Steal the heart of the moon

The past events of Laoshan

Lin Zhong swept all the way to the southwest of the apricot forest, crossing the branches and leaves, as if entering no man's land. Lu Xun's master and servant watched him leave, but did not chase him out. They were also very embarrassed, and they didn't figure out what to do, so they simply shrank aside and didn't move for the time being. As soon as Xiao Yue saw Lin Zhong leave, she couldn't help chasing him all the way.

Lin Zhong was fast enough, but he still felt slow. He simply saw the trunk next to him, jumped on the top of the apricot tree, and stepped on the treetops all the way.

Xiao Yue saw this and tried her best to chase him.

Xiao Yue chased after this box, how could Lin Zhong not know? Lin Zhong felt that it was a drag to take her at this time, and it was more appropriate to leave her here to recuperate, so he just thought he couldn't hear and went out of the apricot forest alone. However, Xiao Yue didn't give up and must chase after him. He shouted at the same time as he chased back. Brother Lin, Brother Lin shouted anxiously.

Xiao Yue didn't learn kung fu for a few days. He couldn't match him. In addition, he had just recovered from a serious illness. After a while, he was so tired that he was out of breath and couldn't catch up. As soon as she came out of the apricot forest, she could no longer see Lin Zhongying's figure. She was so tired that she couldn't run. She suddenly felt depressed. She used her last strength and shouted in an unknown direction: "Lin Zhongjian--" Then she no longer had any strength. She sat on the ground in frustration, pounded her hands, twitched her nose, and began to drop golden beans. He also cursed in a low voice: "You are so dead that you left me."

She cried and cried. In her tears, she actually saw a pair of black cloth shoes not far in front of her. It was Lin Zhongying's shoes. Xiao Yue was happy and quickly looked up and said, "Brother Lin!"

Lin Zhongyi looked at her as if she had suffered great grievances and curled his lips: "You are still crying at such a big man!"

Xiao Yue quickly wiped her cheeks with her sleeves and got up. She came forward and held his arm tightly so that he would not run away again: "Where are you going? I'll go with you." She is very close to each other. For her, Lin Zhong is naturally much closer than the three masters and servants in the depths of the apricot forest. Lin Zhong was left, and it was boring for her to stay alone in the depths of the apricot forest. What's more, looking at this situation, there seems to be a gap between Lin Zhong and Lu Xun, so she, an outsider, continues to rely in the depths of the apricot forest, and she is also sorry. But if she was allowed to rely on Lin Zhong, she felt that it was natural, as if he deserved to be relied by her.

Lin Zhong knew that he couldn't get rid of the sticky person by looking at it. He frowned and said, "I'm not sure to leave you with that bastard Lu Xun." It's already very cheap for him to treat such a little beauty like a flower every day. Now that Xiao Yue is well, she must be embarrassed to eat and live for nothing. She will definitely do some family affairs within her ability in the future, and she has the right to repay Lu's inquiry. In this way, Lu Xun will take advantage of it.

Xiao Yue said, "I don't want to stay. I want to follow you. Even if I go to the mountain of knives and the sea of fire, I will accompany you!"

Lin Zhong was numb by what she said and asked, "Can you take a boat?"

If you have to take her with you, you can only take water. It won't slow down her feet or make her too bumpy. It is more effort to take a boat than to ride a horse.

Xiao Yue knew that Lin Zhong was not going to leave him, so she nodded quickly: "I'm used to sitting."

Lin Zhong took her hand and went all the way to the southeast. The two of them went straight to Laoshan Mountain 150 miles away. There were many mountains and water along the way, and it was more convenient and time-saving to take the waterway than by land. It was just dusk when the two of them arrived at the riverside ferry. After renting the boat and entering the center of the river, it was already dark.

In the twilight field, the river breeze is slightly cool. Because of the downwind, the rowing boatman is not very laborious. Only rowing all at once, the boat has entered the speed of an arrow away from the string. Lin Zhong was anxious and stood in the bow of the boat and looked at the road. Jiang Feng puffed up his clothes and hair, but he was motionless, like a standing reef, with a firm and handsome posture. After he looked at the red river slowly turning black, his face became more and more uneasy. A cool full moon in the sky is silently sprinkled with silver glory, but it can't shine on the river in any case. Because it was night, Lin Zhong did not dare to urge the boatman. Such a small boat will be even more troublesome if it hits the reef.

Xiao Yue huddled in the canopy and was blown by the river wind, and she couldn't help sneezing repeatedly. Lin Zhong finally moved, turned back into the canopy and asked Xiao Yue, "Is it very cold?"

Xiao Yue shook her head hurriedly: "It's not cold, it's not cold." As soon as he spoke, he sneezed two or three times in a row.

Lin Zhong frowned. He left in a hurry and was not ready to eat or wear clothes to keep out the cold. In case Xiao Yue fell ill when he couldn't reach the shore, it would be troublesome.

Xiao Yue's awkward Chaolin Zhong smiled: "I'm not that delicate. It's really okay."

