Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 31 Reunion

Tongxi smiled brilliantly, and the smile was like the glory of the moon, quiet and beautiful. She got up and walked to Qin Zheng with an elegant lotus. She looked up and looked at him quietly, as if to engrave him deeply in her mind and never disappear.

He took off the flying phoenix dagger from his waist, put the sharp blade on his neck, and said softly in words without a trace of warmth, "Zi, if you still don't want to let me go, you can only get a stiff body. I hope you can completely let go for the sake of our two generations!"

Is it that if she dies, everything will be over? Will everything return to normal as long as she is gone?

Qin Zheng's eyes were suddenly silent, his heart was painful, and his thoughts were complicated. Thinking of Yan Xin's words, I suddenly realized that true love is to let go, complete, and wish!

He couldn't help smiling softly and nodded slightly, but his heart was painful deep into the bone marrow.

Tongxi cut off their ink hair and put them into two wine bowls, and then poured all the ruthless water into them. The clarified ** emitting white smoke, and two wisps of broken hair flew away after a moment.

They smiled at each other, and a faint moisture floated in Qin Zheng's eyes. Tongxi's nose was sore, and both of them stared at each other silently.

Suddenly, Qin Zheng smiled with thin lips, stared at Tongxi gently, and said, "Let's have a drink!" They have been married for two years and have never drunk wine. This is the first and last time.

Tongxi nodded and agreed, so the two held a glass of wine, exchanged hands, took a sip each other, and then tossed the glass back to the ground to show a hundred years of good marriage. What an ironic picture it is. The two couples who were about to be separated said goodbye to each other with the ritual commonly used in the wedding.

"Ugly girl, I know that I am hopelessly wrong and regret it. Our fate in this life has been broken and irreparable. If there is an afterlife, you must forgive me and give me another chance to love you until the day when the sea is withered and the earth is rotten and the earth is old!"

"Okay, I promise you... This lover's tears are our tokens!"

Tongxi knelt down on his knees, holding a razor, and said something in his mouth, "The dust has been broken, but in his previous life, he is destined to have such an experience. Don't blame others. Remember, people's merits are difficult to cultivate, and sins are easy to cast. From then on, you don't have the name of the secular family, only the Buddhist name Mo Yan. I hope you can practice well in the future, and he will achieve positive results every day..."

Time flies, five years of femin. At this time, it was the cold and steep early spring, and the weather was very cold.

At noon, there was a flourishing scene in a small town in the countryside of Northern Qin.

On both sides of the crowded streets, there are various shops, and business is booming and business is booming.

In the middle of a meat shop with a huge face, the scarlet plaque is written with several silkworm heads and swallow tails full of ink: Hu's meat shop!

While there were few guests and not too busy at this time, Hu butcher waved a machete to relieve the cattle, and the boss's wife Hu Liu called a seven- or eight-year-old girl with two sky braids in the house, with a small face and pink carvings, "Niuniu, it's noon. Go and call your godmother. It's time for lunch!"

Nuniu replied crisply, "Yes, mother, I'm going." The little girl went out of the store and turned around. Soon after, she walked to the door of an insignificant pharmacy and shouted to the room, "My godmother, my mother asked you to eat!"

Compared with the usual immediate answer, the room is surprisingly quiet. Niunyu was puzzled, so she raised her feet and walked in.

The strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine came to her nose. Niuniu covered her nose with her hands, and her milky voice said, "Ganni..."

At this time, she found that in addition to the godmother, there were two men in the pharmacy.

The man was dressed in a black long gown, with a slender figure, a handsome face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, a haggard look, and the reincarnation of Pan An was sick.

Although the little boy is only five or six years old, his face is pale and bloodless, but he is frighteningly evil. The enchanting peach blossom eyes are as deep as a pool of water, as graceful as a fairy, white robe and white boots, and extraordinary.

At this moment, her godmother was meticulously dressing the wound on the boy's leg. Because she was too serious, she didn't even hear the little girl's loud call.

"Sister, are you really Langzhong?" The boy grinned with cold sweat on his forehead in pain.

"It should be called aunt," although Niuniu was a little stunned, she still didn't forget to remind her. She stared at her pupils and almost flowed out of the water. "She is my godmother, named Xia Tongxi."

"Bang! I didn't ask. Do you need to talk about it in such detail?" The little boy hummed in his nose and obviously didn't like Niunun.

"Hai'er, don't be rude." The man's voice was calm. If he hadn't always smiled with a ruffian smile, others would have worshipped him as a fairy.

"Yes, master!" Although Hai'er is naughty, he always obeys the master's orders.

"Your name is Hai'er. Is he your master?" Tongxi was very interested in him, not only because of the little guy's fascinating appearance, but also because of the familiar intimacy he exuded, "Where are your parents?"

