abandoned and turned over

Chapter 104 Xifei's Mi gave birth

Chapter summary: I was waiting for the eldest prince in the royal garden, but he took the opportunity to blackmail me and have a pewd idea about me... Concubine Xi appeared to break the cooperation between us, and I hurriedly pushed down Xifei, but she turned out to be a minor child...

When I woke up the next day, Jun Yu had left for the morning, and I also had today's task. I don't know what the eldest prince is thinking about. Our cooperation should also begin. We can't let Jun Yu be idle. At least before eliminating the Empress Dowager, we must make him busier, so that he can take advantage of the opportunity to repair the distance.

After breakfast, I didn't wait for Junyu to return to the palace, but went to the royal garden where I met the eldest prince last time. Sure enough, the eldest prince came soon after I arrived. He was a little tired and refreshed when he saw me.

said hello from afar and laughed, "The Empress is really early. The air is clear in the early morning. Well, there have been a lot of things recently, and it's time to come out and relax."

I covered my mouth and smiled and said, "My concubine is just to meet the eldest brother. How can I come to see the scenery and breathe fresh air?"

The eldest prince was slightly stunned when he heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help asking, "Is this true?"

I laughed and said, "Why isn't it true? Did the eldest brother forget what his former concubine said to his brother?

The eldest prince shook his head quickly and said, "No, no, I just can't figure it out. Shouldn't you love the emperor very much?"

I guided the eldest prince to the pavilion beside him. Suddenly, I heard him say this. I couldn't help stopping and looked at him and explained seriously, "That was before."

The eldest prince's eyes were deep and said faintly, "But if I ascend the throne, the queen can't be the current queen. You know, if I ascend the throne, I must ascend the throne in a hurtful way. The queen thinks that you can still sit firmly in the queen's position after I ascending the throne? Even if it's under the premise that you helped me get this throne.

As I walked forward, I turned around and smiled at him and said, "It's boring to sit in this position. It's better to give it to those who are willing to do it, but the eldest prince wants to guarantee my life and Junyu's life."

"Since the queen wants him to abdicate, why should she save his life? If I ascend the throne, he doesn't have any way to survive.

"This is my condition for helping you. You should know that you are not the only one who wants this throne." I looked at him with a sneer.

The eldest prince laughed and said, "I still don't understand. Whether I agree or not, you have to give me an acceptable statement first, don't you think? Otherwise, after I ascended the throne, I would worry every day whether he would come back and regain the throne.

"Are you so unconfidence in yourself?" I looked at him with contempt. In his life, he despises a man who has no confidence in himself. He has no self-confidence at all. It's better to die.

"No, no." The eldest prince quickly waved his hand and said, "I just don't understand. If the queen is willing to answer, I can reply to you after thinking about it for a while."

"It's very simple! I hate him so much. Of course, I hope he will die in my hands. Wouldn't it be better to be tortured to death by me?

The eldest prince took a deep look at me when he heard the words and said faintly, "It seems that I have been underestimated you all the time. Before cooperation, I have another sentence I want to say to you that it is not impossible if you want to continue to sit in the position of queen. As long as you remarry with me, I will definitely guarantee that the position of queen belongs to you.

The evening heart, who has always been silent behind me, couldn't help shouting, "Don't go too much. You're not the only one who coveted the throne. My mother's cooperation with you is to see you. Don't take yourself too important to pay off."

The eldest prince didn't say anything when he heard the words, just looked at me and waited for my answer.

I was also surprised, but I didn't expect that the eldest prince still had such a obscene idea for me in his heart, which really made people angry and angry. Mu Xin is right. He is not the only one who coveted the throne. Why did I put myself in for revenge? Thinking of this, I raised my hand and slapped the eldest prince, but I didn't expect that he was ready. With a gentle pull of my hand, I fell into his arms unsteadily.

At this time, coincidentally, someone passed by and only heard a scream. Muxin was already in front of me and the eldest prince, blocking the sight of the man.

Hearing this scream, I couldn't help scolding the eldest prince 180 times in my heart, but I knew it was useless in my heart. My thoughts turned quickly, and I moaned and said coquettishly, "Thank you, big brother, for holding this palace in time. Otherwise, this fall will definitely fall."

The eldest prince covered his mouth and laughed softly when he heard the words, and the man in front of him said loudly, "Ouch~! Why is it so true that the queen's affair was broken? I really can't figure out why the emperor loves you. I didn't expect you to have a private meeting with the prince here. I want to tell the emperor to go up. After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Hight!" I held Mu Xin's hand and stood up and shouted loudly.

When Xi Fei heard the words, she held the maid's hand and turned to the club and looked at me with panic, "Queen, what are you going to do? Kill me? I just bumped into your adultery with the eldest prince. Are you going to kill him?

"You're right. You can kill people, but it's not me." I was secretly anxious. I didn't know what kind of wine was in the heart of the eldest prince. It was really despicable to scold this man. Why did I choose him to cooperate with me, but now I have to send an arrow on the string, so I have to whisper: You explain this, I will be your queen.

