abandoned and turned over

Chapter 77 Silent Demon Clan

There are only two people on this trip. Xiaobai was left in Kunlun Mountain to pass on the news. I don't know what happened in the outside world in a few months. With my unpolitical head, I can't feel any difference between them. I just feel that my second brother is very busy and I don't know what he is busy with. The fifth master refines medicine in the elixir every day.

I think after we left, Mu Feng had a wet nurse to take care of it. Xiaobai continued to do its task. Everyone was very busy, as if only Xiaoyu and I were very idle. But in fact, I think Xiaoyu should also be very busy, because he has been looking very bad for a while since he came back from his hometown last time.

Although Xiaoyu has not visited the magic array of Kunlun Mountain many times, he has not paid attention to these since he broke through once with his mind. Moreover, I am familiar with these formations, so the two of us went out of Kunlun Mountain with simple salutes.

This time, I didn't get anything from the fifth master and the second brother, but when I left, I couldn't bear to cut a pinch of hair and fox hair from both of them and put them in a close purse, so that I could feel that they were very close to me.

There is a carriage parked under Kunlun Mountain. Although I have repeatedly said that I am completely good, it seems that Xiaoyu and others are still not worried at all. I was helpless. After leaving Kunlun Mountain, I only had the skills of a three-legged cat. In Xiaoyu's eyes, it was simply a farmer playing a big knife. It was not to mention the elegance and seriously injured, so I could only get into the carriage obediently before rushing.

The carriage was prepared before. The driver was a young man who was good-looking, but with Xiaoyu here, his appearance seemed a little ordinary. I was forced by Xiaoyu to wear a long red skirt, and then tied the veil. Xiaoyu said that it was better to hide my identity when I didn't know the forgotten memory.

That memory really makes me feel unbearable, but their usual behavior tells me that unless I get to the place, no one will tell me. I didn't know that the flowers on the other side of Xiaoyu's hometown still have this function. Some of them are suspicious. Now there is no Baidu Encyclopedia. I can only count the days passing by day, looking forward to getting closer to the destination.

Because I forgot that painful memory, I was happy with Xiaoyu during that time. Because of happiness, I often felt that everything came so unreal. Xiaoyu often said that if you go, you will think of everything and it will be very painful. And I finally knew the intention of Xiaoyu and his second brother on the second day on the road, which was to let me give up recovering my lost memories.

Xiaoyu said that that memory was very painful, and I knew that I might even have a dead heart in the future, because the truth hurt too much.

I looked at him firmly and said, "Xiaoyu, you see, it's easy to meet and stay together, but missing is just a matter of rubbing shoulders. If I choose to forget, it is to pass by the truth, that is, to miss life. I don't want to miss it, I don't want to pass by, I just want to stay together..."

He sighed and shook his head and said, "Even if you have forgotten all of them, you still have him in your subconscious." Every time he says the same thing, I am silent.

Yes! There is something in my heart. I don't know if it's that memory or someone. Whenever I was ready to accept Xiaoyu, there was a voice in my heart telling me that if I wanted to accept Xiaoyu, I should end another thing, and that matter was closely related to my lost memory.

So, I decided to find out the truth, even though it hurt people. Therefore, sometimes people's obsession is really terrible, but it supports a person who will not fall down no matter what destructive harm they receive; it can support people to take it for granted even if they do a bad thing that is angry with both people and gods; it can turn a person who is innocent and kind into a devil; it is powerful enough to destroy a period of skeleton. Love.

Our first stop is Xuebu City, which is the most beautiful time in April.

On the day we arrived, the whole snowy city was covered with white willow catkins, like a vast snow. The whole city was hidden in the wind and snow, which made people unable to move their eyes. Xiaoyu stood in the midst of Liu Xu and said loudly that the first time we saw it was in Xuepo City.

At that time, he didn't like me. Although I was not bad-looking, he was not a person who fell in love at first sight. He didn't know when he began to like me. At first, he was just curious about me, because many people were afraid when they knew his identity, and the four countries banned them from dealing with their people.

Xiaoyu smiled and said to me, "You know, I'm the only one in our demon family." Although he was laughing, there was unconcealed sadness in his eyes. He did not show the rest, but I could see that it was a deep hatred.

I asked him why he said so? Xiaoyu smiled bitterly and said, "A long time ago, like all countries and nations in the world, we were in a place where we never set foot in other people's territory. But I don't know how it was known by foreigners..." He paused and told me a terrible and shocking fact and the past.

