abandoned and turned over

Chapter 153 I promise you

Chapter Summary: Fu Wei didn't expect that Junxuan was the head of the Xianbei clan. Xiaobai was taken away by the Xianbei people. Jun Yao wanted to protect Fu not to go to Shu all the way, and the plan remained unchanged. Will she forgive his deception as she said? There is so much helplessness in this world that no one can solve it!

Once upon a time, how I wish I could reach out my hand to touch him like this? However, every time I stretched out my hand, he always turned around and left, leaving me a back that was firmly clamped by obsession, and even a smile was lazy for me.

And now, it's like mocking his persistence and mocking my hatred. We can actually rely on each other so close and look at the stars in the sky leisurely, which makes people want to laugh harmoniously.

I laughed undisguisedly, and he looked at it doubtfully, which seemed a little inexplicable.

"It's ridiculous that we can lie here so leisurely. In this visible world, you can deceive yourself to your heart's content. Now there is no war, and the people are still living and working in peace and contentment. Many people, like us, look at the stars in a righteous and idle manner.

"Weiwei..." His voice trembled for some reason, as if he couldn't stand any blow.

I always look at a star in the sky, as if that star is so beautiful that my eyes are reluctant to blink. Why war? Junyu, why? Isn't it good for the four countries to divide the world? Why must it be unified? After the real unification, won't they be separated again? Misfortune beauty, what is my current name! I really never thought that I would be the one who could affect the pattern of the world in the end. Thinking about my stupid love at the beginning, it's really ridiculous to think about it now!

At that time, I always felt that you wanted me, even if you always had her in your heart, but at least you still liked me. However, when I heard your conversation outside the hall that day, it felt like a man holding an unhappy knife on me and almost died in pain. That day was like me in a sweet dream. Suddenly, a basin of ice water poured from my head to the end, which made me completely wake up. But after waking up, you provoked me and always made my heart quiet.

You are like a cruel man who will never let me go. No matter how far I withdraw, every time I think it's safe, you will appear appropriately to kill me. Sometimes I can't help thinking! Do you want me to never be born? Until I received the glass of poisoned wine, I finally realized what it was like to be in despair. What's ridiculous is that I didn't have any idea at that time. The moment I drank it, I told myself that it was over and everything was over! All love and unwillingness are over!

The poison didn't give me much time to think, and it killed me when I was not ready. When I came back to life, it was Xiaoyu who was by my side. I thought that if I hadn't heard those rumors or didn't remember anything sporadically, it would have been great to be with Xiaoyu..."

"He also lied to you." He turned around and lay on the quilt, his eyes flashed dazzlingly, which made me unable to open my eyes.

I sneered and looked at him with contempt. It's ridiculous. Even if he lies to me, I'm willing to.

"No, don't do this." His voice was a little painful, and his bright eyes dimmed.

"How's it going with me, Changsun Junyu? Do you think you are so childish that you want to laugh? I used to treat you like that, but you didn't even bother to give me alms. What's the situation now? Huh? You are begging me! You want to beg for my forgiveness, okay! Yes." I narrowed my eyes and smiled at the corners of my mouth.

Jun Yu was a little stunned, and the light of his eyes was lit up little by little, charming and dazzling. How to do it?" He eagerly stretched out his hand and grabbed my shoulder, estimating that both sides of my arms were blue. Weiwei, if I can do it, I will definitely do it, even if I die.

Hearing this, I raised my eyebrows, and there was still a light smile on the corners of my mouth: "You don't have to die. You know that Xiaoyu has helped me so much. Although he has lied to me, at least he is very good to me. Besides, if he hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid I would have been a lonely ghost. So, as you know, I owe Xiaoyu a lot. No matter what decision I make in the future, I have to pay him back, so... If you can help me pay back Xiaoyu's favor--" I held Jun Yu's hand on my cheek, with an uneyed smile in my eyes: "Is it okay if we be together? I promise that I will forgive you and stay with you well. What do you think when we raise Mu Feng and have our own children?

Jun Yao looked at me in a daze, and the hand held in the palm of his hand gradually clenched his fist. He lowered his eyelids and seemed to be struggling.

I looked at him with a sneer to see if he could do this for me. Doesn't it say that even life can be given? Compared with life, what are those things outside the body?

