abandoned and turned over

Chapter 136 Leave in the middle of the night

Chapter Summary: Whether what Mu Feng said is true or not, I finally have a pimple in my heart. He is my father and the closest person in my world, but I always have a feeling that I am trapped in a conspiracy and can't get out. At the beginning of the new conspiracy, I still can't escape the fate of chess...

I nodded. Although I knew that my piano sound was too magical, my father wanted to listen to it. I really wanted to play two songs if I didn't want to make a fool. I took the guqin from the eldest brother and walked to the back mountain. The guqin used by the eldest brother is basically chaotic guqin. The sound is different from the clear rhyme of other guqin, and the tone is bright. The sound quality of the chaotic guqin is empty and leisurely, which is more suitable for playing in the study or in the warm pavilion pavilion. The sound you play makes you feel like you are in the deep mountains and ancient forests. In the middle, there is a special charm.

The ancient road in the forest was quiet, green and hurried. It seemed to go back to those years. I also walked to the back mountain with the piano in my arms. At that time, I was still young and was forced to learn the piano by the fifth master. It was a magic sound, tormenting myself and other people's ears.

The eldest brother often said that playing the piano requires peace of mind, and sometimes playing the piano can also be used to vent his unhappiness. At that time, the sound of the piano was unusually high, as if it was very angry, so that people who listen to the piano could feel it, either sadness or joy, or quiet or resentment, which is very strange. As long as you hear it, you can feel it. The heart of the person who plays the piano.

Playing the piano is used for self-cultivation, and my personality is not suitable for the elegant activity of playing the piano, so I have not been trained as a pianist, but I can still listen to the piano well. It's just that I haven't met my teeth, so I'm never the son of anyone.

is Xiuyuan, and he can't find his Zhong Ziqi, so he always put his heart on me.

I don't know how far I have gone, and my mind is also far away. My father walked forward and suddenly turned his head to look at me: "Are you really revenge on Changsun Junyu?"

I was stunned and then blurted out, "That's how it is."

Father Hou sighed with a long sigh of relief when he heard the words, "That's good. Father is afraid that you will get lost again. I'm afraid there will be no way out this time, do you know?"

"Well, my daughter knows it. But now he has ceded the throne, and his daughter can't. Why not? Now, with the help of Xiaoyu, let the emperor take down the subordinate country. According to her daughter, this subordinate country is now very coveted. Maybe once the two countries fight, all they leave is their backs, and it will be unfavorable at that time.

The father nodded: "Yes, what can you do to reduce casualties and take it in the simplest way?"

I was stunned and then shook my head. This is a little embarrassing for me. As a woman, how can I dictate to the world of the four countries? I can't help but be a little overpowerful. I still know how much water I have in this bottle.

Who knew that the father Hou said, "The emperor asked me about this matter, and you can't answer it." My father took a deep look at me and walked forward by himself.

The hand holding the piano was so loose that it almost threw the Tongmuqin in its hand. The strings were pressed and made a long rhyming sound, like a quiet lake being thrown into a stone. I took a deep breath, and it was Xiuyuan who asked me to find a way. So, should I help him or not?

Helping him is to help Xiaoyu. Well, I will help. As long as I can help Xiaoyu win the world quickly, it doesn't matter if I sacrifice a little. I smiled faintly and walked to the cave in the back mountain, where there were a few raised rocks, and there were mountain springs and flowing water not far away, which was a quiet gathering place.

However, most of this place is used to play for Mufeng or the eldest brother occasionally come to play the piano. The small animals here are very humane. As soon as they see us coming, they chatty around, but as soon as I put the piano on the stone, some birds screamed and retreated. I think this thing is really very rememberable, but the birds can live for so long. ?

When my father saw me in a daze, he looked at my piano and said helplessly, "Are you really here to play the piano?"

"Hmm?" Hearing this, I looked over doubtfully. My father felt powerless to support his forehead. He said, "You put the piano backwards. No wonder they all retreated."

I was so embarrassing that I actually put the direction of the piano in reverse, and quickly dropped the piano and adjusted the tone for a while. In this scene, there are mountains and flowing water, so I played the song of high mountains and flowing water. When the piano sounded, maybe the environment was different and the mood was faded, so the unpleasant magic sound in the past actually had a trace of feeling called artistic conception. I slowly closed my eyes and let my feelings dominate.

Wind, snow and moon are always there in spring, and high mountains and flowing water meet bosom friend.

At the end of the song, my father applauded and looked at me with a smile, "I didn't expect that after years, the piano art has grown so much. Well, it's not bad. It seems that the emperor has made great contributions! How about it? How do you think about it?"

