abandoned and turned over

Chapter 83 Announced Together

"Who is it?" Suddenly, I heard a shout, and the jade fell from the sky with ice in red clothes. Who is it, isn't Xiaoyu?

"At the seat." The man and a woman saluted respectfully when they heard the sound, and they couldn't see the appearance of gossiping just behind their backs. In fact, I didn't see it. I just heard the voice from afar. No wonder it was so quiet that even the needle fell to the ground and could be heard clearly.

Xiaoyu lowered her eyelids and swept the two people coldly and said, "Very idle? Add tasks." After saying that, he floated towards me like a ghost, and the red clothes were blown up by the night wind and flowed like blood.

He stopped in front of me and chose a seat to sit down. After a while, he turned his head and looked at me awkwardly and said, "Well, don't care. They just don't understand."

Fortunately, he wiped away his tears when he flew over, so he could smile clearly and cover up the sadness in his heart. I'm fine! I just slept more during the day. Go out for a walk while the moonlight is quiet. It's really quiet here. I like it!"

Xiaoyu habitually reached out and touched my head and said, "Stupid girl, you can't deceive others. If you really don't like it, we will stay in the inn from tomorrow.

I shook my head quickly when I heard the words, "How can this work? It's very safe here." I put my hands around my knees, and I couldn't feel any coolness. I felt a little strange. Is the temperature of my body really related to my mood?

Xiaoyu covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Isn't I protecting you?" He looked scared until now.

I didn't have the confidence to stare at him and whispered that I was afraid that Xiu Yuan would not give up to trouble me, and I was afraid that Junyu would come to me when he heard the wind. What's worse is that I forgot all of them. If I continue to be a good person, won't I even put myself in?

Xiaoyu saw me staring at him and smiled more happily. The flowers and branches trembled and fell on the ground. The lilacs in the killer pavilion bloomed and scattered a yard of flowers. Flowers bloom for beauty. The first time I saw such a scene, I was stunned.

And Xiaoyu seemed to be used to such a scene. She sat quietly with me for a long time and didn't go back to the room until the middle of the moon.

It was noon when I woke up, but there were very few people in the killer's pavilion at night, let alone the day? There is always hot water and food in the room. After I simply used it, I changed into a moon-white skirt and pushed out the door.

It's strange to hear a lot of people talking. I turned around and closed the door and walked over looking for a voice. Unexpectedly, all the killers on the mission in Rongcheng returned to their positions, just to discuss one thing.

"At this seat, my subordinates can't wait to start attacking the four countries."

"Yes, yes! The seat was shrewd and knew that taking away the Queen of Yue made them turn against each other.

"I don't know where the news was released, but the Lord of Yue actually knew that the former queen was not dead, and it is said that she has now met in Wu territory."

"Hmm! Then Wu Jun won't have more opportunities to kill him, which saves us a lot of effort.

"What do you save? If I am Wu Jun, after knowing my identity, I will definitely invite the killer pavilion to be a killer. The more misunderstandings there are, the more likely he will win.

"So fortunately, you are not Wu Jun, and of course you won't give us a task. Even if Wu Jun pours all the wealth of the country, it depends on whether we can take this task or not, right?

I didn't hear Xiaoyu's answer from beginning to end. Maybe the voice inside was too messy. I couldn't hear anything. The words "Knowing to take away the Lord and Queen of Vietnam caused them to turn against me" echoed over and over again. What's the situation is this? Is Xiaoyu using me? ?

A broken picture flashed in my mind. It seems that someone once told me that Xiaoyu's proximity was also a use. Chun's weak body swayed and stood unsteadily, barely holding the pillars on the corridor to stabilize his body.

I remember that Xiaoyu once said to his second brother 'do everything for the Yi people' on Kunlun Mountain. In what mood did Xiaoyu say at that time? He continues to deceive an ignorant me, but how can he deceive the second brother? More importantly, how can the second brother be deceived by him?

If Xiaoyu approaches me with a real purpose, is everything he shows acting? Well, I admit that everyone is an actor, and I can be deceived by everyone arbitrarily... So everything deserves to be deceived, I deserve to be deceived, and I deserve to be naive.

"Little Future?" I don't know when Xiaoyu has stood in front of me, and the red dress is flowing with the purest ** in the world, spotless dust.

"Xiao Yu..." I rushed forward and hugged him, and suddenly I was scared. Xiaoyu, don't explain to me, don't mention it. I would rather think that all this is a hallucination. Don't explain it to me.

"I'm sorry..." He didn't hug me back as usual, but let me hold him with his straight back, stiff like a corpse.

Hearing his words, I pushed him away and stared at him with incredible eyes. I'm so humble that he still has to explain to me. Does he really want to put an end to our relationship today? End all this?

