abandoned and turned over

Chapter 4 A flashy

About this issue, the whole world knows that this is my father's most taboo foot pain. He is obviously a frightening general, but what is extremely helpless is that he has an unparalleled face. The hand holding the sword all year round does not have a trace of cocoon. Not only that, he is as thick as an unusual general, and my father is more like a scholar with a jade tree.

Well, about the father who looks like a scholar, he is actually an illiterate general. This simply makes people in the world understand why the father who clearly looks like a scholar has become a murderous general, and why the father who should have read thousands of books is illiterate. This creator is really magical and confusing.

In the end, I don't want to figure it out if you don't understand it. It's really not very interesting. Therefore, my father has only known the names of our three brothers and sisters for so many years, and knows nothing else. But the amazing thing is that he has never done a big thing that makes people laugh, which really makes me curious.

I think if I were a woman of that era, I would marry my father like this. He not only looks good, but also has an excellent nature. The most important thing is that my father loves my mother alone and takes it as a major goal in life.

In view of the fact that my mother has been indifferent to my father for so many years, when I was 13 years old, I finally couldn't help discussing with my eldest brother and second brother to find out the temperament of my former mother's little lover. After multiple investigations and visits, we finally finalized the investigation of that person ten days later.

The result made the three of us very pessimistic. Pessimistic one, the man is not as good-looking as his father, and he is also thick. Second, the man's temperament is so bad that he only has the same gap between eating, drinking and gambling. As for the remaining pessimistic things, I don't think it's necessary to list them all over again, because it's really pessimistic to make life fall into a low ebb from now on. In the end, the three of us had to conclude: Grandpa is a civilian, usually very careful in the court and lives a very depressing life.

As a depressing maternal daughter, her mother's life in the scholarly family is even more depressing. Therefore, the little lover was the first man to appear in the mother's world. Unlike civil servants, she looks very safe, so her mother, who has never seen a man other than her own family, fell.

The road from Liaohua City to Kunlun Mountain is not far, and it only took five days to get there. Uncle Hulu's task was completed, and I gave him a golden bead as a reward. Then he took Xiaobai into Kunlun Mountain.

There is a huge array called Baihua Array on Kunlun Mountain, which is the product of the boredom of the fifth master's leisure. This product is also really useful. It resists many people who come to visit the fifth master. It is rumored that as long as someone can break through a hundred flowers, he can ask the fifth master for one thing, and the fifth master must help with this matter.

Well, about this Jianghu rumor, the person who released the story is exactly the same as me. There is nothing I can do. Once I peeked at my eldest brother and second brother learning kung fu and accidentally fell into a hundred flowers. As a result, I played in it with Xiaobai. Because there are not only food and drink in it, but also a lot of people who come to make waves.

I pretended to be the fifth master with Xiaobai and cheated many people. In the evening, the fifth master also told his eldest brother and second brother that he had eaten a lot of rice today. In fact, those people are really tossed by me and Xiaobai, and of course the dosage will be large. Not only do Xiaobai and I need to supplement their physical strength, but they also need to supplement their physical strength. This really made it difficult for the fifth master with only one labor force. Later, the eldest brother and second brother were unfortunately dragged into it to do hard work, and Xiaobai and I slept soundly in the array of flowers.

Although it was too painful to be punished by the fifth master from the Hundred Flowers Array the next day, I feel that it is really a blessing in life to leave good memories of childhood in the Hundred Flowers Array.

In the array of flowers, there are many heroes or rich people who are admired. But they are also sent food by people outside. I have to say this, and I really want to resent me. Since that time, the fifth master has never provided food for those who come to him.

Because I was punished by the fifth master to clean up and down the whole flashy building, and I naturally found a way to deal with those people who were fooled by me yesterday.

So overall, I spent most of my childhood on Kunlun Mountain. One thing made the fifth master feel particularly failed. When he was drinking with my father, he couldn't help saying to him, "I'm really ashamed of General Fu. I can't teach him to be a swordsman." The father patted the fifth master on the shoulder and said, "The fifth brother doesn't have to pay attention to this matter. As for who can successfully teach some things, I think it is more important for her to understand what she likes. This is not really your mistake."

Although my father comforted the fifth master in this way, the fifth master still felt that I grew up with him like my eldest brother and second brother. Looking like this, the only thing that can be done is the Danqing that can draw the soul of flowers, but it is also limited to painting flowers. I'm really embarrassed to say the rest.

Take Xiaobai through the array of flowers naturally, and then enter the floating building. The fifth master is fiddling with some flowers and plants. When he saw me coming in, he opened his eyes wide and calculated, "Your father is really prepared for a rainy day."

I think this fifth master can not only do a good job, but also treat people, and now he can tell fortunes. He is also a master outside the world. No wonder there have been more and more people in the past two years.