"How does my father want me to cooperate?" Although I'm talking about helping Xiaoyu and Xiuyuan, why do I always feel surrounded by conspiracy? It seems that the person sitting opposite me is not my father, but a deep conspirators. No action I do can escape his control, including Jun Yu and Xiuyuan, or Xiaoyu, who are all counted by him.

I shook my head and rejected this ridiculous idea. He is my father, the closest person in the world except for two blood brothers.

The father smiled slightly, and the smile gently swept over my ears in the wind. If you find an opportunity to leave Kunlun Mountain alone tomorrow, I will let Xiaobai follow you. At that time, someone will definitely kidnap you, and the person who kidnaps you will not be Wuyue.

"Do you use this to find an excuse to send troops?" I raised my eyebrows and looked at my father. My heart was light, and I didn't feel like being used as bait at all. Anyway, the value of my existence was only used, so I let her exert the greatest value.

Father Hou was a little uncomfortable when he heard the words and coughed, "This is what I mean. It has nothing to do with the emperor and Yu Qingshu. Don't worry, Xiaobai will definitely ensure your safety." Hearing this, I rolled my eyes and secretly said that if I pointed to the cunning fox to protect my safety, I might as well hit the tofu and commit suicide by myself.

I answered, and my father said, "You should also pay attention to safety, because of the containment of Wu and Yue, they must not dare to hurt you."

Looking at my father's expression, I suddenly felt that Xiaobai was sent to me not to protect me, but to convey the message. Whoever catches me will be unlucky, and the man will be monitored by Xiaobai's men. If there is any wind blowing on his father, he will know it. If his father knows it, Xiaoyu or Xiuyuan will also know.

My identity is still their pawn, and I have never changed my identity, because it is not worth changing.

Oh, well, after completing my utilization value, I won't feel sad to leave them.

"I'm sorry." My father sighed softly when he saw me meditating for a long time and didn't speak.

"I'm sorry. Our children are born to be useful, aren't they?" Although I told myself a thousand times, I couldn't help testing my father's heart. How important or not my daughter is in his heart.

The father's expression changed slightly, as if he felt that he looked different. He turned his head and his voice was light, as if he didn't contain any feelings, but he heard it with contradictory care and regret in his ears, as if he was struggling with something in his heart, and even he didn't know what to do.

"It's my father who is sorry for you, but this is fate. I can't escape, and your two brothers can't escape." He didn't say any more unnecessary words, because Mu Feng couldn't find me. I ran with Xiao Bai. Because he ran too fast, he fell down many times with fine grass crumbs hanging on his clothes.

Mu Feng rushed into my arms and shouted at my mother. I held him in my arms and looked at my father. My father also understood what I meant and just shook my head. Mu Feng's original purpose was to contain Jun Yu, but now Jun Yu is no longer the emperor of Yue, so it is useless. But I don't know why my father didn't send Mu Feng back. Maybe he didn't want him to come back to Shen Weijun.

Fathers must know that Mu Feng is not my biological son, or maybe they have been together for a long time. I can't bear to Mufeng, because this time I don't know if I can see each other again in my life and whether I can come back from their hands.

Some words are light, but who can know the truth?

My father left with Xiaobai and left the space for me to follow Mu Feng. Mu Feng was very happy because he was finally able to be alone with me. I was also very happy to play in the back mountain with Mu Feng, catch fish in the stream, and then make a fire to roast fish on the shore. Mu Feng caught the bird according to what Xiaobai taught him. After catching it, he let it go. Then I taught him to play the piano. The little guy was very artistic and could actually play half a phoenix in an afternoon.

Twilight comes, and the bloody sun hangs on the edge of the sky tiredly, like an inlaid red disk, dripping blood, as if it indicates that there will be a bloody war tomorrow.

I walked back to the floating building with the sleeping Mu Feng in my arms. Jun Yu was sitting on the stone table outside and drinking by himself. The shadow guard's figure was hidden in the dark. If I didn't look carefully, I would directly ignore him. Hearing my footsteps, I turned around and smiled implicitly.

I took a faint look at him. Maybe I was tired of playing with Mu Feng, and I didn't even bother to make an expression.

The moon night is deep, and the cold moonlight shines into the room through the window, like a layer of white frost in autumn, with a cold color, giving birth to a trace of coldness out of thin air.

I don't have any luggage here. I just brought some golden beads. I was dressed in light white and put a sword from my second brother's room to protect myself. Although I was very confident in the safety of Kunlun Mountain, I was still afraid of walking in the mountains at night.