"What do you mean compared to life?"

At this moment, the Xianbei woman's indifferent voice sounded without a trace of temperature. Because you are a woman who gives up the whole country, what do you think you are?

"Shut up." Jun Yu stood up suddenly and looked at the Xianbei woman with a cold look. Forget it, you have a little too much to care about.

The Xianbei woman, known as the forgotten, lowered her head respectfully when she heard the words, but there was no respect in her voice. Lord, we have been preparing for so many years. Do you want to give up because of a woman? If it hadn't been for this woman, we wouldn't have lost most of the country.

"But your country is all because of her, isn't it?" Junyu's voice was a little painful. He stood there, as if standing in front of a bloody mouth, swallowed up by the night. The white corners of the clothes were blown up by the flowing mountain wind, with a faint fluorescence.

The handsome face was a little distorted in the hazy moonlight, like ink's eyes stained with a deep night, and the enchanting beauty between his eyebrows also appeared from time to time because of his struggle.

I can't react. The fallen seal hasn't appeared for a long time. What makes it appear again?

The fallen seal seemed to make Jun Yu painful. He frowned and kept shaking his head, as if another person appeared in his body. The two of them were competing for the body that looked a little thin in the night, and the fallen seal between his eyebrows also flashed because of his struggle.

walked over with some worry and held his shoulder: "Lord, how are you?"

Compared with forgetting, I frowned and stood still, watching him get sick in puzzledly. I remember asking about the fallen seal at the palace dinner, and his answer was a little vague, as if it was about regret. But basically, I can be sure that this depraved India must be related to my previous life.

I don't know how long it took before Jun Yu's weak voice sounded. He said, "I have nothing to do. I forget, inform everyone that all plans have been cancelled." The voice was full of indescribable sadness. My request is equivalent to letting him give up the arrangement of three lives, but is he really willing?


Although he had promised me, I still felt a sense of uneasiness and a kind of panic around me, which made me a little overwhelmed. I don't know if this is right or not. Can Xiaoyu really get something like this?

I'm sure you can! There must be no problem.

I told myself over and over again, but another person in my heart said to me: Fu Wei, are you really happy to do this? Do you really have the heart to let Junyou give up the painstaking efforts of running three lifetimes? Do you really hate him so far?

This time, I squatted on the ground with my head in my arms. My headache seemed to explode. The voice kept quarreling in my head, so that I didn't know what to do!

Who can tell me and who can tell me an answer? Who can tell me what the ending is?

Wangtong Junyou stood in the distance and looked at me. Junyou repeatedly wanted to come over, but she was forgotten to stop her. She said, "Let her be quiet." There is a flash of hatred in the forgotten eyes.

I held my head and looked into the distance. There was a thick darkness in front of me. I don't know when all the stars had disappeared, and the moon also hid so that I couldn't see. It was so dark that I couldn't touch the edge and couldn't see a touch of light in the sky.

The headache continued and became more and more intense. I rushed forward with my hair in my arms and wanted to get out of this black. The road under my feet stumbled, and the blackness that I couldn't see at a glance continued. There seemed to be Junyou's call in my ear, mixed with the sound of forgetting, but I hate it so much that I don't want to hear it at all.

When I got into the dense forest, I heard the sound getting closer and closer, and I had a headache. Fortunately, the sound was not disturbing me. I sat on the grass and my breathing slowed down, as if I heard footsteps passing behind me, but no one saw me.

I don't want them to see it, just disappear! I won't promise you, so the plan can't stop. What are their plans? Is it related to the unification of the four countries? My head was a little confused, and some sounds gradually cleared from my mind.

When I woke up, it was the next morning. The sound of birds singing around my ears, with thick dew wet my clothes, and half of my body was soaked. I rubbed my swollen head, and what happened yesterday flashed through my mind one by one. I spat at myself and scolded myself for being so un calm that I messed up my mind when he said that sentence. Obviously, it was my own request, but after he promised, he stepped back first.

I rubbed my head hard and felt a little painful, and it was a little hot. It seemed that I had caught a cold all night lying underground. Looking around, I found out that I had lost my way. Yesterday, he ran out in a panic. Of course, it was impossible to go back to find Jun Yu.

I walked not far and came out of the mountain.