The fifth master looked at Xiaobai on my shoulder, and his face immediately sank and said, "This time, you stay by Weiwei at ease. If nothing happens again, I will want you to look good."

I can't help talking about this. The fifth master also told Xiaobai this last time. I think although Xiaobai is smart, he is still a fox. Then he stunned Xiaobai and slipped to Kunlun Back Mountain to play. As a result, Xiaobai just pretended to be dizzy and sold me clean. The guy sneaked into the elixir room when everyone was not in the gorgeous building and stole most of the elixir practiced by the fifth master.

As a result, it seems to have become smarter, and there is more aura in both eyes. When I was pulled out of the cave by the fifth master, I wondered if Xiaobai had already aimed at the fifth master's elixir, so that now, I haven't figured out whether I sold Xiaobai or was sold by Xiaobai.

Xiaobai pretended to be scared. In fact, since this guy took the fifth master's elixir, his acting skills have been much better than me. It can almost be fake. I yawned, and the fifth master asked me to find a place to rest.

In this regard, I really don't think it is necessary to bother the fifth master. There is only the fifth master in the whole floating building, and he is all kinds of omnipotent, so I am completely competent for such small things as finding a room to rest.

So, the fifth master returned to the alchemy room. And I pedaled upstairs with Xiaobai in my arms. The floating building has a total of five floors. How great this project is, but I don't know how to build it.

The room I live in is on the top floor. In fact, all of us live on the fifth floor. The first floor is the Book Pavilion, the second floor is the Medicine Pavilion, and the third floor is the residence of the fifth master. He is the only one living on the whole floor, and the fourth floor is a miscellaneous room.

After sleeping full, Xiaobai somehow got the fat chicken that was full of oil. I think Xiaobai is too unnatural. Anyway, we have been dependent on each other for six years. Usually, there is definitely one bite of it that I eat, but there is one bite of it, but there is very little one mouthful of me.

So, at this time, I don't think it's necessary to be too polite with Xiaobai. After grabbing the fat chicken, I eat it. On this point, it is really disgmatistic for me, a girl who is quite good-looking. However, since there is only me, Xiaobai and the fifth master here, there is really no need to hide the original nature of human beings.

After eating and drinking enough, I ignored the resentment and went downstairs alone, scratching the table with two small claws.

The fifth master was receiving a man, a slender man in white. When the mountain wind blew over, it blew the corners of his clothes, and the golden sun sprinkled on him, as if there was a halo stained with thousands of colors, faintly around him. I only saw his back and fell into it. I secretly prayed in my heart that this man must be better-looking, otherwise I would be too sorry for his beautiful back.

At this time, it suddenly occurred to me that when my mother saw her dream lover, was she also unable to extricate herself because of a back? And I can't really be regarded as a complete fall, but a junior fall.

I slowed down. After talking with the fifth master, he will definitely live here. At that time, I will definitely have a chance to see what this man looks like. My mood at this moment is figuratively, just like ten whites scratching my heart with their claws at the same time, which is so itchy that I can't help it.

It turns out that generally too good wishes can't imagine everything will go well in the future. I deeply realized this at this time. As soon as I went downstairs, the fifth master said, "Go to the Danfang to help me watch the fire. If this elixir is destroyed, you can learn to play the piano.

I usually raised my paws to protest silently, but obviously the protest was invalid. After the fifth master finished talking to me, he stopped looking at me, so I had no choice but to put down my raised paws. After a long time, he finally entered the elixir room.

This man's rule-abiding makes me hate it very much. He didn't look back at such a beautiful peach blossom, and maybe he fell in love with me at a glance. In fact, this is really whimsistic, because the man in jade and the cold man did not fall in love with me because of this, and it really failed.

I tried to help the fifth master look at this elixir. I think I don't agree with Danfang. I was careful and accidentally fell asleep. This furnace is very important, very important, and the very important elixir was destroyed in my hands. By the time I woke up, the elixir had turned into a pinch of golden ashes.

I carefully poured out the gold powder from the stove and put it in the palm of my hand. I looked for water all over the room to see if I could pinch it into a ball to make a fake elixir. However, when the group had just formed, the fifth master pushed the door and came in.

I think this is really not my mistake. If I want to complain that the fifth master has never made a sound when walking, just like those ghosts without feet. I'm taking the medicine ball and carefully reprocessing it. When the fifth master came in, I accidentally swallowed the medicine ball and unfortunately got stuck in my throat.

The fifth master took a lot of effort to pull me back from the edge of life and death. It seemed that I had seen the door of the ghost gate. Standing in front of the door, black and white impermanence are like some wandering little ghosts. The golden powder elixir mixed with water was swallowed into my stomach without any warning.

I thought it was terrible and would definitely be forced by the fifth master to learn the piano. This really makes everyone very painful. I am absolutely born with Guqin. No matter how long I practiced, it is difficult to hear the sound that pops up. This is actually a thing that tortures myself and others.