abandoned and turned over

Chapter 92 Halfway Hijacking

Chapter Summary: Why do I have her memory? Yes, I'm back. This time I'm in the Fengling Palace of the Queen's Central Palace.

Fear is your biggest enemy. When you think that there is no weakness around you that can be used by the enemy, in fact, you have been defeated. Jun Yu has always thought that he is full of loopholes, but he is guiding you to find out step by step, and then he is giving you a fatal blow when you secretly celebrate.

The way we get along has always been like this. Whenever I think everything is developing well, he will suddenly pour cold water on me to wake me up and clearly realize that everything is self-indued.

So, Junyou, I'm sorry that you killed you and my child without mercy. In order to give him an explanation and Xiaoyu an explanation, we must take this step.

At the beginning, I never thought that I would participate in the battle between the four countries, and I never thought that the world, which was originally too peaceful, would set off turmoil again because I was not the most beautiful flower, nor did I have the so-called talent. Everything is just fate, and it is a love that has wrapped up three lifetimes and will come to an end one day.

I don't know when I fell asleep on the chair and also had a dream, which was still a little hurtful. In the dream, I was like a spectator. I couldn't feel the joys and sorrows at all. I just saw that the heroine's sad and sobbly looked like me at the beginning, but she was not strong. All her strength was only for a man, and that man destroyed her.

I thought that life and death would not meet, but when he came to the world, he stood under the city with such a cold and ruthless expression, as high as a god. She shouted not to let him approach, because his proximity would accelerate her death and reduce the time to see this last time... But he still approached, so eagerly, and then her body burned by the rune fire, and even her soul was burned and scattered in the world.

A lifetime of love ended in tragedy. This tragedy seems to have been doomed for a long time. He created it, but the tragedy is going to happen to her. The broken soul fell asleep and floated in this void. After countless years, one day, a beam of light forcibly collected all the broken souls. Then she woke up, but took a sip of Wangchuan and forgot those in the past...

I opened my eyes tiredly and only felt particularly tired from this sleep, as if I was not resting at all, but tired all night. Thinking of the tragic woman in the dream, she wanted to know where the strong light would send her and whether she would remember everything.

I got up and rubbed my sour neck. How could Xiaoyu let me lie on the chair and sleep all night? That's strange. As soon as I stood up, I found that the room was full of blood-like dark red flowers, which were spread all over the floor. Even the bathtub I bathed in yesterday didn't have time to take away, and the white flowers inside were also as red as blood at this time.

I suddenly understand everything when I saw this scene! Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, how well-intentioned you are, just to remind me of those cruel past. Legend has it that the white flower will absorb people's memory and turn red, but why does the memory still turn red in it? Do you also think my memory is too heavy to carry?

Xiaoyu came in somehow and looked at the blood-red flower on the ground and said, "How do you feel?"

I wiped my tears and turned to him and said, "Why do I have her memory?"

"This..." Xiaoyu frowned slightly and said, "It must be Wu Jun's secret method that has some effect on young women all over the world, so you don't have to worry about it."

I nodded and cleaned up the room with Xiaoyu. Then at night, Xiaoyu continued to sprinkle white flowers on the other side while I was asleep. Unsurprisingly, it turned red the next morning, but the red became lighter and lighter, and in the end there were only some light ones. He often frowned and said nothing when he saw such a scene.

We stayed here for three days, because the white shore flower this morning did not turn a little red, which also proved that his method did not work. I asked him why he did this, and Xiaoyu said that in order to remind me of more things.

I don't think it's necessary, because I'm tired enough in this life, and there's really no need to think about the things in my previous life or the future.

I don't know when Xiaoyu changed. Maybe it was because my heart changed that I could better understand that he could see him more clearly. I always felt that he was hiding something from me. However, he is the person I trust the most so far except for my relatives, so I only hope that Xiaoyu will not lie to me.

His behavior is getting weirder and weirder, and he won't come to me every day except for the flowers on the other side. Until this morning, he told me that he was ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" I wore the same bright red clothes as him. When I was blown up by the wind, it was like flowing blood. The difference was that I didn't have his evil charm or the contradictory ethereal.

"What do you plan to do?" He turned his head and frowned at me.

"Plant? Isn't Xiuyuan going to use me? That's just right! We're leaving now."


"No, it's Xiaoyu. Junyu is now dedicated to Dandan and has no time to take care of me, so I can only go to Xiuyuan." There is nothing to sort out here, only me and those memories need to be taken away.

"As Yuezhu said, he is likely to kill you again." Xiaoyu is still very worried, because Xiuyuan's ruthlessness has become famous, and because I have experienced it deeply for a long time.