There are very few demons. Even at its peak, there are only more than 2,000 people, but such a small number of more than 2,000 people are also more useful than 20,000 or 200,000 people. Although this is a little exaggerated, the fact is true.

The demon race has a life expectancy that ordinary people do not have. Some of their longest-lived elders can even live to 700 or 800 years old. Unless they die unnaturally, most of them can live to be over 500 years old. However, with such benefits, it is also extremely difficult to give birth. Generally, a demon woman can only have one child in her life. If there is another one, she is likely to die, but the child can be preserved.

The demon people are extremely handsome. There is no ugly man or woman, and they still have abilities that ordinary people do not have, so they call themselves gods in this world. Occasionally, their clan can't help pretending to be ghosts when they go to the outside world. Although they must be punished by the elders of the clan when they come back, they still enjoy it. Over time, the outside nations were not particularly curious about the demons. As legend, they were born of gods, and the elders also felt that it was okay to get along well with the outside world.

So for a long time, the demon race went from the original confinement to the subsequent complete opening to the outside world, which also led to the disaster of extermination.

At that time, the demons already had people who married foreigners. Although they were not allowed, many people turned a blind eye and let them go. At that time, no one found that a shocking conspiracy was approaching the pure demons step by step, confusing their eyes under the guise of kindness.

Almost that night, the whole demon race was buried in a demon fire, and Xiaoyu saved her life because she was sent to a place for training. Xiaoyu smiled and said to me, "Do you know how old I am?"

I was stunned, and then looked at him in horror and said, "You are not a three or four hundred-year-old monster, are you?"

Xiaoyu smiled bitterly and shook her head and said, "I'm 134 years old this year! Little Future, I'm several rounds older than your father. Looking at his crying without tears and the sadness in his eyes, I felt that I was more hateful than those menaces. I took the almost healed scar from Xiaoyu's body, revealing the bloody wound again.

I went over and hugged Xiaoyu and rubbed my head on his chest to comfort him: "As long as you are Xiaoyu, I'm not afraid. I don't care what kind of people you are, and it doesn't matter whether you are a person or not. You are just my Xiaoyu and will protect Xiaoyu who will make me happy." I looked up at him and smiled, "So, I want to be with Xiaoyu forever." After saying that, I raised my feet and kissed the ** lips, which I thought about for a long time but always dared not kiss them.

Xiaoyu was almost stunned at that moment, and then let me kiss him stupidly until I felt that I was too active to take it away, but he reached out to imprison my body and kissed it heavily.

The kiss was warm, with domineering possession and desolation, as if it was a proof. It left marks on my lips and neck, which belonged to him. It was not until both of them had respiratory disorders that they braked urgently.

Xiaoyu looked at me with a smile. I blushed with his face and got off the carriage with a veil. Snow City is always lively, because it includes all the races of the four countries, and you can see and hear more here. Xiaoyu wears a human skin mask, because his peerless appearance is too attractive.

The two of us in bright red clothes really attracted the attention of many people. In order not to be watched as rare animals, I resolutely pulled Xiaoyu into the clothing store, and one of them changed into white clothes. I think that if I hadn't forced Xiaoyu, I would never have seen him so estranged and cold. He would be so rebellious that people would not dare to come forward.

After I changed my white clothes, I only tied a jade hairband on my head and put my long hair and went out to look for Xiaoyu. At this time, he was already standing at the door. Even if he wore a human skin mask, he was still so holy and like a fairy, not just as cold and arrogant under the moon.

Standing there motionless, it attracted the attention of passers-by. They all guessed who was the noble son of such an ordinary but ethereal man. At the same time, because of the holy white, he brought a thousand miles of rejection, so that people could only look at it from afar without being desecrated, even if they looked at it. My eyes feel guilty.

I think the demon race has the favor of God, even if I feel jealous, not to mention that there are too many people in the world who are not satisfied with the status quo. Xiaoyu's story is not finished, but I can also guess the rest of the ending.

Because of the emergence of such a kind of alien, for other peoples, their sudden appearance is a foreign race, which is a foreign race that everyone can kill. Just because they have the ability and longevity that ordinary people don't have. If I am those people, the first thing to do is to find a way for me. If they can't, they will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, the demons are completely destroyed because they don't want to participate in the fights in the outside world. Although the demons have abilities and longevity that ordinary people do not have, if they want to change to the strongest ability, they need to burn their lives and completely disappear from the world. Lost, even if it can be rescued, it will still lose consciousness and become an ordinary person who is nothing.