I had no choice but to put down my posture. Sure enough, when I heard what I said, the eldest prince looked at me deeply and said to me, "Empress, it's rude and offensive. It's just that the steps are slightly higher. Please be careful when you go up and down, and I will leave now. After saying that, I walked over to the frowning Xifei and whispered, "Princess Xi, you haven't seen anything today, otherwise... Hey hey, you have been in the palace for so long, you should also know who I am?" He smiled strangely twice and then left.

Looking at the distant back of the eldest prince and the cold sweating Xifei, I was relieved and a little angry. When he got to Xifei, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to push her away and said coldly, "Get out of here, a good dog won't stand in the way."

Xifei was pushed by me and fell to the ground and cried. Coincidentally, at this time, Danfei passed by holding the maid's hand and heard the sound coming. She happened to see the scene of me pushing down the concubine Xi.

Concubine Xi fell to the ground heavily, with a bang, and the maids screamed, and even Concubine Xi screamed. When I was wondering why Concubine Dan also appeared here, I saw everyone looking at Concubine Xi, and I couldn't help exclaiming.

I saw Xifei slowly oozing blood. After seeing the blood, she covered her face and cried, covering her stomach and moaning: "Queen, you vicious woman, you actually hurt the fetus in my abdomen. You just hurt me, but how could the child I finally got to get in your way? Question mark I'm going to ask the emperor to show him the true face of your vicious woman. After saying that, he crawled forward step by step, and the blood rubbed against the green bricks and dyed the whole royal garden red.

Concubine Dan was stunned to watch the play for a long time. Seeing that Concubine Xi really crawled to the Golden Dragon Hall, she pretended to raise her handkerchief to wipe the corners of her eyes and cried, "Princes Xi, what's wrong with you?" After saying that, he shouted to the anxious maids of honor, "Why don't you go and ask for a royal doctor, and then raise your shoulders. Concubine Xi is the heart of the emperor. If there is any problem, who can afford it?"

"I can!" I went to Xifei and stopped her body, raised her tearful face and sneered, "What a touching scene! For the sake of the child, he did not hesitate to take his child to get rid of me. You can indeed get Junyou's pity, but you can't let him punish me. Because you know what it is." I let go of Xifei's chin and walked to Danfei. I looked at her condescendingly and said, "Why don't you follow Xifei later to be a witness?"

"That's natural. I have always been fair and just. Naturally, I won't wrong a good person or let a bad person go." Concubine Dan said with a sneer.

"It's good to be so natural, so you have to be careful. Check the bed when you go to bed at night. In case a red thread snake is in your quilt and is licked by the snake letter, it will be bad. How sad it would be if this flowery face is licked?

Danfei's face changed when she heard the words and hurriedly said, "I don't know what a red line snake. Who is as snake-scorpioned as you? I'm sitting right, and I'm not afraid of anything.

I sneered and looked at Danfei's face suddenly changed and her eyes dodging. I secretly thought about whether the red thread snake was really done by Danfei? In fact, I don't have much confidence in my heart, because this method is not smart, so it is likely that Xifei hates me for secretly pointing it.

In a short time, a maid of honor quickly ran over and helped Xifei, who was lying on the ground and crying, on her shoulder. Danfei's face had calmed down. After Xifei sat on her shoulder, she followed the crowd to the Golden Dragon Hall.

After walking a short distance, I suddenly remembered something, stopped and looked back at me and said, "Thank you very much for this."

I was slightly stunned, but even Muxin was a little confused, but Danfei didn't want to say more. She pretended to be very worried and wiped the corners of her eyes with a veil and left with everyone.

Mu Xin came forward to hold my hand and whispered, "Mother, won't you go there? Why did Concubine Dan say thank you?

I shook my head and thought about what happened when I met the eldest prince and Concubine Xi. I didn't find any place to make Concubine Dan say thank you for me. He was very confused and a little annoyed. He looked back at the stormy pavilion and turned away.

I didn't go back to the Golden Dragon Hall, but went back to the Fengling Palace and went to the bedroom of the wind. Since I was banned, Mother Wang has stayed in the bedroom of Mufeng. Every day, she eats and recites Buddha's chanting, or cleans the bedroom. It is also an idea to turn over the things used in Mufeng.

After hearing the footsteps, I came out. I was not surprised to see that it was me. My emotions did not fluctuate at all, and even brought a satisfied smile. After salute, Fu came over and held my hand and whispered, "The Empress is finally here!" It seems that I have been looking forward to it for a long time.

I sighed in my heart, and my eyes couldn't help blushing, and I whispered, "M Mother."

Mama Wang reached out and touched my head and comforted me, "A lot of things have happened in the palace recently. It's rare that this is a pure land. When there is nothing, I often come to sit down and talk to the old slave about what's going on outside."

I stopped and leaned my head on Mother Wang and breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm so tired."