Lin Zhong sat down next to her and stretched out his hand to take off his robe and put it on her. Xiao Yue suddenly put her arms around his waist, spontaneously pressed it, and her cool cheeks against his hot chest: "Brother Lin, just sit next to me like this, and I won't be cold."

Lin Zhong was stunned and tried to get away from her: "What a nonsense."

"I didn't mess around" Xiao Yue tried his best to prevent him from breaking away. "I thought about it carefully. You will be very dangerous on this trip to Laoshan. You will definitely help the Laoshan faction resist the encirclement of the imperial court. You don't have to stand in the bow, just sit here. You have to have a good rest.

Lin Zhong sighed, "Where can I sit now?"

Xiao Yue was determined not to let him get up: "If you can't sit down, just lie down. If you can't lie down, just sit down. Anyway, you have to rest."

Lin Zhong had no choice but to sit down in order to prevent her from sticking more tightly.

Xiao Yue was very satisfied with his reaction. She resisted sneezing and only sat quietly next to him. Lin Zhong looked a little cold and put up with it. Finally, he reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist. Xiao Yue's small red mouth immediately bent up and felt great for his intimate action. Seeing that Lin Zhong was not very sleepy, Xiao Yue asked, "Brother Lin, why are you so nervous about the Laoshan faction? They obviously wronged you.

When she said this, Lin Zhong actually appeared bitter sweetness on his face. Lin Zhong sat in Peng with her, looked at the dark and boundless river, recalling the past: "My hometown was originally in the state, and I have lived between the cherry mountains and the sea since I was a child. I remember very early, and I always remember that my hometown is beautiful and beautiful. My father and mother have also been living a good life. But when I was six years old, my father and mother fell seriously ill and died one after another. It happened that my master passed by the village where I lived. I was favored by him and he took me back to Laoshan to learn art. If Master hadn't saved me, I wouldn't know what it would be like now. Even if my neighbors don't dislike me and are willing to help me grow up safely, I will definitely not have this martial arts.

"Your master is so nice." Xiao Yue praised it from the bottom of her heart.

"Yes" mentioned Hua Yinong, Lin Zhong had a little smile on his face, "He is a very kind and interesting old man. Except for teaching me kung fu, he is very strict, and at other times, he is very unshaped and doesn't look like an old man at all.

"It's a little different from your uncle."

"My uncle is also very good, not as serious as my master, but he is also very kind. When you saw him before, he had a misunderstanding with me, so he had a straight face.

Xiao Yue smiled and said, "Your Laoshan faction is good in the whole world. No wonder you have to rush to help." This is half comfort and half ridiculing. If the Laoshan faction was really so good, why did he later commit the crime of homage and blame him?

Lin Zhong was only immersed in the past and did not hear the ridicing in her words at all. He just said, "My master and uncle have only one problem, but this problem has benefited me a lot. His two elders are very interesting. The apprentices he taught in person must be blue and surpass them in everything. In the first few years of learning art, because of my shallow foundation, how could I do so well? I suffered a lot for this. At first, I was young, so I didn't understand the two masters. I just remembered their kindness, and I was also very interested in martial arts, so I also took 12 points of strength to learn. Later, I wandered alone in the world, and then I knew how much my pure internal cultivation and solid foundation of superior martial arts would help me.

Xiao Yue asked happily, "Who did you learn how to cook?"

Lin Zhong said, "I was forced to learn by my master. He likes to eat delicious food and make things by himself, but his mouth is very tricky and his craftsmanship is average. My uncle only likes to eat and doesn't like to cook. When I was 12 years old, my master's birthday. I pestered Master Liu, who was cooking, and learned a papaya snow clam from him to cook for his master. Master liked it very much. Since then, I have often made food for him. My uncle later came to have dinner with my master. My master is tricky and difficult to serve. I turned out all the recipes from Master Liu and cooked for him in different ways until he was satisfied. That's what my master's son is. I should learn to learn kung fu from the blue, and I should also learn to cook from the blue. Fortunately, I can work hard, and it's easy to master the heat of the knife. Later, my dishes became better and better. Master Liu was also out of reach and couldn't teach me. When I was 17 years old, after my master gave me thousands of instructions, he asked me to go down the mountain to practice. I bumped into the world and made some famous names, and I was quite chivalrous, so I didn't humiliate him. Everywhere I go, I will ask about what the food there is, and then find a local chef to learn from it. I want to make it for my master when I go back later. So this cooking skill is getting more and more refined." Lin Zhong said this with a gloomy look and his voice low. "But I didn't expect that later, I didn't have a chance to cook for him at all."

Xiao Yue tightened her heart and asked, "Why?"

Lin Zhong couldn't help tightening his hand by holding her: "You have to ask my good brother Qu Youyang!"

Xiao Yue listened quietly, trying to ask a question for fear of saying something wrong to make him sad.

The long river and the moon were full, and the night was dark. The rowing driver began to take a nap, and there was no sound of oars. The river wind gradually became strong, and the wind sobbed. Men and women sitting side by side in the canopy whispered. Lin Zhong told Xiao Yue every little bit of his past.