abandoned and turned over

Chapter 41 Xiaoyu denies

Early the next morning, he asked Chunyu to come to discuss finding a vacant lot in the royal palace to rebuild a garden. It can't be too small, but it can't be bigger than the peony garden. Listening to them, I sat in the yard and observed the new white plums.

I don't know where A Zheng got this. He dug a big pipe under the ground and planted more than a dozen white plum trees, which burned for 12 hours, so that the trees on it survived and bloomed. This project is really too difficult. A Zheng said that it was because the peony garden was too bare.

This is Chunyu Zheng, because I feel that he has changed a lot since I was injured this time. I don't know what has changed, but in addition to being better to me, he is getting farther and farther away from me. Up to now, I can't help thinking, how nice it would be if I could call him brother Azheng affectionately like now? But time is like water, and after passing, it will never turn back.

The internal injury heals very slowly, because I can't heal the injury with internal power. Jun Yu was shocked when he learned that I didn't know how to do internal skills. I don't think it's surprising, because I'm a little girl, and my eldest brother and second brother are men, so I can't do martial arts because I find a husband to protect me in the future. However, he thought that if a girl had time, nothing would happen in front of the wishing tree, at least I wouldn't get hurt.

Later, I learned that a person like him is not afraid of anyone's threat. What's the use of threats? It's better to do it. A month later, my body basically improved. Although my face is still a little pale and my body has been reduced too much, at least I can move freely.

Junyou doesn't know if there is something wrong with the court these days, and his face is not very good. I am always very careful when I sleep next to him for fear that I will accidentally light a fire by myself. His face is very cold, and I am still indifferent to the things in the court, which is none of my business, because I know that he will eventually sit on the throne.

Xiaoyu asked me why I was so sure, and I asked him who in Yue thought could become the emperor, and he squeezed his lips. In fact, he also knows who is more suitable, but I guess he will find a topic for me to chat with. He has always avoided it with Junyu these times. I put the whistle he gave me that day with the mutton fat white jade peony carving given to me by the fifth master, and there will be a tinkling sound when I change my clothes.

This is a whistle carved from a green flower path. In fact, it is a rare green jade jade. The whistle made with it can only be heard by specific people and can transmit the sound for a hundred miles, which is very magical. I asked Xiaoyu why she gave me such a valuable thing with my hand. He said with a calm face that he could not let me die before he saw the flowers on the other side, so I accepted it with peace of mind.

I still can't speak, it's really painful. When Junyu came back, I was sitting on the noble concubine's bed and turning over the book with great regret. After turning pages after page, I couldn't stand anything. I sat on the side with my heart and embroidered it quietly. It looked very beautiful. In the past, I would have flirted with them, but now I can only open my mouth and can't say a word.

If the doctor hadn't said that I could speak after a few days with a broken throat, I would have been more painful than now. I'm scared to death when I think that I can't talk all my life.

Jun Yu waved his hand to let the two of them go down, and I ran to him and pulled his sleeve: When will the imperial doctor say that I can talk?

He said, "Three or five days." I looked at him in surprise. He nodded with a smile, reached out and touched my head and smiled, "I didn't lie to you, but before that, you have to protect your voice to avoid breaking your voice when you can speak."

I nodded and promised him that I rubbed him with a high belly, and he took my hand to bed. We are living a very happy life now. In a blink of an eye, I have been pregnant for more than five months. He is also very kind to me and often accompanies me in the palace, although he is reading books beside me and I am in a daze.

I vaguely said that I didn't have any awareness of pregnant women, and I really doubted whether I really had it. In fact, only Mother Wang and Junyu know about the fake pregnancy, and I don't want them to know that they are worried about me.

I'm used to Xiaoyu coming to see me these days. In fact, Xiaoyu spends more time with me than Jun Yu. I still remember that the first sentence I could say was to ask Shen Weijun when he would get married. Jun Yu said lightly, "I said that she could only marry when I ascended the throne."

I was stunned. I didn't expect that he would really say it. Even if he was forced to this field by Shen Weijun, he could still fulfill his words. What a good man, I fell down again. I don't know when Junyou said that he ascended the throne, but when he entered the palace a few days ago, he felt that the body of the proud emperor seemed to be much worse, and his expression was very depressed, and he looked like there was no time.

I heard from Mother Wang that a lot of things have happened in the court in the past few months of my recuperation. I don't think she is a woman who likes to gossip, but it turns out that as long as it is a woman, she has a little gossip. I am no exception. I asked as soon as I heard her say so.

She raised her eyes and looked at me and said, "I heard that the emperor's body is sliding down day by day, and all the folds are shown to the third prince. The eldest prince lost his temper in the house after knowing it, and the second prince was not drunk. Since then, the emperor's body has been even worse. The imperial doctor sent by the prince said that the emperor was poisoned, and it turned out to be poisoned by the second prince.