He came forward and took my hand and walked into the room, where there were many people in black. Maybe my eyes are too dazzled, but I just feel that they are all the same, and I can't distinguish between men and women, and I can't distinguish their appearance.

"You all know her identity, and I am here to announce it today." After saying that, he took me in his arms, grabbed me, and looked at me with intoxication and affectionate eyes. The red dots in his eyes suddenly accelerated with the frequency of heartbeat, as if they were afraid.

I stretched out my hand and gently stroked his white face, touching a piece of cold. He leaned down, and his thin lips fell with the fragrance of flowers on the other side that belonged to him.

This kiss is with his coldness and domineering and a trace of possession and declaration. To everyone here and the world's killer pavilion, I am his man. It's not to take advantage of it, but to really love it. It's not afraid of admitting it. It's not afraid of being forced by Junyou and Xiuyuan, and officially declare war on them.

In a trance, I suddenly remembered a man, a middle-aged woman with a kind face but fierce eyes. The broken picture flashed by her saying that a person was a beauty disaster. Later, I thought that in fact, everyone was wrong. I was the one who really harmed the world. Whether it was before, now or in the future, it was only because of me to subvert the world.

Everyone looked at us in a daze. That moment of time wasted, as if we were the only two of us hugging and kissing each other in the world, like the light rain between heaven and earth in April, gentle and beautiful. With the fragrance on his body, the flowers in heaven and earth resonate and bloom.

I stared at him incredibly, let him pry open his teeth, and then rolled up his tongue... It seemed to be a few minutes, and it seemed to have been entangled for three lifetimes and two lifetimes, and it seemed that the time at this moment had traveled through thousands of years, like water and stones.

I don't know when he was released in his arms, and he was talking to his subordinates with a slightly face. He said, "This is not a use, and I will not use women to complete the great cause. You don't need to guard against anyone. He will come to me what he wants."

"But is it safe in the seat?"

"I heard that the Yue master's martial arts skills are also extremely strong. Moreover, yesterday came from Xuancheng that the news that the bodyguard An Xu died because of the seat, and Wu Jun had a hatred in the same seat. Now..."

Hearing this, Xiaoyu waved her hand to interrupt them and snorted coldly, "You continue to take over the task. He is not bold enough to attack the Killer Pavilion."


"Okay, don't say anything. Since this matter has been decided, it will not change, and it will be dispersed. After a pause, he said, "Let's spread today's event. If they want to find me, let them find it." After saying that, he came over and took my hand and walked out.

The intersection of ten fingers is the most beautiful oath.

"Xiaoyu, why don't you block the news?"

"I have tried my best to run the Killer Pavilion over the years. I can only guarantee that there are my people in every branch headquarters, but I can't guarantee that these people are all for my use."

"Is there a spy?" I clenched his hand hard and suddenly began to worry about his situation.

Xiaoyu nodded and frowned slightly: "I have been hiding my identity for so many years, so the outside world only knows that I am a killer in the killer pavilion. I am also dedicated to developing the number of people, but I can only ensure that I can know the news of every place as soon as possible and use the world's wealth for my use. Therefore, I can't control those scheming people, so that they can deal with me at ease, and I will think of other ways to know their movements.

"You mean... there may be Yuezhu and Wu Jun in every branch..." I covered my mouth and didn't let myself exclaim. I felt that Xiaoyu was incredibly powerful enough in her 100 years old this year, but I didn't expect Xiuyuan and Junyou to compete with each other on a country alone.

The world seems to be four points, but in fact, Xiaoyu is the ultimate boss. Without me, Xiaoyu can use me to continue to trigger the war between Xiuyuan and Junyu, or do some small means to make both sides misunderstand when they can't see, and then he can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

But because of me, Xiaoyu has to face the attack of the two of them. No matter how strong the killer pavilion is, can she survive? The most important thing now is whether Xiuyuan will join hands with Junyou because of this. If this is true, the killer pavilion is really in danger!

When we were on the road, Hua Yan caught up with him, and he brought back a very unoptimistic news, which was exactly what I was worried about before: Xiu Yuan joined hands with Jun Yu.

Hua Yan is very worried. As Xiaoyu said, if the number of people in the Killer Pavilion is counted, there may be tens of thousands of people, and they are all elites, but once these people go to some scheming people, I'm afraid there are less than 10,000 left, even if these people can be counted as ten.

Xiaoyu did not show any concern, but said a word confidently: "From today on, assassinate the court ministers of Wu and Vietnam and reward 10,000 taels of silver." After a pause, he glanced at me and said, "Don't hurt the Fu family of Wu Guodingyuan Houfu."

Hua Yi looked at me vaguely and then bowed and left. Xiaoyu continued to take me forward, but was stopped by another group of forces.