abandoned and turned over

Chapter 145 Who Will She be

Chapter Summary: Xiaoyu appeared, but her temperament changed greatly. Behind him was a cute girl. Who is she? The people sent by Zhao to arrest me were attacked by a group of people in black, and the martial arts of the people in black were completely owned by Shu. But I was a little suspicious. The shadow guard secretly investigated and connected what had happened in the past... A secret was also unlocked.

"Who is she?"

The girl looked at me with a sad face, as if I had robbed his man.

I tried my best to break free from Xiaoyu's arms, but his arms were tightly closed, and his beautiful face made people feel that he was like a real god without any emotion. The sound drifted in the mountains and forests with the mountain wind, and slowly rippled back to my ears, making people feel so ethereal and clear, as if they were in a hot spring.

"She is the woman I like."

This sentence is like a thunderstorm in everyone's ears, but I am not surprised at all. No matter how dull I am, I can feel the fine emotions in his confession to me on my birthday, but I can't accept it.

People who are destined to leave here will still give up no matter how much they like it. What's more, he is just a man who has used me, but like everyone else, he has produced something that should not have arisen in his careless listening.

The saddest thing in the world is that a chess player falls in love with a chess piece, but there is always something in the heart of this chess piece that others don't say. Because she has long been destined to be a chess piece, she can only be a chess piece that can be used by everyone to discard casually.

After so much use and betrayal, how can I believe it? What else can we pay to trust? Moreover, what I have left now is only the remaining torso of the soul, a woman who is hurt by trust. Those who have passed away should have been beautiful, but because their confession has turned into ** naked Ling Chi.

"She..." The girl's tears came out of her eyes at that moment, falling to the ground, and her big eyes were confused and lonely.

Seeing her like this, she seemed to have a trace of illusion in a trance and saw me in the past. Like me, the girl fell in love with a person who was destined to hurt herself, but because she liked it, she persisted step by step and never thought of giving up.

It's just that she is more fortunate that I'm still alive, and the person he likes is me, a real person. And I just sadly fought with me in my previous life and never had a place in his heart. Even if he was nice to me later, I just felt sorry for my previous life.

Sorry love, it happens that I don't need it.

I'm just an ordinary little woman. I want to be around the person I like and want him to have only me in his heart. Even if he likes other women, I will still use my best to touch him. I just hope that when he looks back, he can see me behind him and the place he can see when he turns around.

Although he has always ignored it, I still insist as always. But I didn't expect that my persistence would get more harm, hurt innocent lives, and implicated the turmoil in the world.

"I'm not." I interrupted the girl's words and looked back at Xiaoyu coldly, as if to freeze everyone.

Maybe I'm unlucky, but I hope other people's feelings can come to fruition. Xiaoyu, even if I hate you, I can't beat your kindness to me, so I just hope you can be happy. Although this happiness may not be easy to come by, I still hope you don't push it away.

Maybe I didn't find that when I pushed Xiaoyu away from my side, the persistence and belief in his eyes were broken at that moment... Like thin ice that had been frozen, it collapsed in an instant.

I don't know where my strength came from, but I retreated from his cold embrace. At that moment, the heart also sealed the upper seal with the action of pushing away. If I don't meet anyone worth opening in my life, it must be sealed forever. No one can open it, including myself.

My voice is light like a spring in the forest, and there is no emotion: "I'm just your chess pieces. Don't be affectionate. People who play chess are not affectionate, and the chess pieces are not affectionate."

"But?" The girl gritted her teeth and came to me and looked at me pitifully: "You are Fu Wei."

"So what?" I laughed silently, but there were invisible tears in my heart, flowing endlessly, as if it would never dry up.

"He likes you very much."

"But I don't like him." I shook my head funny. Does the world stipulate that I must like him if he likes me? What a ridiculous! I only have one. Huangfu Xiuyuan likes it. Do I still have to go to his side?

"I didn't mean that." The girl was anxious to defend herself, and her tears fell down. She turned her eyes to Xiaoyu for help, as if she was sad that Xiaoyu's feelings were unrequited.