"He won't!" I look far away, because using me can not only let the Fu family continue to work for him, but also deal with Xiaoyu and Junyou, at least that's what Xiuyuan thinks.

Xiaoyu thought about it when she heard the words: "Since you insist on doing so, we will leave immediately. For your safety, I will send someone to protect you. I nodded and answered, and suddenly remembered the twilight and vagueness far away in Yue. I don't know how the two of them are?

On the way to Shu, I not only once felt that the journey was extremely far and long, but now I only think why it is so close? We entered the border of Vietnam in less than a day.

Xiaoyu originally planned to send me back to Wu in person and send me to a place very close to Xiu to make a chance encounter, but she didn't expect that the man in black, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared to stop me from waiting.

At this time, I haven't merged with Xiaoyu and the people he is going to send to me, so the situation is a little bad. Xiaoyu protected me tightly. As soon as the leader spoke, we heard that it was the group that intercepted us last time. What surprised me was why they appeared again this time?

Xiaoyu knew that no matter how she asked those people, she would not say which force she belonged to, so she did it directly. Xiaoyu was originally born as a killer, and naturally killed people, but those people did not fight hard this time, but used wheel tactics. Ten people were divided into three groups to distract Xiaoyu's attention in different directions. The remaining one should be their head, that is, the person who escaped that day, ate twice in Xiaoyu's hands. Naturally, there will be no third time, so he has been staring at me this time, waiting for the opportunity.

Although I don't have time to be close to Xiaoyu, I can still follow Xiaoyu, so I hold Xiaoyu's waist tightly. The leader saw that there was no chance to take advantage of it for a while, so he joined the battle from the rear. I think this guy is really stupid, but my smile has not been enough to restrain. I only saw those people suddenly turn around. I only felt a flower in front of my eyes, and then Xiaoyu shouted in my ear: "Close your eyes, little future..."

This sound came very late. At this time, my eyes were white and my head was dizzy. Then my consciousness pulled away and there was a sound of silence.

I don't know when I woke up again. I just felt that this place was very familiar, and the familiarity made my heart ache.

"Mother..." There was an eager call in my ear, as if it was floating in the sky and circling in my ear, and I always felt extremely familiar.

"Wei..." This is a deep and hoarse voice, like the sound of stones scratching on the glass, which is very harsh.

I opened my eyes with a squeam and found that I was already in a luxurious**, and this big bed was so familiar that I could no longer be familiar with, at least I lived here for more than a year.

"Sister Fu Wei..." This voice is also familiar to me, Dan Dan... I suddenly turned around and shocked Dandan, who was close to me, and hid in Jun Yao's arms in panic like a deer.

"Mother..." Mu Xin knelt in front of the bed and looked at me with tears on his face. Such a shot made me in a trance, as if I had returned to the past, but there was one more person beside me - Dandan.

I rubbed my swollen head and couldn't figure out why I was in the palace of Yue as soon as I woke up with Xiaoyu! Yes, I'm back. This time I'm in the Fengling Palace of the Queen's Central Palace.

It suddenly occurred to me that every time these people in black appeared, they had a certain purpose. The first time was to support Xiaoyu to let me meet Xiuyuan, the second time was to let Xiaoyu and Jun Xiuyuan officially meet, and the third time was just to take me back to the palace... These people are really terrible. They are extremely accurate every time, as if my shadow is everywhere.

I feel creepy when I think that someone is paying attention to my every move in the dark but I can't see it at all. There is also a feeling of being played and used, but now it's too late to think about it, because Junyou's face has appeared in front of me.

He put his hand on my forehead to test the temperature, turned around and said faintly, "Go and ask a doctor."

"No." I sat up straight with my arms, and my voice was so cold that even I felt like a frozen ice field in an instant.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned when they heard what I said. A trace of joy flashed on Mu Xin's face, and cried directly, "Miss, you're really fine. That's great. I'm worried about the slave. Whoo..."

"I'm fine. You can go out first." Now I have no strength at all, and I was suddenly thrown here. I have to think thoroughly about the intentions of the people in black. They want to make this chess game more chaotic or help someone secretly. Although I can't control the chess game, I can't let those people in black lead my nose.

Dan opened his mouth and wanted to say something else. Mu Xin stood up and saluted Jun Yu and said, "The queen is weak. Please go back to the palace with Danfei."

Danfei... A sudden jump in the heart, Danfei! What a Danfei! However, oh, I really won't let go of this queen's position, whether it's left for her or anyone, anyway, unless I die...

I suddenly remembered this sentence and wanted to cry, because the last time I said this, I got a glass of poison wine, and what about this time? I haven't given Junyu a chance to tell him to hand over the queen's seal, so no one knows what the outcome will be.