abandoned and turned over

Chapter 130 is only a little short

Chapter Summary: Jun Yu was seriously injured and his life was in danger. Why didn't he jump down with me? It turned out that his leg was stuck in the wheel, and he was seriously injured in the duel with King Yun... If possible, I hope he will never wake up, because he is dead, and my hatred will also end.

I looked blankly into the distance, my hands were tightly clenched, and my hatred for Junyu was deeper. No matter what he did for me in the future, I would not forgive him, because he was too selfish.

But wasn't I stupid at that time? If I were smarter, I would know that his tone was wrong, but what can I do? Either die with him or find a way to save him... Either way, it's better than watching him die.

If I could hear it at that time, the result must be... I must have watched him die. As long as he died, I would be free, and it would be even more indifferent when I left the world.

I gritted my teeth and stood silently and walked into the hut. Junyou's breathing was soft, and I couldn't hear it if I didn't listen carefully. The lips were almost the same color as the face. The teenager came in behind me. He looked at me and said, "I can only try my best to keep his legs. I'm not sure if I can wake up." He restrained his eyebrows and looked up at me and whispered.

Hearing this, I was instantly collapsed, and my legs were weak to the ground, but my hands were tightly holding Jun Yu's cold hand like a corpse. His fingers are not as thick cocooned by martial arts practitioners at all. On the contrary, they are very smooth. Holding it in the palm of his hand, it feels like a piece of white jade, which is flawless.

His face was also pale after the blood faded, against a long black hair, scattered on the porcelain pillow, and on his chest, his long eyelashes were also darker and slightly trembling. I raised my hand and gently stroked it, Junyou... If you never wake up, I will always take care of you here, and the so-called hatred will also melt away. I wish you can stay with me like this and we are together, which is better than anything else.

So, I just hope you never wake up.

Jun Yu's situation is like that of modern vegetative people. Moreover, there is no such a high treatment here, that is, no matter how high the teenager's medical skills are, he still can't remove the blood from Jun Yao's brain. I don't know if Jun Yu was in a coma when he fell down, but the situation will never be better.

The shadow guard found us in the evening. He looked at the teenager with a strange face. The teenager's smile faded slightly and seemed to be very alert, but when he saw that the shadow guard didn't look at him, he came to our hut. The teenager called him: "Who is coming?"

The shadow guard looked back at him and said lightly, "Come and find the master." Yingwei did not have any murderous spirit. On the contrary, he was anxious with unstable breath. The teenager understood the whole story after a little thought.

The shadow guard walked in silently. I was feeding Junyu water with a handmade cotton stick. He is now in a coma and can't eat anything. I can only drink the nutrient solution given by the teenager little by little in this way. Although he is always strong, he doesn't know if he can wake up.

The shadow guard burst into a strong murderous atmosphere at the moment he saw him, and almost at the same time, the young figure had appeared in front of me, looking at the shadow guard with a slightly solemn face: "Which one?"

The murderous spirit of the shadow guard melted at that moment, and he slowly spit out four words: "Fifth Master."

I raised my eyes confusedly and looked at Yingwei and said, "What are you talking about?" Those four words were so fast that I didn't hear them clearly. The shadow guard repeated it tirelessly. We didn't pay attention to it. The guarded teenager standing aside changed his face slightly when he heard the word 'Fifth Master', and then looked at me strangely.

"Only you can save him." The shadow guard said another word, and then looked at the teenager. At this time, he had noticed that the teenager was wrong.

I lowered my head and looked around with some uneasiness, but inadvertently fell on Jun Yu's pale face. I asked myself in my heart: Fu Wei, do you really want Jun Wei to be like this forever? Lying like a dead man forever, relying on a little nutrient solution you feed every day?

He is a king, an ancient king. Do you want to watch him, the proud son of heaven, lose weight little by little, and then become a humanoid skeleton and then die, in endless pain... Do you really want such a king?

You want to destroy his pride little by little with your own hands. Do you also want to kill his obsession yourself?

I questioned myself over and over again in my heart and didn't notice the dialogue between the shadow guard and the teenager.

"So, are you my senior sister?" The teenager smiled gently. He bent down and looked at me. Although his eyes were not as quiet as before, there was a little alienation, but now there was a kind of kindness.

I was stunned and looked at the teenager puzzledly. He smiled and said, "I am also the apprentice of the fifth master, but I have lived in this valley with my sister since I was a child. Master said that if I don't learn, I am not allowed to go out of the mountain. I was ready to go out of the mountain, but I didn't expect to welcome such a heavy patient before I left. If I could save him, I would have the capital to ask my master for credit. He said with his eyebrows flying, with the vitality of a teenager and a kind of pride.