I covered my mouth from exclaiming and frowned, "How can it be him? Doesn't he care about the government?" How can such a person compete for the throne? It's really strange.

Mother Wang nodded and said, "I also thought so, but when I heard that the eldest prince knew about this last night, I rushed to the prison with a sword and stabbed the second prince to death, and then went to the Changsheng Hall with a thorn to plead. After knowing it, the emperor praised him for doing the right thing and rewarded the eldest prince.

I don't know why, but after listening to a few simple words, I broke out in a cold sweat. The second prince poisoned the emperor, and the eldest prince killed the second prince and pleaded guilty. This seems to be a little righteous, but will the eldest prince be too impatient to do this? It seems that you are in a hurry to hide something.

I asked a few more questions about the second prince's family. Mother Wang said, "I won the title that night, and the whole family was demoted to a commoner." I nodded and asked Mama Wang to see if there was anything to eat in the kitchen. I went outside and whistled to call Xiaoyu over. I always feel that the second prince's family will not deal with it so easily.

Xiaoyu came in less than ten minutes. I really doubted whether he lived not far from the royal palace. As soon as I called, he would immediately save me, the canonized princess, like a prince in a fairy tale.

I told him about this matter, and he pondered for a long time, "I'll tell you the follow-up later." Then he asked me something about life. Knowing that Junyu and I were progressing well, he touched my head and smiled, "As long as you are happy."

I suddenly remembered that Mu Xin said that Xiaoyu liked me, so I shook my voice and asked in a low voice, "Xiaoyu, do you like me?"

Hearing this, his eyes sank, and then frowned. The little red dots in his pupils jumped, and he whispered for a long time, "What are you talking about?"

"Mu Xin said that you like me."

He smiled softly at the corners of his mouth and said, "Do you believe what that girl said?" I nodded. He laughed and said, "Didn't you say you wanted to be my friend to be my sun?"

"Yes, but I just think you are too lonely."

He said, "Little future, don't talk so directly, okay? It's very hurtful! I only treat you as a friend. Friends naturally need to help each other when they are in trouble, right? I nodded, and he said, "Besides, I only have one friend from you. Naturally, I will do my best to help you, right?" I continued to nod and breathed a sigh of relief.

Like a stone hanging on my chest that can smash all my internal organs all day long, I'm worried to death. Suddenly, I remembered whether I would be as uncomfortable as I thought Xiaoyu liked me. The difference was that in fact, Xiaoyu only regarded me as a friend, but Junyou knew my feelings. Oh, my God, no wonder Junyu is cold to me, so it is.

As soon as I patted my head, Xiaoyu asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?" Fight yourself well."

I said, "I'm wondering if my love for Junyou will put pressure on him."

His eyes sank and his voice fluttered gently: "Weiwei, do you think I feel stressed when I like you?" I nodded honestly, and at that moment his eyes suddenly became deep, and I couldn't see the end. After a long time, he said, "I'm sorry." That was the only time in his life that he called me Weiwei, and the only time in his life that he apologized to me for a small thing.

Sometimes I can't help thinking, how happy it would be if I fell in love with Yu Qingshu for the first time. At that time, Jun Yu ascended the throne, and then the eldest brother also resigned smoothly. How happy would it be if our family followed the fifth master to live in Kunlun Mountain in seclusion without asking about the world? But God always likes to play tricks on people. I met Junyou first, and then I met Yu Qingshu, and the first meeting was not so beautiful. Except for the beautiful face, it was really difficult for me to fall in love with him at a glance.

In the final analysis, I still have no fate with him, because at that time, I didn't know that the good man was not only my father and Junyou, at least Yu Qingshu was the same, and Chunyu was also the same. It's just that at that time, there was only Junxuan in my eyes, and no one could enter my eyes no matter how perfect it was.

He touched my head again and comforted him, "It's too late to be happy with you. Besides, he is an emperor!" The emperor not only has one queen, but also has an imperial concubine, just like the proud emperor. The emperor's love is rain and dew, so in the small future, you can't ask a future king to give you the love of only one person, understand?

I nodded as if I didn't understand, and I was a little unhappy. After thinking about it for a long time, I stared and said, "But ordinary princes also want three wives and four concubines, but my father doesn't have it. He hasn't accepted a concubine for several years in a row, and he doesn't even have a concubine.

He smiled gently, and there was a faint and imperceptible hum in his nose: "He is carrying a country, thousands of families, and your father is the only family on his shoulder, which is the difference." I was stunned by what he said, and then nodded helplessly. Well, I can barely speak smoothly.