"You don't need to take care of this?" Haier suddenly rose into anger and roared at Tongxi like a lion, shaking the girl's ears, "You'd better do what you should do!" My leg is sprained. You must reset the misplaced joint before you can apply medicine to deal with the affected area. You can pour it down and paste the plaster directly on it. Do you have to make me disabled to be satisfied? No wonder such a big pharmacy doesn't even have a patient. It's strange that someone like you is sick! Seeing that you are white and beautiful, but you are a stupid fool, which is really disgusting!"

Hai'er spoke like a cannon and almost turned Tongxi upside down. This unlucky child is really poisonous! By the way, how can his personality be particularly similar to a person, but she really can't remember who that person is.

Two years ago, the host of Pingning'an, Master Feikong, died. Before her death, he called her to her side and told her, "Mo Yan, your fate is not over. Why do you suffer? After I leave, you will immediately return to vulgarity and continue your marriage. Don't be alone anymore! You have taken ruthless water, and the effect of drugs will cause a loss in your brain, but it doesn't matter. After a few years, the medicinal properties will gradually disappear, and then you will think of the person lost in your memory.

So, she invented and re-entered the secular world. Later, she accidentally met her old friend Hu butcher couple and followed them to this remote town and began a brand-new life. Although they were poor, they were full, busy and happy. Because she didn't have a skill, she barely opened a pharmacy and became a barefoot doctor.

Today is her first time to see a doctor, but she met such a gloomy and strange master and apprentice, which is really disgusting!

Hearing this, Niuniu raised her red mouth so high and said dissatisfiedly, "Little broken child, since you are proficient in the art of disparation, why do you find a godmother to treat her? It is obviously because she has a good personality, easy to bully her, and a child without tutor. That's how your parents educate you at home?"

"Do you think I really want to come? If the master hadn't deliberately twisted my leg and didn't treat me, and cruelly forced me to come here for medical treatment, I wouldn't have stepped into this door. Hai'er's face was as black as the bottom of the pot, and she suppressed the impulse to hit her. There was a faint cry in her voice, "I have no father or mother since I was a child, and I'm just an uncultivated child, not even a surname. Are you satisfied now!"

When Niu saw his little face with red nose, she twisted her heart and said softly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mention your sadness! It doesn't matter if you don't have a surname. I'll give you my surname. My surname is Hu, so you can call me Hu Hai!"

"Who wants your last name, Hu Hai, it's terrible!" Hai'er was a little unconvinced and had the same surname as a little fat girl, but when she heard her words of concern, her heart suddenly warmed.

"The dog bites Lv Dongbin, doesn't know the good heart!" Niunyu was wronged and unwilling to show weakness. "To be honest, I'm really unhappy to have the same surname as such an impolite kid as you!" A few golden bumps fell from his big eyes while talking.

"Hey, if you are unhappy, I'm happy. From now on, my name will be Hu Hai. Remember, it's not me with the same surname as you, but you have the same surname as me!" The little boy suddenly came to his senses and looked proud to pick up a cheap one.

"You, you, you... stinky bastard!"

"Fat girl!"

"Wild child!"

"The snot!"


Just as the two became more and more fierce in the war, and immediately changed from literary fighting to martial arts, the two adults beside him finally couldn't help interrupting in one voice, "Shut up!"

The four eyes were connected, and their eyes condensed, and there was a ripple in their hearts.

"Hey, sister, why are you always staring at my master? Do you have a nymphomaniac?" Haier deliberately teased, "I don't want to like the master!" Why don't you follow him and become my master's wife? My master is a famous magic doctor.

"Hai'er, don't talk too much!" The man's face is awe-in, but there is joy in his eyes. The child is not big, but he knows why he can't sleep at night!

"Are you also Lang Zhong?" Tongxi suddenly felt that the person who came was not good. Could it be that this man came to smash the scene? "Then why are you looking for me to see the disease..."

"Gang, you don't need to ask!" Niunyu didn't wait for Tongxi to finish asking and gave a self-righteous answer, "This uncle must have fell in love with you. He has changed his way to talk to you. Maybe he wants to be your wife!"

Tong Xi didn't expect that a girl under the age of seven could say such a precocious words, and her face was red to the root of her neck and she couldn't catch up with the words.

The man looked at her embarrassed face and couldn't help laughing. After all these years, she was still so stupid. He raised an eyebrow and smiled evilly, "If Miss Tongxi really intends to connect with me, because you are not too scary, and there is such a big shop, I will wrong myself and reluctantly agree!"

Tong Xi was so angry that he almost vomited blood on the spot, "Who wants you to be wronged? Who wants you to force it? I'm a famous doctor in the town. How can I marry a ruffian who doesn't blink his eyelids when he sees a beautiful girl!"

"Oh? Unexpectedly, he is a famous doctor! In this case, I will give you a plaque, which says - wonderful hand. **. Heart!"

Boom! A dry thunder sounded in the clear sky. Tongxi recovered from the shock, and the fragments of past memories suddenly came together, "You, can't you!"