I was just a little surprised and relieved, but some places were even more confused, because the fifth master was obviously seriously injured when he was rescued by his father. Since his medical skills are so high, he doesn't have to stay in Kunlun Mountain for so long even if he wants to repay his father?

I fell into a new round of meditation again. The teenager called me gently and tentatively. I looked back blankly. He flattened his mouth and was slightly wronged: "At least you and I are from the same family, and you don't ask my name." His appearance is not as calm and light as when I first saw him, and his eyes are also playful, but when you are immersed in his eyes, you will not be sad or sad, as if there is a calming magic in his eyes.

Seeing me staring at him carefully, the teenager smiled and said happily, "Master said that my eyes are the best. More practice can stabilize people's hearts. When I don't have food to eat, I can use a pair of eyes to deceive many people."

I turned my head, gritted my teeth, and scolded myself for being confused by the illusion. When he first saw him as a teenager, he was very calm, and his eyes were light, which made people feel very comfortable. And the temperament he showed was all the level of a hidden high man, but... He is now at the same level as the girl. He was completely pretending and pretending before! Install!

He pestered me to ask his name again, and I gritted my teeth and said, "What's your name?"

"Xuan Duo, my sister's name is Rong Xin."

I raised my hand and stroked my forehead, and the voice of the shadow guard sounded again: "His ability is limited. He set off for Kunlun Mountain."

Xuan Duo suddenly became interested when he heard the words, touched his clean chin and smiled, "It turns out that Master has been in Kunlun Mountain over the years." Then he looked at me and said, "Sister, I know how to get out of the valley, and I will quickly find Master after leaving the valley."

According to Xuanduo, this place is called the Fairy Valley, which is the nest of the fifth master. Although it is located in a remote area, it is like spring all year round, and there are hot springs not far away. It is also the most blessed place in the whole country of Vietnam, where you can live and raise people.

As for the fifth master in Kunlun Mountain, the teenager told me that the fifth master came back once a few years ago and only said that he had one more thing that had not been completed in the world. After the matter was over, he came back to live in seclusion. However, there will be a fairy valley man in the world to take over his work, so Xuan Duo will come out of the mountain when the fifth master comes back in a few years.

So I'm even more puzzled to hear this. Why did the second brother learn the craftsmanship of the fifth master? Isn't he the person who inherits the manor in the future? I don't want to tell Xuan Duo about the second brother first, because... Well, I don't believe him, because he is really calm when he pretends, but when he doesn't pretend, it makes people hate itchy.

If the shadow guard doesn't come, Xuan Duo may still pretend, but on the premise that I can't find myself to mention the fifth master. In addition, I don't trust Xuan Duo's medical skills now, and in fact, I also want Jun Yu to wake up?

Seeing that there was no movement in the room for a long time, Rong Xin heard the sound of her brother returning to his true colors from the room and immediately rushed in. Xuan Duo was not a worry-free person. After three or five times, he told the whole story. Rong Xin's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at me more interested.

The two brothers and sisters have lived in the valley since childhood, and the farthest place is to go to the hot spring. It's not that they don't know the way out, but because there are prohibitions, but now that our arrival can be broken, so when Yingwei and I decided to take Junyou to Kunlun Mountain, they also resolutely packed their bags and left together.

It's best for Xuan Duo to follow nature, but I can't trust him now.

We are going to leave in two days. Not only will Xuan Duo have to arrange it here, but Jun Yu's body can't be bumpy for a long time. Before leaving, Xuanduo took out a soul elixir to feed Junyu and told me to ask the fifth master for a few more for him.

I don't want to deal with him, but also because he and Rong Xin are much lighter. Xuan Duo knew that I was depressed and occasionally took a plain look at me to calm me down. Jun Yu was carried away by the shadow guard. He said it would be faster.

I think how can Jun Yu He De have such a loyal subordinate who can still not leave at this time. I'm afraid I can't even do it myself.

The shape of the Fairy Valley was cleverly transformed by the Fifth Master. It looked like it was about a few miles away, but it took less than half an hour to walk down. Xuan Duo proudly said that this is a space-time miniaturization method, which can reduce the distance in a small amount, but it can only be used once a day.

We stood in a strange place out of the Fairy Valley. No one had come here, so we only found a mountain road all the way down the mountain. After walking a miles out of the mountain, I saw a village. As soon as I inquired, I knew that we had reached Wu, which was only one day away from Kunlun Mountain.

Several people didn't have time to rest and bought three horses all the way to Kunlun Mountain. Finally, I arrived at the foot of Kunlun Mountain the next morning.

This place is familiar to me like home. There are still many people staying in the hundred flowers at the foot of the mountain, asking for something or coming for medical treatment.