dan's palm was as hot as a fire and rushed towards Qin Zheng fiercely. The palms were raised and banged twice, and two people fell to the ground with their fists. He continued to move forward with the situation, elbows, punched, slapped and kicked, and knocked down several bodyguards in an in an unexpected moment. The speed and weight of his hand was really unimaginable in his life. No one expected that Yan Dan's kung fu attainments were so superb that the people present couldn't help but feel like dead ashes, and their hearts were pounding, and they couldn't say a word, let alone move forward.

After a while, Yan Dan had already killed Qin Zheng, and a light smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Then his face darkened, and when the big fist hit, it was a little tighter. Qin Zheng only felt a hot current coming from the other party. Before he could react, then his body couldn't stand it and was shaken out by this force. Fortunately, he adjusted in time. The whole will not be forced to fall from the air.

Yan Dan smiled brightly, and her smile was as gorgeous as a flower, so that she had time to approach Qin Zheng little by little. One approached step by step, and the other retreated little by little. It was not until Qin Zheng's back was next to the cold wall that the two men stood face to face, only half a step away.

In the current situation, Qin Zheng is naturally not Yan Dan's opponent, and his left arm is still on his waist and has no chance to escape.

"Yan Dan," Qingzhu suddenly shouted, and his voice was sad, "Please let him go!"

Yan Dan turned his head, and his eyes flashed gloom, reflecting the lights around him, as dark as a magnificent pearl in the deep sea. "Zhu Mei, as long as you promise to be with me, I will..."

"Ah! Be careful..." Qingzhu's face was as white as paper and he screamed harshly.

However, only half of her words were said. Just as Yan Dan was distracted and staring at Qingzhu, Qin Zheng pulled out the already prepared dragon dagger and pierced Yan Dan's chest with great accuracy.

"Zhu Mei, you..." Yan Dan's eyes were a desperate cold light. She actually deliberately disturbed the situation for Qin Zheng and distracted herself.

Yan Dan is like a puppet who has lost the control of silk thread, and his tough body gradually droops softly.

"Yan Dan, how are you?" The petite woman flew over like a wind. At this time, she was frightened to find that the man's whole body was so soft that he could only lie on the ground. Looking at her hands full of black blood, she suddenly seemed to be burned by fire. She staggered two steps in despair and finally couldn't hold on and fell down!

It seems that everything is destined to be done. Yan Dan will die because of herself, and all the previous anguments are over at this moment.

Everyone was still frightened, and a red figure blew like a whirlwind, and Yan Dan, who was seriously injured on the ground, disappeared in an instant.

When Yu Ren woke up, he found that Prince Dayan had been rescued by the groom Luo Er, leaving only a fiery red silk on the ground, as if to confirm that a couple's wedding had been held here not long ago.

"Everyone chases me, life wants to see people and death to see corpses!" Yan Xin ordered all his entourage with satisfaction.

"Yes!" Pedestrians went one after another...

"I hurt him deeply, you won't be distressed! To be honest, I really want to thank Zhuer for her secret help!" Qin Zheng wiped the bloody dagger from the sleeve of Qingzhu, put it into the scabbard, stuffed it into Qingzhu's arms, and said with a needle in it, "This is yours. Put it away. If I find it in any lotus pond or courtyard, I will definitely not return it to you!"

The pale palm-sized face is pure, cold and extremely beautiful. Looking at the bloody weapon in his hand, he is already dumbfounded!

Flying phoenix dagger, how can it be with him? Hasn't it been thrown into Bibotang?

"Don't wonder, Princess Zheng," Yan Xin was proud and smiled. "That's what I ordered Xiao Nian to salvage from the pond. Now the original thing has been returned. Doesn't Sister Zhu even have a word of thanks?"

Qingzhu looked back at the same stupid little thought lying on the ground, and suddenly became clear.

The father was still as enthusiastic as usual, smiling like a flower, and stretched out his hand to pull the jade hand of the bamboo, but found that her palm was full of fine cold sweat. He couldn't help but feel cold and hold it fiercely.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and thousands of words were all in the eyes, without any words.

The scenery in front of him stunned his father. This was the first time he took a closer look at his beloved woman after returning to the State of Yan. As he imagined before, she was still so beautiful that he looked at her so motionless that he hadn't seen her for more than a thousand years.

"Grandma, why don't you stay in the State of Yan tonight and leave for the journey tomorrow morning!" Although Yan Hong is a suggestion, his attitude is cold and cannot be refused. Qin Zheng is the biggest enemy of Yan. As long as he stays in the imperial capital for a day, he can't sleep safely. What's more, his brother's third brother is injured in his hands, and Yan Hong is more or less hostile to him.

"In this case, thank you, His Royal Highness the future prince of Dayan!" Qin Zheng paused and looked at the Yan brothers frowning and said in his heart, "Surely, killing the donkey, cross the river and tear down the bridge. The strong dragon does not suppress the ground snake, and the good man does not suffer from boredom. At present, he is the ritual of landlords, and it is better to keep a low profile and be careful.