Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 28 The Truth

Afu calmed down and stood upright and said, "Miss Lu, do you think this girl is familiar?"

Qingzhu's eyes were full of doubts and gently waved his head. Carefully look at this girl with a light figure and veil covering her face. Although she can't see her face clearly, she is concave and convex, graceful, and even a little similar to herself. She should be a beautiful woman!

"This is the benefactor who saved the prince in Xuegu last year. The woman the prince misses. He always talks about the ugly girl, and you, Miss Lv, are completely a liar!" Ah Fu was full of confidence and straightened his chest like a proud general. Years of slavery have made him have no dignity and no self. Today, he can finally raise his eyebrows and clear his past enmity.

"Blood spray!" Qingzhu was shocked by the truth of dog blood and took two steps back. What kind of conspiracy was around her? Could it be that Miaozhu and Afu deliberately framed themselves?

"What the hell is going on? Why do you distort the facts? The trembling fingers kept pointing to the cold and arrogant Afu, with a trembling voice.

Afu did not shy away from it. He was restrained and said, "more than half a year ago, after Prime Minister Lv learned that the prince had returned to Khan Ge, he had been sending many people to inquire about the whereabouts of an ugly woman named Xia Tongxi, so he used his power to search secretly. Unexpectedly, he found this Miss Xia first. Lord Lu robbed the prince's love pendant and served Miss Xia. She was forced to tell the situation when she met the prince at that time. In order to seek the throne, Lord Lu colluded with Miss Qingzhu to make a confession and instructed the third lady to pretend to be Miss Xia and deliberately send a sedan chair, so that his closest daughter could add bricks and tiles to her great cause of power.

"Ha ha, what a nonsense!" Qingzhu almost fell down with excitement, "It's simply that the donkey's lips are not right. If she is really Xia Tongxi, why don't she show her true face and face me now?"

was really angry. He stepped forward and waved the hat on the woman in black. However, in a second, Qingzhu was scared out of his mind.

It was an ugly face that was almost ferocious. Except for the traces of the fire, the rest were criscrossing scars. The black and purple skin reflected a winding scar like a centipede, and the woman in the dark light was like a hell-threwry Rasha.

"You, how do you..."

"It's not given by Prime Minister Lv," Afu interrupted Qingzhu. "After serving the master in Lv's mansion for so many years, how could Lord Lu's superb means not know? I heard that anyone who passes his hand, even the dead have to spit out two words.

"Afu, ungrateful dog, does lard cover your heart? Lv Fu has raised you for so many years, and there is no merit and hard work. If you say this without conscience, aren't you afraid that God will punish you? Qingzhu was furious and scolded, "Fortunately, Yinger didn't follow you at the beginning, otherwise she would have really jumped into the fire pit."

Afu's pupils seemed to spit out two flames and said fiercely, "When Yinger followed the second lady, she really fell into the pit of fire!"

swallowing the curse that was about to come out, Qingzhu smoothed his thoughts and turned to a charming smile, "Afu, is your Miss Xia guilty or ghost? Why didn't you say a word?"

"Lord Lu has ordered his minions to feed her dumb medicine, and Miss Xia can't say a word for the rest of her life."

"Hmm, I thought it so carefully," Qingzhu's eyes flashed coldly, and a palm hit him straight to the woman's chest in black. In amazment, the woman was stunned first, then screamed and flew out a few meters in a blink of an eye. If it hadn't been for Qin Zheng's help, I'm afraid she would really fall all over.

"Lv Qingzhu, you..." Qin Zheng roared angrily.

"Second lady, do you want to kill people and destroy the body?" Afu stared at his big eyes like a copper bell and blocked his body in front of others, like a hero protecting the weak.

Qingzhu smiled deeper, "Qin Zheng, Miss Xia doesn't seem to know martial arts! I don't know how she resisted the enemy with you on that day in Snow Valley and never gave up!"

Qin Zheng's figure also frowned doubtfully. When he swept the ugly woman in his arms with his a cool eye wind, he found that the man couldn't help trembling slightly.

"Lv Cheng is resourceful. How can he do such a secret thing?" Ah Fu is extremely proud. "Your Majesty, look at Miss Xia's wrist."

Sure enough, after checking the wrist of the woman in black, Qin Zheng roared, "Lv Fuwei, the immortal thing actually cut the arm's of the ugly girl. I, Qin Zheng, will never forgive you."

"Qin Zheng, haven't you always been wise? Shouldn't we see through everything? How can't you even see through such a simple conspiracy? If my father really wants to harm this woman and send someone to kill her, why did he leave her life? This is obviously Fu's trick.

"The slave spoke lightly, and what he said was naturally not credible," Afu bowed to Miaozhu. "However, Miss Lv San is also one of the parties involved, and her words can be regarded as notarized in court."

