The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 7 Goodbye Nangong Fu

On the Empress Dowager's birthday, the emperor of Beiqiu lent the world and really had fun with the people. This emperor was also extremely filial.

At this moment, the Yu sisters have changed into men's clothing, a purple belt, the corners of their eyes are gently raised, and they are infinitely romantic. A white dress is like snow, and her eyebrows are still slightly astringent. She is a beautiful teenager.

"Beauty sister, how could the painting just disappear suddenly, and how could it attract butterflies to celebrate her birthday?"

Yu Ji had been holding back for a long time when she asked this, but she was really uncomfortable. Beauty couldn't help laughing when she heard it. Just now, she saw the expression of Zuo Cheng's family. She couldn't help but come close and said, "I tell you, didn't Bai Ling spill water? I added something special to the water. West."

"Something special? But didn't the water come from the palace people themselves? How can..."

When Yu Ji said this, she suddenly remembered that when Yu Meiren tied her clothes just now, she couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the two light-colored light in the fingernails of the other party's hands, and couldn't help blurting out: "Isn't it... not that butterfly..."

"Jier, you are so smart."

Beauty Yu couldn't help loosening the other party's hand and pinching the other party's cheek. Seeing the other party frown, she stretched out her little finger and smiled and said, "Don't forget the fragrance of flowers. That's my unique secret medicine."

After saying that, Yu Meiren went to hold each other's hand again. The jade-like handsome face suddenly enlarged in front of Yu Ji, blinked her eyes, and breathed like Lan: "Silly girl, let's put aside all our troubles tonight and have fun."

After saying that, Yu Meiren wanted to pull the crowd in the opposite direction and ran to the lively place, but her feet were heartbreaking. She stopped and almost exclaimed, but bit her lips.

"Beauty, what's wrong with you?"

Beauty Yu raised her head with a smile on her face and joked, "It seems that I have the ability to fool you, silly Jier, you know, there are a lot of bad people in the world. Maybe one day, even your sister can't believe it."

"Sister is so bad, laughing at Ji'er."

Yu Ji said and turned her face away, but Yu Meiren's heart was cold. The wound on her left foot was almost healed. Only her right foot may be the cause of the deeper wound. For a while, she has used many good drugs, but it has not healed all. It seems that the novels she read in those years are only If you can stay in the book and really travel through time, you can't see so many strange things.

If she hadn't had a task, she wouldn't have been in a hurry to leave the palace, and she would have to bring Ji'er to cover up her whereabouts. He stopped thinking and just wanted to pull Yu Ji, but he caught a glimpse of a few familiar faces and immediately turned sideways in shock. Fortunately, it was not easy for the other party to find them through a small stall selling fragmentary decorations. However, the hearing of martial arts practitioners is much better than that of ordinary people, and they happen to hear each other's comments.

"Gong... prince, the empress dowager's birthday banquet, I have sent someone to sneak into the palace. Although I have not found the reality of several princes, I have seen several daughters of beautiful ministers and sent people to graft flowers and trees. In a little while, when the Beiqiu emperor chooses his precious sons concubines, they can be used for us."

Listening to this sound, Yu Meiren knew that it was He Quan who led them into the palace to dance for Nangong Fu last time.

"Bad old man, how dare you say that you almost hurt the prince's hand last time? Who knows if you and the witch are together? Now you want to confuse the prince. I think you really don't want your dog's life."

Although what the woman said was cruel, her voice was indeed charming to the bone. It should be the right guardian magic sound next to Nangong Fu. It is said that the relationship between the two is quite ambiguous, and this woman is a snake and scorpion poisonous woman, but she seems to be the vicious demon.

" Feizi, how are you doing what I asked you to check?"

Yu Guang saw the other party's extremely beautiful face, which was unparalleled in the world. Nangong Fu did not pay attention to the conversation between the two at this moment. He just looked at the man on one side. The man's face was covered by his figure and could not see it clearly. However, listening to that name, he should be the most legendary left guard Xue Feizi in the world, known as the "sacred hand strange doctor". It is rumored that Xue Feizi's medical skills are unique in the world, as long as the other party still In anger, there is no man in the world who can't cure him well, but that person must exchange it with what he thinks is the most precious. The blame is that this person is willing to protect the left hand of Nangong Fu, which is so thought-provoking.

For the beauty of Yu, Xue Feizi's stay in the world is beneficial and harmless, and it is best for her own use. If she can't find a way to alienate the relationship between him and Nangong Fu, it is also good. If it is not good, it will block the imperial road of Beiqiu Yin, which can never be left.

Thinking of this, I heard Xue Feizi's voice, which was clear and gentle, and I thought of another beautiful man.

"The prince doesn't know that there is only a Qingxiao sword in the world, but the person wearing that sword is the shadow general of the Beiqiu Dynasty, not a young woman, not to mention that woman may be just a cover. Maybe the purpose of that man's purpose is to provoke the prince to deal with the emperor of Beiqiu to take advantage of personal gain, so that The sword in the woman's hand is not Qingxiao.

Xue Feizi's analysis was straight, but it was a pity that he said something wrong. The assassinated woman held the real Qingxiao, and the shadow general was also a woman, and the woman was hiding behind them at this moment to eavesdrop on their conversation. If Nangong Fu and others knew at this moment, I don't know what kind of watch would be. Love.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing secretly, but I felt that someone was dragging her behind me and shouted, "Sister, what are you looking at?"

Yu Meiren turned around in shock, immediately covered the other party's mouth, and then turned her head slightly to see that Nangong Fu had gone far away. Then she sighed, slowly let go of her hand and said to Yu Ji, "I just saw a officer and soldier passing by, and I don't know if it was the person sent by my father. You, you, almost almost caught us. Go back."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the little girl's eyebrows locked and covered her mouth guiltily.

I couldn't help laughing and suddenly remembered that the owner of the Nangong Palace and the left and right guardians had gathered together. I couldn't help but be a little strange. Maybe there was a conspiracy here. If it was related to Beiqiu Yin, I couldn't help thinking of the warm man.

As soon as he thought about it, he immediately pretended to cover his abdomen with his hands, and his expression looked a little painful.

"Ji'er, my sister has a stomachache. I guess she just ate something bad. You can wait for me in the teahouse there first. I'll come back at your convenience."

When the other party nodded, Yu Meiren immediately turned around and walked slowly for a few steps. She turned around and saw the little girl walking in the direction of the teahouse. Her eyes sank, regardless of the pain under her feet. She turned around and chased after Nangong Fu.