The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 5 Empress Dowager's Birthday Banquet

At the beginning of the birthday banquet, Yu Meiren pulled Yu Ji into the hall behind her father Yu Muyang. The empress dowager was also a lively person and liked to have fun with the people, so Emperor Beiqiu ordered officials of all grades to bring their families to the hall to celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday.

As soon as she entered the hall, Yu Meiren couldn't help sighing that the girls were all in 1928, all dressed up with flowers and branches. Looking at it, it can be said that they were colorful and competing for beauty. If it hadn't been for the Empress Dowager's preference, she might have let her mother dress her up as a gorgeous peacock.

And now, Yu beauty is dressed in Su Jin's flower inlaid silver flowing cloud pink pear flower white skirt, the bright goose yellow ribbon at the waist is woven into a butterfly style, and three thousand green silk silk is turned into a unique flying cloud temples, just like a few strands of hair hanging down, but there are more girlish charm. A seven-treasure coral hairpin in the hair reflects the face like hibiscus, with light lead, and the eyebrows are beautiful, and there seems to be a cloud-like aura like Wushan.

And the girl behind her is also a pink lotus skirt, whose appearance is only beautiful, although it is only a few months away, which is much more shy than her.

This group of girls are all bright and beautiful, but it seems that the two of them are more like a small jasper, but more unique.

Officials of all grades brought their daughters to celebrate their birthday. Mingli is to present their talents to celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday. In fact, everyone's careful thoughts are actually tacit.

Yu Meiren sat down in the hall with her father, with a fine pain in her feet. The wound had just scab, and she didn't know if it would crack when she walked in like this.

Gently locked his eyebrows and looked up at the culprits. The three sons of the emperor of Beiqiu had to sigh at the bottom of their hearts that the Beiqiu emperor's genes were good, either romantic and handsome, or gentle and elegant, all of which were extremely eye-catching.

I couldn't help laughing. This blind date banquet was grand enough. Compared with the modern upper-class blind date dance, I couldn't help looking at the ninth prince Beiqiu Yin, but saw that the other party was staring at me with burning eyes. I quickly turned away and couldn't help scolding in my heart. In this public place, I didn't know. Pay attention.

Slightly restrained, and suddenly heard the sound of "the Empress Dowager entered the palace". The civil and military officials immediately stood up with their relatives and bowed down. Beauty Yu also gritted her teeth and stood up. With the crowd shouting, "Hangtalong live the emperor, the empress dowager is thousands of years old."

When the other party said "flat body", a team of people reset their seats.

Beauty Yu raised her head and suddenly saw that although the two temples of the Empress Dowager in the high hall were slightly dyed white, her appearance was not yet old, and she could faintly see the phoenix of the mother in the world when she was young.

Speaking of this, I still met Yu Meiren when she was a child. At that time, although she believed in Buddhism, she had not gone to Zhonghua Temple to practice. Because she felt that Yu Meiren was clever and pitiful, she left her by her side. It was also at that time that she met Beiqiu Yin.

She was 9 years old that year, and he was 16 years old. That's what the gentle and affectionate big boy, who worships in his heart, likes it more and more.

In the middle of losing his mind, a minister has got up and recommended his daughter to come out to celebrate her birthday. He said that everything was zero-hour cheering, poetry, songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, 18 kinds of martial arts. Young girls are really painstaking.

After the performance, the empress dowager and the emperor said yes, and they couldn't guess which one was good and which was fake. After all, Yu Meiren was a modern person and suddenly lost interest. She turned her head and whispered to Yu Ji beside her, but she heard a female voice, which was a little childish.

"Lu Wanwan, the daughter of Zuo Cheng, see Long live the emperor, long live, and the empress dowager is thousands of years old."

When Yu Meiren heard the words, she raised her head, wearing a white wide-sleeved fairy skirt, which was mixed with white and semi-permeable yarn, and the golden goose yellow breasts were slightly exposed inside. She was covered with a light purple gauze dress that was nearly transparent, a good-colored glazed concentric pendant at her waist, and stepped on a pair of marigold embroidered shoes, which was indescribably elegant and unique. That piece of fine Zhi Qingwan's small face, with picturesque eyebrows, looks like a fairy from a distance.

