abandoned and turned over

Chapter 155 Finally to Shu

Chapter Summary: Fu didn't leave Junyu, but heard the words that made her very frightened halfway. She was very worried and really worried. Maybe these worries came from distrust. Finally arrived at Shu, but was caught again...

When I woke up, I was in a fast-moving carriage. The curtains were brought up as the carriage moved forward. The dark night was still the same, and it could be seen that it was still night.

I rubbed my swollen head, and my head was dizzy. It seemed that I had a fever again, accompanied by pain in my waist. I know I've been arrested again, but can someone tell me who caught me?

"You're awake." An extremely indifferent female voice sounded, saying that she was indifferent because her voice was plain and emotionless, just like what a robot said without a trace of emotion, as if someone controlled it when she said this sentence, and the words were biting clearly.

I looked over and saw a young girl who was good-looking, but she seemed to be a little paralyzed. Seeing me, her eyes didn't move, not even her mouth. What's wrong?"

"It's okay. I'm sick. See a doctor." I closed my eyes. Such a girl really has nothing to see.

I didn't hear the girl speak for a long time, but the carriage gradually stopped and a voice came from outside. What's the matter?"

"She is sick." The girl's voice is quite well controlled. Let me see."

I opened my eyes and looked at the people in front of me confusedly, because the fever was too much, and the night was dark that I couldn't see the people in front of me clearly. I only felt a cold hand on my wrist, gently diagnosing the pulse.

"Originally, I was just infected with wind chills, but there seems to be trauma. What's going on?"

"I hit it." The girl is very honest, and her voice is still undulating. I'm afraid that she will be dishonest and accidentally do it a little more.

The man sighed when he heard the words, reached out and probed my forehead and whispered, "Find a place to treat her quickly."

"Yes!" After saying that, the girl went out, and the carriage began to walk again, but the speed was much faster. I was burned into a coma again, but the thoughts in my heart were getting heavier and heavier.

There was a crisp bird call in my ear, and there seemed to be the sound of running water not far away. There seemed to be a fragrance in the air I was breathing. Everything made me want to open my eyes immediately. It took a long time to pick up the heavy eyelids.

The golden sunlight shone through the window, and the fragrance of plants was sent by the wind. It lingered on the tip of my nose and then went away. There was a purple lavender on the table, which was extremely lush. No wonder I slept so well that I didn't even have nightmares.

The environment here seems to be great, with running water and birds singing. Living in a bamboo house, it is very elegant, but I don't know where it is.

I stood up and put on the long white skirt on the table. The size was perfect, and there was no extra decoration. It was plain white. There are also steaming porridge and side dishes on the table, which is the most suitable for me who has just recovered from a serious illness. I didn't think much about it. After eating three or two times, I also want to meet the owner here.

When I pushed the door and walked out, the sun suddenly sprinkled on me, making people lazy.

In the bamboo forest outside the door, there sat a girl in white. She was a little familiar with her back. It was the girl with facial paralysis. At this time, she was sitting by the stream and staring at the water with her chin in her hands. The falling flowers inadvertently fell, and she quickly stretched out her fingers and twisted the petals into the box.

She stared at the falling flowers in the stream like this, and there was no flower flowing down the stream. The girl's fingering speed is very good, as if she has been like this for a long time.

"If you do this, won't you break up the fallen flowers and running water?" I walked over and sat next to her.

She looked back at me, but there was no pause in her hand, and her voice did not fluctuate at all: "The falling flowers are intentional, and the water is ruthless."

"How do you know that running water is ruthless? In this way, even if you are full of love, there is nowhere to miss each other. After saying that, I stared at the girl's facial expression without blinking, and a trace of dullness flashed in her eyes, and then indifference.

I was relieved to see her expression. But later, no matter what I said, the girl didn't say a word and continued to pick up the fallen petals in the stream, but this time there were petals flowing down the stream. Although there were few, they were not none.

At night, the man who had seen me before came again. This time, he came for a follow-up visit. Seeing that I was having dinner with the girl, he smiled gently and said, "Have you recovered?" He looks very familiar.

I nodded and finished eating randomly. The girl didn't tell me who arrested me. Should he be able to say it? Because there is really nothing to hide. I don't have any martial arts skills, and Xiaobai is not here. How can I escape?

The man seemed to be waiting for me. When I sat next to him after dinner, he kept looking at me with a smile. I know what you want to ask. You might as well tell you that this time it is really Shu, and you are now in Shu.

"Really?" I frowned and always felt that the man's words were very unreliable.