Everyone focused all their eyes on Miaozhu, and saw that her expression was unpredictable in an instant, as if she was embarrassed, painful, sad, and more desperate.

"Second sister, I'm sorry." After thinking for a long time, Miaozhu seemed to make up his mind, "We are all relatives, and I shouldn't..."

"Less wordy, say something and fart quickly!" Intuition told Qingzhu that this woman with a snake heart and tricks must have set a trap.

"The second sister is really vulgar," Miaozhu's face was not good and his voice condensed. "In order to ascend the throne, my father tortured Miss Xia many times. After severely tortured her, he wanted to do it. I sent someone to rescue her from the execution room, which annoyed my father, so he defected to Zheng's brother and hid here."

"Bullshit! In order to get a man, you can even slander your biological father. Such a child is simply not as good as a pig!"

"What's the use of saying this? Isn't the second sister also trying to marry him by mistake in order to get close to Brother Zheng? Brother Zheng is mine, and you are the superfluous person. If it weren't for the wrong wedding, how could you make Li Daitao stiff? Whenever those things linger in his mind, Miaozhu will be furious. Everything Lv Qingzhu has now should have belonged to her. If his mother Su Wan hadn't made the decision without authorization, she would not have taken so many trouble to make today's turning point. Every time she thought of this, she would even hate her biological mother to death!

"What's the matter with the jade pendant?" Qingzhu was a little desperate, not because Miaozhu and A Fu joined hands to frame him, but because of Qin Zheng's seemingly calm and turbulent cold face. Obviously, he believed it.

"The word 'incense' on Miss Xia's jade pendant is carved by Zheng's brother, and the jade pendant in the second sister's hand is imitated by her father's skillful craftsman's painting of the gourd, which is naturally different. Do you think you can cheat Brother Zheng with a fake token and become a real ugly girl instead? Paper can't wrap fire. Don't be crazy about dreams!" When Miaozhu said these words, she almost gritted her teeth. If she had a dagger in her hand now, she would not hesitate to poke into Qingzhu's body and turn out her stomach and stir it fiercely.

Qingzhu laughed helplessly, "Miaozhu, it's really painstaking to harm me with Ah Fu! Lv Qingzhu swore to heaven that he would find out your heart the next day to see if it was black or red!"

When she was young, she read Dou E's injustice from the book. At that time, she thought about how there could be such a stupid thing in the world, calling Mr. Guan Hanqing's writing exaggerated and absurd. Until now, at this moment, she really understands the grievances and grievances. She doesn't necessarily need seamless tricks. As long as she can deceive that person, she will be done.

"How about it? Let's be speechless!" Looking at Qingzhu, who had nothing to say, Qin Zheng was also frustrated. He hoped that the intelligent Zhu'er could fight against the Confucians, turn defeat into victory, and tell himself righteously that what they said were lies. I was really the ugly girl who shared life and death with you! However, the result disappointed him. Facts speak louder than words. She finally failed to return her innocence and completely admitted it!

"Qin Zheng, it happened too suddenly. I was on the stage. They had been prepared for it for a long time, and this debate was naturally defeated." Qingzhu's pale little face exhaled a stuffy chest, "Give me a few days and let me think about it carefully. It can't be true. There must be loopholes in this scam, and I will definitely expose their true faces."

Hearing the words, Miaozhu and Afu wink at each other and really sweated coldly for themselves!

"Forget it, Zhuer, no more quibble!" Qin Zheng didn't give her much hope, and the result was not surprising. "Luffi's evil is his business and has nothing to do with you. You are just used by your father to become a tool for favor. I don't blame you!"

After lamenting, the man with a small mind still made the final decision, "As long as you get rid of the bastard in your stomach, we will write off the past, and the Noble Concubine Palace will always open its door for you."

The rest of the people's expressions changed and looked slightly shocked. It turned out that this fetus was not Qin Zheng's!

Qingzhu glanced at Qin Zheng helplessly, with tears in his eyes. Instead of thanking him, he sneered and sarcastically, "Is the green hat so beautiful? The prince with the face above everything wears it on his head again and again. Do you have to be a bastard? Did he mention this in front of so many people to make the whole house or the whole people in the Northern Qin know that the prince's thousand concubines are far-known**?

"B bitch, I still speak without repentance! You deserve to live in a cold room for the rest of your life!" Leaving a short sentence, Qin Zheng left anrily.

In ancient times, how important a man's face was. The punishment for the wife of the red apricot out of the wall was to tie her limbs and put it into the cage stone and sink into the sea. Qin Zheng admitted that he had done his kindness and righteousness. However, if he is sad, won't she be sad? Emotion is a double-edged sword, and what is hidden behind the brilliant blade is the blade that ruthlessly hurts each other.