Xiaoyu's eyes precipitated, and the red dots between his eyes also strangely disappeared. His dark eyes were empty and unfocused. His white and glowing body faintly showed a transparent texture in the dense forest of green pine. When the bright red and bloody gown was brought up by the mountain wind, there was a moment of melancholy around him.

For a long time, he stood there in a daze, obviously close at hand, but he seemed to be isolated from another world, a world where only he existed.

In fact, for so many years, he has been alone. Because he has been used to it, he inadvertently becomes instinctive. When he is hurt or hurt others, he will selectively return to his world, close all the exits, stay alone, and find a corner that will not be easily touched, dig a pit deep and bury it, and never dig it out.

Once, he buried too much fear and loneliness like this. In this small land, there were all the past he buried, the first murder, the first killing of other families, the first killing of innocent children, and the first killing of a pregnant woman. While secretly hating himself, he never shows mercy.

Because he was afraid, he never touched it, but when he got along with her, he couldn't help digging out to wake himself up over and over again. Only those negative emotions can stop him from missing her, but... Time is like water, and the white horse passes by. Unconsciously, he is already deeply immersed in it, and it is difficult to come back.

The small world that belongs to him can never go back, because there is only one she in the world. I thought this was enough, but she was so keen that she understood everything through that little negligence.

Do everything for the Iraqi people.

The beautiful vow was still in his ear, and he didn't remember whether it was sincere or fake, because when he said this sentence, his head was completely empty, as if a person he was not familiar with jumped out of the bottom of his heart and said this sentence when he didn't reflect it.

He thought that he would be exposed if he was exposed, so that he didn't have to hide it so hard and often felt sorry. If he knew later, he would never say those words, and if he knew what would happen today, he would definitely not appear.

He is such a person who always deceives himself, deceives himself and others.

Like someone, they are all fools, fools manipulated by obsessions.

Obsession hurts people and can also be completed.

It's just that what they get is hurt. Maybe their hands are stained with too much blood, so even God feels that such a person will not be blessed by God and get a period of beauty, so it is not worth being completed...

I frowned and naturally felt that Xiaoyu was wrong. I wanted to comfort him but I didn't know where to start. This is what I hurt. Can I go back and hug him after hurting him? No, because he doesn't need a person who hurts himself to slap a sweet date.

No matter how much you like it, you are not allowed to be hurt, because it is too perfect in your heart and expects too much, so you can't let it continue to erode.

I winped at the girl, and the girl nodded slightly and stepped forward to hold his hand, as white and flawless as two warm jade touches.

However, almost at that moment, Xiaoyu suddenly pushed the girl away, and the red dots in her eyes also flashed and fell on me like a searchlight. His eyes were no longer naive as usual, but replaced by a madness.

I only feel the roaring wind in my ears, so fast that people can't hear a little sound from the outside world. There was a cold breath in his ear, and his voice slowly dispersed in the air with the cold wind: "I'll take you away and leave forever."

Self-deception is both yourself and others.

My tears finally fell, and my hands couldn't help falling on his waist. Only then did I find that he was so thin and pitiful that I had not seen him for years. It's just that I'm not the one who can pity him, and the girl.

I was taken away by Xiaoyu, and everyone was stunned. By the time we reacted, our two bodies had disappeared far away from the sky.

This is Xiaoyu who bursts out all his strength. What he wants to get, no matter who the other party is, he will definitely get it, no matter what method he uses.

I said, "What's wrong with you? Hurt others and hurt yourself.

He said, "I just want to be worthy of myself." The sound seemed to be mixed with a trace of choking, which made people feel distressed.

"Xiaoyu, there are too many people in this world who can't ask and give up, but everyone has different choices. What they want, they can't get, and they don't want, but they reach out to squeeze. How stupid should it be to ignore what is within your reach because of the incan't ask in your heart? You have always been a rational person. Why are you confused at this time? I softened my voice and blew gently with the mountain wind.

He hugged me, but his voice did not fluctuate at all: "I know what I'm doing!" The answer sounds so sure. But Xiaoyu, you didn't find that your body has betrayed your heart.