He seemed to see what I was thinking and smiled and said, "Why did I lie to you? You must be surprised why our Shu Congress robbed you from the State of Zhao?

I lowered my head to prevent him from seeing the uneasiness in my eyes or any emotions that might show. All four countries know your importance, and the news is also released by us.

After he said this, I suddenly raised my head and stared at him. You want the people of Zhao to think that you are also looking for someone, so the cooperation can continue.

The man spread out his hands innocently: "This is natural, Princess Xun, if you continue to be outside, everyone in the world knows that you are in the State of Zhao, and our cooperation continues. How beautiful it is that when the State of Wu and the State of Yue jointly destroy the State of Zhao, and their vitality is greatly damaged, our country will use you to take action again. Isn't the world all in my hands? "

"You overestimated me!" I looked at him calmly, with a sarcastic smile on the corners of my mouth.

The man frowned, stood up and looked at me with a sneer: "Then wait and see. I'd like to see who will be in the hands of the world." After saying that, he went out.

"Wait." I raised my hand to summon him, and my voice seemed a little eager. If you Shu really unify the world, will you classify the people of the four countries?

The man was stunned for three or four seconds before he realized it. He turned to look at me and raised a seemingly gentle but vicious smile at the corners of his mouth: "Well, what you said can be considered. Taking advantage of the mutual containment between their levels, there are few artificial reactions! It's a good note." He said and took a step away.

I was left in the bamboo house, but my face was as pale as paper. It's 30 degrees hot outside, but I feel a kind of cold that can only be found in winter. Cold, cold soaked in the bones.

"Go in, you are just in good health." The girl came in with fresh lavender and said such a kindly when she saw me standing there in a daze.

I returned to the house and sat in front of the window, looking blankly at the flowers in the running water. Without the girl sitting by the stream, the fallen flowers were taken away by the running water without any feelings. Where is there any emotion?

Let their levels contain each other and think about it from another perspective. If I were Xiaoyu, I might do this, because there are such examples in history. The revenge has been revenged. Who knows what he will do when he has nothing to do in his long life.

Time flies. In a blink of an eye, I lived in a bamboo house for a month. The girl with facial paralysis still only speaks three sentences a day, but the life here is full of her taking care of me. She especially likes white and purple. As can be seen from the dress in the house, she also planted a large area of lavender in the bamboo forest. When the lavender blooms, she replaces the bamboo house with fresh flowers every day.

Smell the fragrance of lavender every day, the body and mind are particularly relaxed, and the sleep is also excellent. The girl's life is very regular. In the morning, she picks flowers and cooks, then practices swords, then goes to the stream to pick up petals, then cooks in a daze and sleeps.

The man who sees me occasionally comes to relieve my boredom and tells me about the situation outside without hesitation.

The war situation has entered a white heat.

The State of Wu and the State of Vietnam set fire to bomb the State of Zhao, and occasionally accompanied the State of Shu. Because they agreed that I was still within the State of Zhao, the State of Zhao repeatedly sent letters to the State of Shu, and only once the Shu Parliament responded, and then sent troops to interfere with the soldiers and horses of the State of Wu or the State of Yue.

Everything seems to go ahead according to the plan of the people of Shu. But I don't know if there is any conflict between their plans and their parents, or Xiaoyu, what will he do?

Early morning, the girl with facial paralysis left to pick flowers. I have basically adapted to the life here. I am extremely comfortable. Except for the occasional news brought by the man that makes me a little worried, because I can't do anything, and finally I don't bother to worry!


When I began a new round of daze in front of the window, suddenly a boo came from the bamboo forest not far away. I looked for a sound and was stunned.

But the other party was anxious. She waved her hand to me anxiously, looked at the place where the paralyzed girl left in the distance from time to time, and said with her mouth, "Hurry up, I'll save you out."

I only thought for a moment, then nodded and hurried out to meet the girl who came to save me. What's funny is that it was the cute girl who came to save me that day with Xiaoyu, still wearing two cute steamed buns and a goose-yellow skirt.

The two of us were strung left in the bamboo forest. Just as I was dizzy, the girl finally stopped breathing. She looked around with vigilance, and her big eyes were full of innocence and doubts. He muttered, "She is so powerful. I squatted for two days before I have a chance. Is it done like this?" After saying that, he turned around and smiled at me: "My name is Xianxian."

We waited for a long time without any movement. Xianxian came over and took my hand and laughed, "It seems that my girl's things have worked. Sister Fu, let's go!"

"Where to go?" I asked doubtfully.