"Wan Wan is so old. Why is she still moderate? It's time to learn from beauty. My family still remembers that little girl, but she has a lot of ghost ideas."

As soon as the Empress Dowager said this, everyone present looked in the direction of Youcheng's seat, and even the princes who had lost interest in the "improvisation" of those young ladies looked in her direction.

Yu Meiren was originally lowering her head and talking to Yu Ji. At this moment, she only pretended not to see it and did not raise her head. However, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of her father staring at her and had to raise her head and laughing. She was facing Lu Wan's cold eyes, and her heart jumped. The other party had restrained the sharpness of her eyes and turned his head.

"What the Empress Dowager said is that I heard that the beautiful sister dances very well. A few days ago, Wan Wan also learned one and wanted to dedicate it to the Empress Dowager to celebrate her birthday. By the way, I also asked the beautiful sister for advice. I hope you don't laugh."

When Lu Wan said this, she did not look at Yu Meiren, but Yu Mei felt that the words in the words were sharp and turned in her direction in an instant, which made her unable to help but be excited.

For Yu Meiren, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are the only dance. Now Lu Wan Wan gave up the painting she is best at, but chose what she is best at, which is clearly aimed at her.

If Yu Meiren dances today, she will definitely pull out the lottery head, but if Lu Wan Wan dances again, she can only lose. If she wins, she will humiliate the other party. She must be the suspicion of Zuo Cheng's dissatisfaction. Lu Wan is a thoughtful person, but Fortunately, she has a wound on her foot. She didn't want to dance, and she has promised that person to dance only for him from then on.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help looking at Beiqiu Yin opposite. Who wanted to look at the other party again? She couldn't help avoiding the sight with regret and thinking in her heart why he was always looking at me.

At this time, have fun and dance.

Raise your wrist and lower your eyebrows, with long sleeves hanging slightly, and a pair of jade arms ** intertwined on the top of your head. Lu Wanwan's lips raised a light smile, gently moved lotus steps, his arms slightly opened, shook off his long sleeves, and his toes slightly, jumped high while his body rotated open. The water sleeves were shallow in the void, and the edge of the skirt raised waves, and the tip of his feet was actually A coherent rotation, the speed became faster and faster, and the arms swung like a snake. During the pause, the waist bent down, the side touched the tip of the foot, one leg supported the ground, the other leg rose in an instant, and the body slowly rotated.


Someone has made a sound in the high hall, full of bright yellow and dazzling eyes, and then a minister echoed Zuo Cheng's daughter's good dance skills. Beauty Yu couldn't help smiling. Even she had to say that Lu Wanwan danced very well, which can be said to have worked hard.

After a dance, there was already a lot of discussion.

"Wan Wan's dance is really good."

The Empress Dowager's words gradually made Zuo Cheng and Lu Yunnan's face gradually smile.

There was still a smile on her lips, facing Lu Wan's eyes, which seemed to be a little provocative. Yu Mei just deepened the smile and looked at the other party and nodded, but saw that the other party's eyes were cold, but for a moment, the smile became deeper and deeper and she turned her head.

"The Empress Dowager is flattered. Wan Wan's dance is just throwing bricks to attract jade. The beautiful sister's name makes Wan Wan Wan envious. I don't know what kind of surprise she brought to the empress dowager today."

"Yes, I also want to see the performance of the little beauty."

When the Empress Dowager said this, her eyes had turned to the direction where Yu Meiren was sitting. Yu Mei only felt that her sleeves had been pulled and turned her head. Yu Ji's timid little face seemed to be very worried.

Yu Meiren shook her head with a smile, stroked each other's hands, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Ji'er, after the birthday banquet, my sister will take you to play outside the city."

Yu Ji shook her head after hearing this. Yu Meiren shook her head again, and the other party reluctantly nodded.

Turning around, Yu Meiren walked to the center of the hall. Just now, far away, the other party lowered his head and didn't look carefully. At this moment, seeing such a beautiful and refined face, everyone was suffocated, and the girl's voice was like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, which lived up to her name as a beauty.

"Instead of her father, Yu Meimei, the daughter of Youcheng, wishes the Empress Dowager a blessed life like the East China Sea and a long life than Nanshan."