Steal the heart of the moon

Night trial traitor

After the army's aftercare work was almost completed, 100,000 troops were left in place, and the others immediately returned to the camp. Xiao Yue also returned to the original garrison camp with the army.

Lin Yihao waited for her in the camp. Xiao Yue pulled her son and examined him carefully to make sure that he had neither been beaten nor maliciously abused, so she was relieved and breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that her baby son could handle such a small thing.

According to Lin Yi, even the meals were delivered on time, and he was not treated slowly at all.

Xiao Yue couldn't help asking, "How did you do it?"

Lin Yiyang was proud: "I told them that you have lost it. If I suffer grievances again, let's see how Uncle Su will punish them when he comes back."

Xiao Yue smiled and touched her son's head: "You are really bad." Although he is scolding, his expression is very proud.

Lin Yi also smiled and asked loudly, "Mom, I heard that Uncle Su and others won the battle, and Northern Xinjiang will be very stable in the future."

Xiao Yue nodded with a smile: "Yes. The civil strife has long been calmed down by King Ning, and now the external troubles have also been calmed down, and everyone finally has a peaceful life. In this way, the people can probably farm and do business at ease as before, and Dayin can slowly recover. The premise is that if today's emperor can become wiser.

Lin Yi smiled again and said, "Uncle Su is really awesome. Will he ride a tall horse and walk on the streets of the capital with great air as you said, attracting the attention of thousands of people!"

Xiao Yue thought of Su Qinghen's words and somehow thumped in her heart.

I won't be rich. His tone is so positive. What happened to him? He has not made great contributions to the Lord. It is reasonable that the emperor should have praised him and should not be so defensive now. The cooking of the cunning rabbit and the lackey will not happen to Su Qinghen so soon.

Lin Yi saw that Xiao Yue suddenly changed color and became nervous. He hurriedly asked, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Yue came back to her senses and still smiled gently: "It's okay. That's what you said. He will be very beautiful.

Lin Yi lowers his head: "Then do you think Uncle Su will be so good to us if he is so beautiful?"

Xiao Yue shook her head: "No."

Lin Yi was anxious: "Why?"

Xiao Yue comforted and said, "Uncle Su was originally a third-grade member. Compared with us, he has always been very beautiful. He has always been good to us, and he will not be bad to us because he is more beautiful.

"Then why do you say no?"

Xiao Yue said calmly, "Because he is going to the capital, we are going to the south of the Yangtze River. Whether he will stay in Beijing or go to other places in the future has nothing to do with us.

Lin Yi looked at Xiao Yue in a stagn. Xiao Yue said, "In the future, I will invite you a better master."

Lin Yi shook his head: "I don't want it. I just want Uncle Su."

"Xiaoyi, you promised to go back to Jiangnan with me." In the past, she always wanted to leave the small village one day, but she walked around outside. After seeing the great earth, she still wanted to go back to that small village.

Lin Yi said, "I won't listen to you. I'm going to ask Uncle Su." With that, he was about to run out. Now there is no one guarding outside, and the whole army is busy celebrating the victory.

Xiao Yue grabbed him: "Don't go there. Uncle Su is busy now."

How is it possible? The emperor ordered to reward the three armies. Now everyone is drinking and eating meat. No rules are needed. What else does Uncle Su have to do?

"Xiaoyi" Xiao Yue said urgently, "He is talking to Uncle Xin now."

"Uncle Xin?" Lin Yi thought of Xin Changfeng and frowned, "Isn't Uncle Xin a traitor? Why is he so stupid that he betrayed Uncle Su? If I had a brother like Uncle Su, I wouldn't betray him.

"Wait first, at least wait until they finish talking." Xiao Yue stabilized her son for the time being.

Lin Yi reluctantly agreed.

Xiao Yue said again, "I'll pack up first and leave with him directly when you go to see Uncle Su."

Lin Yi felt that Xiao Yue was a little inch by inch, but he couldn't run away from Xiao Yue and dared not be violent to Xiao Yue, so he had to sit aside sullenly. But his mind turned around, thinking about how to make Xiao Yue not leave Su Qinghen! Originally, he watched Xiao Yue and Su Qinghen get closer and closer, and the boss was unhappy. He felt that how could his mother forget his father and fall in love with another man so quickly, but even he couldn't help getting close to Su Qinghen in his heart. In the past few days, Su Qinghen went to war on the battlefield, and his mother was not there. He was alone in the camp, indescribably desolate and lonely. Suddenly, I felt that it was better to be with Uncle Su. Otherwise, will the two of them be as lonely as themselves? Anyway, Dad wants them to be together. What else do you care about?

Su Qinghen sat in the tent, his face was as quiet as water, but he couldn't control it. It seemed that something came up one after another. The initial anger has faded, and now there is only endless sadness.

Someone brought up the Xinchang wind. Because he was a prisoner, his wound had not been dealt with. His whole body was tied up. He looked depressed and haggard, and his whole body was covered with blood.

Su Qinghen waved his hand to let the rest of the people wait and face the Xin Changfeng alone.

The guards let go of the long wind and bowed down. In the camp, there were only the same robes and brothers who fought together in the past - now the high-ranking General Yun Hui and Wanchang are prisoners.

Xin Changfeng couldn't stand at all. Without human support, he immediately collapsed to the ground.

Su Qinghen came forward to help him up and put him on the chair.

Xin Changfeng's lips were dry and his eyes were dim. Although he had not been abused in the past few days, it was not easy to think about it. He opened his mouth with difficulty and his voice was hoarse: "I'm very uncomfortable to be tied up. If it goes on like this, my arm will be useless without waiting to go back to Beijing for trial." Su Qinghen didn't say anything and came forward to untie him.

"Thank you." Xin Changfeng still had a difficult time opening his mouth.

Su Qinghen poured a cup of tea and handed it to him without saying a word.

Xin Changfeng smiled bitterly: "It's time to think about the past feelings?" But in the end, he took the cup in his hand and looked up. There was an imperceptible smile in his eyes, and he didn't make the wrong friends after all. But it's a pity that he ruined all this.

A small cup of tea could not quench Xin Changfeng's thirst. He wanted to go to pour water, but as soon as he stood up, he fell back heavily. This body is already really weak.

Su Qinghen saw his intention, took the cup from his hand, took the kettle, poured the bowl on the table full, and handed it to him.

Xin Changfeng drank a large bowl of water greedily, and then felt better, and it was difficult to speak without pain in his throat.

Su Qinghen pulled a chair and sat opposite him with a golden knife. Outside, there was the wanton noise of countless soldiers and generals, shouting, martial arts competition, guessing, and shouting. All kinds of voices intertwined the joy of victory, but they set off the surprisingly quietness in the tent.

Su Qinghen's face was calm: "I want to know why."